HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 1, 1951 MUNICIPAL BUILDING
A meeting of Council was held on WEDNESDAY, August 1st, 19%1, 'co~aenci]
at ten o,clock in the morning..
.PRESENT..- M~. l.H.Westney, in the C~i~,
~. N. E. Mc~en
~. C. A. ~lSdon
~. M. B. ~k and
~. F. E. Zin~e.
The MI~ES of the mee~t~ held on J~y 3~d wePe read, an~ on MOTIO~
of ~, ~k, seconded by Mr. ~lsdon, ~QPT~.
The MI~S of ~he meeting held on ~ly 10. 19%1, wePe ~ead~ and on
M~ION of ~. M.B.B~k, se=onded by ~. F.E. Zi~ie,
~e followi~ ~OR~SPO~0E~ was ~ead :-
1. Messes Hilts ~d Miohell tendePed on stuccoi~ the M~icipal
Buil~ng - 1 base coat and 1 finishi~ coat - office $300.00
House $1%0.00 - repairs $1.50 per hour plus ~te~ials.
2. F.W. ~ite -.as~ for ~ increase in ~em~eration for ~chool
Attend~ce Officer position.
3- Willi~ Rattray - Conc.2 Lot 27 - complaini~ about Road Dept
spoiling his ~iveway.
~s. M. O~pien, Sec~et~, FairpoPt United Ch~ch Cemete~
Board - aski~ fo~ a ~iveway and a grant towards a fete.
5. Hen~ Sauve, lhgl River Road, Niag~a .Falls, claiming d~age
fop tw9 tipeS in cla~ed hole ~deP C.N.R. tPacks in t~el
a~ ~ba~on.
Sec~et~2,' Police Village of Picketing, Pe zoning fo~ water,
asking :-
1. Clause ~(1) of By-law include fa~ buildings.
2. By-law pe~it co~e~cial ~d retail business on' both sides
No.2 Highway and west side of H~wood ~ive.
3. Pass By-law to ~estPict c~ercial building.
h. Call meeti~ with AJ~ to discuss these ~ec~endations.
5. Pickeri~ Village to get contract fo~ water with AJ~.
6. ~e PPess has been advised of above.
7. Walter Dandle complaini~ about the ditch in front of his
property at Conc.1, Lot 18.
8. ~k ~ouse, Buildi~ InspeotoP, Pepo~ted:-
Value new pe~its, ~y ~,72%.
" " " 1951 to date ~,900.
" Pe~i~ fees 202.
9. W.J.K. Has.ess, Chief, Fish and Wi~ife Division, Depar~en~
of ~n~s and ~o~ests - %gain asking for ~onsidera~ion of an open
10. Bill $12.75 for ~b~on School signs e~ec~ed on No.2 Hi.way -
Clerk ~ass s~e on ~o ~he Depa~ent of Highways.
11. Department of Plying ~ ~velo~ent - ~e ~ke e~sion.
12. " . . ,, . .
CORRESPOI~DENCE- Continued: Page 2.
13. Pines - J~ane 1951 - $53.~.
1~. M~. Melvflle O~an~ advising ~e:-
1. School children convoy ~esponsibili~y.
Liability of School duties usually alle~ed ~o Police.
2. Road alliance between Lo~s 16 and 17, Como. 1. - not
on s~veyed portion. Clerk ~o advise ~hat Co~cil
has no intention of ehangi~ ~oad.
15. D. ~lk, Pioke~i~ ~a~h - o~plai.ni~ abou~ ~ow~hip.~oad
f~ Powell Road to Sto~e being ~der water. Road Dep~ment
~o raise as soon-as possible.
16. Police Repor~:-
10 ~hef~s 2 Housebreaki~
1 Indecent assault 26 S~ons issued
1 ~ ~iving ~8 " served
' 3 O~eless ~iving '$300- S~olen
Liquor Ao~ ~1,000. Recovered
1 Speeding $551. Pines.
2 By-laws
~ Disorderly Conduc~
17. ~s. 9eorge Patterson of picketing Village - complaining
abou~ rowdyism after mi~igh~ and Dan's f~.
~he following P~S~, on motion, were heard :-
1. B. 31eightho~e asked p~ooed~e ~o ~ve ~barton Pa~k ~aken
ove~ by ~o~ship so as ~o seo~e ~oVinolal ~an~.
2. A. Rober~ Cron~ight asked fo~ a salvage yard liee~e a~~
B.P.R.3, Lo~ 31.
3. ~s. C~pkin s~a~ed ~hey had p~chased a proper~y two doors
wes~ of Police Sta~ion and ~hat Clerk would no~ sign Hy~o
card ~d ~il~ Inspector wo~ld no~ pe~t ~hem ~o'live
in i~.
~. W.' B. Milne asked for a grant for M~~ pai~ for y~ar 1951.
5. ~. O. Messer of Picketing Village discussed wa~er.
eb~ ~. Balsdon, seconded by ~. Zin~e, ~t the ~o~ship
~10.~0 towards a fence ~o~d the Pai~por~ Cemetery and
they place and cove~-a culvert on pa~en~ by ~he Board of ~ost of
such o~ver~. O~I~.
0bY ~. ~lsdon,'seoonded by ~. B~k, tha~ a ~ant of
be given Mar~ Pair Board fo~ ~he year 1951. 0~RI~..
MO~ by ~. ~k, seconded by ~. Me,eh, ~ha~ Messrs ~lsdon,
~e and Prouse mee~ ~s. C~p~n a~ Plan 3~6, Lo~ 68, ~o see
if house, in ~heir .opinion, ~ee~s ~o~ship ~equirements, and if
so, ~s. O~p~n be pe~it~ed ~o move in and get a Hydro oon~rac~.
by ~. Zi~ie, seconded by ~. Mc~en, ~ha~ Gerald Heath
itted to shoot ~a~s in ~o~s~p d~p 'wi~h ~. ~elI,
on s~e conditions. C~RI~.
M0~ by ~. Zinkie, seconded by ~. Mo~en, ~hat ~. Ra~ay of
~7, Oono. 2, be asked $o pay %0% of oos~ of a 12~ 18 f~ s~eel
culv~ in his entrance, a~ a ~os~ of $35.00, his sha~e being'
S 7.%0.
MOVED by Mr. F.E. Zinkie, seconded by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, that this
~o-'~il proclaim MONDAY,. August 5th, 1951, a Civic Holiday in
the Township of Picketing. CARRIED.
MOVED byM~. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Bu~k, that'the ratepayers
paying taxes at Banks be exempt from Bank collection charges, and
the Banks bill the Township 10~ for each tax bill collected..CARRIED.
MOVED by D~. ~.E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Bu~k, that a salvage yard
c~se be granted A. R. Cronke~ight, B.F.R.3, Lot 31. CARRIED.
MOVED by Dr. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Bu~k, that Miss Green be given
~~leage. Brock Road to Picketing to post letters and all other
Township worm mileage coW""encing May 1.1951.
BY-LAW NO. 15~3 ·
Mr. M.B.Burk,. seconded by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, moves for leave to
introduce a BF-law to appoint a School Attendance Officer for
the year 1951~, and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. M.B.Bu~k,- seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwem, moves that By-law No.1873
.to appoint a School Attendance Officer for the year 1951, be now
read a second time, and that the Council go into Committee cf the
~hole thereom.
Mr. M.B.Burk,. seconded by Mr. F. Zinkie, moves that the Report of
the Committee of the ~hole on By-Law No. 1873 be adopted, and t~at
the said By-low be now read a third time and passed; t~at the Reeve
and Clerk sigu the same, and that the ~eal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto. CARRy.
s~-LAW .o..
Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. M.B.Burk, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to require owners or promoters of new sub-division~
to do certain work on roads, and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Cla~e Balsdon, seconded by.~.. N.E.McEwen, moves that By-law
No. 1874 to require owners or promoters o~ new sub-divisions to do
certain work on roads, be now read a second time, and that the Co~nci~
go into Committee of the~lhole thereon.
Mr. Clare Balsdon, secon4ed by~lr. F~e~ Zinkie, moves that the
Report of the Committee of the ~hole on By-law No. 187~ be adopted,
and that the said By-law be now read a third time and passed; that
the Reeve and Clerk sign the s. ame, and that the seal of the Cor~orati,
be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
Your Standing ~ommittee on Roads and B~idges begs leave to report
and recosaaends, payment of the following accounts :-
Fred Hicks 272.00 - 50.00 - 16.00 20~.00
Gordon Benson 272,00 - 50.00 - 11.40 210.~0
W.B.Norton 257.00 - 50.00 - 13.20 193.80
~as. Griffin . 2~o.oo : 50.00 55
- 191.11
Ivan Booth , 271.00 - 50.00 - 18.5~ ~ 202.~5
Gordon L~m 25?.00 50.O0 - 32.55
Glen ffsmderson' 19~.50
. 20.25 - 1.80 172.45
Re7 Wa~d 275.00 - 13.05 261.95
John Petty 23.~00 2!~.00
J.S.Chapman 26~'00 2~.00
Robert la~d 16.00 .00
~o.Sra~ord 103.00 3'~ l.Ob 98.51
~. Bra~ord 103.00 : 3.45: 1.o~ 98.51
· ohn'Beelby 21.50 21.50
W. Lehman 93.00 - .90 92.10
ROADS & BRID~._ES.... REP,ORT . ,-,- Cont' d
G. ?.Horton S~veT~n~ 8~. 80
Mille~ Paving Ltd 18735 ~al. Asphalt ~ work ~,385.~5
Westeel ~o~uc~s C~ver~ pipes 993.06
~ene~al ~pply Oo.Mower pa~s 7~.08
R.B~s~on Math. Motor head ~epai~s 2~.00
Co~ame ~ ~lop ~ardwa~e 25.98
~he~idan Equi~en$ ~hovel p~a ~ 20' 88
F. S. ~a~ ~lay 0~tage 2 .~0
J.D.Ad~s,~. Maim~aime~ pa~s 36.07
Goodyear ~i~e ~i~e 191.85
Ken lard " " 7~.67
~ack ~ 0~us~er Jaw repairs et= 11~.53
~es ~riffim 220 " "" 17.60
Glen Manderson 112 " ~ " 8. ~
~. T. Jo~ston Unemplo~ent Imsu~c e
Inspector of Inc~e Tax ~uly deductions _ .1.82.~5
MiscelIaneous $7,701.22
Ail of which is ~espect~lly
~.~0~ by Mr. W.H.Wes~mey, seconded by ~. M.B.B~k, ~ha~ the'
~~ of ~he ~tanding O~i~e on Roads and Bridges, as
Jus~ read, be adopted. ~RI.~.
yo~ ~am~mg oo~ee on 0om~ingemcies begs leave ~o
~epor~ and ~ec,~ends pa~en~ of ~He 'followi~ aceo~s :-
W.H.Ellieo~ Step Ladde~ -$2.00-
6 ~s Cu~timg weeds ~.00 8.00
J. ~ ~. ~aylo~ Key fo~ Vault am~ ~ombima~ion
change ~.60
S$ouf~ille ~ibume Adv. Assessor 3.00
J.F.Ha~Z 0o. Bd. of Health s~pplies 10.57
Ad~essimg M~hi~es 0abime~ am~ 12 ~aya ~.~0
~hos G~egg Co~ - ~uly 13th 1951 ~.00
Bede ' s L~i~ed ~upplies 2.53
L. ·. Jo~s~ on Pos ~age 197 · 00
Pa~oll 1,750 · 20
Regia~a~ of Dee~$ · ~amsfe~s 6.$0
A. ~.~h~pson , Mileage ~e- and July. 5~. %2
Pi~ke~img ~ews Prim~img 5~'20
Clifford ~hwalm ~penses 82.51
Ma~ ~ai~ 1951-Gran~ 3%.00
Fr~lin P~ess Prim~img S.S. 2 ~ben~es
$2., 387.78
Page, ,No,,
MOVED by M~' M.B.Bu~k, seconded by M~. C.A.Balsdof~'i th'at the
Report of the Standing Committee on Contingencies, as Just
read, be adopted. CARRIED.
you~ Standing Committee on WELPARE begs leave to report and
recomm®n, ds payment of the followin~ acoounts :-
M~s. J' Forsyth 23.52
" M. Hilts. 10.00
" J. Deyer 10.00
# M. B~ammell 18.00
" E. Headland 20.20
" S. Ha~dy 18.00
". E. Robinson ~ 17.48
" E. Linton 15.00
Mr. J. Lamorie 31.96
" J. Liscombe 43.96
Mack Elety 5O.34
E. Baker - Mileage May,June,July 40.24
Reliable Amb. Service, G.William- 8,00
son $330.
County of Ontario 473.00
Prov. of Ontario 1.~
Osh&wa General Hospital 91.50
Dr. Fletcher, 0nt.Hospital .5.00
Bu~sa~, Ontario Hospital Woodstock ~b.00 ~16.~
All of which is ~eapectfully s~bmitted.
C~ ~SDON, Chai~an.
MO~ by ~. Cla~e ~lsdon, secon~.d by ~. M.B.B~k' that
~ep.~t of ~he St~ding co, tree on ~.~, as ~ust
~ead, be adopted. ~I~.
Yo~ Standing Cc~ttee on Police be~s leave to report
~ec~ends pa~ent of the following acco~ts
Tom W~tscn Gas 25.03
County of Ont~io Use of Jail 21.00
Hy~o E.P.C. M~ 10.15
Pa~oll 779~00
Do~ld Dand 176 ~s - $50.
and $1. exp. 127.00
Chief L.W.~i~elI ~penses 6.25
Sgt. F.W.~ite " 17.90
Cst. G. Cha~i~ " 3.~5
~s. Vera McrEan ~ent Aug. 35.00
Police Equipment Co.Ltd. 50.~
A1 ~ice Shi~t s 38.00
Donald, s Oil otc _~.~5
W.C.M~ka~ J.P. Fees otc ~'70
All .of. which~ is mes~ec, tf. ull~ submi~ tte" d'".
F. E. ZI~E, Chai~.
Page 6;
MOVED by M~. P.E.Zinkie, seconded by M~. M.'B.Burk, that the
report of the Standing Committee on POLICE, as Just read, be
adopted. CARRIED-
You~ Standing ,Committee on Sheep and L~vest°ck Killed ~
injUred by Dogs, begs leave to report and recommends payment
of the following accounts :-
W. B. Milne Sheep damage $24.00
W. C. Willson Inspection .~..00.
Ail of which is respectfully submitted.
F. E. ZINKIE, 0hai~man.
MOVED by Mr. F.E.Zinkie, seconded by D~. N.E.McEwen, that the
report of the Standing .Committee on Sheep and Livestock killed
or inJumed by Dogs, as-Just read, be adopted. CARRIED_.
D~. l~.E~McEeen tendered his resignation as Chairman of the
Roads and Bridges Committee, and it was agreed that the Reeve
appoint another Member.' The Reeve named himself to this
position for the balance of the year.
1. Write Aurora 0.P.P. regarding report 5 men
reported dmunk defied two Provincial Constables in
Picketing Village last .Sunday morning a~d the said
Constables withdraw ~
2. · Ask Chief Trinnell if he requires a By-law to
close restaurants or Juke boxes at a specified hour,
and for his recommendations.
3. Contact Mr. Hate's office re deed fire hall lot.
Registered-last week - will forward ismediately. '
4- -0bta~n fo~ns to have Township take over and
appoint committee to operate Dunba~ton Pa~k.
5- Advise Picketing Village Trustees that
their recommendation re zoning is approved by 0ouncil
except that they reco-~,end 300 ft instead of 200 ft for
business, and that the T~ustees a~range a meeting with
Ajax Trustees and Council will attend.
6. Write J. 'D. Fletcher, M.D., 0n~ario HoSpital
to advise Police Department immediately, when inmates
escape as we have p~cked up a number and ra~epayers
are fearful of them.~
Agreed Emergent Meeting be held on August 8th 1951, at 8 P.M.
D~. McEwen can be reached at Whitby 2205.
MOVED by D~. N.E.McEwen, seconded by Mr. F~ed Zinkie, that the
~ grant his order on the T~easurer to pay the several~
pa~ties as recommended 'by the several 'committees as presented
this day. CA'R. IED:.
MOVED by Mr. C.Balsdon, seconded by Mr.' M.Bumk, that this ~ouncil
~-~w adJoumn to meet-again on Tuesday the Foumth day of
September, 1951, at the. hour 'of Ten o'clock in the forenoon. CARRIED.
APPROVED: -~ _ 1951 ,
- / ~ Reeve