HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 11, 1954
Pursuant to the Stavute, the Members-Elect of the Municipal Council
of the Township of Fickering, met on JANUARY 11th, 1954, at the hour
of ELEVEN o'clock in the forenoon, viz:
George T. Todd - Reeve-Elect
Dr. K. A. Roberts - Deputy-Reeve Elect
Wiiliam G. Lawson - Councillor-Elect
Wiiliam G. Newman - Councillor-Elect
Hugh G. Michell - Councillor-Elect
Deputy-Reeve-Elect Roberts asked permission to speak, then asked Clerk
if he had a letter from Messrs. Sinclair, Goodenoug~, Higginbottom and
McDonnell, Solicitors. The Clerk then read a letter from this firm
stating that they had been retained by Gerald Allman to take proceedings
to declare the recent Municipal Election invalid - that they were taking
the matter before a Judge of the Supreme'Court on Friday, January B,
1954 at 10 A. M., and that he desired this letter to be read before
Council. \ "'
Deputy-Reeve-Elect Roberts then stated that the recent'Municipal Election
had not been properly conducted - that voting material had been distri-
buted on Election Day, 'and that the other four'mèmbers-elect of Counéil
were not legally elected. Then he recommended that all five members-
elect sign ~Disclaimers to Office". .
However, as the four members-elect refused to sign the "Disclaimers to
Office", the members-elect, having taken the Oath of Allegiance to Her
Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and the Declaration of Qualification on the
day of Nomination, took before the Clerk their respective Declarations
of Office, and took their seats at the Council Board, the Reeve in the
Rev. Ralph King, Whitevale, conducted the devotional address, and on
MOTION of 'Mr. Newman, 'seconded by Mr. Lawson, a vote of thanks was
tender~d him.
Messrs. Morley, Ritchie and Jamieson wished the incdming Council a
successful 1954.
Council adjourned for one hour.
Council again took their seats, and the MINUTES of previous meeting,
held December 31, 1953, were read, and on MOTION of Mr: Michell,'5ecònded
by Mr. Newman, adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson that an Industrial Commit"tee
be set up with the Council. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Newman, that the Standing Cômmit~ees
Df this Council for the year 1954 be composed of the following members
respectivel~, and that the first named, in the C~Sg of each Committee,
be the Chairman thereof, that is t~ say:
Dr. Roberts
Mr. r~i ch'ell
Mr. Todd
Mr. Newman
Mr. Lawson
H. G. Michell'
K. A. Roberts
w. G. Lawson
w. G. Lawson
W. G. Newman
K. A. Roberts
- 2 -
Committees - Continued
Messrs: W. G. Newman
H. G. Michell
K. A. Roberts
TiI. G. Lawson
W. G. Newman
K. A. Roberts
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. H. T. Prendergast, Department of Highways, asked Council'to place a
Tender with them for part of Lot 26, Concession 1, said land to be
used for a Police Station.
H. L: Fair, Agricultural Representative, Department of Agr~culture,
Uxbr1dge, asked for a grant towards Ontario County Crop ImDrovement
Association. ~
Melville Grant, Q.C., advised that 1~. H. A. Newman had appealled
his assessment for 1952 - 1953, from Municipal Board to the Court
of Appeal. '
Secretary of School Section 3 West, presented the following Resolution
from their Annual Ratepayers' meeting:
"That the Township Council be askèd to impl~ment their
resolution of some three years ago when it was decided
to construct a cinder path on the Altona Road between
Highway #2, and the First Concession road."
l 5. Hospital for Sick Chi~dren as~ed for a Grant. , No Áct~on.
6. Department of Highways presented By-Law forms for 1954 Road
Office of Prime Minister of Ontario, acknowledging 'receipt of en-
dorsing of Resolution of City of Po~t Arthur re all-Camadian natural
gas pipe line.
Office of P. T. Kelly, Minister of Mines, advising that they approved
an 'all-Canadian route for natural gas pipe ~ine.
Office of Prime Minister of Canada, acknowledging receipt of Council
endorsing Port Arthur Resolution.
W. A. Dempsey, of Centennial C~mmunity and Recreation ~ssociation
requesting Council and officials to attend a meeting on January 22,
1954, at 8:15 P. M. at Centennial School to hear Fred ~. Gardiner,
Chairman of Metropolitan Toronto.
Ontario Good Roads Association, asking for membership to their 1954
Association - ~ 10.00 fe~, at Royal York Hotel. February 22, 23 and 24.
7 12. Association of Assessing" Officers of Ontario - request for $ 10.00
Membership Fee.
7 7.
) 8.
> 9.
7 10.
ì 11.
1 13.
ì 14.
T. H. Bartley, Toronto Industrial Commission, asking for a meeting
of Council members to discuss" planning of our Industrial Area.
Agreed to meet our members at Pickering Station on January 18 next
at 9: 30 A. M. ' . .
Chief Hill, advising that' Acting Sergeant Freeman be regular Sergeant
as of January 1, 1954,' and Constable O. Wallenius has complet~d his
probationary period as'of'January 5,1954.
7 l5.
1 16.
7 l7.
., ~'
- 3 - -
C. J. Dick asked to be informed of 1~icipal Water proceedings after
Council meeting of January 7, 1954.
Norman C. Benham asked permission to operate a Fresh Air Camp at
Concession 3, Lot 12. Attend next Council meeting.
J. Adamson, R. R. 3, Pickering, asking that erosion of Fairpo~t North
Road be fixed byRoad Department before it gets worse. Road
Superintendent to investigate.
Secretary School Secti~n 3 West asked what action had been ta~n re
cinder walk by Council from No. 2 Highway to 3 West Schoolhouse,
which was discussed some three years ago. Mr. Ward to quote cost.
Mr. Ward asked further information re location.
The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
> 1.
> 2.
7 3.
) 4.
7 5.
Robert Martin asked for Hydro on his Plan, Concession 3, Lot 32,
Recommended that he contact Hydro-Electric Power Commission, Markham.
E. K. Jones, Assessor, requested additional help of one full-time man
and Mrs. Robertson full time, with more furniture and equipment for
his Department.
Mr. Sterritt, Attendance Officer, asked for an increase of salary
from $ 250.00 to $ 300.00 per year.
Clifford Schwalm, Dog Catcher, asked for an increase of salary
from $ 300.00 to $ 480.00 per year.
Thomas Allen, Concession 2, Lot 27, stated that he had been refused
permission by Planning Board to sell his house and lot - that he had
had only one consent and that issued after the passing of our Planning
By-Law, but sale made prior 'to such By-Law, he asked for certified
copies of our Planning By-Law and Council's resolution to withhold
granting of new subdivisions. Mr. Allen was asked to submit his
application to the Board for a consent for house and lot in writing.
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson that Council offer Department
~ of Highways $ 100.00, plus cost of survey, for their lot in Goncession 1,
Lot 26, and that a copy of this resQlution go forward to Police Commission.
) MOVED by Mr. Michell, seconded by Mr. Newman, that Council grant $ 25.00
to the Ontario County Crop Improvement Association for 1954. CARRIED
I MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that Railing and Bridge on
Concession 1 east of Altona Road be repaired and maintained. CARRIED
~ MOVED b¥ ~. Michell, seconded by I~. Newman, that Council pay membership
fee of , 10.00 to Ontario Good Roads Association for 1954. CARRIED
) MOVED bf Mr. ,Lawson, seconded by l~. Michell, that Council pay membership
fee of , 10.00 to Ontario Association of "Assessing Officers for the year
7 MOVED by Mr'. Newman, seconded by Mr. lUchell, that Clerk convey appreciation
of Council to Stouffville Tribune for Councillors and Staff 1954 Diaries.
MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by I~. Newman, that the Clerk be instructed
to submit to the Ontario Munici~al Board a tentative request for approval
of Debentures in the amount of $ 965,000.00 for the purpose of installing
a Municipal Water System in the south-west portion of Pickering Township
YEAS: Messrs. Lawson, Newman, Todd, Michell. Nays, Dr. Roberts.PARRIED
) MOVED by ~. Newman, seconded by Mr. Mic~ell, that the f~llowing ~hall
comprise the Court of Revision for the year 1954: George T. Todd,
Chairman, Dr. Kenneth A. Roberts, William G. Lawson, William G. Newman,
Hugh G. Michell. CARRIED
- 4 -
] 3.
Assessor and Clerk get prìces on Calculator, Desk, Chairs, etc.
Telephon~ Extension for Assessor.
Send Thomas Allen certified copies By-Law for Subdivision Contrd
(No. 1771) and Resolution of Council respecting ,granting o~
1 l.
, 2.
'7 4. Phone Mr. Horton re survey - Rosebank.
;-¡ 5. Order statione,ry fop Council.
~ 6. Order Municipal World for Council.
Mr. .Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, moves for leave to introduce
a By-Law to authorize the borrowing of $ 200,000.00 by the Municip-
ality of the Township of Pickering from the Canadian Bank of Commerce
during the year 1954, and that same now be read a first time. ' ,
Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Michell, moves that By-Law No. 1979 to
authorize the borrowing of $ 200,000.00 by the Municipality of the
Township of Pickering from Tqe Canadian ~ank of Comm~rce during thé
year 1954, be now read a second time, and that the Council go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
Mr. Newman seconded by Dr. Róberts, moves that By-Law Number 1979
to authorize the borrowing of $ 200,000.00 by the Municipality of
the Township of Pickering from The Cànadian Bank of Commerce during
the year 1954, be now read a second time, and that the Council go
into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole then arose and reported.
Mr. Newman, seconded by Er. Robert~, moves that the Report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law no. 1979 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of tne Corporation be affixed
thereto. ' CARRIED
Dr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Newman, moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law tQ appoint two members to the Board of Health for'the Municipality
of the Township of Pickering, for the year 1954, and that same now be
read a first time.
Dr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Michell, moves that By-Law No. 1980 to
appoint two members to ~he Boar~ of Health for the Munic~pality of the
Township o~ Pickering for the year 1954, be now read a s~cond time,
and that the Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole then arose and reported.
Dr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Newman, moves that the Repo~t of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 1980 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read a THIRD time and Passed; that the Reeve 'and
Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Cor,po~atioI}. be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
Mr. Michell, seconded by Dr. Roberts, moves for leave to introduce
a By-Law to appoint a Value~ of Sheep and other Livestock worried by
dogs in the Township of Pickering in the year 1954, and that same now
be read a first time.
Mr. Michell, seconded by Mr. Newman, moves that By-Law No. 1981 to
appoint a Valuer of Sheep and other Livestock worried by dogs in the
Township of Pickering in the year 1954 be read a second.time, and
that the Council go into Committee of the Whole therQon.
- 5 -
By-Law Number 1981 - Continued
The Committee of the Whole then arose and Reported.
Mr. Michell, seconded by Mr. W. G. Lawson, moves that the
the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 1981 be adopted,
said By-Law be now read a Third time and Passed; that the
Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation
Report of
and that the
Reeve and
be affixed
Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Michell, moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law to appoint a School Attendance Officer for the Municipality of
the Township of Pickering for the year 1954, and that same now be
read a first time.
Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lawson, moves that By-Law No. 1982 to
appoint a School Attendance Officer for the Municipality of the Township
of Pickering for the year 1954, be now read a second time, and that the
Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole then arose and reported.
Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Roberts, moves that the Report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 1982 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
AGREED that Council meet in emergent session on Wednesday, January 27,
1954, at seven o'clock P. M.
MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by 1~. Newman, that Council do now adjourn
to meet again on MONDAY, the 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1954, at 9 o'clock A.M.
. . . . .Æ~L. ~ t( #. . .
r ~-. Reeve
. . .