HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 5, 1948 Mu]lieilml ]uildilg, Breugbaa, A~rll 5, 1948. F~er~ e~i a~ 10 a L 0e~il me~ ~h re~reaeaSatlvea ef ~~~ · ~ amis A]~ e~$~ee, ~ly ~. ~ea~ MeImty~ a~ Willi~ ~~, relative te the accosts te be sub~tte~ te .~n..~. O, D. Hews, ~miater ef..Transpe~, aa ~e- quested by h~ at a meetl~ in AJ~ held em the Z0th ~ay ef ~reh last. ~ter aueh ~isousslem, it was meve~ by Dr. Mc~en, seeemAeA by ~. Dismay, that~the fellowi~ fig~es Be subaitt~A: ~spitaltzatiem -5~ $1,551.10 Th. Aftere~e 5~ .1, ~?. 6~ Seee~a~ EAueatio~l Cesta ~ 1,070.2~ ~a~ ~,~ ~ . 1~ ~0.00 Chil~em's .Al~ Witness Fee, 10~ ' 24.00 Oat. T~l~ag Seheel far Girls -5~ 59.?5 · ~e meeting e~ ~loa a~Jo~e~. The M~ieipal Co,oil Qf the Tewhip ef Piokerl~ met at 1 p.m. p~s~nt Se a~Jo~ent. ~1 members present, the Reeve in the chair; the minutes were presents4 and em ~tien of Dr. MoEwen, seconded b7 Mr. i~k, adapted. The fellewi~ oerrespendeaee ~s read: Oe~res- 1. Na~ ~a~e ef 0a~da selioiti~ g~nt. No action. p~nAeh=e 2. w.G..~i~, cowry 0lark, submlttl~ requisition for the 1948 Catty.. Le~, viz.: ~eral 0o~ty Levy $24,54~.39 0e~ty Hems 4, ~4~. 90 0o~ty ~ads 20,476.56 Suborn ~a48 762.92 ~eoeada~ Boheole ' 12. 950.82 $~, ~81.S9 · . He~oe a~, S~'y P~oMerl~ ~. ~epeyers' Association, Fe~ues~ a S0-~les-per-hour s~eed li~ on eer~a~n 8ub~ivlsio~,Rds, ~. Jo~ Ashen~urs~, 0lark, To,ship of Uxbrl~ge, a~visl~ ~ha~ his Co,oil ~oes ae~ ~sh ~e be inoludeA in ~he Ol~enoa~ Fire ~ea, bu~ ~11 pay lndlvid~l bills as su~e~. e. Co~y Oler~, regarding hospl~al~n~len of ~o~n Roberts ~ln 08hawa · ene~l ~ospl~al. A~eep~ed. V. Oo~y Olerk, re the hospl~all~tioa ef ~s8 Sash Li~lo of ~e~ship ~o~ell ~e authorize a ve~e of ~ Fa~epayo~8 of ~he ~liee Village of Plo~erl~ sa ~he ~ues~ion of issul~ deboa~es for ~he eree~lea ella Oea~l~7 hll ~n ~ha~ Ylllage. ~. ~. ~aT, Dept. o~ ~ways, rega~i~ o~ver~ a~ ~he ~een Elizabeth ~uy ~be~weea lo~s 28 - 29. 10. O~lef~ Oons~eble I~ine, reoo~e~l~ ~ha~ Oons~able ~l~e be raise~ ~o a Seeon~ Class Oeas~able as e~ Aprl~ ls~ w~th a $100 per year ~aorease In sal~ as per a~re~en~. 11. DePt. of Pla~l~ an~ Develoynen~ re~ues~ for oonsea~ ~e a eha~e la Plan of G. N. Yo~ far subdivision of Lo~ 117, P The follow'ag persons o~ mo~on were heard: 1. A. J, Su~herbn~ en~ S~ey D,,-ning, Fe~uos~ing gran~ for North Plc~eri~ ~ranoh of Oen~aln Legion. Pe~soa~ ~. A, M. Reavle, re~uos~l~ t~ ~he nor~ ~fl of Plan SS0 bo a eries wo~ be ebbed, and as ma~ sales bye been male 81noe las~ sub~ti~ the ~e~l~len, ~. bavie wes aske~ ~o prepare a new pe- tition se~l~ eu~ ~he ll~s~.an~ also ~he oes~s of building ~he area. ~. D.A. Beer, submi~i~ lnsu~noe ra~es for 10~8, a~ely: ReaAs~ Bridge ~llo Liability, SZS0; ~reas~er's Bend, $~0; WorSen' s ~on~ensa~on, $25~.mS. ~. ~. Bea~, 0o~y Wee~ ~s~ee~or, ~regar~i~ weed ~. ~essrs. ~Xn an~ Dillard, re~ues~Almprovemen~ ~n roe~s la ~he Eas~ W~dlands dis~rio~. (b) ~he~ dogs bo kop~ on a leash. (o) ~ha~ ~ho ~hs be ao~ -2- to keep a dog kennel in East Woodlands. G. Mr. ~ennf~gs, Representing Canadian Read Equipment Co. advising Po'[soma that his company was prepared te deliver a Galleen Champion Road HeArd Maintainer in May or ~uae ef-t~fs year for the price ef $14,862.00. 7. C~rll Morley, submitting tenders for 1948 insurance. 8. B.W. Lotten, submitting petition of ratepayera in the North Rouge. dlstriet requesting that gouncil give their consideration te paving the mile and a ~uarte~on..the Alteaa Road, between the First and Second C~neesslons, this'year. 9. J.B. Irvine, submitted a proposed By-law for dogs 'running at large. Council requested further l~for~ation and tha~ he again present it at next meeting. Motions Meved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney, that a grant ef $100.00 be _given to the North PiCketing Branch of Canadian Legion..Carried. Moved by'Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Burk, that Wm. McEaehnle be paid balance ef account of $43.00 for indigent funeral of Smith te cover purchase of plot and digging same. Carried. ' Moved hy Mr. Burk, secohded b~ Dr. McEwen, that memberShip fee of $10.00 be paid the Associatio~ of Assessors, for 1948. ~arried. Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Dr. McEwen, that~ the Assessors be notified not to issue a kennel libense to Smith ef E. Woodlands, as said kennels have been cosidered public nuisance. Carried. Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that the several insurance policies be renewed to agents as of 1947 at their new quotation figures. Carried. Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Dr. McEwen, that as this Council formerly gave its consent to G. N. Young for dividing Plan 350, I~t 117, into 8 lots of 50' frontage and area 9050 each, a~d it has been turned down by the Dept. of Planning and Development, that Coun- cil do now give its co~sent to the changed plan of 6 lots having a frontage of 66.6 feet with an area of 12,000 sq. ft. as is required by saldDepartment. Carried. Moved by Dr.McEwen, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that as Chapter 2?2 Sec- tion 113 of the Assessment Act provides that Council may by By-law name any date w~ereby taxes shall be paid without penalty, this Council do ~eclare September 15th, 1948, be the last day that'the current taxes may be received without penalty. Carried. Moved by N. E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that as the last day ~9~r the collection of,the 1948 taxes without penalty has been set by Ce~L~Cil as September 15th, 1948, instead of formerly Dec. 15th, the S~hool Beards are hereby requested to have their requisitions for t~e 1948 Levy in the hands of the Clerk by May ~1, 194~. Carried. M, ved by N. E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that members of Council be a comm~J~tee to review and make recommendations for a~itlons to the pollin~~ subdivisions in the Township, and bring in a/reporton May 3, 1948. Carried. Me,ed by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Disney, that the Nomination M~eting whereat the nominations are received for the offices of Re'eve, Deputy Reeve, three Councillors and Trustees ~or' School Areas shall be held the Friday preceding the l~st Monday in November and that the voting shall .take place on the first Monday' in December, a~ the By-law shall eemain in force from year to year until re~ealed. Chap. 266, Section 76. Carried. / Me, ed by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that Picketing Township be declared a Daylight Saving Area for the year 1948, and tha~. clocks b~turned ahead one hour on April 25th, 1948. Car2ie~. / -3- Motions Moved by Dr. MoEwen, seconded by ~Ar. Balsdon, that whereas un, er letter - ~ dated March 5, 1948, the Trustees.of the Police Village of Picketing have requested-the Council of the Township of Pt.okerlmg to provide far the ~taking of a poll of votes of the retepa~ers of the Police Village ef Picketing on the question "Are you in favour of debentures being issued by the Township of Plckering for the amount of $9,500.00 to oever the unsubscrlbed balance of cost of building a Community Hall in the ,Police Village of Pickerimg, said debenture to be a direct charge on all the rateable property assesse~ in the 'sal~ Police Village of Picketing." And whereas the said Trustees have collected $6,638.50 toward. the build&ng of said Comunlty Hall which with the proposed debenture of $9,800.00 ($9,§00) will, it is estimated, cover the cost of sal~ 0emmunity Hall. Be It Therefore Resolved that the Township 01erk be instructed te prepare a By-law authorizing a vote of the rate- payers of the POlice Village of Picketing on the question: Are you in favour of ~ebentures being issued 'by the Township of Pickerimg for the amount of $9,500.00 to cover the unsubscribed balanee of east of building a Community Hall in the Poliee Village of Plckerlng, said debenture to be a direct charge on all the rateable property aaaeseeA in the said Police Village of Plckerimg. 0arried B~~ Mr. Bals~on, seconde~ by Mr. Burk moves for leave to introduce a By- law to repeal By-law No. 1730. so that licenses may be lssue~ by the ~ Picketing ToWnshi.p Game Commission, which includes hares, rabbits an~ ~ pheasants,, that said Game Commission be authorized to set and collect No. 1730 fee~ for said licenses, and that said Commission~ be authorized to set re and collect a fee. for the repossession of firearms seized for illegal L$.ce..nses possession, and that same now be read a first time. to Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Burk moved that By-law No. 1741 to repeal ,Hunt By-law No. 1730, eo that licenses may be issued by the Pickering Twp. ~ame. 0ommission, as state~ be now read a secohd time and that Council go into co~mittee'.of the whole thereon. Mr. Bala~on, seconded by Mr. Burk moves that the report of the Oo~aitte of the whole on By-law No. 1741 be adopted and that said By-law be now rea~ a third time, that same do now pass, that the Reeve a~d 0lark sign~ the same, and that hhe seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. Carried. ~ To The M,,~cipal Council of the Township of Picketing: Re.ads Your Standing Committee on Roa~s and Bridges begs leave to report a~d recommends payment of the following annexed accountS: Brid~e Ivam Booth ear allow; $ ~1.00~ Canadian 0il 2A15 gals gas ?86.08\ Canadian Road Equip. bla~es for plow ~2.45\ Easters Steel Product " " " $0.90~ W.R. Chapmam rep.. generator 6.90\ Lundy Fence 1500 posts ?~0.00~ Goodyear Tire & Rub. tire for maiwtainer 3~3.60~ County of 0mtario haul weed spray 1~.~9~ Ohas. Cooper rep. trucks, hdwre. 81.9~ Sheridam Equip. parts for shovel' F. H. Westney cut lumber 1~1.82~ ~.L. Ballantine rep for maimtalner J. D..Adams Co. " " $?.$6~ Kleep~er Hdwre. hardware 6.?0~ Interhational Harvester rep. trucks Roy Ward car allow. 75.00~ " " pd for parts & express 44.44\ Joe Burrows rep. to truck 99 Geo.. Oomstable rep. to trucks ~-5 Deem Mairs hardware 14.54\ Lorne White welding 24.50\ C. E. Morley fleet insur. ~ trucks & maintainer 201.?0~_ Harold Mitchell labour "[0.0'_0~, 654.~3 W. B. Norton " tax 6.20 164.75\ Gordon Benson " " 1.55 165.50~ '~ Fre~ Nicks " " 6.$~ ~ Robt. Wax~ " " 11.90 127.85~ Roads Brought forward $~, 634.SS & / Earl Anderson labour tax 12'S5 128' 70\~ Brld~e /- ~van Booth " " ~0.90 16~.~5~ Elmer Brooks ~ ~ 6. Roy Ward ual. " 7.10 167.90~ ~ Geo-. Constable labour 73.20~ GordOn Wes~ ~ 24.00~ ee.es " Reeeiver General .... 66.6~1. ~1~. ~ ~,917.~ ~. A~ of whieh Is respectfully submitted. N.E. Mc]wes, Chair~n. 0~otlen of Dr. ~en, seeen~ed by ~. Bals~ea, ~he repots was To the M~icipal Co,ell of the ~e~ship of Plokerl~: YoUr S~an~ing Oo~i~tee en COntl~encles begs leave 0eatin- reeo~ea~s pa~a~ ef the follewl~ aeeo~ts: ~eaeies L. T. Johastoa sal. less tax 8.00 217.3S~ ~. " s~ries, postage 30.~ _ 'A~ Spears sal. less tax 2.85 " " sal. less ~ax 7.10 2~6.9~ J. B. Irvine ~ " " 9.~0 178.~ Fr~ ~lte . ~p. & telephene(ll.~) ~ Rober~.~ller measuring boar~, l~ants' ~.00~ Jas. A. Cook & S~n ~eal~h supplies /~ J. F. Ear~z & Co. " ~ 16 .~ Wm. McEachnle bal. indlgen~ funeral 12.00~ ~ ( Smi t h ) ~ Toronto S~a~lone~ Supplies Ltd. supplies 24.95~ ..~ 0shawa H.E.P. 0om. Greenwoo~ St. lights S0.SS~ Beare's Lt . supplies B. J~eson a~t. Court ~r. 8/48 Thcs ~regg " " " " ~.00~ Dr. To~lnsea S-mos. aala~ 200.00~ Asseelatlen of Assessi~ 0ffleera (Fee) 10.00~ ' Ne~h Piekerl~.B~anch Ca~ian ~gion 100.00~ Plekerl~ News printl~ 86.~5~ A~am Spears postage 2~.00~ D. A. Beer lnsuraaee 58~ ;33k C. E. Morley ' .. ~16.05~ ~ of which ls respeotf~y submitted. 0n motion of ~.~ ~;~ seconded by Mr. Disney, the report was a~opte~. To The M~iolpal Co,oil of the Township of Plokerl~: Your Standing Co--tree on Relief begs leave t~ report and ~:~eoe~en~s pa~e~t of the .followl~ accounts: Relief -Mrs. J. Dwer ~slL. Barber ~s ._ H. Llnton 10.00~ A. Terrlll 42.00~ Omar U~ll 16.00~ ~itby Dal~ ~s. Patterso~ 15.61~ ~s. Jordan 44.40~ -5- Relief Dr. D. R. Fletcher Exam. Elleen Duttoa $ contd. Dr. E.F. Tomlinson Tensils& anesthetic ~15.00~ . (Bridge~an) City of Toronto ~ B~ck Jan. 11.$~ " " Feb. 11.69 A. W. MitChell wood ~s. E. ~r~ey 5.0~ ~s. Elsie Gorm]ey 10.00~ $~5~ .49 Tb. Aftercare - Ajax ~s.. Nor~n Ba~s Geo. Eolan, board 5 weeks ~ ~8.00 40.00~ George Nelaa s~rles- ll- Nat. Sa~tori~ Ass'n. ~as. F. Bush ~ travelling exp. Grave~urst to London 58. V. D. Dr. W.W. Baldwin Pi~kerl~ resident ~6.0~ Ajax resident ~s. M. E. Patterson 57.~0~ All ef which is respectf~ly submitted. Fra~ Disney, Chal~n. 0n motion of Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Bals~on, the report was adopted. To The M~l~Ipal Co~i1 of the Te~ship of Plckerl~: Your Standing C~lttee on Sheep or Livestock kllle~ or i~Jured by Sheep ~ogs begs leave to report and re~o~en~s pa~en$ of the fellowl~ killed accosts: by Chas. Puckrin Feb. ~3/48 $7~.~ Dogs ~ Ohas. Puekrin ~r. 14 29.00~ Geo. Wilson Feb. ~ 5.00~ W. O. ~lllson Feb; 23 InspecTion 3.00~ W. C. Wlllson ~. 14 " 3.00~ G. ~. Fersyth Feb. ~6 " ~.00R O~s. Puekrin ~r. 14 kllll~ ~ ~.00~ Earl Wilson Feb. ~6 " " 5.00~S4.00 ~ of whloh Is respectfully submitteA. C. A. ~ls~on, Ohai~n. 0n motion of ~. Bals~on, seconded by Dr. McEwen, the repe~ was a~epted. Clerk' s Instructions 1. ~et info--rich from ~. ~rsten rega~l~ the possibility of the Department agreeing to this Co,oil cancelling the order for an A~ ~lntainer and the p~chase of a Galleon Champion which wo~d be ~ell~re~ in ~y or J~e. ~. F9~ar~ letter to Hon. ~. C. D. Howe requestl~ possible ~e~s f~r the Townshlp's purchase of~ t~ foyer D.I.L. plant. 3. Ferwar~ eertifled copies of By-law No. 1741 re huntl~ licenses in Plckerl~ To,ship, to the Department of ~n~s an~ Foists in-Tere~t~ and to ~ple. 4. Write.Department of ~ways regar~l~ the placl~ of speed restrietleas on M~loipal roa~s In Subdivisions. Or,er on ~ved by ~. Burk, seconded by Dr. Mc~en, that the Reeve '~ %he~ do grant his Or, er on the Treasurer to pay the several ~rea.s~er parties as ~eo~e~e~ in the reports of the Standl~ Co, trees as presented this ~ay. Carrie~. Adjournment ~ved by ~. Burk, seconded by Dr. McEwen, that this Co,ell do now adjourn to meet again on ~ay ~y 3rd, 1~48. Oarried. Certified (Over) Certified Approved Xpril , 1948.