HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 1, 1948 · ~umiclpal Bulldim~, Brougham, ~ume l, 1948. The ]~umiclpal Council of the Township of Picketing met em the above date at Brougham pursuant 'to adjour~aent. Ail members present, the Reeve in the chair; the minutes were presented and en motion ef Mr. Burk, secenAed by Dr. McEwen, were adopted. The following co~respe~Aence was read: 1. Approval ef 0ntarle Municipal Beard for this Township te issue $46"000.00 debentures for S. S. 3W for building an. addition. 2. Sam Peake, Secretary, Whitby-P~ckerl~g Industrial & Planning Committee requesting the approvalo~ Council for a Planning Bear~ ~,. te lncluAe. Plckeri~g Tewnship and Whitby Township. ~ 3. Dept. of Highways regarding speed limit in subdivisions or thickly populated areas. 4. Dept. ef Planuiag and Development advising that Gordon Culham is favourably k~ewa te that-Dept, regarding Township Planw~.ng 5. Dept. ef Highways, approval for Read Expenditures ef $70~000.00 for this Township for the year I948. 6. County Clerk, re hospitalization of Margaret StruSs in Ottawa Bespital. A~cepted for Ajax account. ?. County Clerk re ~erden Philip, Dumbarton, admitted St. Michael's Hespltal. Accepted. 8. County Clerk, re Percy Earle, Pickerlng Village, admitted to Toronto East General Hospital. '-Accepted. O. County 01erk, re hospitalization ef George Death from the Ontario County Home. Accepted for Ajax account. 10. Cottuty Clerk, re hospitalization Wayne Rltchle, Dunbarten. Accepted. 11. County 01erk, re hospitalization Gloria Taylor, Picketing - RR Accepted. 12. County Clerk, re hospitalization Garnet Daveya, Whitevale, lived here less than three months. .Repudiated. 13'.' T. II, Creighton, M.P.P. - three letters regarAl~g a meeting be- tween this C. euncil and the Minister regarding the possibility of the ProVince taking over the connecting licks betwee'~ Highways No. 2 and 14. G. 1~. Young, complaint that houses net meeting the Building By-law requirements are being built in Plan 350 to the detriment of houses he is building for sale. 15. Eric R. ~sden, advising thor. he intends to take action against .. the Corporation for damage dens te Dr. Gordon Armstrong's cottage in Plan 34§ for claimed water diversion en his property. 16. W. S. Presser, complaint re Arainage in the ~ lot 20 Con. 1. 17. Frank Rogers, complaint regarding claimed water diversion by ' this' Township en his property in WhitBy Tbw~shlp, ~. and E. of eur H~ Let 1, Con. 6. 18.. MeSsrs. Mills & Mills, on behalf of Mattie Holding Securities Ltd. complaining o~ the condition of the reaAs lea~i~g to the Rouge Hills Golf Club. 19. ~. Brough,. oe~plaining that the surface wa~er is being allowed te drain, en to his property which lies between Toynevale Rd. and Rouge Hills Drive in Plan 20.. H. A. Porter, complaining that water is being diverted on his lets-l? and XS, Plan ~?0, and asks f~r a solution. - , 21. Cyril M~rley, quotatl~en of $1.~5 per $100 for insuring snow fence. .22. Dept. ef Transport Commission, adVis.ingthet a representative would .. oall on ~une 2 relative to C.P.R. crossing between Lots 12 and 13. ~ Third Reading of By-~aw to authorize the issuing of a debenture. Ne. Mr.. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney, moves that the report of the 1743 committee of the whole on By-law N~. 174~ be adopted and that the Isame .~_ said By-law be now read a third time, that the same do ~ow pass, ....... that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the tures Corporation be affixed thereto. Carried.. Mr Burk, seconded by . ~'.r. Disney, moves for leave to .introduce a By- By-law law to authorize the signing of an Agreement between Central Mort- Nb. 'l?A$ gage and Housing Corporation and the Township of Pickeri~, and that re same mew be read a first time, and second time and that Council go Ajax into committee of the whole thereon. Agree- ment. Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney moves tha~ the' ~eport of the com- mittee of ~he whole on By-law No. 1748 be adopted and that the said. By-law be now read a third time, that the same do now pass, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation .be affixed thereto. Carried. Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, moves for leave to introduce a .By-law By-law to assess the several Public School Sections and Union Public No. 1749 School Sections in the Municipality of the Township of Pickerlng, to to Assess provide the funds for the purposes of the said School Sectioms, in §'";'""S. to the year 1948, that same be now'read a first and second time and provide that Council go into committee of the who~e thereo'n. Funds for ' .1...948 Mr. Burk, Seconded by Mr. Balsdon, moves that the ~eport of the com- mittee of the whole on By-law No. 1749 be adopted and that the said By-law be now read a~ third time, that the same do now Pass', that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal o~~ the Corporation b'e affixed thereto. Carried. Mr. Burk, seconded by ~r, McEwen, moves for leave to introduce a By~ By-law law to prohibit the running at' large of dogs Within the Township of No.. 1750 Pickerlng, and that same now be read a first and second t~me, and to that Council' go into committee of the whole thereon. Prohibit' dogs Mr. Burk, seconded by Dr. McEwen, moves that the report of the eom- running mittee of t~he whole on By-law No. l?§0 be adopted and that the said at large By-law be now read a third time, that the same do now pass, tha~ the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.' Carried. Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded hy Dr. McEwen, that the recommendations of a meeting held in the Public Library at Whltby on May 17 last, Motioms which read as follows: , "01susa 1. That the Townships of Whltby and Picketing should designate a Planning Area, and that a Planning Board should be Whi.tby- established, end that the TOwnship of Pickering should be maned Pickering as the designated municipality of this Joint Planning Board. PlamUing Clause ~. That appll'cation be made to the Minister of the De- Board partment of Planning and Development for his approval and that the following members should be appointed to this ~Joint Pla~ming Board, mamely: Mr. Wm. Westney (Reeve of Picketing Twp.)~, Mr. Wm. Manning (ex-Reeve of Whitby Twp.), a represen~atiwm of the Chamber of Commerce, Ajax, a representative of the Police Village of Pickerimg and others to the extent 'of nine members ; a majority of whom may not be members of a Municipal Council." are acceptable to the Municipal Councit of the Township of Piok- ering and that the proposed portion of Plokerimg Township whimh lies south of the centre-line between the third and fourtJa con- cessions to Lake Ontario be the area included in said planning area excluding Ajax Area. Carried.. H.E.P. Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded ~y Dr. McEwen, that print of Plan No. proposed 9~89-§ E.T. of Hydro Electric POwer Commission showing pro- line posed line from No. E Highway to Lake on the Soarborough .Twp. line be approve~ by the, Council, subject to satisfactory arrange- ments being made with our Township Road Superinten~en~ regarding location ef poles and flee cutting. Carried. Snow Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded by Dr. McEwen the. t Township snow ~en'ce fence be insured by C. E. Morley for $8,000.00 at $1.25 per I..n.sur- $100.00, as quoted. Carried. an,ce, Moved by Dr. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Disney, that Assessors be 0wne.rs instructed to prepare a list of owners of Plckerlng Village who entitled will be entitled to vote om money By-laws from the Registry te vote Office as of date of search. Carried. Pie. Vil. . Me?ed by Batsdon, seconded by Dr. MoEwen, that a quantity of signs Sig~ reaAimg "No Dumpimg" be purchased and posted. Carried -$- ~ Frank Martin and Mrs. Reel, re East WoodlanAs- Roads, Fire Truck,~ Heard Poison Ivy, oalciu~,-etc. To The M*niclpal Council of the Township of Plckerl~gL Report s Your Standl~ Ce~ttee on Reads and Bridges begs leave to report and rece~ea~s pa~ent of the followl~ ~e~ed acco~ts: Sheri~am ~quip~ent Ltd. rep. shovel $127.40 J. ~. Balsdea ~ails ~0.00 Chipman Che~cal Ce. wee~ kl~er 14~.~0 Re,Aa A~c~ Drainage Co. c~vert pipes ~1~.4~ aa~ West.el P~ucts Ltd. reofi~ 185.2~ ~ ~odyear Tire & Rubber ~ tires 299.t3 Briner ~ Sales cal. chloride 771 Sa~er & ~saey rep. for cushion 117 Shell 0il 'Co. grease 14.~5 Gan. 0il O~.~ 3070 gal gas - 225 fuel oll 1,045~09' Intern. ~e,,er Co. rep. truck 8.75 J. D. Ad~ Co. blades & rep. ~. Roy War~ pd. parts oar allow 75.00) 140.5~ Hig~and Creek Sand & Gravel ~1 44 Ohas. Cooper wire fence, rep. 7~.55 Joe B~rcws ~ep. to trucks 16,76 Ivan Booth oae allow. 18.75 Gor~on L~- " " 18.75 Dept. of ~~ys tax 225 .fuel oil 24.75 ~,222.79 J. C. B~key bulldezer ~seba~ 35.00 B. W. Ne~a Labour tax .90 144. ~r~on Beaaea " 144.30 Fre~ ~cks " 1.~5 142 Robt. Wa~ " 11.40 125.10 Earl ~eson " 12.80 -1S1.50 Ivan B~th " 13.~0 1S5.45 ~rdon Ly~ " 14.70 138.30 Leo~rd Gates d~ggl~ 33.25 Rouge ~lls ~lf-Club " 75.00 Roy Wa~ salary 7.10 167.90 Tax ~ ~2 -5~557 ~1 of whieh ~ls respectf~ly s~itte~. E. E. McEw~, Chai~m. 0a motion ~f Dr. ~Ewen, seconded by ~. Bals~oa, the repe~ ~s adopted. T~ The Municipal Oo~cil of the Towmshlp of Ptckerl~: Your Standing Oe~ttee on Oeati~encles begs leave to rep.~ and reco~ends as ~llows: L. T. Johnston sal. postage $12.00 tax $8.00 $229.33 Adam Spe~s sal. · exp. " 2.85 .180.48 J~es Blac~ell S~. mile. 30.7S " -12.65 168.08 0o~tia- ' Mrs. J. R; ~eten sal. " " 7.10 226.9~ goalies ~s. E. ~bertson sal. " 2.25 81.08 J. B, Irviae sal. e~. 97.23 " 9.50 275.23 FeeA ~ite sal. " 100.70 " 4.10 26S.26 W. H. ~loett sal 30.00 Oat. Co. Treas. Indigent hospitalization 581.50 " " ". plus M. Critten~en 50% rec'd 15.75 ~os, Gregg att. Div. Court as Clerk 4.00 Burnett J~ies~n " " " as bailiff 4.00 Cyril E. ~rley renewal F. ~ite' s ~ar 54.9S M~lolpal Worl~ supplies 7.28 Plckeriag News pr~nti~ 60 ~1 ~f w~io~ ls rssDeotf~ly submltte4. M~ B. B~k, C~i~m. 0~ ~otlon of' M~. Burk, seconded by Mr. D, lsney Reports ~he report on ontlngencies was adopted.. To The ~u~lcipal Council of The Township of Picketing: Your Standing Committee on Relief begs leave to report and recolends payment of t:he follo~ accounts: Re, lief ~s. J. D~er $ 6.80 ~s. 'Ve~ Free ' ~0.00 ~s..I. ~ordan S6.25 O. J~ Rltchie 50.19 ~s. ~bel Huard 16,~ ~s. ~nie Gra~e I6.00 City of Toroato M. Bryc~ ~r. ~.6~ ' Dept. of Health Ins~ Mrs. Violet Flssler 1.56 E. R~ ~o~ ~bulance to Stouffvllle Be rni c ~ To~i~soa 7 · Tb. Aftercare ~s. No~n Banks Geo. Nolan board 4 week~ $9.00 36.00 George Nolan s~drles 11.75 J. F, Bush Board ~y 4-~1 4 weeks · $9.00 56.00 All Sf which is respectf~ly sub~tte~. Fra~ Disney, ehalr~. 0n ~gtlon of ~r, Disney, seconded by ~. Burk, the ~po~ was adopted. 1.' Write ~rdon C~h~ re rotation of Pla~lng Board. 0lark's 2. Advise Clifford Bassett of possible fire area for Woodlands. I~truc- 8. Find out about ~llqoatlon of fines and if there ls ~ agreement tioas' with ~gistrate's Court in effect. ........ 4. Get lafer~tion regarding the possibility of extending the o~ers' share of road lmp~vement from three te ~re years. 5. ~ep proposed paving Scarborou~ To~ line "open". 0r~er Moved by ~. Burk, seconded by Dr. Mc~en, that the Reeve grant 0n the his 0r~er on the Treasurer to pay the several parties as recom- Treasurer men~e~ in the Reports of the several Co~ittees as presented this day, Carried. Adjourn- ~ Moved byMr. Burk, seconded by ~. Disney, that this Co~cil ment do now a~journ to meet again on July 5, 19A~, at 1 p.m. " Carried. Approve~ July 5, 1048.