HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 13, 1954 (2)
An Braergent Keeting or Council was held on KOIfDAY, the TBIRTDNTH clay
of DBCBMBBR. 1954, at BIGHT o'clock in the eTening.
PRBSBNT: George T. Tedd, in the Chair
Clare A. Bal.4on
b. G. I'ewaan
Va. G. Law.on
Hugh G. II1chell
L. T. Johnston
1. The following quotations were giTen ror Pelice Building insurance:
F. W. Franklin - 65; per thousand
Kerbert Toombs - 67; plU8 .06 special
C. B. Korley - 64; plus .06 speeial
KIVU by Hr. Ne-.m, .e.ended by Hr. Hichell, that Council accept
,.otatien of C. B. Kerley tor .14,800.00 at 70¢ for building and
have plate glass ce.,..red at tu11 Ta1ue. CARJlItm
2. The De,ar1llPent of P1aDDiq and »eTelop.ent ..bId. tted their estilDte
of c..ts to re"Te debris rro. Tarious atreMls and rivers, viz.
Reuge RiTer ......
P8tticoat Creek...
Dutrin Creek .....
1 1,850.00
of which they wou.1d pay one-half' the cost.
3. b. Bennett vas heard re (1) Fire Area (2) Pelice (3) Schools
4. W. W. Howrh vas Jaeard ro .UWiTision and. scheol (S. S. 3 Bast)
5. W. H. Westney vas hoard re ConsorTatien Auth.rity, of vh:Lch he and
Hr. Hiehe11 are eur representatiTes. It i. agreed that a.abers be
paid 1 S.OO, witaout .tleage, for atten41ng aeetings, but approTa1
net giT.n Dr Depart..nt to date. As Hr. Westney i. taking a keen
interest in Conservation, it vas KOVBD by Hr. Lawson, seconded by
Hr. N....n, that Hr. Westney be given a Tote or thanks. CABRnm
6. Father KeGi'YDey asked about the possibility or his Church getting a
portion or lands in subdiT1sion. given 'eva.hip and a_out Roaan
Catholic ..,porters being re1ieTed of reraer Public SChool debentures.
7. HOVED by Hr. Hiobe1l, seconded by Hr. He...n, that Maurise Binsted and
Duncan Spang be .aployed &8 As.essers on six ..nths- ,reba_ion at
1 2,600.00 per year, as ot January 1, 1955. C.~RTIm
Yea: Hessrs. Lawson, Ne...n, Michell
I'ay: Hessrs. Todel, Ba1..on
KOVBD 1IÞy Hr. .e_., seo.nded by Hr. Lawson, that all tlt1l tillo '.1111-
sJåp ..,101'00. 'be gi.,.en a turkey t.r Christ_s. CARRIED
I. H.VIm bl Hr. He...., seconded by Hr. Hichell, that Deceaber 27, 19M,
be obserTed in tJae To...ship as BorlDg Day. c.AJUtIBD
KOVED bl 1Ir. H....., .eceaded by Hr. Law.en, that Council tora itse1t
into the Ceurt ot ReTi.ion to hear any co.,laint. against the Assess-
ment Re11,
- 2 -
Court of Revision
1. J 00 Blakely, Duabarton Gardens, part of Let 165 - SUpplementary
Assessment of t 300.00 - overcharged on unfinished house. Assess-
Roll No. ment Commissioner reco..ended reduction of . 50.00, as he now finds
1077-2 house on IT 6~ finiShed.
HOVED by Hr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Newman, that assessment be
reduced . 58.00 on building. CARRIED
B. N. Flan~, Concession 1,.Lot 6 - $1,950.00 - assessment
increased , ~50.00 - reason? Assessment Co.-!ssioner reported
last year 10% unfiniShed, new finished, and location rate
Roll No.
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that assessment be
sustained. CABRIBD
Roll No.
w~ H. and Daisy Gibbsl Plan 395, Lots 9-10-11 - Land assessed at
¡ 675.00 - increased, 150.00. AssesJaent Co-.issioner reported depth
ractor used this year.
MOVED by Mr. Michell, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that assessment be
sustained. CAlUlIBD
Boll No.
Walter Pascoe, Concession 7, Lot 7, claimed his hen ho.se, 12 feet
by 40 teet, was blown down aDd will not be replaced.
BOYD by Mr. Michell, seconded by Hr. Ne_an, that the buildings
be reduced . 125.00. ' CABRIBD
HOVBD by Mr. NetlJB&n, seconded by Mr. Kichell, that the Court of' Revision
aflj oum sine die. CAIUlIED
Clerk get Police Co.Ĺ“ission remuneration, as given by the Town of
Whitby in 1953. . 150.00.
Hr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Hichell, moves rer leave to introduce a By-Law
of the Township of' Pickering to appoint an Assessment Co.-issioner and
two Assessors, and that same now be read a first t±-e.
Mr. NeVJa&n, seconded by Hr. Lawson, ..ves that By-Law H1DIber 2048 to
appoint an Assessment Commissioner and two Assessors, be now read a
second time, and that Council go into Committee ef' the Whole thereon.
The Committee ot the Whole then arose and reported.
Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, aoves that the report of' the Co.m.ttee
of the Whole on By-I&v Ho. 2048 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now
read a Third time and PA.SSBD; that the Reeve anel Clerk sign the saae, and
,that the Seal of' the Corporation be af'rixed thereto. CARRTJm
Mr. Newman, seconcled by Hr. Lawson, ..ves for leave to introduce a By-Law
ot the Township of Pickering to appoint a By-Law En1"orc.ment Officer, and
that same now be read a f'irst time.
, "
Mr. Newman, seconded by Hr. BaIsden, meves that By-Law No. 2049 to appoint a
By-Law Bnf'orcement Officer, be now reael a se.ond tille, and that Council
go into Committee or the Whole thereon.
The Co..tttee of' the Whole then arose and reported.
Mr. l'e8&D, seoonded by Mr. Kichell, moves that the Repert et.the Co.-ittee
ot the Dele on By-Law No. 2049 be adepted and that the sai4 __lAw 'be
new read a Third tilDe and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the saae,
aDd that the Seal ef' the Cerporation be af'fixed thereto. CAIUlIBD
AGRDD Council meet Thursclay,
the... Council adjo~A.
APPROVBD 11.Jk. .1 t:) 1954
Dec. 30 at 1 P.M. On MOTIOI' of' Mr. He..n
. ~ -:. ':':!-.I1e8Y8