HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 1, 1949 MUNICIPAL BUILD-I~, BROUGHAM.
une 1st !9lin' ·
The Municipal Council of the Township of Pickeriag met on t~e First
day of J:,~e, 19~9, at Brougham, pursuant to adjournment.
i All Me'tubers ~reaent - the ~eeve in the chair.
The Minutes 'were presented, and on motion of M~. Bu~k, seconded by
M~. Todd, adopted.
The following correspondence was read:-
1. Mr. Mal.c.olm Grant, re Building By-law.
Hill, complaining about the dumping ~f ~Abbish
2. Mr.. Joseph
at Simooe point.
3- ~. F___~~___~, requesting more work to be done on the road
op-~ite his property at Picketing Beach.-
4. Miller Paving Limited, submitting figures for mulch for
Paving Fairport Road :'-
.... . o , per ton
(a) Hot mix . . . $8 90
(b) Asphalt fo; mule; i tank cam'lots $20'15 Per gal'# truck lets , 22.15 " "
. " " prime truck lots $21.1% per gal.
5. Mr. James Cr.aWf0r~ re fence on la~d expropriated at Clark's
6. J.B. Irvine report - D.J. Hewe complalat and the uncovered
Well. on White property.
thanks for grant of $15.00 for Rouge
MemerXal up~eep.-
8. Mr. Ferguson. in Plan 350 requested per~ission to live in a
two-s2oreY building 9 x 12 feet for summer. Tho Building
InSpector put up a sign to vacate and Council upheld it.
9. Clerk - re hospitalization F~aneis 'Huckling, 18 George
10. M~s. McGreevy complaining about Salvage Yard in P.3~6.
13. Fairport Ratepayers Aesociation, asking for a speed limit
from the Church to the Lake.
The follew!~E ~persons on motion we~.e heard:-
1. ~.$.Ba..1.e~en, ~asked permission to purchase from Herbert White
a ~et ~0 ftx 5~ ft at the west end of the proposed sub-
divi$ie~ for aite of new Cowm,,-tty Hall fcr Picketing Village.
Also asked Council to use their influence to have Highway
Department take over Church Street between Ne~2 amd No.2A
Nighways as the heavy traffic makes it very expensive to
keep maintaimed and they find it difficult to get repairs.
2. C.E.Morle2 outlined a pension plan for Tewmship employees.
3- Mr. Martin of East Woodlands discussed roads, eto
of that area. '
4- Mr. F. J. Prouse, a~vised that the following permits
were issued for the month of May, 1949 :-
33 Permanent Dwellings Esr. Value $160,800. Ave~.$~,850.
Summe~ Cottages " " ' 21,100. " 1,500.
1 Dwelling addition " " ~,500.
3 Private Garages " " 9~.0,
~1 $187,300. '
MQVED' by Mr. To~d, seconded by l~r. Burk, that no action be
taken at present on H. A. Kirton sideroad. C.ARRIED.
MOVED. by Mr. Bu~k, seconded by Mr. Ba~sdon,-that nd-agreement
be made with the Provincial Police. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr..Nalsdon, seconded by Mr. Todd, tha~ the Clerk'
ge-~report on the progress of the Department of Highways
following the two meetings of Council and Reeve and Provincial
Member in respect of the Department taking over Church Street
and Fairport Road. C.ARRIED.
MOVED by M~. Bu~k; ae~onded~bi Mrl Todd, that Clerk be
. ~n~uoted to advise Peter Kawandiuk to remove Barricade on
Base Lin~ west of Duffin Creek Bridge. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Todd, that Clerk forward
Stouffville Fire Brigade Account of $50'00 for service at
A~thu~ Wideman's fire, direct to Mr.. Wideman, as 01a~emont'
Brigade should.have been called. ' C~RIED.
MOVEDby Mr. Disney, seoonded'b~Mr, Balsdon, that Chief ·
Irvine be instructed to take a~tion to have Stanley
Paproski evicted from living in his hen house situated at
Concession 1, Lot 20. 'C~RIED.
MOVEDbyMr. Bu~k, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that the family
o-'~. McAfee, who reside on Arthur PercY's farm, be induced
if possible to follow the husband to North Bay, and that a
Township truck will be available for transportation. 0ARRIE~.
0 bYMr. Bark, seconded by Mr. Dianpy,~that a g~ant of
be given 0shawa Fair for year 19~9. ' C..ARRIED.
1. Get permission from Premier T~ust Company 'to grad~
and g~avel east-west road in Dunba~ton Shores.
2. Write Kalene Schmmovich re trees on private road.
3- Write A. Wideman ~e fire costs.
MOVED by Mr. Todd, seconded by Nm. Bu~k, that, when
requested, Council will pm~chase the westerly lot 54 ftx 240 ft
in Herbert White proposed subdivision in'Picketing'Village
as a site for a new Community Hall, for $500.00. CARRIED..
Roads. Your S$anding Committee on Roads and Bridges begs leave
~ to report and recommends payment of the following annexed
~-~dges accounts:
Ohipman Chemicals Ltd. Weed Elller 155.50
Lorne White Welding 11.50
Charles CooPer Hardware & Truck
. , repai?s 40:82
Link Belt Ohain 1.97
Gor~on Petty ,. , Gravel 29.00
Arm,co D~ai~age & ~etal Product~ - Culverts 3.94.52
Ross Disney Garage Eavestrough 49.50
B~unner Mond Ca~.4da 8ale~- 2 .c~ Chloride .1,704.00
Geo~.Constab.le Plow over Clare- 13.80
~ most streets
SamUel T~eJs ' Rust ~eventive
Whe~l & Rim Tail gate and reprs135.10 ,
Hen~,.y Kerr 'Bonus on wire fence
Har~ey Lind,ers ' ~ Welding 10.75
Ros~ Rodman Weldi.ng O~usher Jaw 20.00
Fart & Ack=les Finishing Garage
' floor 30.00'
Goo_~year Tire Co. Tire and tube 92.51
She,il Oil Co. ' Gas,0il & Diesel
oi. 862.o9
o~ 502 gal. oil
Dep.~. of Highways .MayTaX 10. #50329~.
Roy ~ Ward Oar Allowance~.3.00
Paid for pa~ts
12 .07
International Harvester Repairs - trucks ~.00
~he~idan Equipment Co. Bucket for shovel 288.10
Gorbon LYnn Oar allowance 18.75
~oe' Bmx~oWs Repairs - trucks 25.50 ,
L.T~, ~ohnston Hydro and Unemploy-
ment ins~ anoe 24' 02
Robert Miller Welding 9.25
W. J, Wagg Tile for Claremont
Streets 14. 00
A. W. Mitchell Tile for Picketing 3&.10
C. E. ~orley Insurance on snow
fence ~10.0.00 4, 2PS.P7
'PAYR0.LL I. T. -Unempl.
Ivan Booth 25~ 1.82 159'53
Gordon Lynn 10.~0 1.82 151.7_3
Jas. Gmtffin 1.82 175.28
~ed Hicks 171'50
W. B. Norton 1.75 150.75
Gordon Benson 164.~
Earl Anderson 10.90 1.75 1~.85
Roy ,Ward ' 70~ 174.30
~ohn Beelby 28.60
Kenneth Webster 1~4.00 ~ 1,532.80
Unemployment Insurance
$5, mo.48
Ail 4f which is respectfully submitted.
F~ank Disney, Chairman.
_ by M~. Frank Disney, seconded by Mr. George Todd, that
eport of the Standing ~c~anittee on Roads and Bridges, as
Jus~ read, be adopted. CARRIED.
Contin- Your Standing Committee on Contingencies begs leave to
~enciea report and recommends payment of the following accounts :-
· Lloyd T: Johnston Sal. 233.33 - 6.90 226.43
Adam Spea~s Sal. 40 · 00
J.M..Blackwell Sal. 166.66 - 8.80 - 1.75
plus mileage 33.33
M~s. J.R.Rhoten Sal. 183.33 - 13.30
plus car exp.
, 5o% of 55.09 -'27.55
H.M. Green Bal. 125.00 - 4.60 - 1.50 11~.90
Mms. E.. Robertson Sal. 91,66
E.BeIrvine Bal. 187.50 - 2.00
plus expenses 90.07 275.57
w t.
W. H. Ellicott Bal. 5~.12
Thcs. Gregg Attending Cou~t .~.00
Burner t. Jamieson "' " 4.00
Ontario. Municipal Board Fee S.S. 3 E. 50.00
Beare' s Limited Supplies 12.65
Woodbridge & Vaughan Tel.Co. Office telephone 31.70
H.E.P.Comm. 0shawa Greenwood 38.35
L.T. Johnston Insurance and Postage stamps 23.3~
W. G. Manning. Use of Gaol - 2 nights 2.00
C. E. Morley- Insurance -White 62.43
D.A.Beer " Workmen' s Compensation
balance 150.39
J.M.Blackwell Ottawa Convention expenses 33-75
Picketing News P~inting 11.75
W.H.Westney Car mileage 50 miles ~ 7~ 3.50
Oshawa Fair Board
Ail of Shich is respectfully submitted.
Clare Balsd6n. Chairman.
MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Ge°rge~Todd, "
~th6 report of the Standing Committee on Contingencies
as Just read, be ~dopted. CARRIED.
~,elie, f Yeur Standing Committe~ on ~elief begs leave to report
and recqmmends payment,of the, following accounts:- ,
Mrs. L. [Barber . ~18.75
A. Terr~ll 36.25
· J'. L.,La~orie
Mrs.'G,'Hs~mond 20.00
Mrs. M. Hilts 10.00
~ Mrs. N. 'Marple Ajax 75.00
.... Mrs' N. Kyle Ajax Nil.
Mrs. J' Dwyer 10.00
Rms. L. St. John (Ritchie) Belleville 75.00
MisSHelen Bradd (Ritohie. Milk) # 15.00
Mrs, N. Barnhardt. ~oronto - 2 weeks. 37.97
· Mabel Cockrane 29.50
St. Michael's Hosp. Ambulance - Percy Grove
- Ajax 7.00
Ontario Hospital
Woodstock. Patterson - May 11 - June 30,25.50 421.56
Cont, d T.B. Aftercare
Mrs. M. Kellogg May 6 - June 2 4 wks 36.00
J. F. Bush do. do. 36 ' O0
City of Toronto Geo.Nolan Ajax,May 54.34
Mrs. G. England Toronto - May 15.00
Mrs. N. Banks Huff - May 5- June 1
4 weeks 48.00
Douglas Huff Bus fares and cloth-
ing 16.00 205.34
$526. P0
All of which is respectfully submitted.
George Todd. Chairman.
MOVED by Mr. George Todd, s~conded by Mr. Frank Disney, that
the report of the Standing Committee on Relief, as Just read,
be adopted. CARRIED.
By'law Mr. M. B. Bu~k, seconded by Mr. C. Balsdon, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to authorize the borrowing of $50,000. upon
debentures for school purposes, and that same now, be read a
first time.
~ Mr. M. B. Bu~k, seconded by Mr. C.A. Balsdon, moves that By-law
No. 1772, to authorize the borrowing of $50,000. upon debentures
for school purposes, be now read a second time, and that Council
go into Cc,-m~ttee of the whole thereon.
Mr. M.B.Burk, seconded by Mr. C.A. Balsdon, moves that the report
of the .Committee of the whole on By-law No. 1772 be adopted and
that said By-law be now read a third time, and that the same do now
pass; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of
the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. George Todd, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to license all Salvage Yards, Junk Yards and
Car and Implement Wrecking Yards, and that same now be read a first
etc. Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. George Todd, moves that By-law
No. 1785 to license all Salvage Yards, Junk Yards and Car and
Implement Wrecking Yards, be now read a second time, and that the
Council go into Conmittee of the whole thereon.
Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. George Todd, moves that the
Report of the Committee of the whole on By-law No. 1785 be adopted,
and that the said By-law be now read a third time and passed; that
the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporati,
be affixed thereto. CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Frank Disney, seconded by Mr. Milton Burk, that the
ee~ grant his order on the Treasurer to pay the several parties
as recommended by the several COmmittees as presented this day.
MOVED ~b Mr. Frank Disney, seconded by Mr. Clare Balsdon, that this
C-'~i,Ydo now adjourn, to meet again on the Fourth day of July
19~9, at the hour of 1 P.M. E.D.T. CARRIED.
~' Ocr ....,....
Approved, July