HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 23, 1954
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An bergent M.eting of Council was helei on M0J1DAY the TW'EJlTY-TBIB.D
ciay of AUGUST, 195~, at EIGHT in the evening.
PRESEIT: G. T. Todd, in the Chair
C. A. Bal.4on
W. G. Newman
W. G. Lawson
H. G. Michell
L. T. Johnston
The followiag CORDSPOIDEICE was reacì:
Þ 1. T. M. Moore, a.vising:
Þ 2.
\ 4.
, 5.
, 6.
f. 8.
, 9.
) 10.
., 11.
, 12.
J 13.
Ca) That àe would like to .eet .e.bers of Council at Fairport
Beach to discuss the road to be expropriated lands of Mrs.
(b) Election Court costs to be submitted by Relator and taxed
by the taxing officer at Whitby.
(c) Does not think Council have authority to pass By-Laws
licensimg parks operated for personal gain.
Cd.) Gatheriag inforaation for COJlUDercial Building By-Laws.
Ce) Advising that the zoning of lands to present use should be
uncier a Master Plan.
Cf) Preparing a By-Law to regulate slop fea hogs.
(g) Preparing four legal .escriptions for Tax Sale deeds.
Urban Rural Municipalities AssociatioR advising that they will
meet Friday, Septe.ber 3rd at Old Mill at 10.15 A. M. tQ discuss
probleas of interest to s..i-urban Towns.ips.
Police Chief, refusing Cab Driver'. P...it for Robert Watson for
part tiAe work.
TOWB of Weston, approval of extension of rail serviees~
TOWB~;of BowaaDville, approval of extension of rail s.rvices.~
Fire Marshall - Fire Prevention Week, October 3 - 9, 195~.
Township of ScarDorough ADvising that DO arrangements can be
made at this time to supply water to S. W. Pickering.
Lawyer for Eric Playford, Plan 407, Lots 22-23, demanding that
the ditch dug OR his client's lands De tiled, levelled and re-
Ontario MWlicipal Board, advising that Mr. lunn will be in his
office early in September and will make an appoint.ent with
Council re Municipal water.
Fines - July, 1954 - . 472.76.
Karl Polanyi - asking that he be advised wRen Council hear fro.
Mr. Boucher re his drainage problem.
Petition of ratepayers OR Altona Road objecting to a Car Wrecking
lara opening om Lot 33, Concession 1.
.e~uest that a second coat of calciua be laid north of Rouge Hills
Golf ClaD Hous..
) 2.
) 3.
) 5.
) 6.
) 7.
. g.
- 2 -
The f'ollowiag PERSONS ON MOTION were heard:
Miss Card aad delegation of three protestin¡ the issuiag of
a Keanel Lic..se to Mr. Scott of East Wooålaads.
Mr. Scott, of East Woo.laBds, asking that he be given a
Kennel LieeBse.
Ken. McDowell, askiag that he be given year-round hydro in
his converted builaing, Plan 350, Lot 4.6, which is undersised
aD. assessed at . 300.00.
Mr. HawkiBs, CODcessioa 2, Lot 21, asked for a BuildiDg Perait
on his lot - 54 feet.
Mr. Ego and. IIrs. Wm. IresoD complained about a piggery being
built in Concession Ó, Lot 35.
Mr. Ferguson, re paiatin~ and stuccoing Munic. ipal Building.
AGRlED that Cøuncil pay , 50.00 for stuccoing inside of
parapet 811. roof.
Mr. Bennett advised that he is tne acting president of the
Liverpool and District Ratepayers' Association. Council are
invite. to their first .eeting Sept...er 7, We.... Hall, 8
P. M., askeå for a 30-mile speed limit on Glendale and discusse.
iasieie toilets.
I. Q. Baker re taxes.
) MOVED by 1Ir. Law..., seco.ded. by 1Ir. Balsd.o., that Treasurer accept
fro. the Collector the 1953 arrears of . 48,549.06,- as of June 1,
1954. The Treasurer is d1réèted to aake every effert to collect
the.e arrears in accordance with the Assess.ent Act. CARRIED
» MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded. by 1Ir. Newman, that Mr. Prouse be
directed to issue a Builàiag Perait to Mr. Hawkias on his 54. foot
lot in Cencession 2, Lot 21. cA.RRIED
t AGREED that Mr. McDewell be not granted Hydro for his undersised
building in Plan 350, Lot 46.
) MOVED by Mr. Haladon, secon.ed by Mr. Lawson, tha~ Kennel License
be net granted to Mr. Scott, and that Motion aade August 2, 1954,
graBting a license, he rescinded. CARRIED
) 1. Have Weed Inspector inspect and have cut, if necessary,
) 2.
, 3.
(a) Plan 237, Lot 46 - Kennedy.
(b) Plan 237, Lot 47-48 - Alexander
(c) Jack Taylor lots.
{d) Fraak White proposed park.
(e)· North end unsold. lands, W. W. Hough.
Have Police investigate proposed Junk Yard on Lot 33, Con. 1.
Information on Piggery By~Law - Moore - Municipal Affairs,
and Department of Agriculture.
Contact Mr. Moore about aeeting Council at Fairport Beach.
- 3'-
Clerk's Instructions - Continued
) 5. Have Mr. Ward re-calciua Rouge Hills Drive, Golf Club-House at
Rouge north to pavement.
AGREED Council hold Eaergent Session Monday, August 30th, at 8 P. M.
On MOTION of Mr. Lawson, the aeeting adjourned.
. . . . . . . . .
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