HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 4, 1951 M U N I C I P A L ~ -B U I L D I NG
A meeting of Council was held-on MONDAY, JUNE4th 1951, commencing al
ten o'clock in the forenoon.
PRESElgf: Reeve W. H. Westney, in the chair
Deputy-Reeve N. E. McEwen
" .F.E.Zinkie
" M.B.B~rk
The Minutes of the meeting held on May 1st, 1951, were read, and
on motion of Mr. Zinkie, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, ADOPTED.
The Minutes of the meeting held on May 2nd, 1951, were read, and
on motion of Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Zinkie, ADOPTED.
The Minutes of the meeting held on May 15th, 1951, were read, and
on motion of Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Zinkie, ADOPTED.
The Minutes of the meeting held on May 22nd. 1951, were read, and
on motion of Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Zinkie, ADOPTED.
The Minutes of the meeting held on May 28th, 1951, were read, and
on motion of Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Burk, ADOPTED:
The Minutes of the meeting held on May 31st, 1951~ were read, and
on motion of Mr, Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Burk, ADOPTED.
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:-
1. Tenders for a 3 or ~ ton Truck (Dump).
(a) White Motor Car Co. - K.S.Taylor
Model W.C.D.2 - 110 H.P. & Hoist Model 12~3S $6,872.00
(b) International - Stouffville Motors
ton L.172 ¢,000.00
" L.182 4,200.00
Beath Hoist 900.00
Brantford Hoist 1,17~.00
(c) International - Chas Cooper
Model L.182 4,205.00
Brantford Hoist 1,217.92
G.M.C. 3-t0n 3,393.15
2. Building Inspector,s report - total value Building Permits
1951 to date $258,925.00.
3. Petition oF Owners in Plan 392 asking Council to take over
their street.
County Clerk, asking Picketing Council if they are in favor
of returning to the local Townships all County roads in the
respective municipalities.
5. DepaPtment,s approval of Power Unit purchased - $3,527 plus 10%
tax ~eSs $725.~allowance for present unit.
6. J.W. Stewart, Sr. Picketing, asking Council to use influence
to have fares on the Oshawa buses reduced to what they were
before recent increases.
7. Gore & Storrie - advising cost of water to Picketing Village.
Bringing it u~ Church Street their estimate is $113,960.20.
8. Mrs. N. Boddy, ~ai~port Road North - complaining about stagnamt
water in ditch. - Council to investigate.
9. Mrs. Peter Bodnaryk, Dunbarton Home & School Club - asking for
a cement culvert north of school on First Concession.
Council did not agree to build new bridge hut have widened
road and put up a guard rail.
10. Fines, April 1951 $87.25.
ll. R. J. Davey asked for 30 mi~es per hour speed limit between
Rosebank Road and Altona Road on First Concession. Council
directed Road Superintendent $o post six such signs.
12. F.W.Hill - asked that gravel ~el put on sideline between
Lots 30 and 31, south of No.2 Highway. Agreed.
13. Niller Paving Limited - prices for asphalt.
14. Police Report :
3 Liquor Control Act 2 Stop Streets 26 Summons Issued
3 Accidents 6 Thefts 20' "' Served
I Failure to Report 62 Complaints $1,020. stolen
18 Speeding 1 Domestic $1,020. recovered
$530. fines.
The following persons on MOT~0N were heard :-
1. K.S.Tayl0r - re White Truck
'2. Mr. Ratcliffe - re International Truck
3. Mr. Ed. Jones, Assessor - asking that he be a deIegate to
Assessor's convention at Sault Ste Marie,
4- Mr. Hills, Dominion Pension Board.
5- Mr. Rudland -~complaining about private street in Plan.392
in Picketing Beach.
6. Mr. L.A.Boucher, District Municipal Engineer, advised to
proceed with paving 1~ miles on Altona Road.
7- Representative of Maticast Spray Co.
Cost per mile $8.00 - 2-4-D: Ester cost $6,30.
Cost per acre at 2 qts Per mile (2 sides) $20.00
" " " 1 qt. " " " $14.00.
Council will decide later.
8. Road Superintendent estimates cost o~ N. Woodview Road $3,100e
~esidents pay 60% and good Johns-Manville or steel culverts
to each private d~iveway.
MOVED by Mr. M.B.Burk, seco~ded~by~Mr. C.A.Balsdon, that Roy Ward's
sa-~y be raised $300.00 as of May 1st, 1951. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. M.B.Burk, seconded by Dr. N.E.~cEwen, that the
~'S-u-~0ntario Agricultural Society be given a grant of
$35.oo. CA RI O.
MOVED by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Fred Zinkie, that
~'~in Junior Farmers be giver a grant of $50.00. CARRIED.
M0e~T by Mr. Clare ~alsdon, seconded by Mr-~F.E.Zinkie, that
ownship order 40 gallons of Poison Ivy spray for any
Taxpayer who is willing to kill poison ~vy in front of his
property. Contact Henderson and Reesor. CARRIED.
MOVED. by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. M.B.Burk, that
the Township of Picketing set up a pension plan, including
all Township employees as of July 1st, 1951. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr.F.E.Zinkie, seconded by Mr. M.B.Bu~k, that all
~-~y roads and bridges in the Township of Picketing be
returned to the Township as of January 1st, 1952. C~ARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. M.B.Burk, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, that the
.Reeve grant his order on the Treasurer to pay the several~
parties as recommended by the several committees as presented
this day~ CARRIED~
MOVED by~M~. C.A.Balsdon, seconded by Mr. M.B.Burk, that
we accept the tender for L.182 as presented by Mr. Ratcliffe
including truck and Beath hoist. TABLED.
MovED by_Dr, N.E.McEwen, seconded by Mr. Fred Zinkie, that
the Township of Picketing accept the tender of White truck
at price, of $6,872.00. TABLED. ·
MOVED by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, seconded by Mr. M.B.Bttrk, that
E~. Jones attend Assessors' Conv~tion at Sault Ste Marie,
and his expenses be paid by Council. CARRIED.
The Regan Contracting Company presented a bill for $1~.00
for 45 loads g~avel put-on Second Concession between Altona
Road and Scarboro' Township. This gravel was unauthorized
but necessary, g~q][XEE.
MOVED by Mr. F.E.Zinkie, seconded b~ Mr. Burk, that the
~ Construction Company be paid $100.00 in full settlenent
of their account of $145.00. CARRIED.
You~ Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges begs leave to
report and recommends payment of the following accounts :-
~red Hicks 274.00 - 50.00 - 13.90 210.10
W.B.Norton 280.00 - 50.00 - 12.00 218.00-
Carl Norton 268.50 ' 50.00 - 28.30 - 2.43 187.77
Gordon Benson 272.00 - 50.00 - 7.85 214.15
Jas.Griffin 276.50 - 50.00 - 13.90 - 2.43 210.17
Ivan Booth 277.00 - 50.00 - 16.00 211.00
Gordon Lynn 272.00 - 50.00 - 30.10 - 2.43 189.47
W. Lehmam 206.00,- - - 5.15 1.98 198.87
Glen Manderson ~211.00 - - - 18.60 - 1.98 190.~
Gee.Bradford Labor 6.00
A.W.Mitchell 6.00
R. Hoski~s Team "
Walter Carter Tractor and labor 19.25
Roy Ward 275.00 - - - 16.00 2%9.,00,
, 2,167 95
Income Tax 161~80
· Unemployment Insurance 11.25
Wages paid in advance 3~0.00
$2 91.00
Shell Oil Co.Ltd. Gas, 0il, etc. 1,380.14
Dept.of Highways Tax on 600 gals Diesel Oil 66.00
Goodyear Tire Co. Tire and Tube 182.28
Brunner-Mond Can. Sales 95 to~s Calc.Chl. 3,670.25
Chas. Cooper Hardware 22.08
Westeel Products Culvert pipes 2,266.61
Times Gazette Adv. for truck tenders 2.~0
Miller Paving Ltd Cold mix for patching 85.80
Samuel Trees Cartridges for oil filters 19.79
Sawyer-Massey Crusher parts 21.45
J.D.~dam~ Ltd Maintainer parts 125.21
Joe BurroWs Truck repairs 153.00
Kloepfer Hardware Hardware 18.06
Int.Harve~ter Truck repairs 159.65
Harpham B~os. Maintainer rim 36.38
Roy Ward'2090 m. $ 8~ 167.20, Paid for parts 29.16 196.36
Geo.W.Crothers Ltd Diesel Power Unit 3,155.00
Jack WardI Welding and repairing 51.26
Gordon Lynn 212 miles @ 8~ car allowance 16.96
Jas. Griffin 208 " " 16.64
Sheridan Equipment Cable 21~53
C.E.Norley ~ snow. fence insurance 100.00
Picketing NeWs Adv.Truck tenders etc 9.50
Regan Hauling Gravel 100.00
L.T.Johnston Unemployment insurance 11.2~
All of which i~ ~espe~tfully submitted.
NOVED by N. E. NcEwen, seconded by N.B.Burk, that the report
o-~e Standing Committee on Roads_and Bridges, as Just
read, be adopted. CARRIED.
Your Standing Committee on Contingencies begs leave to
report and recommends payment of the following accounts:-
Pay Roll 1,750.42
Registrar Transfers and searches 23.70
Noyer School Supplies Towels 6.25
Nunicipal World Ltd 4.08
A.J.Thompson Nileage ~4~$ 8~,Nar.2-Nay 31. 3~.36
Thos. G~egg Court Nay lI. ~.00
Burnett ~ Jamie son " " 4.00
L.T. Johnston PostaEe 32.00
Bea~e's.Limited Supplies ~ 21.05
Ptcke~isg News " 20.75
Royal Typewriter Service ~nd Ribbon 2.75
Cliff S~hwalm Nay report ~ 136.96
C.C,Smi~h Cartage i trip dogs to Humane Soc. 15.00
Jas.A.Cgok & Son Sd.of Health supplies 5.50
W.N.Walker 1210 m. @ 8~ Laundry 4.90 101.70
Pickeri.ng News Printing and work 101.00
All of which is respectfully submitted.~
~ N.B. BURK.
. Chairman.
NOVED b~ ~. N.B.Bu~k, seconded by D~. N.E.NcEwen, that
~3~'e--~eport of the Standing Committee on CONTI~GENqIES,
as Just read, be adopted. CARRIED.
Your Standing Committee on Welfare begs leave to report
and recommends payment of the following accounts :-
N~s. J. ~Forsyth 18.00
" J. ~yer 10.00
" N. ~rammell 18.00
" ~. Headland 20.20
" S. Ha~dy 18.00
" E. Robinson 17.48
" L. Barber (Nrs.E.Linton) 10.00
N~. W. Payne (Daughter Donna) 13.66
N~. J. Lamorie . 31.9~
WELFARE ~ Cont'd:
Forward: 167,30
Mrs. V. Ivey 57.05
Mr. J. Honeyfcrd. Rent M~s.Ivey June ~$0.00
Mr. J. Liseombe [~3.96
County of Ontario 898.25
Groveside Cemetery Board Brooklin, E. Barker 1%.00
TOTA ........ $1,2n. 56
All of which is respectfully submitted.
by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. F~ed Zinkie,
the Report of the Standing Committee on WELFARE, as
Just r~ad, be adopted. CARRIED.'
You~ Standing Committee on Police begs leave to report and
recommends payment of the following accounts :-
Pay Roll 1,062.49~
Expenses - L.W.Trinnell 116.16
" - F.W.White 162.56
W. Higgins Expenses 153.46
G. Channing " 157.30
D. Dand "and salary 83.32
Picketing News Printing 14.00
J. S. Balsdon Office supplies 11.70
~ErMe~ey - -
County of Ontario Jail 12.00
A.W. Mitchell 26.00
W.C.Murkar J.P.Fees, otc 7.90
Rent- Mrs. V. Morgan 35.00
All of which is respectfully submitted.
MOVED by Mr. F. E. Zinkie, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, that
the Report of the Standing Committee on Police, as Just read,
be adopted. CARRIED.
1. Advise Police to contact three Trailer Camps for licenses.
2. Have C. Cooper tender on Beath hoist.
MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. M.B.Bu~k, that this
Council do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday the Third day
of July, 1951, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon. CARRIED.