HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 3, 1950 MUNICIPAL BUILDING
A meeting of Council was held on APRIL 3rd, 1 ,. commencing at the
hour of TEN O'CLOCK in the morning.-
PRESENT: Reeve W. H. Westne~, in the Chair,
Dep. Reeve George Todd
Councillor Clare A. Balsdon
" Milton B. Burk
" Fred E. Zinkie
The MIN!TTES of the March 2nd meeting were read, and. on motion of
Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Burk, ADOPTED.
The MINUTES of the-March l~th, meeting were read, and on motion of
Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, ADOPTED.
The MINUTES of the March 23rd meeting were read, and on motion of
Mr, Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, ADOPTED.
The MINUTES of the March 29th meeting were read, and on motion of
Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Todd, ADOPTED.
The following CORRESP0~ENCE was read:-
1. W. Jos~. Edwards - asking that a kennel license be issued
to him on his proposed 3 acres in S.E. Corner of property of
Frank White north of JNo. 2 Highway. No action was taken as
White advised Council that he had no intention of selling to
2. Associated MedicaL1 Service Inc. re Group Medical Service Plan.
3. Melville Grant - advising he does not believe Council
have any right to give $5,000. to the Police Village of
Picketing for a larger watermain - also regarding Federation
of.Agriculture fees. ~
Edward Thomas, 01d Rosebank Road - complaining about roads.
High School Board - asking that new High School Area be
included in Picketing Village so as to get water faster.
H.A. Newman - regarding culvert.
7. Toronto General Hospital - asking that Council pay bus
fares - Ajax to Toronto - for 5 or 6 weeks for Mrs. Rose
Greenough, rather than give her a bed. ACCEPTED.
8. Count~ Clerk - re Hospitalization Mrs. Louisa Hobbs
R.R 2, picketing, ACCEPTED.
9. C?unt~ Clerk - re hospitalization Carol Patton, 137
Exeter ~treet, AJax~ A~CEPTED.
10. Count~ Clerk - re hospitalization Iso~el Stevenson~
01d Rosebank Road, ACCEPTED:
ll. C~unt~ Clerk - re hospitalization ~uth Seebeck, Whitevale,
12. " " " Robert Munro, 22 George St, Ajax.
13. ~ " " " Mrs.A.E.Stone, Greenwood. ACCEPTED
14. ~ "" " " H&~mondDrake, Cla~emont R.R.2
15. CoUnty Clerk - re hospitalization George Swift,~
Picketing. ACCEPTED.
16. J.R. Nixop, Count~ Engineer - asking if gravel we
agreed to supply County at $1.00 per yard has a maximum
35% sand - Mr. Nixon see pit run himself.
17. G~ore & Storrie - advising that they are contacting
Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation re water immediately.
18. R.G. Struthers, Department of Health, - advising that
they will consider a health grant in view of the fact we need
an extra nurse.
19. John B. Irvine submitted his. resignation as Chief ~
Constable effective April 30th, 1950.
20. Mr. Pow of Concession l, Lot. 8, asked that Council
approve a p~an for a house 26 ft by 16 ft which had been
refused a permit by the Building Inspector. NO ACTION.
21. Police Report.
22. Mr. 0sterhout - re East half of North half sideline
between Lots 26 and 27 in Third Concession,.
The following PERSONS, on motion, WERE HEARD :-
1. Jos. Edwards - asked that if he bouEht 3 acres from
Frank ~hite, on north side of No. 2 Highway, that he be
given a kennel license.
2. ~r. Leonard and Mr. Dand from Rouge Hills West,
complaining about roads.
3. Mr. Don McLelland requested a~taxi license as Mr. Law
was no'~' taking his out. Council advised him to see the
Chief Constable - who refused.
Art Hedge and others spoke on behalf of J.B. Irvine~
~asking"that he be kept as chief.
5. Mrs. MacPh~rson and others complaining about roads.~
6. D.A~Beer asking for Township Hall for Rebeccas for
two Dights per month for $50.00 per year rent. NO ACTION.
and presenting insurance renewals as follows :-
1. L.T.Johnston - Bond $12,500. $50.00
2. Road and Bridge - Liability 436.80
3. Compensa~on 257.33 plus new
schedule of wages.
7. C.E. Morle~ - presented renewals for truck and car
insurance :-
Claremont Fire Truck 34.20
Brougham " " (1) 25.00
Picketing " " ·(2) 25.00
Picketing · ,' " 31.25 '
Township (~) Volunteer Firemen 5~.25
" Non-ownership 30.00
" Fleet 216.~9
8. Frenchmen's Bay Ratepayers Association - asked that
Township take over strests in north end of Falrport.
9. Mr. Smith and others complaining about White Road.
10. Mr. Campbell complaining about water drainage in
Plan 331, claims water not running in'proper channel.
ll. Mr. Roberts complaining about roads to Rosebank.
12. W.H. Ellicott asked that his salary as Caretaker
be increased from $720. to $900. NO ACTION.
MOVED by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Todd, that grant to various
tb~ries be as formerly $35.00. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that the Clerk-
Treasurer's Bond be reduced from $12,500 to $6,0d0. as he is
not now collecting taxes. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Zinkie, that Lthe Township
Ha---~be given to the Rebeccas 2 nights monthly for $50.00 per
MOVED by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Todd, that compensation
Bond for employees be renewed with D.A.Beer as formerly at
$257.33 plus new schedule of wages. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Todd, seconded bY Mr. Zinkie, that Road Liability
Insurance be renewed by D.A.Beer for $436.80 CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Todd~ seconded by Mr. Burk, that all car and
t~ insurance except Brougham second fire truck, be renewed
by C. E. Morley. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that Police contact
A. F. Percy and advise him he will be liable if he permits
~persons to occupy building formerly occupied hy McAfee. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that Police see
Fra--~ck and Ritchie and demand that proper tops be placed on
their wells. C~RRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Z~nkie, that Don McLelland
be given a taxi license if Law'is ~ot .tsking his out. CARRIED.
MOVED bv Mr. Balsdon, seconded~by Mr. Z%nkie, that deed for the
East 33 ft of the north half of sideline between lots 26 and 27
in Third Concession be deeded to Mr. Henderson. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Balsdo~, seconded by Mr. Zinkie, that Council
accept °the resignat£on of J.B.Irvine as Chief Constable as
of April 30th, 1950. ~ CARRIED.
MOVED b~ ~r. Balsdon, seconded b~ Mr. Zi~kie, that the Clerk
secure ~ private telephone line for the Munic.ipal Building
with onB extension. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. George Todd, seconded by Mr. C.A.Balsdon, that
as-~e road running east and west in the Tracy Registered Plan
in Lot ~8, Conce~sion~9,~Police Village of Claremont, has
never been opened for public use, and same is registered in
the Registry office of the County of Ontario as a public road,
and as an application has been made by~ Thomas Stanbury for
the closing of this road and the proper notices have been
given respecting road closings; that a By-law be prepared
closing.said road and that a deed be issued by the Township
to the ~ighest bidder for said road from person or persons whose
property abuts said road. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. George Todd, that
~le~k be authorized to insert in the local Paper notice
that tha Township of Picketing will observe Daylight Saving
Time in-the year 1950, and the period will coincide with the
dates as set by the City of Toronto. CARRIED:
MOVED by Mr. George Todd, seconded by Mr. Fred Zinkie, that ·
th-~esolution of Council, passed at a meeting,held on March
23rd, 1950 :-
''MOVED by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Zinkie, that as
Gouncil have asked the Police Village to increase
approximately 5,000 feet of watermain running from
Mill Street to the Station Road along No. 2 Highway '
from a six inch to an eight inch watermain for future
expansion of area outside the Police Village, Council
grant to the Police Village $5,000. to cover the
increased cost, and that same'be paid on completion of
the water system and approval of all work by the
be and the same is hereby rescinded. CARRIED.
BY=LAW NO. lB14. ,
Mr.. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. George Todd, moves for
leave to introduce a By-law covering increases in the
remuneration of certain emDlo~ees, and that same now be read
a first time.
Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. M.B.Bu~k, moves that
By-law No. 181~, covering increases in the remuneration of
certain employees, be now read a second time, and that the
Council go into committee of the whole thereon. '
Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Fred Zinkie, moves that
the report of the committee of the whole on By-l~w No. 181~'
be adopted, and that the said By-law be how read a THIRD
time and PASSED; that-the Reeve and Clerk sign the same,
and that the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
Your Standing Committee on CONTINGENCIES begs leave to report
and rec~o~mnends payment of the following accounts:-
L.T.Johnston Sal. 275.00~ - 12.40 262.60
E._G. Baker. " 183.33 - 1.20 & .21 181.92
H. M. Green " 141.66 - 6.85 13~.81
E. Robertson " 108.33- 10~.33
E. K. Jones " 191.66 - .21 191.45
Wintfred Walker" 200.00 .- 15.90 - l¢~ll0
Car allowance 16
Laundry p~ 2~3.56
J. B. I~vine " 187,50 - 2.00 a Ex 7 247.77
F. W. White " 175.00 & Ca~ allow. 103.35 278.35
W. H. Ellicott " 60.00 - -95 59.05
F. W. White 1~ extra on825 miles 8.25
Vernon Ellicott Bal. a/c to March 31.1950 277.15
Dr. N. F. Tomlinson Bal. Jan.1. to March 31.1P50 250.00
Dr. P.J.W.Loos " " " 100~00
F. J. Prouse " " " 250.00
Gordon Culham Fees Aug. 19.1949 to Feb. 3.1950. 230.00
Thomas Gregg Attending Court March 6th'1950. ..00
B. Jamteson " " " ..00
Howard Burton Lumber - Municipal Building 2 .65
Registrar of Deeds, Whitby - transfers ;.10
"Times Gazette" Advertisement for Chief Constable
Hydro Electric Power Commission, 0shawa Greenwood Sts 45.50
Beare,s Limited
Stouffville Tribune 1,000 poDulation forms 16.20
Kinsale Library 1950 Grant
Claremdnt , ,. ,, 35.00
Whitevale Library 1950 Grant 35'00
Brougham " " ° 35'00
Picketing " .,, ~ 35.00
P. R. Wilson Supplies, Municipal Building 384-55
L T. Johnstoh March 1950 Postages, Unemp. Ins 43.48
· ~ 198.85
Picketing News _
Dean L. Mairs 45-79
James A. Cook Board of Health 9 ~°~
Kingston Rd Lumber & Coal Ltd 3" Plywood 119~
D. A. Beer Insurance ~i1~
C. E. Morley ~" 6 ~
Ail of which is respectfully submitted.
MOVED by Mr. Clare Bals~on, seconded by Mr. George Todd,
that the Report of the ~tanding Committee on Contingencies,,
as just read, be adopte~. CARRIED.
Your Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES begs leave to report
and recommends payment of the following accounts:-
Fred Hicks 199.50 - 2.35 197.15
Gordon Benson 199.50. 199.50
Bud Norton 201.60 - 2.35 - 1.89 197.36
Earl Anderson 199.50 ~17.15 -, 1.89 , 180.46
James Griffin 195.30 ~ 1.55 - 1.89 19~.86
Ivan Booth 205.80 r 5.15 - 1.89 198.76
Gordon Lynn 210.70 -18.60 - 1.89 190.21
Roy Ward 200.00 - 4.00 196.00
J. Chapman Bulldozer 9 hfs $ $10.00 90.00
Frank Ward ClaremonD Streets 12 h_rs ~ $3.00 _ 36.00 1,677.30
Joe BUrrows Truck an~ Maintainer repairs 61.21
Iht. Harvester Truck pa~ts 142.74
J. D. Adams Ltd Repairs ~or Maintainer and Plows 229.17
Jack McGlashan Truck repairs 4.00
F. H. Westney Cutting Lumber 5.62
Sher~dan'Equipmt Shovel repairs 67.50
Westeel ~roducts Ltd Culvert pipes 646.46
Goodyear Tire & Rubber 2 Tires 2~8.35
Shell 0il Gas, 0il & Fuel 0il 1,022.79
D. L. Malts Hardware 2.70
Roy Ward Paid for parts $1~,80~& 1946 mil~s ~ 6~
Car Allowance $116.76 136i~!
Gordon Lyn~ 264miles · 7~ Car Allowance 18
James Griffin 267~ " " " 18
Jack Ward Welding and repairing snowplows 13.50
Bruce Easton Maintainer and truck repairs 18.7~
Receiver General Income tax deductions 51.15
Ken Ward Grader repairs 22,95
Eastern Steel Products Snow Plow Repairs 43~i
Dept of Highways Tax on 900 gals Diesel 0il 99.00
L.T.Johnston Unemployment Ins. March 18.90
Robt Miller Welding 28.~0' 2,920.63
All of which is respectfully submitted.
MOVED by Mr. George Todd, seconded by Mr. Fred Zin~e, that the
Report of the Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES, as Just
read, be~'ad°pted' CARRIED.
Your Staffdi~g Committee on WELFARE begS leave to report and
recom~nends payment of the following accounts:-
Mrs. L. Barber ~l,~0
Arthur-Te'rrill 45.50
L. Lamorie 26.34
Mrs. M. Hilts 10.00
Mrs. J. Dwyer 10.00
Mabel Bramme 1I 16.00
Emily Headland 16.00
Wm. Pa-yne (Donna Payne) 16.00
Sarah Hardy 16. O0
Mrs. Jennie Forsyth 16.00
Mrs. N. Marple AJAX 105.00
Mr. ,Albert Madder SUDBURY 97,. 75
Mr. M. Bolt Madder Rent (Sudbury) 20.00
Mrs. V. Ivey TORONTO 54.67
Agnes Gilmour Ivey Rent TORONTO 25.00
Mr. Raymond Drake TORONTO 100.29
Mrs. O. Daigle 63.40
Mrs. D. Tulk (Press family) 35.00
Ajax Marketeria " " 22.~0 72~.85
J. F. Bush AJAX Mar.~. to Apr,~3 . 36.00
Mrs. G. England TORONTO - March- · 15,00
Harold Murphy TORONTO - March ~ ~9~12 90.12
. County of. Ontario 17.62
" l0.50
"~ 540 · 37
-. 1,056.00
Wm. C. Shirrin Williamson Ambulance 10.00
W.E. McEachnie (McGau~he~.ty) 20.00
· Greenough AJAX 7.00 _ 1,66.1..49
All of which is respectfully submitted.
' Chairman.
MOVED'by Mr. M. B. Burk, seconded by Mr. Geo.T.Todd, that the
Report of.the Standing Committee on WELFARE, as Just read, be
adopted. ~ CARRIED,
DOGS begs.leave to report and recommends payment of the
~fo!lowing ~accounts :-
,Eli ~Lehman January ~'~ 1950 18.00
Eli Lehman January 10.1950. ~0.00 $~8.00
Ail of which is respectfully submitted ....
' Chairman.
MOVED by Mr. F. Zinkie, seconded by Mr. M. Burk, that the
Report of the Standing Committee on LIVE STOCK KILLED OR
INJURED BY DOGS, as Just read, be adopted. CARRIED.
1. Write Clerk Beaverton and Cannington and ask if they
have proper Village plans, and if not, how did they
arrive at frontage for water taxation.
2. Call a meeting of Whitevale Village re Lights.
3- See D.A.Beer re taxi insurance - Nicholson.
4. Write Grant re Burr dogs.
5- Advise Lockhart W. Trinnell to get uniforms from M.S.
Chapman; arrange for Picketing 'phone with Constable
White; have Road Superintendent pick up records and
office equipment from J.B.Irvine and deliver to L.W.
6. Find out about private line for Mr. Zinkie.
7. Phone Gordon Law re 1950 taxi license.
MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Fred Zinkie, that
~--he Reeve grant his order on the Treasurer to pay the several
accounts as recommended by the various Committees as
presented this day. CARRIED.
MOVED ~y Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. George Todd,
that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on the
SECOND DAY OF MAY, 1950, at the hour of l0 A.M. CARRIED.
·. ~ .' ~.-~ .... 1950
~' Reeve.