HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 16, 1948 Mu~loipal Building, Breast, April 16, 1948
Special .Mee$iag C,u~oll. at ~ p.~. ~ ~ers present.
A letter ~s rea~ fram ~. O. D. Hewe' ~s~er ef'Reeenstructiea
and Supply, statl~ that he ~s In receipt ~f our letter requesting
l~er~tien regar~l~ the peealbllity of Plokerl~ Te~shlp taki~
ever the Defeaee In~tries L~ted ~ea, ~and ~ensl~ere~ that the
passible ~pltal e~en~it~es mi~t be ~re than this To,ship
~. Seoer~ ~d ~. Flndlay of the Oentral ~rt~ge Corpo~lon
Perso~ were heard.relative to the settlement of social service me, es spe~t
He~.,~ by the T~ship ~n the Ajax Area aad paint of m~nles to be spent
re furze in this co~ectien.
They state~ that they were ~lll~ to pay the Te~ship In f~l
for all o~ out-el-pocket e~enses to Ajax of about ~200.00 as sub-
~tted by Olerk sad we~d give oeasl~eration to a f~ther pa~ent of
, $700 which represe~te~ our shoe of hospltalizatioa grante~ persens
who. live~ la trailers etc. and case to this Township to work for
Defeaee Industries Li~te~.
It was the wish ef Central ~rtgage Oo~orat$on that the To~-
ship wo~A set a.fig~e based on ese ~f past years expenses, which
wo~d be pal~ To,ship In "l~p" over a perlo~ of,~say, five years,
a~d It ~s their wish te ~ke parents to To,ship rather than Oo~ty
for hospltallzatiea as well as ether services rendered by Township.
~lle au ~tien was ~e by Co~cll, It was ~ree~ that the
sergeant ef past e~eases wo~ be satlsfaete~, but they
sidere~ furze expeases sho~ be pal~ periedl~a~y In f~l.
Other i~e~tio= glve~ by ~. Se~e~ was :
(1) There wo~ be ne C~ssloa to geve~ said p~perty, as pre-
vieusly s~este~, but It wo~d be ope~te~ by Oeatr~ ~rtgage
Ltd., acting far the
(~) The entire plant wo~d be lal~ out in a plan, most of It for
s~e as soon as possible.
(3) This Area wo~d not be entirely industrial but wo~d be partially
Reave Westaey vacated the chair as he ha~ to atten~ a Co~ty
meetly, and.~Deputy Reeve MoEwe~ ass,~ed the chair.
The f~llewl~ .perseas on mOtion ~re hea~:
1. ~. Robert Balsdea, re his prgpesed subdivisiea-at Fairport, he
Persens state~ thak same of the ~all lots had been sel~ for t~ years and
~ that ~'he north lots complie~ ~th the Depar~ent's size reg~atiOas.
Co,oil s~geste~ that he t~e his applieatien direst t9 the Depart-
ment, and passe~ the-followl~ motion:
Re Meve~ by Dr. McEwen, seeon~e~ by ~. Disney, that the proposed plan
~lsdo~ ef sub~lvlslea ef Robe~ Bals~oa be aeeepte~ by this Co--il far
Sub- ~egistratien subject t~ the appreval of the Department of Plenni~
~vislcn and Development. Carried.
~. J~es ~ representl~ the Sohlel~ Ditcher mo~ted on truck for
rea~ ~ditchl~. No action.
~. ~. Jones re. ~raiaage on Bay road. ~e Clerk was instructed
endeawo~ te have the a~ual Ca,oil Rea~ Iaspeotloa on April 19th
or ~Oth and to ~ke arrangements.
A~Jour~ent The Oo~ell en ~otl~n adjournea.
~ Clerk.
Appreve~ ~y ~, 1948.