HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 20-16 Al Report to PICKERiNG Executive Committee Report Number: ENG 20-16 Date: December 5, 2016 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Accessible Parking Space Requirements Update - Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering, specifically to provide for an extensive update on the accessible parking requirements. 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: At the January 19, 2015 Council meeting, Pickering Council passed Resolution #9/15 requesting that staff initiate a public consultation process on proposed amendments to By-law 6604/05 regarding accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering. The public consultation consisted of the creation of a webpage on the City's website with detailed information on the proposed changes. Residents were informed of the webpage through a City media release, social media, and a community page ad in the local newspaper. City staff also engaged residents through various City events and have consulted with other municipalities. The Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee and the City's Accessible Core Staff Committee have been advised of all findings throughout all aspects of the consultation process. Primarily, feedback was received through the public consultation process, with the majority of respondents being in favour of the proposed changes. Therefore, based on the results of the public consultation for accessible parking spaces, City staff recommend the amendment to By-law 6604/05 with the amendments summarized in this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications with the enactment of the proposed By-law amendment. However, all future development and major redevelopments must comply with the new requirements for accessible parking as set out in this report. ENG 20-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Accessible Parking Space Requirements Update Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 Page 2 Discussion: At the January 19, 2015 Council meeting, Pickering Council passed Resolution #9/15 to Report ENG 01-15 (see Attachment 1) requesting that staff initiate a public consultation process on the proposed amendments to By-law 6604/05 as presented in Report ENG 01-15 regarding accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering. The key proposed amendments to the By-law as presented in Report ENG 01-15 were as follows and are presented in more detail in Attachment 2: 1. A City-wide adoption of the minimum accessible parking space requirements as presented in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act(AODA) The AODA requirements approximately double the existing requirements for accessible parking within the City of Pickering. 2. Allow for different types of Accessible Parking Spaces as described in the AODA The City currently only allows for one type of accessible parking space, which must have a minimum width of 4.0 metres, and a minimum length of 5.3 metres The AODA requires the establishment of two types of parking spaces for the use of persons with disabilities, as follows: • Type 'A': parking space which has a minimum width of 3.4 metres for vehicles that require space for the use of a wheelchair. • Type 'B': parking space which has a minimum width of 2.4 metres for persons with a disability that do not require the extra space for a wheelchair. Access aisles are to be used with both Type 'A" and Type 'B' spaces and may be shared by two parking spaces for the use of persons with disabilities in an off-street parking facility and, must be a minimum width of 1.5 metres, extend the full length of the parking space, and be marked with diagonal lines, which discourages parking in them. 3. Pavement Marking Detail The City's current pavement marking standard for accessible parking spaces requires a designated space to be hard surfaced and the entire space to be painted with non-slip paint in bright blue, with the universal symbol of access overlaid in white or yellow paint. It is recommended that the pavement marking for accessible parking spaces be modified so that it consists of only the International Symbol of Accessibility painted in white or yellow paint overlaid on a bright blue background with a white or yellow border, with a minimum size of 1.4 metres in width and 1.4 metres in length. CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 20-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Accessible Parking Space Requirements Update Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 Page 3 Public Consultation was completed through a variety of methods to engage residents on the proposed changes to the By-law In response to Resolution #9/15, City staff completed a public consultation process on the proposed accessible parking space requirements. The public consultation was completed by performing the following tasks: 1. Provided detailed information on the proposed changes through a webpage on the City's website with a survey (active from March 16, 2016 to May 15, 2016), and notified the public of the website through: • a News Release, completed on March 16, 2016 • community page ad (News Advertiser), posted on March 16, 2016 • the City's Facebook and Twitter accounts posted on March 16, 2016 The survey that was active on the City's website is provided in Attachment 3. 2. Engaged residents during the Active Living Fair at the East Shore Community Centre event for adults over the age of 55 on March 31, 2016 3. Engaged residents at the Artfest & Your City events on May 30, 2016, allowing residents to fill out an optional questionnaire if they wished to do so. 4. Speaking with residents about the proposed changes at other City events such as Canada Day, Ribfest and the 32nd Annual Durham Regional Police Children's Games. 5. Continued communication in meetings with the Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee and the City's Accessible Core Staff Committee regarding the consultation process. 6. Consulted with other municipalities within the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area 7. Consulted with the City's Municipal Law Enforcement and City Development staff Feedback regarding the proposed changes to the By-law were generally positive with the high majority of residents being in favour Primarily, feedback through the public consultation process, with the majority of respondents being in favour of the proposed changes. The main criticism received from the public with respect to accessible parking spaces was the abuse of existing accessible parking spaces. In light of this, Municipal Law Enforcement staff was advised of this concern. Enforcement of accessible parking space use is one of the core functions of parking enforcement. City of Pickering Parking Control Officers actively enforce accessible spaces on both city and private property. In addition, private security officers licensed by the City to monitor parking enforcement on private property sites, such as the Pickering Town Centre or private residential condominiums conduct extensive enforcement of accessible parking spaces. CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 20-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Accessible Parking Space Requirements Update Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 Page 4 The following amendments to the Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 are recommended as a result of comments received through the public consultation process: 1. Add a provision for the Director, Engineering Services or a designate to temporarily designate accessible parking spaces to create temporary accessible parking on any highway or City maintained off-street parking facility, and have it enforceable by Municipal Law Enforcement staff (Section 9 clause (f)) 2. Modified provision so that the entire parking space does not have to be painted with a bright blue background and rather only the International Symbol of Access has to be painted with the symbol having a minimum size of 1.4 metres in width and 1.4 metres in length (Section 24, Subsection 8, Clause (b) 3. Add a provision for the requirement of a minimum of 10 percent of the required parking spaces for a medical office established after December 12, 2016 (Section 24, Subsection 5, clause (b)) 4. Add a provision for the City to designate accessible parking spaces that exceed the number prescribed in the by-law, should the use on site necessitate additional spaces, and for those extra spaces to be a size as approved by the City (Section 24, Subsection 5, clause (c)) 5. Add a provision so that no person can park a vehicle that obstructs accessible access aisles and accessible paths of travel in addition to an accessible parking space (Section 24, Subsection 11) 6. Wording changes, including definitions, to bring the by-law into compliance with today's standards (example: disabled person becomes person with a disability). Therefore, based on feedback received through the public consultation process for accessible parking spaces, City staff recommend the amendment to By-law 6604/05 with the modifications summarized in this report. The draft by-law amendment is presented in Attachment 4. Attachments: 1. Report ENG 01-15 (without attachments) and Council Resolution #9/15 2. Key Changes to the City of Pickering Accessible Parking Spaces Requirements 3. Accessible Parking Questionnaire 4. Proposed By-law 6604/05 Amendment CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 20-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Accessible Parking Space Requirements Update Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 Page 5 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: fse (---/ Nathan Emery Ric and Holborn, P. Eng. Coordinator, Traffic Operations Dir tor, Engineering Services D l Sels y, CET, CMM III Manager, Capital Projects & Infrastructure 40L ,/10100 Timothy Higgins ti ccessibility Coordinator • NE:mjh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 9 i / /j/ /1017.. l Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised C.aq 4 = Report to 7� -- --=- Lt_ Executive Committee Report Number: ENG 01-15 Date: January 12, 2015 • From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report ENG 01-15 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding the review of accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering, be received; 2. That City Council authorize staff to initiate a public consultation process on the proposed amendments to By-law 6604/05 regarding accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering, as outlined in this report, including consultation with the Accessibility Advisory Committee, business owners, and other stakeholders; and 3. That following the receipt of comments, staff prepare a draft by-law with final recommendations for Council's consideration. Executive Summary: On March 25, 2013, the Accessible Advisory Committee presented correspondence to City Council outlining their request to increase the requirements for all accessible parking spaces within the City of Pickering to 15 percent of the total available parking spaces. City Council passed Resolution #45/13 requesting staff to review accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering to better meet the needs of persons with a disability. In response to the above noted resolution, City staff have undertaken a review of the accessible parking requirements as part of an ongoing effort to ensure that all accessible parking spaces in the City of Pickering are appropriately provided, marked and maintained. Staff are proposing three amendments for public consultation and input, respecting the total number of accessible parking spaces provided, the dimension and design of accessible parking spaces, and the pavement marking requirements for accessible parking spaces. The proposed amendments are consistent with the requirements of The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act(AODA), which was enacted by the Province in 2005. Engineering & Public Works and City Development staff therefore recommend that Council authorize staff to initiate public consultation on the proposed amendments regarding the accessible parking space requirements in the City, including consultation 64 Report ENG 01-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering Page 2 with the Accessibility Advisory Committee, business owners, and other stakeholders. At the conclusion of the public consultation process, recommended amendments to the Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 with respect to accessible parking spaces will be prepared for City Council's consideration. Financial Implications: The recommendations in this report do not present any financial implications. Discussion: At the March 25, 2013 Council meeting, the Accessibility Advisory Committee presented Correspondence 10-13 (see Attachment#1) and requested that By-law 6604/05, which regulates traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal properties in the city, be amended to increase the number of required accessible parking spaces in the City of Pickering to 15 percent of the total number of available parking spaces. Pickering Council passed Resolution #45/13 (see Attachment#2) requesting that staff review the accessible parking space requirements within the City, to better meet the needs of persons with a disability. In response to Resolution #45/13, staff have undertaken a review of the accessible parking requirements as part of an ongoing effort to ensure that all accessible parking spaces in the City of Pickering are appropriately provided, marked and maintained. Based on staffs review, the following amendments are being proposed: • increase the minimum number of off-street accessible parking spaces required on public and private properties • improve the pavement marking detail required for accessible parking spaces • introduce two types of off-street accessible parking spaces All suggested modifications to accessible parking space requirements contained within this report are consistent with The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Highway Traffic Act. A City-wide adoption of 15 percent for accessible parking spaces is not recommended The correspondence submitted by the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Correspondence 10-13 (see Attachment#1), recommended that the City increase its by-law provision for accessible parking spaces to 15 percent of the total parking spaces required. In support of this recommendation, the Committee cited Statistics Canada CORP0227-07/01 revised , 65 Report ENG 01-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering Page 3 findings that 34.6 percent of the population report a disability, and that 14.5 percent of those people report a disability associated with mobility impairment. It should be noted, however, that the Statistics Canada findings do not support an accessible parking standard of 15 percent. Instead, these findings suggest that approximately 5.0 percent of the population (i.e. 14.5 percent of 34.6 percent) report a disability associated with mobility impairment. Furthermore, as of April 30, 2014, the Accessible Parking Permits Office of Service Ontario reports that there are 4,108 accessible parking permits issued within the City, representing approximately 4.5 percent of the City's population (based on an estimated population of 91,333 persons). The City has been implementing new parking requirements at municipal facilities as required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act The accessible parking requirements for municipal facilities has recently been legislated through the enactment of The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act(AODA). The AODA is applicable to the Government of Ontario,the Legislative Assembly and every designated public sector organization that provides goods and services or facilities to the public or other third parties. The implementation of the Act respecting accessible parking is being phased in for public sector organizations, such as the City of Pickering, to commence on January 1, 2016, when building new or making major changes to existing parking spaces. The requirements for accessible parking according to the AODA are presented in detail in Attachment#3. The AODA requirements, on average, double the existing requirements for accessible parking in the City of Pickering. Recent observations indicate that accessible parking spaces at City facilities are well used To determine if existing accessible parking spaces at City facilities are being well used, staff completed observations at the Pickering Recreation Complex and the Pickering Civic Complex between June and July 2014, in the morning, afternoon and evening hours. Both of these facilities have accessible parking sections, which exceed what is required in the AODA. The Pickering Recreation Complex has 13 accessible parking spaces for the main entrance fronting Valley Farm Road (AODA requires 7 accessible spaces). The Pickering Civic Complex has 5 accessible spaces in the parking lot off of The Esplanade South and 2 accessible spaces in the loop at the front of the Civic Complex off of Glenanna Road for a total of 7 accessible spaces (AODA requires 6 accessible spaces). CORP0227-07/01 revised 66 • Report ENG 01-15 0 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering Page 4 During the review of the accessible parking spaces at the Pickering Recreation Complex, it was noted that they were well used, having an average of approximately 4 vehicles on-site at the times surveyed. However, spaces in the Civic Complex parking lot off of The Esplanade South were not as well used, having only one vehicle using the accessible spaces provided during the times surveyed. In contrast, the front loop at the Civic Complex, is well utilized due to location and convenience. However, these spaces are not used for long periods of time as most use it to quickly visit City Hall or to drop- off/pick-up at the library. A City-wide adoption of the minimum accessible parking space requirements as presented in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act is recommended Based on observations of accessible parking spaces at City facilities, the request for additional accessible parking spaces by the Accessibility Advisory Committee, and the increased accessibility demand, especially for medical office and related uses, staff suggest that the minimum accessible parking space requirements based on the AODA be adopted city-wide for all properties subject to the City's Traffic and Parking By-law. As stated previously, the AODA requirements, approximately double the existing requirements for accessible parking within the City of Pickering. The suggested requirements for accessible parking according to the AODA are presented in detail in Attachment#3. Similar to the existing requirements, these parking requirements shall not apply to residential developments consisting of less than 10 dwelling units and, for the purpose of required accessible parking spaces for multi-unit residential developments consisting of 10 or more dwelling units, the minimum accessible parking requirements shall only apply to residential visitor parking. Pavement marking for accessible parking spaces is recommended to consist only of the International Symbol of Accessibility with a blue background The City's current pavement marking standard for accessible parking spaces requires a designated space to be hard surfaced and the entire space to be painted with non-slip paint in bright blue, with the universal symbol of access overlaid in white or yellow paint. A review of surrounding municipalities and current best practices indicate that painting the entire parking space blue is not necessary to convey the message of an accessible parking space. Painting the entire space.is also costly and if not painted periodically, the paint will crack and fade. CORP0227-07/01 revised 67 Report ENG 01-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering Page 5 Therefore, City staff recommend that the pavement marking for accessible parking spaces be modified so that it consists of only the.International Symbol of Accessibility painted in white or yellow paint overlaid on a bright blue background with a white or yellow border, with a total minimum size of 1.4 metres in width and 1.4 metres in length. Different types of accessible parking spaces are recommended The City currently only allows for one type of accessible parking space, which must have a minimum width of 4.0 metres, and a minimum length of 5.3.metres. The AODA requires the establishment of two types of parking spaces for the use of persons with disabilities, as follows: • • AODA Type 'A': parking space which has a minimum width of 3.4 metres forvehicles that require space for the use of a wheelchair • AODA Type 'B': parking space which has a minimum width of 2.4 metres for persons with a disability that do not require the extra space for a wheelchair Access aisles may be shared by two parking spaces for the use of persons with disabilities in an off-street parking facility and, according to the AODA, must meet the following requirements: • a minimum width of 1.5 metres • extend the full length of the parking space • be marked with diagonal lines, which discourages parking in them, where the surface is asphalt, concrete or some other hard surface Staff recognize the benefit of having different types of accessible parking spaces as not all persons with a disability will require a larger parking space intended for wheelchair access. Staff support the use of Type 'A' and Type 'B' accessible parking 'spaces and also propose an alternate Type 'A' Shared space to be used in the City. Currently, the City's current minimum widths for both an accessible parking space and a standard parking space exceed what is proposed for a Type 'A' and Type 'B' accessible parking space width in the AODA. Therefore, it is proposed that the City retain the existing widths and further proposes the following types of accessible parking spaces to be used within the City. • Pickering Type 'A': an accessible parking space that has a minimum width of 4.0 metres, which is equivalent to the City's existing standard (shown in Attachment#4). No access aisle is required for a Type 'A' space CORP0227-07!01 revised 68 Report ENG 01-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering Page 6 • • Pickering Type 'A' Shared: two accessible parking spaces that have minimum widths of 3.25 metres, and share an access aisle with a minimum width of 1.5 metres. This design may be used in place of two Type 'A' spaces (shown in Attachment#5) • Pickering Type 'B': an accessible parking space that has a minimum width of 2.6 metres, which is equivalent to the width of a standard parking space within the City (shown in Attachment#6) A length of 5.3 metres, equivalent to the current City standard, is recommended for all accessible parking spaces. The Type 'A', Type 'A' Shared with shared access aisles and Type 'B' accessible parking spaces supported by City staff are to be used together with the proposed suggestions in Attachment#3 for the total number of required accessible parking spaces. Staff request authorization to initiate public consultation on the draft amendments Engineering & Public Works and City Development staff recommend that Council authorize staff to initiate public consultation on the proposed amendments to the accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering as presented in this report. Comments will be invited from the public, the Accessibility Advisory Committee, business owners, and other stakeholders. Consultation would be completed by various means including, but not limited to: • City of Pickering website • contacting business owners and community residents' associations through regular mail • posting at community centres and other City facilities • newspaper ad • open house At the conclusion of the consultation process, recommended changes to the Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 with respect to accessible parking spaces will be prepared for City Council's consideration. Attachments: 1. Correspondence 10-13, Accessibility Advisory Committee 2. Directive Memorandum, Resolution #45/13, City of Pickering Parking By-law CORP0227-07/01 revised 69 • • Report ENG 01-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering Page .7 3. Suggested Accessible Parking Requirements in the City of Pickering, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 4. Accessible Parking Signage & Pavement Marking Detail for Type A parking spaces 5. Accessible Parking Signage & Pavement Marking Detail for Type A Shared parking spaces 6. Accessible Parking Signage & Pavement Marking Detail for Type B parking spaces Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: fl%' ç/(,../ Nathan Emery Rich rd Holborn, P. Eng. . :'nator, Traffic Operations Dir ctor, Engineering & Public Works -r :arnett Thomas Melymu , M IP, RP Seni+�r Plan er—Site Planning Director, City Devel 'ment 1V Ni h rti, CIP, RRP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design • NE:ds Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council apiadei 2. /7, 204 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07!01 revised 70 ATTACHMENT# f TOREPORT# 6'7 096-ge , ' of 8. C` Report to Executive Committee KERI Report Number: ENG 01-15 Date: January 12, 2015 • From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report ENG 01-15 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding the review of accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering, be received; 2. That City Council authorize staff to initiate a public consultation process on the proposed amendments to By-law 6604/05 regarding accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering, as outlined in this report, including consultation with the Accessibility Advisory Committee, business owners, and other stakeholders;•and 3. That following the receipt of comments, staff prepare a draft by-law with final recommendations for Council's consideration. Executive Summary: On March 25, 2013, the Accessible Advisory Committee presented correspondence to City Council outlining their request to increase the requirements for all accessible parking spaces within the City of Pickering to 15 percent of the total available parking spaces. City Council passed Resolution #45/13 requesting staff to review accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering to better meet the needs of persons with a disability. In response to the above noted resolution, City staff have undertaken a review of the accessible parking requirements as part of an ongoing effort to ensure that all accessible parking spaces in the City of Pickering are appropriately provided, marked and maintained. Staff are proposing three amendments for public consultation and input, respecting the total number of accessible parking spaces provided, the dimension and design of accessible parking spaces, and the pavement marking requirements for accessible parking spaces. The proposed amendments are consistent with the requirements of The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act(AODA), which was enacted by the Province in 2005. Engineering & Public Works and City Development staff therefore recommend that Council authorize staff to initiate public consultation on the proposed amendments regarding the accessible parking space requirements in the City, including consultation 64 ATTACHMENT# TTEPORT# /‘)°16?- / -of. Janua Report ENG 01-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering Page 2 with the Accessibility Advisory Committee, business owners, and other stakeholders. At the conclusion of the public consultation process, recommended amendments to the Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 with respect to accessible parking spaces will be prepared for City Council's consideration. • Financial Implications: The recommendations in this report do not present any financial implications. • Discussion: At the March 25, 2013 Council meeting, the Accessibility Advisory Committee presented Correspondence 10-13 (see Attachment#1) and requested that By-law 6604/05, which regulates traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal properties in the city, be amended to increase the number of required accessible parking spaces in the City of Pickering to 15 percent of the total number of available parking spaces. Pickering Council passed Resolution #45/13 (see Attachment#2) requesting that staff review the accessible parking space requirements within the City, to better meet the needs of persons with a disability. In response to Resolution #45/13, staff have undertaken a review of the accessible parking requirements as part of an ongoing effort to ensure that all accessible parking spaces in the City of Pickering are appropriately provided, marked and maintained. Based on staffs review, the following amendments are being proposed: • increase the minimum number of off-street accessible parking spaces required on public and private properties • improve the pavement marking detail required for accessible parking spaces • introduce two types of off-street accessible parking spaces • All suggested modifications to accessible parking space requirements contained within this report are consistent with The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Highway Traffic Act. A City-wide adoption of 15 percent for accessible parking spaces is not recommended • The correspondence submitted by the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Correspondence 10-13 (see Attachment#1), recommended that the City increase its by-law provision for accessible parking spaces to 15 percent of the total parking spaces required. In support of this recommendation, the Committee cited Statistics Canada CORP0227-07/01 revised , 65 ATTACHMENT# ( TOREPORT# C5 02O —i e r)V of� Report ENG 01-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering - Page 3 findings that 34.6 percent of the population report a disability, and that 14.5 percent of those people report a disability associated with mobility impairment. It should be noted, however, that the Statistics Canada findings do not support an accessible parking standard of 15 percent. Instead, these findings suggest that approximately 5.0 percent of the population (i.e. 14.5 percent of 34.6 percent) report a disability associated with mobility impairment. • Furthermore, as of April 30, 2014, the Accessible Parking Permits Office of Service Ontario reports that there are 4,108 accessible parking permits issued within the City, , representing approximately 4.5 percent of the City's population (based on an estimated population of 91,333 persons). The City has been implementing new parking requirements at municipal facilities as required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act The accessible parking requirements for municipal facilities has recently been legislated through the enactment of The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act(AODA). The AODA is applicable to the Government of Ontario;the Legislative Assembly and every designated public sector organization that provides goods and services or facilities to the public or other third parties. The implementation of the Act respecting accessible parking is being phased in for public sector organizations, such as the City of Pickering, to commence on January 1, 2016, when building new or making major changes to existing parking spaces. The requirements for accessible parking according to the AODA are presented in detail in Attachment#3. The AODA requirements, on average, double the existing requirements for accessible parking in the City of Pickering. Recent observations indicate that accessible parking spaces at City facilities are well used To determine if existing accessible parking spaces at City facilities are being well used, staff completed observations at the Pickering Recreation Complex and the Pickering Civic Complex between June and July 2014, in the morning, afternoon and evening hours. Both of these facilities have accessible parking sections, which exceed what is required in the AODA. The Pickering Recreation Complex has 13 accessible parking spaces for the main entrance fronting Valley Farm Road (AODA requires 7 accessible spaces). The Pickering Civic Complex has 5 accessible spaces in the parking lot off of The Esplanade South and 2 accessible spaces in the loop at the front of the Civic Complex off of Glenanna Road for a total of 7 accessible spaces (AODA requires 6 accessible spaces). CORP0227-07/01 revised 66 • ATTACHMENT# _T REPORT# gNC' 02o -(C' q of Report ENG 01-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering Page 4 During the review of the accessible parking spaces at the Pickering Recreation Complex, it was noted that they were well used, having an average of approximately 4 vehicles on-site at the times surveyed. However, spaces in the Civic Complex parking lot off of The Esplanade South were not as well used, having only one vehicle using the accessible spaces provided during the times surveyed. In contrast, the front loop at the Civic Complex, is well utilized due to location and convenience. However, these spaces are not used for long periods of time as most use it to quickly visit City Hall or to drop- off/pick-up at the library. A City-wide adoption of the minimum accessible parking space requirements as presented in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act is recommended Based on observations of accessible parking spaces at City facilities, the request for additional accessible parking spaces by the Accessibility Advisory Committee, and the increased accessibility demand, especially for medical office and related uses, staff suggest that the minimum accessible parking space requirements based on the AODA be adopted city-wide for all properties subject to the City's Traffic and Parking By-law. As stated previously, the.AODA requirements, approximately double the existing requirements for accessible parking within the City of Pickering. The suggested requirements for accessible parking according to the AODA are presented in detail in Attachment#3. Similar to the existing requirements, these parking requirements shall not apply to residential developments consisting of less than 10 dwelling units and, for the purpose of required accessible parking spaces for multi-unit residential developments consisting of 10 or more dwelling units, the minimum accessible parking requirements shall only apply to residential visitor parking. Pavement marking for accessible parking spaces is recommended to consist only of the International Symbol of Accessibility with a blue background The City's current pavement marking standard for accessible parking spaces requires a designated space to be hard surfaced and the entire space to be painted with non-slip paint in bright blue, with the universal symbol of access overlaid in white or yellow paint. A review of surrounding municipalities and current best practices indicate that painting the entire parking space blue is not necessary to convey the message of an accessible parking space. Painting the entire space_is also costly and if not painted periodically, the paint will crack and fade. CORP0227-07/01 revised • 67 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# E do _fie of o Report ENG 01-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements • in the City of Pickering Page 5 Therefore, City staff recommend that the pavement marking for accessible parking spaces be modified so that it consists of only the.International Symbol of Accessibility - painted in white or yellow paint overlaid on a bright blue background with a white or yellow border, with a total minimum size of 1.4 metres in width and 1.4 metres in length. Different types of accessible parking spaces are recommended The City currently only allows for one type of accessible parking space, which must have a minimum width of 4.0 metres, and a minimum length of 5.3.metres. The AODA requires the establishment of two types of parking spaces for the use of persons with disabilities, as follows: • • AODA Type 'A': parking space which has a minimum width of 3.4 metres forvehicles that require space for the use of a wheelchair • AODA Type 'B': parking space which has a minimum width of 2.4 metres for persons with a disability that do not require the extra space for a wheelchair Access aisles may be shared by two parking spaces for the use of persons with disabilities in an off-street parking facility and, according to the AODA, must meet the following requirements: • a minimum width of 1.5 metres • extend the full length of the parking space • be marked with diagonal lines, which discourages parking in them, where the surface is asphalt, concrete or some other hard surface Staff recognize the benefit of having different types of accessible parking spaces as not all persons with a disability will require a larger parking space intended for wheelchair access. Staff support the use of Type 'A' and Type 'B' accessible parking 'spaces and also propose an alternate Type 'A' Shared space to be used in the City. Currently, the City's current minimum widths for both an accessible parking space and a standard parking space exceed what is proposed for a Type 'A' and Type 'B' accessible parking space width in the AODA. Therefore, it is proposed that the City retain the existing widths and further proposes the following types of accessible parking spaces to be used within the City. • Pickering Type 'A': an accessible parking space that has a minimum width of 4.0 metres, which is equivalent to the City's existing standard (shown in Attachment#4). No access aisle is required for a Type 'A' space CORP0227-07/01 revised 68 ATTACHMENT# r T2 REPORT# ao Report ENG 01-15 ( of a January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering • Page 6 • • Pickering Type 'A' Shared: two accessible parking spaces that have minimum widths of 3.25 metres, and share an access aisle with a minimum width of 1.5 metres. This design may be used in place of two Type 'A' spaces (shown in Attachment#5) • Pickering Type 'B': an accessible parking space that has a minimum width of 2.6 metres, which is equivalent to the width of a standard parking space within the City (shown in Attachment#6) A length of 5.3 metres, equivalent to the current City standard, is recommended for all accessible parking spaces. The Type 'A', Type 'A' Shared with shared access aisles and Type 'B' accessible parking spaces supported by City staff are to be used together with the proposed suggestions in Attachment#3 for the total number of required accessible parking spaces. • Staff request authorization to initiate public consultation on the draft amendments Engineering & Public Works and City Development staff recommend that Council authorize staff to initiate public consultation on the proposed amendments to the accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering as presented in this report. Comments will be invited from the public, the Accessibility Advisory Committee, business owners, and other stakeholders. Consultation would be completed by various means including, but not limited to: • City of Pickering website • contacting business owners and community residents' associations through regular mail • posting at community centres and other City facilities • newspaper ad • open house At the conclusion of the consultation process, recommended changes to the Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 with respect to accessible parking spaces will be prepared for City Council's consideration. • Attachments: 1. Correspondence 10-13, Accessibility Advisory Committee • 2. Directive Memorandum, Resolution #45/13, City of Pickering Parking By-law CORP0227-07/01 revised 69 ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT#_J C-1 90 —1'P of Report ENG 01-15 January 12, 2015 Subject: Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements in the City of Pickering • Page .7 3. Suggested Accessible Parking Requirements in the City of Pickering, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 4. Accessible Parking Signage & Pavement Marking Detail for Type A parking spaces 5. Accessible Parking Signage & Pavement Marking Detail for Type A Shared parking spaces 6. Accessible Parking Signage & Pavement Marking Detail for Type B parking spaces • Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: gee Nathan Emery Rich rd Holborn, P. Eng. • :•nator, Traffic Operations Dir ctor, Engineering & Public Works ev -r Barnett Thomas Melymu , M IP, RP Senior Plan er—Site Planning Director, City Devel 'ment Ni h rti, CIP, RRP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design NE:ds Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council .6gidejej • . e72014 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • CORP0227-07/01 revised 70 ATTACHMENT# T EPORT#C7 90 of 5 1 Legislative Services Division Clerk's Office Directive Memorandum January 22, 2015 To: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works From: Debbie Shields City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on January 19, 2015 Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, Report ENG 01-15 Review of Accessible Parking Space Requirements for the City of Pickering Council Decision Resolution #9/15 1. That Report ENG 01-15 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding the review of accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering, be received; 2. That City Council authorize staff to initiate a public consultation process on the proposed amendments to By-law 6604/05 regarding accessible parking space requirements in the City of Pickering, as outlined in this report, including consultation with the Accessibility Advisory Committee, business owners, and other stakeholders; and 3. That following the receipt of comments, staff prepare a draft by-law with final recommendations for Council's consideration. Please take any action deemed necessary. Debbie Shields /Ir Copy: Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT# 1.. TOREPORT# ^ 467 a0 - / go C4 Obi Key Changes to the City of Pickering PiCKERiNG Accessible Parking Spaces Requirements How many spaces will be required? Existing Accessible Space Proposed Accessible Parking Space Requirements Requirements Total number of I Required Required Total Number of Minimum Number.of 1 parking spaces Type 'A' Spaces Type 'B' Spaces Parking Spaces Designated Parking provided Spaces 1-25 1 0 1 - 50 1 26-50 1 1 51 - 100 2 51-75 1 2* 101 - 150 3 76-100 2 2 151 - 200 4 101-133 2 3* 201 -400 5 134-166 3 3 401 - 800 6 167-250 3 4* 8 plus 1 for each 251-300 4 4 Over 800 additional 200 301-350 4 5* parking spaces in 351-400 5 5 parking lot 401-450 5 6* 451-500 6 6 i 501-550 6 7* 551-600 7 7 601-650 7 8* 651-700 8 8 701-750 8 9* 751-800 9 9 801-850 9 10* 851-900 10 10 • 900-950 10 11* 951-1000 11 11 1001 and over 11 spaces plus 1% of the total number of spaces (rounded up to the next whole number), to be divided equally between Types 'A' and 'B'. If an uneven number of spaces is required, _ the extra space may be Type 'B' *Where an uneven amount of accessible parking spaces are required, the extra Type 'B' space may be changed to a Type 'A' space 02 TO REPORT#_C? 426_t 40 gTTACI�MENT#_____ i Type A and Type B spaces The City currently only allows for one type of accessible parking space, which must have a minimum width of 4.0 metres, and a minimum length of 5.3 metres as shown: Existing Standard LOCATE SIGN AT THE CENTRE OF F EACH T SPACE - Cofr E 1.4m{4.F> JJ MINIMUM LINE WIDTH 1 4,Om t13,1') 1...10ca{41 MINIMUM LINE WIDTH The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act requires the establishment of two types of parking spaces for the use of persons with disabilities. TO WORT#® °26 --I( ATyACIiMENTof,_.. -- ? .Type A: an accessible parking space that has a minimum width of 3.4 metres and a minimum length of 5.3 metres, with an access aisle of 1.5 metres CE SIGN THE CENTRE THE OF OF EACH SPACE 2 ;y • • E . >ri ii 1.4m(4E1 MINIMUM LINE WIDTH 3,4m(11,1') I 1,5m(4.9') W [47San(4 i 1Scm(4`).6.1 10cm(4") MINIMUM LINE WIDTH MINIMUM LINE WIDTH MINIMUM LINE WIDTH • • HM ENT# TO P03tT# 62-6 —1 ATTAC of Type B: an accessible parking space that has a minimum width of 2.4 metres, with an access aisle of 1.5 metres CENLRCA OEGH SATE T 2 n M r T — E 1.4m(4.8') r 10cm)(41'M MINIMUM LINE WIDTH 2,4m.(7,31 1,5m(4,3') 10cm(4'�+1 1 -41'10cm(41 MINIMUM LINE WIDTH MINIMUM LINE WIDTH . • ATTACHMENT# .TO EPORT# �P 7 02-0`l cO cof. Type A and Type B Shared: Type A and Type B spaces can share the access aisle between them be shared for two accessible parking spaces LOCATE SIGN AT THE LOCATE SIGN AT THE CENTRE OF EACH SPACE CENTRE OF EACH SPACE a 2 Etn. 1161 11 11. I I I I I T T t,4m(4.6) 10em(41.44. 1.4m(4.8') I 10cm(41+I MfNIMUM LINE WIDTH MINIMUM LINE WIDTH 4,lSm(13,E') 3,15m(10,3') 3.4m(11.11 1.5m(4,91 2.4m(79) 10cm(4") 1Gcm(4");.1 1Ocm(4') 1.10cm(4') MINIMUM LINE WIDTH MINIMUM LINE WIDTH MINIMUM LINE WIDTH MINIMUM LINE WIDTH • • ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# ? a -f SO picKERING - Accessible Parking Questionnaire 1. Effective Dates The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requires businesses to comply with its accessible parking requirements by 2017 for large organizations and 2018 for small organizations. Compliance is required for new developments and existing developments that are undergoing major renovations. Should our Parking By-law require/encourage an earlier adoption of these standards from the City's local businesses? 2. Location of Accessible Parking Spaces Accessible parking spaces can be grouped together or dispersed throughout a parking lot. Do you have any advice on the location of these parking spaces that would enhance overall accessibility, safety, convenience or efficiency? 3. Location of Curbs, Curb Cuts, and Access Ramps, Relative to Accessible Parking Spaces - The location of curbs, curb cuts, and access ramps, relative to accessible parking spaces can enhance or detract from overall accessibility, safety, convenience, or efficiency. Are there any location considerations for these elements that you feel should be addressed by the new Pickering Parking By-Law or City policy? ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT#. ) 20-/So ._, •of 4. Temporary Accessible Parking The City of Pickering hosts a number of special events each year that require additional temporary accessible parking spaces (e.g. Canada Day and Ribfest). Are there any specific parking considerations that would make these events more accessible for those with disabilities? 5. Number of Accessible Parking Spaces The minimum required number of accessible parking spaces has been legislated through the enactment of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and will apply to new developments and existing developments that are undergoing major renovations. Should the City consider an increased number of accessible parking spaces for developments where there may be additional demand, e.g. medical offices? 6. Legitimate Use of Accessible Parking Spaces Accessible parking spaces are intended to accommodate accessibility for persons with disabilities. Are there any considerations that should be reflected in our Parking By-law to ensure the appropriate use of accessible parking spaces, or that address qualification or enforcement procedures? 7. Signage and Visibility of Accessible Parking Spaces Appropriate signage and design can enhance the visibility of accessible parking spaces. For example, snow accumulation may hide ground markings. Are there any specific considerations with respect to signage and visibility of accessible parking spaces that should be reflected in the new Pickering Parking By-Law? • 8. Other Comments Do you have any further comments regarding the development and implementation of the new Pickering Parking By-Law, particularly with respect to accessibility? ATTACHMENT#, TO REPORT#=C?p20 ` of The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a by-law to amend by-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of traffic and parking, standing and, stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Whereas, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering, and Whereas pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Highway Traffic Act, by-laws may be passed by the councils of municipalities to regulate traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property. Whereas, it is deemed necessary to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for an update to the accessible parking requirements in the City of Pickering. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. By-law 6604/05 shall be amended by deleting the following sections: 1. (d) "Director" means the City's Director of Operations & Emergency Services or a designate; . 9. The Chief of Police of the Durham Regional Police or a designate and the Director are authorized to erect or place temporary "No Parking" signs and "No Stopping" signs on any highway. 24. Section 24, Disabled Person Parking, is deleted in its entirety 42.(b) municipal by-law enforcement officers appointed by the City pursuant to subsection 15(1) of the Police Services Act. 2. By-law 6604/05 shall be amended by adding the following sections: 1. (a) "AODA" means the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11 and any regulations passed under it 1. (e) "Director" means the City's Director, Engineering Services or a designate; 3. Unless the term is otherwise defined in this by-law, terms defined in the AODA shall have the same meanings when used in this by-law. O REPORT#_-t F� D-0 --1(,a ATTACHMENT#..r.r e By-law No. 0" Page 2 (existing Section 3 through Section 8 is therefore renumbered to Section 4 through Section 9) 9. (e) (previously section 8) temporarily place "No Parking" or "No Stopping" signs to temporarily create "No Parking" or "No Stopping" on any highway; 9. (f) (previously section 8) temporarily designate accessible parking spaces to create temporary accessible parking, on-any highway or City maintained off-street parking facility Accessible Parking 24. (1) In this section, (a) "accessible parking permit" has the same meaning as in Reg. 581, R.R.O. 1990 as amended in O. Reg. 419/12; (b) "accessible parking space" means a parking space identified by an official sign for the exclusive use of a vehicle displaying an accessible parking permit; (c) "dwelling" shall mean a building or part of a building containing one or more dwelling units, but does not include a mobile home or trailer; (d) dwelling unit" shall mean one or more habitable rooms occupied or capable of being occupied as a single, independent and separate housekeeping unit containing a separate kitchen and sanitary facilities; (e) "person with a disability" has the same meaning as in section 1 of Reg. 581, R.R.O. 1990, as amended in regulation O. Reg. 419/12; (f) "parking lot" means any parking lot or other parking facility, to which the public has access, whether on payment of a fee or otherwise, for the purpose of parking vehicles; (g) "temporary accessible parking" means a parking space, on-street or off-street, that has been temporarily designated as an accessible parking space by the Director (2) An accessible parking permit issued to an individual is not valid when displayed on a vehicle that is not being used to pick up, drop off, or otherwise transport the holder of the accessible parking permit. (3) An accessible parking permit issued to a corporation or organization is not valid when displayed on a vehicle that is not being used to pick up drop off, or otherwise transport a person with a disability. ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# By-law No. ofd ��� °��y��P Page 3 (4) An accessible parking permit shall be displayed on the sun visor or on the dashboard of a vehicle so that; the International Symbol of Access for the disabled, the permit number and the expiry date of the permit are clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle. (5) Every owner and operator of a parking lot shall provide a minimum number of accessible parking spaces therein in accordance with the following: (a) Minimum Number of Accessible Parking Spaces Total number of parking Required Type `A' Required Type `B' spaces provided Spaces* Spaces* 1-25 1 0 26-50 1 1 51-75 1 2** 76-100 2 2 101-133 2 3* 134-166 3 3 167-250 3 4* 251-300 4 4 301-350 4 5* 351-400 5 5 401-450 5 6* 451-500 6 6 501-550 6 7* 551-600 7 7 601-650 7 8* 651-700 8 8 701-750 8 9* 751-800 9 9 801-850 9 10* 851-900 10 10 900-950 10 11* 951-1000 11 11 1001 and over 11 spaces plus 1% of the total number of spaces (rounded up to the next whole number), to be divided equally between Types `A' and `B'. If an uneven number of spaces is required , the extra space may be Type 'B' *Where Type `A' spaces have a minimum width of 3.4 metres and a Type `B' space has a minimum width of 2.4 metres **Where an uneven number of accessible parking spaces are required, the extra Type `B' space may changed to a Type `A' space (b) a minimum of 10 percent of the required parking spaces for a medical office established after December 12, 2016 must comply with the 1-1 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# 69-0 By-law No. — of �. Page 4 minimum dimensions for accessible parking space and any accessible parking spaces lawfully existing on the lot must be retained. (c) The City may require accessible parking spaces which exceed the number prescribed in subsection 5 (a) should the use on site necessitate additional spaces. Such spaces shall be a size approved by the City. (6) For the purpose of calculating the required minimum number of accessible parking spaces for multi-unit residential developments consisting of 10 or more dwelling units, the requirements of subsection (5) shall be applied only to the visitor parking provided for the development. (7) Subsection (5) shall not apply to residential developments consisting of less than 10 dwelling units. (8) Each accessible parking space shall, (a) be hard surfaced (b) have the International Symbol of Access painted in white or yellow paint overlaid on a bright blue background with a white or yellow border, with a minimum size of 1.4 metres in width and 1.4 metres in length (c) have the width of either a Type 'A' or Type `B' accessible parking space or another size approved by the City. (d) have an access aisle that has a minimum width of 1.5 metres and extends the full length of an accessible parking space, and marked with diagonal lines (e) be level; (f) have a minimum length of 5.3 metres; (g) have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.75 metres; (h) be located so sidewalks, paths, accessible access aisles or walkways will be accessible to persons with a disability whether via ramps, aisles, depressed curbs, or other appropriate means without requiring a person to pass behind parked cars or cross a traffic lane; (i) be located with sufficient clearance around the vehicle in terms of other vehicles or obstacles such as light standards and waste receptacles to permit free access by a wheelchair; (j) be identified by the official sign to be mounted with the base no more than 2.0 metres above grade; and By-law No. ATTACHMENT# TOREPORT# � "� O3U—IV Page 5 y --(12.—_ (k) be located in a place approved by the City. (9) Where the City permits a gravel surfaced parking space, each accessible parking space shall, (a) be identified with a pre-cast bumper curb across its entire width painted a bright blue and securely anchored in place; and (b) meet the requirements of clauses (e) through (k) inclusive of subsection (8). (10) No person shall park a vehicle in an accessible parking space unless, (a) the vehicle is displaying a valid accessible parking permit; and (b) the vehicle is being operated by or is transporting the person with a disability to whom the accessible parking permit has been issued. (11) No person shall stop a vehicle in a manner that obstructs an accessible parking space, accessible access aisles, or accessible path of travel. (12) Where the City permits a temporary accessible parking space, each accessible parking space shall; (a) be identified with an official sign and placed on a post, temporary or permanent, no more than 2 metres above grade; and (b) meet the requirements of clauses (g) through (k) inclusive of subsection (8). (13) Nothing in this by-law shall prevent the maintenance and use of an accessible parking space that is not in compliance with Section 24 of this by-law after December 12, 2016, provided that it was lawfully constructed and continues to be maintained as it was constructed. 42. (b) municipal by-law enforcement officers appointed by the City pursuant to subsection 15(1) of the Police Services Act or any other City staff whose duties include the enforcement of this By-law. 47. If a provision of this by-law conflicts with a provision of any applicable Act, Regulation or By-law, the provision that establishes the higher or more restrictive standard to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public shall prevail. (existing section 47 moves to Section 48) ATTACHMENT# I TOREPORT# C7 cb —AP By-law No. "..ALL -- �f-��— Page 6 3. By-law passed this 12th day of December, 2016. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk