HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 2, 1951 M U N I C I P A L B U~I L D I N G
A meeting of Council was held on APRIL 2nd, 1951, at Brougham,
commencing at ten o,clock in the forenoon.
PRESENT: Reeve W. H. Westney, in the Chair.
Deputy-Reeve N. E. McEwen
Councillor Clare A. Balsdon,
" Milton B. Burk ,
" Fred E. Zinkie.
The MINUTE~ of the meeting on March 1st, 1951,'were read, and on
MOTION of '~. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Dr. N.E. McEwen, ADOPTED.
The MINUTES of the meeting held on March 16th, 1951, were read, and
on NOTION"~f Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mm. Fred Zinkie, ADOPTED.
- Blueprint of Robert Cronkwright property
1. W. J. HARE, Whitby,
being considered as a fire hall site.
2. SOUTH-WEST FIRE AREA CO~ITTEE~ advising the above site is:
sat'isfactory to the committee. Also that they will require
$1,500. for the operation of Fire Area No.1 for 1951.
3. SECRETARY~ S.S. ~3East - asking that the Board of Transport
Com~issioners be asked to make a survey of a proposed wig-wag
At Fairport Beach Road.
DOUGLAS MAITLAND - complaining about a culvert opposite his gate
ih Fairport Road. Mr. Ward to i~vestigate.
5. BRUNNER-MOND - advising they will deliver 95 tons of Calcium Chlox
in May 195~'~
6' DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS showing 195~ Road Subsidy as $36,170.01.
7- L.W. PIDDUCK - asking the Road Department to deepen a ditch
and instal~a culvert on private property. Road Department
will do when ground dry.
8. E.S. Scott - asking Road Department to deepen ~itch on First
Concession at Lot 32, so that water will drain off. Council
will view on Road Inspection.
9. Trustees~ Police Village of Picketing - asking Council'te assume
part 0'f costlOf gra'velling Duffin Street in Picketing Village.
10. Alan Lishman - enclosing an extra sheet of petition that farms
in Police Ar~a be exempt from ~axes.
11. Melville Grant - advice re exempting farms from P~lice costs:-
(a) Create a further farm rural area with easy boundaries, or
(b) Exempt farm lands every other year.
2 Assault 12 B.Liquor Act 4 Accidents
1 Highway T. Act 4 Shopbreaking 2 HoUsebreaking
75 Complaints 1 Auto theft 5 Disturbance~
2 Thefts 24 Summons issued $1,950 property stole:
$270.Fines '~ $1,950 " recover~
The following PERSONS, on motion, were HEARD:-
1. Mr. McDonald - re bad condition of Altona Road and the claimed
damage to his culvert which was done by our road machinery.
2. Mr. Shaver - re damage to his car $101.25 caused by bad, icy roads
at Mr. McDonald,s ~gate in February, and as our Insurance Company
has refused payment, he wanted Council to pay the bill.
3. Mr. Postill - wanted sideline~between Lots 34 and 35 in the Fifth
Concession graded and gravelled.. Council to view on road
inspection tour.
Mr. Lloyd - C0nc.l~ Lot I - complained that our Police are not
giving him.service, but that the 0.P.P. are always very co-
operative. Also wanted his land drained - told to get
a Ditch and Watercourse Award.
5- Robert Bragan - Owner Lot 14, Plan 410, asked perTaission to
build a garage 12 feet from the road because of the lay of
the land. Council to see.
6. Clifford Schwalm, Dog-Catcher - said his job was big, but he
would continue for two more months.
7. W. J. Knox -~complained about roads and culverts iS Fairport
8. Mr. Pe?r~, Conc. ~, Lot 23 - complained about road ditch. Council
to view on Spring inspection.
9. C._E. Morle~ - re insurance renewals and asking Council to
assist pic'kering Village in gravelling Duffin Street.
10. Messrs Barkey and ~l~en - complained about Scarboro, townline
in Concession 2 - culvert plugged; also about'a ditch which
needed opening on Third Concession opposite Lot 35. Council
tb view on road inspection.
ll. Messrs Prentice & Beer - re insurance renewals.
12. Road employees - asked for increase of wages from 85~ to $1.00
per hour.
13. Fred Hicks - asked Council to re-decorate kitchen.
14. Mr. smerhy, Picketing Beach, complained about drainage, Range
li"ne and Powell Road. Council to inspect.
15. Mrs. Browell - complained about Picketing Beach Road
around'" Plan 372, Lot 23. Council to inspect.
MOVED by Mr. F~ed Zinkie, seconded by Mr. Milton Burk, that the
Board of Transport Commissioners~ view the railroad crossings at'
Fairport Road and Rosebank, and give cost of wig-wags. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Dr. Neil McEwen~ that
C-~il view Mr. Robert Bragan's lot in Plan ~10, Lot 14, and
advise him if he may erect garage 12 feet from the road. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Milton Burk, that
C-~ord Schwalm, Dog-catcher, be paid salary and expenses of
$33.32 for the month of November 1950. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Fred Zinkie, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, that a
grant of $50.00 be paid Picketing Midget Hockey Club, for
winning the Ontario Championship. MOTION LOST.
MOVED by Mr. M. ilton Burk, seconded by Mr. Ulare Balsdon, that all
~-~surance policiesJ exceotin~ that on Firemen, be renewed. CARRI~
now ~eld l~y C.~E.Morley, '
MOVED by Mr. Milton Burk, seconded by Mr. FMed Zinkie, that the
cost of gravelling Duff in Street in picketing Village, be paid
fifty-fifty by Village and~ Township.~ CARRIEi
MOVED by Mr. ~urk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, ~that the Chairman of
t~olice Com~nittee be responsible ~for all 'Police purchases. CARRI~
MOVED by Mr. B~urk, seconded by Mr. B~alsdon, ~that compensation insural
be transferred from Lloyd's to the ~Vorkmen's Compensation Board, and
include the insurance now on Firemen. CARRIEi
MOVED by Mr. Burk, seconded by t~r. Zinkie, that the bond on the
Treasurer be renewed with Prentice and Beer fc~ $30.00. CARRIE~
MOVED by Mr. Zinkie, seconded by Dr. McEwen, that the hourly wage
o--~ad men be increased fro~ 85~ to $1.00 as of April 2.1951 CARRIEi
MOVED by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Burk, that Council pay for
paper and paint for Fred Hicks' kitchen, and that he pay for same
being put on. CARRIEi
AGREED ~the two Constables be given $50.00 on account of pay on the
15th of each month.
AGREED that Council hold an emergent meeting on April 4th, 1951,
commencing at 1 P.M. ~
AGREED Claremont Village pay fire and theft premium on their
fire truck.
DaOy~ by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Fred Zinkie, that ght Saving Time in the Township of Picketing during the
Summer 1951, shall be governed by that set by the City of Toronto. C~
Your Standing Committee on ROads and Bridges begs leave to report
and recommends payment of the following accounts :-
Cochrane Dun~p ~Hardware Co. Hardware 12.20
Westeel Products Ltd Culvert ~pipe 313.20
Gordon Lynn 229 m. ~ 8~car allow. 18'32
J. S. Bal sdon Saw 5- 25
Shell 0il Co. Canada Ltd. Gas and Oil 578.46
Dept.of Highways Tax ~on 485 gals Diesel 53-35
Watson Springs~Ltd Spring repair 10.00
Wheel & Rim Hinges 12.10
Brantford Coach & Body Co.Ltd. Hoist repairs 77.62
Kloepfer Hardware Co. Hardware 12.15
Sawyer-Massey . Crusher parts 233.77
Daily Commercial News Adv: Tenders Stat'y Eng. 5.40
J.D.Adams Co. Maintaine~ repairs etc 1210.32
Sheridan Equipment Co. Blade for bucket. 67.59
Jack Ward Resurfacing crusher Jaw
and machine work 59.28
International Harvester Co.Ld. Truck repairs 107.87
Roy Ward Parts $32~.48 2024 m. @ 8~ car allow 161.92 lp4.40
Chas. Cooper Battery and Hardware 36.75
Robert Niller Welding 9.~0
~ $3,031.21
Roads and Bridsest continued:
FORWARD: 3,031.21
Ivan Booth 2 3.15 - 5O.OO - 4.00 1
Earl Anderson 148.75 50.00 - 1.62
Bud Norton 136.00 - 50.00 - 1.53 84.47
Gordon Lynn 225.25- 50.00-21.10 - 2.34 151.81
Fred Hicks 230.35 - 50.00 180.35
Gordon Benson 204.00 - 50.00 154.00
Roy Ward 25O.OO - 11.55 238.4
· 1,148.33
Income Tax Ded: 36.65
Unemp!. Ins. Ded: 7.02
Amount advanced ~0.00
TOTAL ...... $4,573.21
All of which is respectfully submitted.
N. E. McEWEN, Uhairman.
MOVED by Dr. N. E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Fred Zinkie,
t~the Report of the Standing Committee on Roads and
Bridges, as Just read, be adopted. CARRIED:
Your Standing Committee on Contingencies begs leave to
report and recommends payment .of the following accounts:-
General Pay Roll 1,~77.33
Health Dept " ~70.19
Care Buildings Pay Roll 93.22
Thos. Gregg Div. Court Mar.6.51 ~.00
Burnett Jamieson " " 4.00
Surveying & Errawing Supply Co. Paper 17.10
The Enterprise Adv: Assessor 2.25
Addressing Machine Co. 400 Tabs 5.05
'Royal Typewriter Co. Service and Ribbons 6.50
'Imperial 0il Co. Fuel Oil -Mun. Bldg 95.40
'Municipal World 2 Dog Registers 4.06
iRegistrar, Whitby Transfers 7.00
Monteith &Monteith 1950 Audit 650.00
'W.Walker Laundry 5.20, 925 m.~ 8~ $74- 79.20
'E.K. Jones 798 miles ~ 8~ 63.84
'Treasurer's Account Postage 20.00
'F.J.Prouse 1777 miles ~ 8~(3 mos)142.16
~Pickering News Printed Stationery 39.75
~C.E. Morley Insurance 335.53
Prentice & Beer Treasurer's Bond 30.00
~D.L.'Mairs Supplies 24.92
~C. Schwalm Sal.& Exp. Nov. Jan. ~
Feb. & Mar. 120.96
~11 of which is respectfully submitted.
M. B. BURK, Chairman.
MOVED by Mr. M.B.Burk, seconded by Mr. F.E.Zinkie, that
t~eport of the Standing Committee on Contingencies, as
Just read, be adopted. CARRIED.
your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and
recommends payment of the following accounts :-
Mrs. J. Forsyth 33 · 00
" L. Barber 55.84
"" M, Hilts ~ 10.00
" J. Dwyer 10.00
" N. Brammell 18.00
" E. Headland 29.00
" S. Hardy 18.00
" E. Robinson 25.38
Mr. W. Payne (daughter Donna) 13.66
" J. Lamorie 31.96 ~
Mrs. V. Ivey 75.75
Twp of Picketing Tax Arrears a/c A.Gilmour
(Rent - ~rs. V. Ivey) 30.00
Mr. J. MacDonald (Mrs. M. Press Rent to Mar.~
31s~ .1951 ) 30.00
Mr. F. Robinson (E. Barker, Whitby) 25.00
H. Richardson Groceries - Mrs. J.Eade 42.37
Claremont Co-Op ~y~rs. S. Hardy - Fuel 12.80
Mrs. Daisy Tulk Groc & Fuel - Allan Frost
(Prov.of 0nt - 100%) 40.00
Mr. J. Liscombe 47.66
E. G. Baker 180 miles ~ ~ March 1951 14.40 562.82
County of Ontario 870.87
Oshawa General Hospital 13.50
J. F. Hartz Co. 18.00 902.37
Mrs. G. England 3 children l~.00
T 0 T A L ..... . . . $1,480.19
All of which is respectfully submitted. ' ~' '~
MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by ~r. M.B~Bu~k, that the
Report of the Standing Committee on Welfare, as Just read, be
adopted. CARRII
Your Standing Committee on Police begs leave to report and
recommends payment of the following accounts :-
Pay Roll 808.32
L.W.Trinnell Expenses for March 1951 ll3.11
F.W.White " " ,165.40
G. Channing " " 163.17
W. Higgins " ,' 165.96
Mrs. V. Morgan Rent - Pol~[ce Office April 35.00
C.E.Morley Ins.Prem. - new car W.Higgins 9.40
Picketing News Letter headings 7.75
W.C.Murkar J,P.Fees and postages 9.35
J.S.Balsdon Caretaking supplies 9.25
A.W.Mitchell Coal- office 26.00
T 0 T~A~L . ~ ..... $1,512.71
_All.of which is ~respectfully submitted.
F. E. ZINKIE, Chairman.
MOVED by Mr. F.E.Zinkie, seconded by Mr. M.B.Bttrk, that the
Report of the Standing Committee on Police, as just read,
be adopted. CARRIED.
BY-LAW NO. 18~9
Mr, M,B,Bu~k, seconded by Mr. F.E.Zinkie, moves for leave to
introduce a_By-law to appoint an Assistant Assessor amd increase
the salaries of certain police officers, and that same now be
read a firs$ time.
Mr. M.B.Bttrk, seconded by Mr. F.E.Zinkie, moves that By-law No.1859
to appoint an Assistant Assessor and increase the salaries of certain
police officers, be now read a second time, and that the Co,lucil go
into Committee of the Whole thereon.
Mr. M.B.Bu~, seconded by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, moves that ~he'Report of
the Committee of the Whole on'By-law No. 1859 be adopted, and that
the said By-law be now read a THIRD TIME and PASSED; that the Reeve
and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto.. CARRIED.
BY-LAW NO. i86o
Mr. Clare B~lsdon, seconded 5y Mr. M.~.B.u~k, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to regulate the operation of noisy machinery and
to regulate~and prohibit noises calculsted to disturb the inhabitants
of the Township of Picketing, and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Clare B~lsdon, seconded by Mr. M.B.Bu~k, moves that-Byilaw
No. 1860 to regulate the operation of noisy machinery and to regulate
and prohibit noises calculated to disturb the inhabitants of the
Township of Picketing, be now read a second time, and that the
Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
M~. Clare Bilsdon, seconded by Mr. F~ed Zinki~ moves that the Report
of the Committee of the Whole on Byrlaw No. 1860 be adopted, and that
'the said By-law be now read a THIRD TIME and PASSED; that the Reeve
and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto. CARRIED.
BY-LAW NO. 1861
Mr. F.E.Zinkie, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, moves for leave to'
introduce a By-law to levy a rate to cover cost of operation of
the several Fire Departments, and that same now be read a first
Mr, F.E.Zinkie, seconded by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, moves that By-law
No. 1861 to levy a rate to cover cost of operation of the several
Fire Departments, be now read a second time, and that the Council
go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
Mr. F.E.Zinkie, seconded by Mr. M.B.Burk, moves that the Report of
the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 1861 be adopted, and that
the said By,law be now read a THIRD TIME and PASSED; that the Reeve
and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. F. E. Zinkie, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, that the
Reeve grant.his order on the Treasurer to pay the several parties
as recommended by the Several committees as presented this-day.
MOVED by Mr..F.E.Zinkie seconded by Dr.-N.E.NcEwen, that this
C--6-~il do now adjourn ~o meet again on Second day of May,-1951,
at the ho~ir .of TEN O'Clock in the fore~ ~LGAPa~IED.