HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 27, 1954
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An EMERGENT MEETING of council was held on JANUARY 27th, 1954, eommenc1
at the hour o~ seven-thirty o'clock in the evening.
-Reeve George T. Todd, in the Chair.
Deputy-Reeve Kenneth A. Roberts,
CouncillDr William G. Newman and
Councillor William G. Lawson.
The rollowing CORRESPONDENCE was read :-
1. Continental Lumber Co. Advising they had car load~ of lumber
for sale.
2. Innes Equipment Limited. Inf'ormation re shovels·.
of Stouffville. Advising that they are giving notice of
tennination of fire agreement as of Marc~ 1st, 1954·
Council can expect a delegation fram Stouffville .
Council on February 1st next.
Department of Highways - Right of Way - Advising ,that they have
accepted our tender of $100.00 plus $25.00 being survey
cost, tor our proposed Police Office site.
M.S.Chapman. Asking that Council continue to give a grant
to Pickering Village Library, as many Township residents are
member s.
polioe Fines - December 1953 - $111.75
Onta~io Municipal Board - adviøin~ that they will hold a hearing
, on our Zoning (West Rouge) By-law No. 1978 at Municipal
Build1nS on February 18th next at 10 A.M., and requesting
,fee of $10.00.
Deputy Minister of Public Works. Advising that a meeting will
be held at Ambrose House, Department of Planning and
Development, Markham, on Tuesday, February 9th next at
2 P.M. to vote on two resolutions relative to setting up
a Conservation Authority (1) Include - Rouge River, Duffi
Creek, Petticoat Creek, the snaIl watersheds,l%ing betwee
Duffin's 6reek and Rouge River, and (2) to include Highla
Creek. The Department asked that this Council appoi:n
two members to the meeting.
9. Salvation Army - Asking rar a grant.
10. Ontario Municipal Board - Final approval for $16,000. Debenture
School Section No.2..
11. Ontario Assoc: Rural Municipalities - request for membership tlO.
12. Ontario and York Counties' Fi~ Council - soliciting a grant.
13. Canadian National Institute for the Blind - asking permis~ion to
hold a tag day on Saturday, May 1st, 1954·
14. st~John Ambulance - soliciting grant - tabled.
As the Ajax Fire Brigade answered a fire call at Picker~
Beach and saved, a house but the call should have been taken by Picker:1
Village, and as Pickering Village did not object, it was MOVED by
Mr. Newman, seconded by Dr. Roberts, that Ajax be paid for the call
at the . regular rate. CARRIED.
Page No.2.
MOVED by Dr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Newman that grants to
libraries tor 1954 be as tollows :-
Pickering Village .. . . . . $25.00
;laremont, Kinsale, Brougham and
Whitevale . . . . . . .0. . . $J5.each. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Ne'Wl11m, seconded by Dr. Roberts, that Dr.Roberts and
Mr. Hugh Michell be and thoey are hereby appointed by the Council
of the Municipality ot the Township ot Pickering to represent and
vote at a meeting in Markham Village on Tuesday, February 9th,
1954, on the matter of a Conservation Authority tor our area. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Dr. Roberts, that Council
grant $50.00 towards the Salvation Army. tor 1954. CARRIED. .
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that Council. take
out a membershi~ith the Ontario Association Rural Municipalities
at $10.00 tor the year 1954. CARRIED. '
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that a grant ot
t2S.00 be given the Ontario and York Counties' Film Council
for 1954. CARRIED.
MOVED by Dr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Newman, that permission
be granted The Canadian National Institute for the Blind to
hold a Tag Day in Pickering TownShip on Saturday, May 1st,
1954. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the following
increases in staff salaries be made as of January 1st, 1954:-
Lloyd T. Johnston - From $3,925. to $4,125.
Ernest G. Baker n 3,200." 3,400.
Edward K. Jones "3,200." 3,400.
Elizabeth Robertson n 1,925." 2,000.
. Prank J. Prouse -" 2,200. plus overtime to
$2,600. no overtime.
Clifford Schwalm - From $300. to $400. CARRIED.
BY-LAW NUMBER 1965 - $16,000. Debenture 3.3.2.
Third Reading
Mr. 1E.G. Lawson, seconded by Mr. W.G.Newman, moves that the
Report of the Conmi ttee of the Whole on By-law No. 1965 be
adopted, and that the said By-l~w be now read a THIRD TIME
and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and
that the seal of the C<r poration be affixed thereto. CARRIED. ,/
Mr. W.G.Newman, seconded by Mr. .W.G.Lawson, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to appoint a WEED INSPECTOR to carry out the
provisions of the Weed Control Act in the Township of Pickering,
during the year 1954, and that same now be read a FIRST 'FlME.
Mr. W.G.Newman, seconded by Dr.K.A.Roberts, moves that By-law
No.1979, to appoint a Weed Inspector to carry out the provisio~s
of the Weed Control Act in the Township of Pickering, during
the year 1954, be now read a SECOND TIME, and that the Council
go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
Mr. W.G.Newman, seconded by Mr. W.G.Lawson, moves that the
Report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law No.1979 be
adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a THIRD TIME
and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that
the seal of the Corporation. be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
..:ØiL._ ~
Page No.2.
MOVED by Dr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Newman that grants to
libraries for 1954 be as follows :-
Pickering Village .. . . . . $25.00
;laremont, Kinsale, Brougham and
Whitevale . . . . . . . . . . $J5.each. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Dr. Roberts, that Dr.Roberts and
Mr. Hugh Michell be and th.ey are hereby appointed by the Council
of the Municipality of the Township of Pickering to represent and
vote at a meeting in Markham Village on Tuesday, February 9th,
1954, on the matter of a Conservation Authority for our area. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Br. Roberts, that Council
grant $50.00 towards the Salvation Army. for 1954. CARRIED. .
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that Council take
out a membershi~ith the Ontario Association Rural Municipalities
at $10.00 for the year 1954. CARRIED. .
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that a grant of
t2S.00 be given the Ontario and York Counties' Film Council
for 1954. CARRIED.
MOVED by Dr. ROberts, seconded by Mr. Newman, that permission
be granted The Canadian National Institute for the Blind to
hold a Tag Day in Pickering TownShip on Saturday, May 1st,
1954. CARRIED.
.. .
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the following
increases in staff salaries be made as of January 1st, 1954:-
Lloyd T. Johnston - From $3,925. to $4,125.
Ernest G. Baker n 3,200." 3,400.
Edward K. Jones "3,200." 3,400.
Elizabeth Robert son " 1,925. II 2,000.
, Prank J. Prouse -" 2,200. plus overtime to
$2,600. no overtime.
Clif'ford Schwalm - From $300. to $400. CARRIED.
BY-LAW NUMBER 1965 - $16,000. Debenture S.S.2.
Third Reading
Mr. 1t.G. Lawson, seconded by Mr. W.G.Newman, moves that the
Report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 1965 be
adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a THIRD TIME
and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and
that the seal of' the Ccr poration be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
Mr. W.G.Newman, seconded by Mr. .W.G.Lawson, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to appoint a WEED INSPECTOR to carry out the
provisions of the Weed Control Act in the Township of Pickering,
during the year 1954, and that same now be read a FIRST '!rIME.
Mr. W.G.Newman, seconded by Dr.K.A.Roberts, moves that By-law
No.1979, to appoint a Weed Inspector to carry out the provisions
of the Weed Control Act in the Township of Pickering, during
the year 1954, be now read a SECOND TIME, and that the Council
go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
Mr. W.G.Newman, seconded by Mr. W.G.Lawson, moves that the
Report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law No.1979 be
adopted, and that the said By-law be noW' read a THIRD TIME
and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the sarna, and that
the seal of the Corporation. be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
Page No. ~.
Mr. W.G.Newman, seconded by Mr. W.G.Lawson, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to prohibit "window peeping" within the Township
6f Pickering, and that same now be read a FIRST TIME.
Mr. W.G.Newman, seconded by Dr.K.A.Roberts, moves that By-law No.1980
to prohibit "window peeping" within the Township of Pickering, be now
read a SECOND TIME, and that the Council go into Vommittee of the
Whole thereon. .
The Committee of the Whole then arose and reported.
Mr. W.G.Newman, seconded by Dr.K.A.Roberts, moves that the Report of
the Committee of the Whole on By-law No.1980 be adopted, and that the
said By-law be now read a THIRD TIME and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be affixed
thereto. CARRIED.
1. Contact Assessment Department, Municipal Affairs, and ask if they
provide a service to municipalities whereby they would
make recommendations on the office routine of our
Assessment Department, so that it may be more efriciently
operate d.
2. Obtain copy of Pickering Village's Freezing Use of Land By-law.
3. ,Arrange for Warble Fly Inspector.
MOVED by Mr. W.G.Newman that the meeting be adjourned.
. . . .
Clerk .
a' ÇJ crr::iot
. . . . . .
Reeve .
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