HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 3, 1948 Municipal Building, Brougham, May 3rd, 1948.
The Municipal Counci~ of the Township of Plckering met on the
above date at Brougham pursuant to adjournment. All members
present, the Reeve in the chair, the minutes were presented and
on motion of Mr.. Burk, seconded by Dr. McEwen, the minutes were
The following correspondence was read:
1. County Clerk re Wm. Pennock's admission to 0shawa General
Hospital. Accepted. ·
2. -Request D. L. Mairs pay balance of tuition for child a~tend-
ingToronto Technical School. No action.
3. Mrs. A. E. Baldwin regarding health condition of Mrs.
Harriatt Allen.
4. C. R. Purcell requesting garbage dumped at Concession l,
Lot 35, be' covered.
5. Association of 0ntario Mayors and Reeves advising of a~nual
convention at Windsor - June 2-3-4 and 5.
6. Hydro Electric Power Commission, advising that their office
is open to members of Council for information at any members'
7. Norman Edwards, 4V Melville Ave., Toronto advising of his
claim against the Township for damages to car on Township Roads,
because of no lights or placarding. No action.
8. Trustees, S. S. # 3 West. Application for $46,000.00 debent-
ure for their school.
9. S.N. Linseman, objecting-to garbage being dumped on his lot
at Port Union.
The following persons on motion were heard:
1. Mrs. Martha Hiltz, Brougham, applying for relief.
2. Donald Beer, submitting additional charge for Workmen's Com-
pensation on basis of salaries paid.
3. Mr. Geo. Findlay - Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation,
Persons presenting agreement for Ajax Social Services.
Hear& 4. Mr. Dand regarding Rouge Hills Road.
5. Mr. Snarl requesting Council take over the northern' part of
Taitwood. Council agreed to inspect same.
6. Mr. Murray and others requesting road in Taitwood be ditched
and made mor~ passable.
Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Dr. McEwem-that Reeve Westney 2ttemd
Aasociatiem of Ontario Mayors & Reeves at Windsor. Carried.
Moved by Dr. McEwen, secOnde~ ~Y Mr. Burk that Council extend
M°tiona ~ loading for trucks 'to May 15th. Carried.
MOved by Dr. McEwen, seconded byMr. Disney that the Toronto Trans
portation Commissiom be billed for services rend~ when their Bus
caught fire and was saved by the Ajax Fire Brigade. Carried.
Moved by Dr. MoEwen, seconded hymn. Burk that Council accept
delivaryof 25 extra tens of Calcium Chloride, delivery to ba made
te Picketing, C. N.R. Carried.
Moved by Dr. McEwen, seconded ~y Mr. Burk that Clerk contact
garbage collectors and have them set fire to burnable garbage on
dumping. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Balsdo$,' seconded by Mr. Burk that the Road Supt.
erect a fence on the garbage dump road so that all garbage will
be dumped in one place. Carried.
Moved by Dr. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Burk that the Reeve and Clerk
be authorized to sign the agreement between this ToWnship and
the CentralMortgage and Housing C'orporation, as presented this
day. Carried.
Dr. N. E. MoEwen, seconded by Mr. Balsdon moves for leave to intr-
oduce a By-law to assess the Municipality of the Township of Pick-
ering and Claremont, for the improvement and repair of ~oads and
bridges, payment of salaries and the general expenses of the Corp-
oration, in the year 1948; te assess the said Police Villages of
Pickerlng and Claremont for village andtownshlp purposes in the
said year; to assess the whole of the said MunicipalitY to defray
the cost of relief during the said year; to assess the whole of the
said Municipality for a general school rate, to provide funds for
the township statutory grants to public schools in the said year;
to assess the whole of the said Municlpa~lty~ in th~ year 1948, for
By- roads and general purposes of the County of Ontario, e~d in the same
law year to assess the whole of the said Municipality,-excepting t~e two
to Contin~ation school districts whlc~ are composed of Public School
assess Sections 4 W~st and 15 of'the said township, for use ~f the County
the in aiding in the maintenance of High and Continuation Schools, in
Twsp. the said year, and that same now be read a first time.
for Dr. N. E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. C. Balsdon moved that By-law No.
con- 1742 to assess the whole of the said Municipality as stated in the
sol- foregoing preamble, be now read a second time and that Council go
ldated into committee of the whole thereon.
rate. Dr. N, E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. ¢. Balsdom moves that the re~ort
of the committee of the whole on By-law No. l?A2 be adopted and that
the said By-law be now read0a third time, that the same do now pass,
that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the
Corporation ~e affixed thereto, CARRIED.
Mr. M. B. Burk, seconded by Mr. E. F. Disney moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to authorize the issueing of a Debenture f~r a
By- certain sum of money for School Section # 3 West, Tor the purpose
law of building an addition to the School House, and that same be now
re read for the first time.
Deb- Mr. M. B. Burk, seconded by Mr.' E. F.~Disney, moved that By-law No.
ant- 174~ to isSuein~ of a Debenture for a certain sum of money for
~ure School Section ~ ~ West, for the purpose of building an addition to
S.S. the School House, be now read a second time, and that Council ge
~ into committee of the whole thereon.
West. "~
Dr. N. E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. C. A. Balsdon moves for leave to
introduce a By-law to levy a special tax for the Police Village of
Picketing for the year 1~45, and that the same now be read a first
By- Dr. N. E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. C. A. Balsdon moved that By-law
Law No. 1744 to levy a special tax for the Police Village of Pickering
re for the year 1948, be now read a second time, and that the Council
tax go into committee c~' the whole thereon.
rate Dr. N. E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. C. A. Balsdom moves that the report
for of the committee of the whoZe on By-law No. 1744 be ~dopted and tha
Pick- the said By-law be now read a third time, and that the same do now
ering, pass, that the Reeve and Clerk slgn~the same, and that the seal of
the CorPoration be affixed ~hereto. Carried.
Dr. N. E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. C. A. Balsdon moves for leave to
By- introduce a By-law to levy a special tax for the Police Village of
law Claremont for the year 194~, and that the same now be read a first
re time.
tax Dr. N. E. McEwon, seconded by ~r. C. A. B~lsdon~moved that By-law
rate No. 1745 to levy a special tax for the Police Village of Claremont
for far the year 1948, be now read a second time, and tha$ the Council
Clare- go int~ committee ef the whole thereon.
mont Dr. N./E. MeEwen, seconded by Mr. O. A. Balsdon moves that the report
of the committee of the whole on By-law No. 1745 be a~pted and that
the said By-law be now read a third time, that the same do now'pass,
that the Reeve and Clark sign the same, and that the Seal of the
Corporation be affixed thereto. Carried.
Mr. M. B. Burk, seconded by Dr. N. E. MoEwea moves ~or leave to
introduce a By-law for a lesser rate of speed on a certain road
in the Township of Piokering, and that the same now be read a
first time.
Mr, M. ~B. Bur. k, seconded b~ Dr. N. E. MoEwen moved that By-law
By-law No. 1746 to pr6vide for a lesser rate of speed on a certain road
for a ia the Township of Picketing, be now read a second time, and
lesser that the Council go into committee of the whole thereon.
rate ~f Mr. M. B. Burk, seconded by Dr. N. E. MoEwen moves that the report
speed on of the ~ommittee of the whole on By-law No. 1746 be adopted and
a certain that the said By-law be now read a third time, that the same do
road. now pasS, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the
seal of'the Corporation be affixed thereto. Carried.
~0nt.%.~encies To th~ Mumioipal Council of the Township of Pickering.
Your standing Committee on Contingencies begs leave to report
and recommends as follows, payment of the following accounts:
L.T.Johnston Salary less $8.00 tax $~17.33
" " Postage 11.00\
Adam Spears Salary less tax 2.~$ 180.48~
J. Blackwell salary & allow 12.65 tax 164.23\
Mrs.' J.R.Rhoten " " 7.10 " 240.12\
Mrs. ' E. Robertson" 2.25 " 81.08\
J.B.Irvine " 9,50 " 178;00~,'
" " " ~ " 65.09~
Fred White " 4.10 " 162.56~
" " " 66;40~
" " Telephone 7,6~
W. H, Elliott " S0.00~
Markham H.E.P. Comm. -Service 21.11~
Monteith & Monteith 1947 A~dit 450.00~
0shews Public Utilities & Comm. Mrs. May
Smith. Hydro on roll° 4.09~
Trea~urer~oodlands Community Club. 1947
Prov. grant
Ont. County Treasurer Indigent Hosp. 570.12
Add Collections A/C 50% 32.75 602.87\
University Fi~e Dept. 1 call 40'00~"
Health Le&gueof Canada. B. of H. suppllaes 11.00\
The Enterprise adv. B. of H. 3.40\
Woodbridge & Vaughan Tel. Co. 26.88~
0shawa H.E.P.C. Greenwood 30.3~\
D. A. Beer. Premium Insurance 156.36~
Plckering News Printing 8.00~
All o~ which is respectfully submitted.
M. B. Burk Chairman.
On motion of Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney the
report was adopted.
Roads an~ To The Municipal Council' of the Township of Pick~ring:
Your stahdlng Committee on Roads and Bridges begs leave to
~ report ahd recommends as follows, payment of the following
annexed accounts:
~. L. Ballantine Co. ~Repairs 22.24~
Internation Harvester Co. repairs for trucks 349.S1~
Shell 0il Co. 0il 130.51~
Chas. Cooper. Tire & tube & battery, Hdwe. 126.23%
F. S. Barclay Cartage 1.95~
Hydro Electric Go. Hydro for garage 4.09%
Sawyer &M assay Reps. for crusher 24.30~
Sheridan Equipment Reps. for shovel 22.40%
Watsdn Springs springs for truck 11.77\
Wettlaufer Equipment Co. Rep. for pumps 9.50~
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 2 tires 307.9~%
Kloepfer Hdwe. Co. Bolts 7.90%
Pickering News Notice~r half loads 3.00~
Westeel Products Ltd. Carload pipes 570.29~
Pedlar People " 1§84.19~
Disney Moto~s Towing maintenance 48.00~
~.S.Innis Ltd. Rep. for motor 1.~5~
Twp. Whitby snow plow
J. B. Adams 0o. Repairs for Maintainer 468.56~
Can'n. 0il Co. X$95 gal.gas &grease 57~.¢9~
Roy War~ Oar allowaaee 75.00
paid for parts 24.1~ 99.1~
Joe Burrows Repairs' to truck add'
Maintainer 68.05~
Brunner Mond Canada Sales AO tons ehloridelEOl.$Ok~
Ivan Boeth Car allowance 19.50~
Bud Willett " 4.BO~
BrUce Easton~ Repairs to trucks ~.51~
D.L.~lrs p~ley for t~otor,Hdwe. 40.38~
~rdon Ly~ Car allewanee
B~d Wlllett labour tax ~.80~
I~an Booth " " 18.05 155,60~
Gordon Lynn " 56.00k'
Gl C. Barrett " 85.50~
F~ank Ward " 13.00k
Walter Ward "
ROy Ward . " 7,10
~rdon Benson " " 1.00 160.20~
Earl Anderson " " 14.2~ 137.85~
Robe~'t Ward " " 11.40 125.10~
Fred Hloks " " 5.70 1~2.~5k
E. Wright "~ 14.00~
Ail of which is respectf~ly sub~tted.
Dr. N.~E.MoEwen, Chai~m
0~ motion of Dr. MoEwen, seconded by Mr. Balsdon the
repo~ was adopted.
T° the Municipal Co~eil of the To,ship of Pickering:
Your Standing Co~mittee on Relief begs leave to report and re-
commends as folzows, payment of the followi~ accosts:
~s. J. D~er
~s. L. Barber 18,7~
'~s. H. ~nton 10.00k
S. E. Free 22.85~
C. J. Ritchle 50.19~
Mrs. ~bel Huar~ 15'0~
~oe L. Lamorie
Norman Wood - Mr.Ritchie 15.00
T. B. Aftercare
~S. No,an Banks. ' GeO. 'Nolan board.
4 weeks ~ $9.00 ~6.00~
George Nolan Sundries 11.75~~
Jas. F. Bush ~r. ~E/48 to ~y
6 weeks ~ $9.00 .54.00~
T~al Relief 555.~4
Ail of ~hioh is respeotfully
Frank Disney.
0n tootler of Mr. Dl~sney, seeonde~ by ~. B~k the report
was a~opted.
- 5 -
Instructions 1. Contact Police to have them Watch for persons dumping
8erbege on roadsides in general, and Concession 1, Lot ~§,
in particular.
2. To write the C. P. R., and the Board of Transport
Commissioners regarding the possibility of their having banks
of railway cut to give vision to motorists using this c~ossing
between ll and 12 in the Fourth Concession
Order on the
Treasurer Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by l~r. Disney that the Reeve grant
his Order on the Treasurer to pay the several parties as
recommended in the reports of the Stan~mg Committees as
presented this day. Carried.
ment. .. Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney, that this Council
do now adjourn, to meet again on Monday, June 7th, 1948, at
- 1.00 P. M. in the afternoon. Carried.
Approved June ~'St~, ~48.