HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 1, 1951 M U N I C I P .A L B,U I.L D,! ,N G
A meeting of Council was held on THURSDAY, Mamch 1st, 1951, commencin~
at TEN O'CLOCK in the forenoon.
PRF~ENT: Reeve W. H. Westney, in the Chair,
Deputy-Reeve N. E. McEwen
Councillor Clame A. Balsdon and
Councillor Fred E. Zin~kie. ~
The MINUTES of ~he February 5th, 1951, meeting were read, and on
MOTION of Mr. C.A.Balsdon, seconded'by Mr. F.E.Zinkie, ADOPTED.
The MINUTES of the February~14th, 1951, meeting were read, and on
MOTION of Mr. C.A.Balsdon, seconded by Mr. ~inkie, ADOPTED.
The MINUTES of the February 16th, 19%1, meeting were read, and on
~0TION o'f Mr. F.E.Zinkie, seconded by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, ADOPTED.
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:-
1. Mrs. John Pallister, complaining about her drain at Altona.
Spring Inspection.
2. Mrs. J.M. MacDonald, complaining about Mr. Watson of B.A.Station.
She claims they bother her and our Local Police will not assist
her ·
3- A petition of over 200 names from Fairport Beach Ratepayers
Association requesting that there be protect.ion for sixty
school children crossing the C.N.R. tracks, the 2A Highway
and along No. 2 Highway to School Section No. 3 East school.
(a) 'Mm. A" Archibald, Public School Inspector, similar to
(b) Mr. John Forgie, Secretary, S.S. 3 East,. as above.~
4. Resolution of Board of Health Meeting of February 9.1951,
as follows :- ~
MOVED by Doctor Tomlinson, seconded by Dr. McEwen, that the
ye-~y salar~y of :-
Dr. Loos as Sanitary Inspector be increased from.
$400. to $1,000. (no mileage)
Miss Walker, as Public H~ealth Nurse, be increased
from $2,400. to $2,600. (plus 8~ mileage)
Dr. N. F. Tomlinson, as Medical Officer of Health,
be increased from $1,000. to $1,%00. ( no mileage),
and that same be presented to Council for their consideration.
5- Mrs. Irene Porter, Secretary, Home and School Association
Dunbarton, thanking Council for their quick action in fixing
ditch at rear of S.S. 3 East School.
5. F. J. Prguse - Building Permits, February $32,000. fees $43.00.
7. H. L. Fair, Agricultumal Representative, Uxbridge, thanking
Council for use of Hall free for three farmers, ~meetings.
8. Magistrate Ebbs - fines for January, 1951, $64.87.
9. Salvation Army - thanks for grant of $150.00.
10. Lyle W. Jones - complaining abou~t the co~ntinuing of barking
of Jos. Edwards' dogs.
Il. Police Vil~lage of Picketing ~Trustees resolution "That
a protest be made to the Picketing TOwnShip Council
by the~ Trustees regarding the proposed expansion of the
local Police Force. We cannot, as Trustees and
Ratepayers, see the Justification for increasing the men
and equipment per thousand of population to a scale
commensurate with that of densely populated areas."
12. Walter Dandie, Conc. 1, Lot 18, re road ditch and drainage
opposite his property. Spring inspection.
13. Monteith & Menteith - asking for increase-from~$200, to
$250. for auditing school books.
14. M~s. Alan Lishman.- asking if Council is in-favor of a County Health Unit.
15. Mr. Melville Grant ~- advising on exemption of farm lands
from police taxation.
16. Mrs. Lawrenoe- complaining about no action froTM Police
and Dog-catcher re dog killing her chickens. - Forward
to Chief Trinnell.
17. Police Report ~:-
1 Armed Robbery 18 Summonses served
2 Attempted Rape 20 " issued
1 Assault 1 Stolen car recovered
5 Accidents 3 By-law convictions
1. ShoPbreaking Value of p~.operty stolen ~1,770.
5~ Thef~ts '" recovered 1,820.'
Complaints Fines · · · · · $118.50
1._ Col. Pidgeon asked peEnission to build a $10,000. log house
on Woodview Avenue, to comply with ow Building By-law.
2. Mr. Heber Down asked for a g~ant of $30. for Brookltn Spring
Fair 1951.
3. M~. Harpel and neighbor, asked proced~e for taking over
private road in Dunbarton Gardens. Council see ih Spring.
4- Mr. C. E. Morley - re insurance.
5. Mr. W.' C. Willson - sheep valuator - re price on Story sheep.
6. Mr. Earl Taylor presented a petition to transfer Lots 24 to
Scarboro, Townline and from Second Concession to half way
between Concessions~ 3 and 4, from Rouge Fire Area to Pickerlng
Fire Area.
ebY Mr. C.A. Balsdo~, seconded by Dr, N.E. McEwen, that
ssion be granted Col. Pidgeon to build a Log house en ~oedview
Road, provided.he complies with our Building By-law. ~ CARRIED.
,MOVED by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, that ~a
grant of $30.00 be made to Brooklin Spring Fair, 1951. CARRIED.
M0.___~_~ by Mr. C.A.BalsdOn, seconded by Mr. F,E.Zinkie, that Council
recommend to the Dunbarton School Board that they employ a man
to assist children to and from school across C.N.R. tracks, 2A
Highway and along No. 2 Highway, and that Council would make
said man a special constable.
. by Mr. F. E. Zinkie, seconded by Dr. N.E. McE~en, that
abl®s Higgins .and 0banning .ach r?c®i.v?..increa.s~e i~n_~a~l~y
from $1,850. to $2,400. plus eight cents ~o~ ps~ m~s ~ ~
~se of ~hei~ o~s whil~ on To, ship bus~ness, as of Jan~y 1st,
~95~. CA~.
MO~ by ~. C.A.Balsdon, seconded by ~. F.E. Zinkie, that the
~rimg To, ship Fi~ Board have the use of the M~icipal Building
as required, f~ee for this year. C~RI~.
M0~ by ~. N.E.Mc~en, seconded by ~. F.E.Zinkie, that the Bo~d
~alth sallies be increased as follows :-
Dr. N.F'Tomlinson, as Medical Officer of Health, from $1,000. to
$1,500. per ye~. (No c~ mileage).
~. P,J.W.Loos, as S~it~y Inspector, from ~00. to $1,000. per
ye~. (No car mileage).
Miss W.M.Walker, as Public Health N~se, from $2,400. to $2,600.
plus eight cents ~(8~) per mile for the use of c~ while on
To, ship business,
effective from J~ry 1st, 1951. C~I~.
MO~ by ~. C.A.Balsdon, seconded by ~. N.E.Mc~en, that the
~ fee for school books,ch~ged by Monteith and Monteith, b~
increased from $200. to $250. co~encing with the 1950 audit. C~
M0~ by ~. C.A.Balsdon, seconded by ~. F.E.Zinkie,~ that the
~Buperintendent post si~s requiring t~ucks to carry only
half leads. O~R~~.
MO~ by ~. C.A.Balsdom, seconded by ~. F.E.Zinkie, that Co~cil
~tise in the "Co~ercial News" for tenders for one 80 H.P. Diesel
Station~y Power Unit - tenders to include t~n-in value for o~
Hercules D.0.0.C. and to be in by M~ch 31st next. C~I~.
Yo~ Standing Co~ittee on Roads ~d Bridges begs leave to report
and reco~ends pa~ent of the following acco~uts :-
Shell 0il Co. 1250 gals Gas ;,;~ '85
J. S. Balsdon Nardw~e ' 8.15
Robert Mille~ Wel~ng 3-50
International H~vester Co. Truck p~ta 52.11
Jack Ward Welding and ~epairs 3 snow-
plows ~d shovel 118.20
Chiles Cocper H~dware 18.43
D. L. Mai~s H~dw~e 5.10
W'L.B,11entin. Co. M, tnt-lne~ p~ts
R.J.Mitohell 1 - lQ00 ' 2~ t~s 31
She~id~ Equipment Co. Shovel ~epat~s ~.~0
Uxb~idge Township Used t~e 1300 - 2~ ~.00
J~es G~iffln 1~ miles ~ 8~ Feby and
~2 " ~ 1~ Jany - ,~. 15.32
Gordon L~ 263 " ~ 8~ Feby ~d
510 ". ~ 1~ J~y car allow 26.14
R~ W~d P~ts $~-55, and c~ allow:
Feb.1783 m. $ 8~ J~.1902 $ 1~ ly6.21
Receiver ~ne~al Febr~ Income T~ deductions . 40.50
L.T. Jo~ston Unemplo~ent Insilco _10.26
Ivan Booth 208.25 - 50.00 ~ 5-15 - 2.16 150.94
~ordon Ly~ 191.25- 50.00 -15.90 - 2.16 123.19
~red Hieks ~0m.45- 5O.OO - ~.35 m49.~0
GoPdon Benson 190.40 50.00 - 1~0.40
w.m. Norton ~94.85 5o.oo m.55- ~.o7 ~.03
ROADS AND BRIDGES,, continued:
FORWARD ~ 1 996 65
Earl Anderson 198.90 - 50100 - 4.00 ~- 2.07 142.83
James Griffin 172.55 '50.00 - 1.80 120.74
Roy Ward 250.00 - 11.55 '238
Payroll 1,206.69~
Advanced Mid-month 350.00
D~nemployment Ins. Dod: 10.26
Ail or'which is respectfully submitted.
, N~ E.. McEWEN,
'N~ED by D~. N' E. McEwen, seconded by ~r. Fred'Zinkie] that the Report
o-~e Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES, as Just read, be
adopted. CARRIED.
Your Standing Committee on Contingencies be~s leave to report and
recommends payment of the following accounts :-
Payroll 1,617.07
Beare's Limited Stationery Supplies' 70.92
Toronto Stamp & Stencil Works - 36 discs ll.71
Gordon Culham Fees - Planning C6n~ultant 85.00
L~T~Johnston Unemployment Ins. 21.12
Postage 26.00 47.12
Miss W.M.Walk&r Car mileage 650 m~ $ ~
Laundry $~.50 5~.50
Bell Telephone Co. Office 16.35
Brooklin Fair Grant ~.lPlO,
$1,934. 7
All of which is respectfully submitted.
' Acting Chairman.
M~VED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, that the
report of the Standing Committee onCONTINGENCIES, as Just read,
be adopted. CARRIED.
Your Standing Committee on POLICE begs leave to report and
recommends payment of the following accounts :-
Payroll 900.00
Bell Telephone Co.Ltd. · Police Office 30.64
· L.W.Trinnell Expenses 106.80
F.W.White " 130.23
G. Channing " 130.63
W. Higgins " 135.86
G. Morgan Labour and materials office 23 15
Allison Motor Service Siren installation 7161
Donald Dasd Assistant Constable 25.00
,All cfwhich is respectfully submitted. ' '
MOVED b~ Mr. F. Zinkie, secSnded by M~r. C. Balsdon, that the
report of the Standing Committee on POLICE, as Just read, be
adopted. CARRIED.
Your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and recommend
payment of the following accounts :-
Mrs. J. Forsyth 33.00
Mrs. L. Barber 55'84
Mrs. M. Hilts 10.00
Mrs. J. Dwyer 10.00
Mrs. M. Brammell 18.00
Mrs. E. Headland ~ 29.00
Mrs. S. Hardy 18.00
Mrs. E. Robinson 25.38
Mr. W. Payne (Donna Payne ) 13.66
J. Lamorie 31.96
Mrs. V. Ivey 75.75
Twp of Picketing Tax Arrears Account
Mrs. A. Gilmour - Rent - V. Ivey 30.,00
Mrs. M. Press 93.43
J.~ MacDonald - Rent - Press 30.00
F. Robinson -E. Barker, Whitby 25.00
Ross Murison, Groceries - N.Kyle,~ Ajax 15.00
A. W. Mitchell - Coal, N.Kyle & A.Madder,AJax 50.50
Baker & Galloway, Groceries, A.Madder,Sudbury 60.00
Dept. Public Welfare,Toronto, F. Freeman 51.12
E.G.Baker - Welfare Mileage Feb.1951. 198 m. 1~.84 $6~91.48
Dr. F.A.Cuddy - certifying Arthur Jones 5.00
0shawa General Hospital - Rose Greenough,AJax 9.00 $1~.00
Mrs. G. England March 1951 - 3 children 15.00 $15.00
$720. 8
Ail of which is respectfully submi'tted.
MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Fred Zinkie, that the
ep~t of the Standing Committee on WELFARE, as Just read, be
adopted. , C~ARRIED.
Your Standing Committee on Sheep and Livestock Killed or Injured
by Dogs begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following
account :-
Cecil Story I Ewe $12.00
Ail of which is respectfully submitted.
F. ZINKIE, Chai~nan.
MOVED by Mr. F. Zinkie, seconded by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, that the
Report of the Standing Committee on Sheep and Livestosk Killed
or Injured by Dogs, as Just read, be adopted. CARRIED.
BY-LAW NO. 18~ - School Section No.2,. ~$9t000. Debenturem
3rd Reading
Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, moves that the
Report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 184~be
adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a third time and
PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the
seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
BY-LAW 18 4
1st Reading
Dr. N.E. MCEwen, seconded by Mr. Clare Balsdon, moves fo~ leave to
introduce a By-laW to increase the remuneration of the Rtev~, and
that same now'be read a first time.
~nd Reading
Dr. N.E.McEwen, seconded by Mr. F.E.Zinkie, moves that By;la~ No.
1854 to increase the remuneration of the Reeve, be now read a
second time, and that the COuncil go into Committee of the Whole
~rd Reading
Dr. N.E.McEwen, seconded by Mr. Clare Balsdon, moves that the
Report of the'Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 1854 be adopted,
and that the said By-law be now read a'third time and PASSED;that
the Reeve and'Clerk sign the sam~, and that the seal of the Corpmra-
tion be affixed thereto. CARRIED:
1st Reading
Mr. F. Zinkie, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to increase the salaries of certain officials
of the Township, and that same now be read a first time.
2nd Reading
Mr. F. Zinkie, seconded by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, moves that By-law
No. 1855 to increase the salaries of certain Township officials,
be now read a second time, and that the Council go into Committee
of the Whole thereon.
.~rd Readin~
Mr. F. Zinkie, seconded by Dr. N.E. McEwen, moves that the Report
of the committee of the Whole on By-law No. 1855 be adopted, a~d
that the said By-law be now read a third time and PASSED; that
the Reeve and Clerk Sign the same, and that the seal of the
Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
BY-LAW 18 6
1st Reading
Mr. ~tare Balsdon, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, moves for leave
to introduce a By-law to levy a special rate on taxable property
of the Police Village of Picketing, and that same~noW be read a
first time.
2nd Reading
Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. F. Zinkie, moves that By-law
No- 1856 to levy a special rate on taxable property of the
BY-LAW NO. 18~6t Continued.
Police Village of Picketing, be now read a second time, and
that the Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
~rd Reading
Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. F. Zinkle, moves that the
Report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 1856 be
adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a third time
and PASSED; that the~ Reeve and Clerk sign the same, an~ that
the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
BYrLAW NO. 1857
~rst Readin~
Mr. F. Zinkie, seconded by. Mr. Clare Balsdon, moves for
~leave to introduce a By-law to levy a special rate on taxable
property of the Police Village of Claremont, and that same now
be read a first time.
Second Reading
Mr~ F. Zinkie, seconded by Dr. N.EeMcEwen, moves that By-law No'1857
to levy a special rate on taxable property of the Police Village
of Claremont, be now read a second time, and that the Council go
into Committee of the Whole thereon.
Third Reading
Mr. F. Zinkie, seconded by Mr.~.C.A.Balsdon, moves that the Report
of the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 1857 be adopted, and
that the said By-law be now read a third time and PASSED; that the
Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation
be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
BY-LAw N0. 18 8
1st Readin~
Dr. N.E.McEwen, seconded by Mr. F.E.Zinkie, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to increase the remuneration of the Deputy-Reeve
and Councillors, and that same now be read a first time.
2nd. Readin~
Dr. N.E.McEwen, seconded by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, moves that By-law
No. 1858, to increase the remuneration of the Deputy-Reeve and
C~uncillors, be now read a second time, and that the Council go
into Committee of the Whole thereon.
3~d Reading
Dr. N.E.McEwen, seconded by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, moves that the Report
of the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 1858 be adopted, and
that the said By-law be now read a third time and PASSED; that the
Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporatioh
be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, seconded by Dr. N.E.McEwen, that the Reeve
grant his order on the Treasurer to pay the several parties as
recommended by the several committees as presented this day. CARRIED.
1. Write Department of Highways re closing of Fairport
Road South.
2. Write Canadian National Railways regarding Wig-wag
at Fairport Road South.
3. Write Beard of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa, re same.
4- Order three cars of Calcium Chloride.
5. Advise Mr. F.J.Prouse regarding Joe Edwards' building.
6. ~et gravel on road east of E. Crooks either by Ajax
or ou~ Road Superintendent.
7. Re - Dog-catcher - have monthly report forms printed
and advise must have report for November before paying; also
dogs must be destroyed when owner pays for having them destroyed.
MOVED iby Mr. CLare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Fred Zinkie, that
this Oouncil dO now adjourn to meet again on MONDAY, the SECOND
day of April, 1951, at the hour of TEN O'CLOCK in the forenoon.
APPROVED: ~ ~ 1951