HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 1, 1949 MUNICIPAL BUILDING~ BROU,G ,HA_M,
March lst~ 1949.
The Municipal Council of the Township of. Piokerlng met on the First
day of March, 1949, at Brougham, pursuant to adjournment. All
~[embers present, .the Reeve in the chair, the minutes were presented
and on motion of Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Disney, the minutes
were adopted.
The following correspondence was read :-
1. H.L.Fair, Ag-rioultural RePresentative, Ontario County -
.C. orres- thanks for $25.00 ~=rsnt.
pondenoe ~. Department of Highways - statement showing balance 1948
Road Grant due $17, 923.?? .
3. J.D.Mlllar, Deputy Minister, Department of Highways,
advising that his Department. will place a 2~ inch mulch
surface on Toynevale Road and Rougemount Drive in Spring,
· then turn roads over to Township.
4. The Ontario Provincial Police, stating the conditions
un, er which they will police designated (in doubt) area
namely: -
2 full-time Officers, one extra for period May i to
We supply_office -i ear at 65 a mile -
$2,175. ($2,125 in doubt) per man.
5. Petition..- Owners of parts plans 350 and 28~, asking
for $?'500. Building Restrictions. CounCil took no action
hoping that new Building By-law would cover requirements.
$. County Clerk advising hospitalization of Edmond Graven
of Dunbarton. - Accepted.
7. County Clerk advising hospitalization - Mrs.Adele
Paivis, 9 Oak Street, Ajax. - Accepted.
8. Secretary District Game Comm!ttee submitting two
resolutions for endorsement.
9. Police reports - January and February 1949.
The following persons, on motion, were heard :-
1. Mrs. J.K.0owan and Mrs Scott of Rouge Hills West
presented a petition requesting that Scarboro, service
roa~ be extended 1,200 feet east to Ridge Drive, so that
children going to public school would not be forced to
walk the extra mile and half. Council agreed to take
under consideration when on Spring Road Inspect.ion.:
Persons ~. Mr. Young submitted a draft of proposed plan for
'_ItearA subdividing lot 37 in plan 350 into six lots as requested
.by Planning Board.
3. Messrs Baxter, Murison, McEachnie and Raymer, requested-
0ouncll to assist their Presbyterian Church Board in
installing a culvert at entrance to proposed new church
north of Picketing High School. Council agreed to meet
their Board and Police Trustees at I p.m. Friday, March 4th.
4. Mr. George Davldson asked for two taxi licenses.
5. Mr. Frank Carter stated he would pay $40.00 owing on
sideline between lots 24-25 if given a clear receipt.
6. Dr. MoEwen was heard re proposed water vote Police
Village of Pickering.
~. ?. Chief Constable Irvine and Constable White asked for
increases of salary - Irvine $350.00 - to $2600. and White
$800. to $ ,2oo.
MOVED by Mt. Disney, Seconded by Mr.-Burk that a grant of
$30.00 be given Brooklin Fair Board. CARRIED.
Persons MOVED by Mr. Disney, Seconded by Mr. Burk that Council
~[eard grant up to $50,00 to equal a like amount collected by
~d interested parties for the improvement of Frenchman's
Bay Cemetery. CARRIED:
MOVED by Mr. Disney, Seconded .by Mr. Balsdon that the
· TreaSurer give clear reoe£pt to Frank. Carter for work
done on his sideline between lots ~4-2§ in the 5th
Concession, on his paYment of $40.00 cheque to John
Chapman. .CARRIED:
MOVED by Mr. Burk, Seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that Council
appoint a Committee to meet Plckering Village Trustees and
the Board of the Plckering Presbyterian Church regarding
paYment of a culvert to their, property. CARRIED:
MOVED By Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr'. Burk,' that new
increased Burglary policy, as submitted by D.A.Be'er,
be accepted. CARRIED:
~VED BY Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney that no action
be taken on East Rouge Hills application for..$?,§00.00
building restriction at Present time. CARRIED:
MOVED by Mr. Balsdon, Seconded by M~. Burk, that George
Davidson be granted .two Taxi Cab il. cerises...CARRIED.:
M~VED by Mr. Disney, seomnded by Mr. Balsdon, .that. no
action be taken to 'increase salaries of police. ~ARRIED:
MOVED by Mr. Todd, Seconded by Mr. Dlsne, y that Clerk
purchase a new 18" typewriter. CARRIED:
MOVED by Mr. Todd, Seconded by Mr. Balsdon .that the
salary of Dr. Tomllnson as M.0.H. be increased from.
$900. to $1,000. per annum as of January lat, 1949. CARRIED:
MOVED by Mr. Burk, Seconded by Mr. Disney, that Miss
H.M.Green be a permanent employee at the salary of
$1,500.00 per annum. CARRIED:
MOVED BY Mr. Disney, Seconded by Mr.'Burk that tenders
be called for old No.501 Adams Grader. CARRIED:
AGREED Council meet on T~eaday, March 15th' 1949, at
1,p.m. to open tenders.
WHEI~WA.~ the following Resolutions of the Game Committees
of the Townships of Markham, Pickering, Vaughan, Whitchurch
and Whitby, were passed at a meetin~ held on February.
15th, 1949 :-
BE IT P~soLVED that we request the Minister of Lands
ami Forests to make provision under Section 43 of the
Game .and' Fisheries Act 'to make it illegal to carry any
air gun, gun; rifle or other firearm unless it is encased
or dismantled between one half hour after sunset .on
,Saturday and one half hour before sunrise on Mon~ay nest
following, in Regulated Township Areas.
BE IT RE~0LVED that 'representation be made to the
Minister of Lands and Forests to amend the aa. id section
of the Game and ~lsherles Act to prohibit the carrying
of firearms and air ~J~s and the 'hunting of birds and
animals in regulated township areas except under the
authority of a Township license, .subject to the provisl'ons
of the' Migratory Bix;ds Convention AO.t.,
MOVED By Mr. M.B.Burk,, Seconded by Mr. George. Todd, that
this.Council hereby supports the above Resolutions and
the 01ark is hereby instructed to submit same to the
Depar~ent of Lands and Forests.
1. Ask Mr. Ms,eton to attend Council Meeting March 15th
when tenders for Tractor and Grader are opened, if possible.
Ad~ertiaeI half lloads on Township roads in Pickerlng News.
Contact Prov'lnoi,al Police to clarify their letter re Police
~ur Standing Commit~tee on Roads and Bridges begs leave to report
and recommends payment o'f the following sn~exed accounts :-
Westeel Products Ltd. Culvert Pipes 1,036.15
T.D.Adams Co. Blade for wing 11.10
In~ternational Harvester Oo.Rep. for Trucks 6.00
Ca~nadian 0il Co. Gas and Fuel 0il
Dept. of Highways Tax on 205 gals Fuel
0il Feb. 9.~nv. 047027
J.~ S. Balsdon Nails 11.00
Ch~s.Cooper Gas tank for truck
roofing & hardware
for Garage 1~5.06
Roy Ward Car allowance $83.00
paid for parts $26.60 10~.
Samuel Trees Co. 0il Filters 82.07
D .L.Ma irs Hardware 6.78
Ivan Booth Car Allowance
Gordon Lynn " " 1~ .75
L. T. Johnston Unemployment Stamps 57.0~
R. Gray Wiring. Garage 75.56
Robt .Miller Wel ding 5.
Dept.of Highways,Road Dept J.D.Adams Co.Multlple Dragl~.00
D. L. MAlta 1400-24 tire for Maintain-
-er 185.72
ks .65 140.40
Gordon Benson 141.05
Bud Norton .65 1.54
Earl ~erson 8.~5 1.33 110.67
Ivan Booth 1~.35 1.54 127.16
Gordon Lynn 11.90 1.54 125.01
James Griffin .40 1.54 137.81
Roy Ward ~ 7.10 167
J.S.Baladon ·
Geo. Constable 33.00
Department of Income Tax 1,130.01
Un.employment Insurance ?,,.4~
TOTAL ..... . .... S, 367.05
All Of which i~ respectfully 4ubmit.ted.
Frank Disney, Chairman.
MOVED by Mr. Disney, Se~oonded by Mrs. Burk, that the Report of
thee Standing Committee on R~ads and Bridges as Just read, be
adopted. ~ -' CARRIED:
.,C..ontln- Your Standing Comm~_ttee on Contingencies begs leave to report
gencies, an~ recommends payment of the following accounts :-
LlOyd T. Johnston Salary ~-33.33 - 16.00 ~17
Adam Spa ara 40.00
James Blackwell " 166.66 - 15.85
: - 1.68 ~ns.Mileage 33.33 182.46
Mrs, J. R. Rhoten Sal.& Exp .242.4~ - 8.55
Sundries $4.~5 ~38.12
. Mrs. E.Robertson Salary 8~,5~ - ~.~5 I.T. 81.08
H.M.Green . 115,07 - ?.60 -1.54 105.93
- 187.50 - 9.50 )
j. B. Irv lne
Expenses 76.16 ) 254.16
Fred White Sal. 166.66 - 4.10
Expenses 102.0~ 264.59
W.H.Ellieott Salary 60.00 - 86~ 59,04
Salvation Army Grant 150.00
Oontingen- Cash - as per list, Treasurer's Expenses 64'96
oies-. ' D.A.Beer Burglary Insurance 58.59
: Picketing News Advertising 49,54
· P.R.Mack & Son Plan~lng Board stamp 5.57
~ Toronto Stamp & StenCil Works - 1750 Dog Tags ~4,11
A .I~.M1 t che 11 Ceal 86.00
· James A. Cook & sun Board of Health 6
· J. R. Boyes ~ . :4.50
Brook. lin Spring Fair Grant ~0'00
D. L. Maira Supplies 2.55
TOTAL .......
Ail of which is respectfully submitted.
01are Baladon, Chairman.
MDVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, Seconded by Mr. Milton Burk,
that.the Report of the Standing Committee on Contingencies
as just read, be adopted. CARRIED:
Relief.. Your Standing Committee on Relief begs leave to report and
recommends payment of the following accounts :-
Mrs. L. Barber ~1.40
Arthur Terrill . 45.50
' Mrs. I. Joxdan 45.20
~Mrs. E. Gormley 10'00
'J. L. Lamorie ' 20.00
Mrs. G. Hammond
Mrs. M. Hilts 10.00
Mrs. N. Marple Ajax 75.00
' Mrs. N. Kyle " 69.04
Mrs. ~. Dwyer 10.00
' Mrs. St.John Belleville 75.00
· Ajax Taxi Ajax - Marple to
Whit by Hospital 2.00
. Mrs. Mable Br_~mmell 20.00 '
-Mrs. Lavina Peet ~8.90 '476.58
T .B.A. rte rcare
~ Mrs. Win.Kellogg - Feh.5 - ~r.4 -
4 weeks - Ajax 25.00
Mrs. N. Banks - Nolan Feb.5 - 13. AJ. 11.57
J, F. Bush - Feb.5 - Mar.4 -
4 weeks - Ajax ~6.00
Mrs.G.England - February - Toronto 15.00
City of Toronto Geo.Nolan -.Feb.15 -
Feb.28 - Ajax 27.17. 125.74
County of Ontario -~ 22-'50.
Ail of which is respectfully submitted.
George T. Todd, Chairman.
MOVED by Mr. George T. Todd, Seconded by Mr. M.B.BUrk, that the
Report of the Standing Committee on Relief as just read
MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, Seconded by Mr. George Todd,
that the ReeVe grant his order on the Treasurer to pay
the several parties as recommended by the several
· committees as presented this day. CARRIED:
MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, Seconded by Mr. George Todd
that this Council do now adjourn, to meet again on April
Fourth, 1949, at the hour of One 0'clock in the afternoon.
Certifled~ ~
Approved, April 4th/1949.