HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 15, 1951 M U N ,I ,C, I ~,A L ,, ,BU I L'D IN G
An EMERGE~ meeting of Council was held on MONDAY~ JANUARY l~_th~lg~.l,
commencing "at ONE O'CLOCK in the afternoon.
PRF~I~..:- -Reeve W.H.Westney, in the Chai~
DepUty-Reeve Nell E. McEwen
Councillor Clare A. Balsdon
" Fred E. Zinkie
" Milton B. Bu~k.
The following CORRESPONDENC~ was read:-,
1. Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - re agreement for private telephone
on Scarbor~ugh'Excha~ge f'o~'the Police office. Clerk advised
that he had taken up the. matte~ of a Picketing line, and the
Telephone Company's-Manager at Markham r~plied tha~ he was
inve st igating.
Picketing Beach, asking that the drainage problem
~at the seacn ce given consideration.
The following PERSONS, on motion, were HEAR~.:-
1. E~..K.-Jones, Assessor ~--asked for a salary of $3, G00, plus 8~ per
- mile oa~ allowance,, wh$1e on Township business. "
2. E.G.Baker, Collector and Welfare AdminiStrator, - asked for a
~ $2,500. as Collector and $500. for Welfare, plus §~ per
mile ea~ allowance while on Welfare business..
3- F-J.Prouse, Building Inspector-- asked for a salary of $2,000.
for a g-dAy week, plus 8~ per mile car allowance while on Township
bus ine s s.
~. L.T.Johnston, Clerk-Treasurer - asked for a salary .of $3,600. plus
6g ~e~ mile car allowance while on Township busines_s
(~) Miss H.M.Green, Stenographer for a salary of $2,000.
(b) Mrs. E, Robertson, Stenographer for an increase.
5. C.E.Morley suggested that Council levy police costs where services
MOVED by D~. McEwen, seconded by Mr. C. Balsdon, that the Road Superint,
pu~p a 'temporary guard on both sides of fill north of Dunbarton Sohoo'.
approximately 50 ft on the north side and 75 ft on the south side.
MOVED by D~. Jf~EWen, seconded by Mr. F. Zinkie, that Council ask Dept.
o-'~ghways to investigate the drainage problem at Picketing Beach. C..AR'.
AG~ that Elizabeth Street NorSh be ~placed on 1951 Road List for work
n bY Mr. M. Burk, seconded by Mr. F. Zinkie, that the Road Superin-
t put a few loads of gravel on Elizabeth Street North as a tempor
measure. ° CA~..
b ~y'.Mr. F. Zinkie, seconded by Mr. Burk, that the Clerk.secure all
le info~mation from Mr. Grant, Scarborough Township and the Dept
of Municipal Affairs, regarding rates, etc, of taxicabs. CARE
MOVED by Mr. F.E.Zinkie, seconded by Mr. M. Burk, that Council set up a
l~e Commission. CARR
MOVED by Mr. Cla~e Balsdon~ seconded by D~. MoEwen, that the By-law to
app~nt a T~uant Officer be held over.' CARR
MOVED by M~. F. Zinkie, seconded by Mw. M, Bu~k, that Council rent
~6-~he Police Department the office of G. Morgam in Pi~ 3~,
Lots 77 and 78 for $35.00 per month as of Jan~y 1st, 1951 - thirty
days notice - Co~cil to~ supply heat ~d li~t. C~~.
M0~ by ~. M. B~k, seconded by ~- C, ~le~on, that E.K. Jones
~. G. Bake~ be given sallies of. $2'750. per yea~, plus 8~
per mile c~ allow~uce w~le on To,ship business, as ef Jan~
y by ~. N.E.Nc~en. seconded by ~' M.B.B~k,t~at L.T.Jo~sten,s
be inc~eased by $300., ~o $3,~0. per year as of J~~ 1st,
1951, plus 8~ per mile ca~ allowance while on To,ship business.
MO'~ by ~. C.A.Balsdon, seconded by ~. M.~.B~k, t~t Miss G~een, s
aal~ be ~creaaed fr~ $1,700. to $2,000. pe~ yea~ and ~a.Robe~taom, s
f~om $1,300. te $1,600. pe~ yea~.
M0~ by ~. ~. B~k, seconded by ~. C. Balsden,~ that the fe~e~
motion ~eg~ding the sallies cf the Assess~ ~ud the Collecter~elf~e
A~inist~ater, be rescinded, and that they each ~eceive $2,875.00
per ye~ plus 8~ per ~le ca~ allowance while on To, ship business,
as of J~m~ 1st, 1951.
M0~ by Mr.~ M.B.B~k, seconded by ~. C.A.Balsdon, that F, J. P~se
~'hi~ed as Building Inspector at $2,000.~ per ye~ fo~ a fc~'~y
(32 h~) week, plus 8~ per ~le c~ allow~ce while on ~ewnship
bus ine s a. O~ ~.
M0~ by ~. F.E.Zi~, secended by ~. N.E.Mc~en, that the
rem~e~ation of Co~cil be increased as follows :-
. Reeve - f~ $200. to $500.
Deputy-Reeve - ~ $175' to ~00. .
_ $ 5o. to $ 0o.
by ~. N.E'Mc~en, seconded by ~. M.B.B~k, that one filing
t be p~chased for the office. ' C~RI~.
~. NJE. Mc~en gave notice of a motion "that $200,000. be borrowed
by debent~es of ten ye~s to build paved roads (hot s~faced) in the
To, shipe .
M0~ by ~. F.E. Zin~e, seconded by ~. M.B.B~k, that ghe Reeve
Depu~-Reeve and the ~eas~er .be authorized to sign all necess~y
ban~ng dec~ents as set forth in the attac~d Resolution. C~~.
~lst Readi~
~. M.B.B~k, seconded by ~. F.E. Zi~ie, moves for leave to introduce
a ~-law to appoint a ~eed Inspector for the yea~ 1951, ~d that s~e
mow be read a f~st time.
2nd Readi~
~. M.B.B~k, seconded by ~. C.A.Balsdon, moves that By-law No.18~
te appoint a Weed Inspector for the year 1951, be now read a aece~d
t~e, and that the Co~cil go into Ce~ttee of the ~ele thereon.
3rd Rea~ing .
~. M.B.B~k, seconded by ~. N.E. Mc~en moves~that the Report of
the C~ttee of the ~ole~ on'By-law No. ~8~ be a~epted, ~d that
the said ~-law be now ~ead a T~rd time and passed; that the Reeve
~d Clerk sign the s~e, and that the seal ef the Cerp.~atien ~e
affixed thereto.
1st Re&ding
Mr. M.B. Bu~k, seconded by Mr. O.' A. Balsdon, moves for leave
to introduce a By-law to appoint Members to the Pickering-Whitby
TownShips ~oint Planning Boa~. d, and that same now be read a first
2nd Reading
Mr. M.B.Bu~k, seconded by Mr. F. A. Zinkie, moves that By-law No.18~2
to appoint Members to the Pickering-Whitby Townships ~oint Planning
Board,.. be now read a second time, and that the Council go into Oonnaitt~
of the Whole thereon.'
Mr. M.B.Bu~k, seconded by D~. N.E_. McE~en, moves that the Report of
the Committee of the Whole on By law No. 18~2, be adopted, and that
the said By-law be now read a third time and passed; that the Reeve
and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto. CARRIED-
Y- AW No. 1843'
ls,,,t, ,Rea&l
Mr. M.B,Bu~k, secOnded by Mr. F. E. Zlnkie, movies .fer leave to
introduce a By-law to appoint two Members to the Board of'Health
for the year 1951, and that same now be read a first time.
2nd Readin~
Mr. M.B.Bu~k, seconded by Mr. ¢.A.Balsdon, moves that By-law No.1843
to appoint two Members to the Board of Health for the year 1951, be
.now read a second .time, and ,.that the 0ouncil go into 0ommittee of
the whole thereon.
3rd Reading
Mr. M.B.Bu~k, seconded by D~. N..E.McEwen, moves that the Report .of
the 0ommittee of the whOle on By law No-. 1843 be adopted, and that
the said By-law be now read a third time and passed; that the Reeve
and 01erk sign the same, and that the seal of the 0orporation be
.affixed ~there~o, 0ARR..I~..
.0. la +
1st Reading
Mr. 01a~e Balsdon, seconded by Mr. M.B. Bu~k, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law authorizing the borrowing of $~9,000.00 upon
debentures for School ~ection No. 2, and that same now be read a
2nd Reading
Mr. 01are Balsdon, seconded by ~. ~ed ZiPs, moves that B2-1aw
No. 18~, au~izi~ the bor~owi~ of ~,000.00 upon debent~ea
fo~ School Section No. 2, be now ~ea'd a seeond t~e, ~d that the
0o~cil go into C~ttee of the ~ole thereon. C~~.
Mr. F. E..Zinkie, seconded by Mr. M.B. ~k, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to authorize debeatu~es for the purchase of ~
fire-fighting equipment, etc, for Fire A~ea No. 1, and that same
now be read a first time.
2n.d ..Readi~
Mr. F. Zinkie, seconded by Mr. 0. Balsdon, moves that By'law No.
15~5 to 'authorize debentures for the ~U~chase of ftre-fightimg .
equipment, etc, for Fire A~ea ~o.1, be now read a second time,
and that the Council go into Committee of tl~e Whole thereon. CARRIED.
1. Get colmy of by'law f~om the Attorney-General~ s ~par.~n~ fop a
Police- 0~ission.
2. Prep~e lease fo~ Police office.
3- Get an .~gineer of the Deponent of Hi,ways to view, ~th
0o~cil and Road Superintenden~, Picketing Beach ~ainage problem.
~. Sec~e i~o~ation reg~ding t~icab rates.
On MOTION of Igc. C. A. Balsdon-the meeting then adjourned.