HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 1, 1948 Municipal Building, Brougham, March 1, 1948. .
The Municipal Councillor the Township of Pickering met on the
above date at Brougham pursuant to adjournment. Ail members
present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes were presented and on
motion of i~ir. Burk, seconded by Mx-. Disney were approved.
The following correspondence was read:
1. The ;Var ~%mputations of Canada requested that this Municipality
Cortes- support their request that disabled ;Var Veterans be given $100 per
pondence month for a 100% disability.
........ 2. Brunner Mond of Canada Sales Ltd., advising that they confirm
our purchase of 40 tons calcium chloride and will keep our further
order of 25 tons on file, which they hope to supply during the
month of June, 1948.
$. Salvation ~,%rmy, thanks for grant of $250.00.
4. A. Russell, U~iversity of Toronto, ~jax Division, advising that
he had taken up with Central ~iortgage and Housing Ltd. proposed agree-
merit for fire service by them for a portion of the Plant Road, and
requesting our confirmation of fee of $40.00 per call.
5. ~ Scarborough Collegiate Institute - copy letter to County Clerk
advising that it is~possible that they may refuse admission of
Pickering Township High School pupils shortly.
6. Committee on Lakeshore Erosion advising of a meeting in Toronto
on l~iarch 10 to give consideration to soil erosion of Provincial Lake-
shore properties by the va~'ious municipalities interested. No action.
7. kllin F. Annis requesting ?o~,unship to use their influence to have
better drainage at Sideline between lots 28 and 29, immediately N.
of the new highway.
8. County Clerk - notice of admission of I~. ~dary Denver of Locust
Hill RR l,- to the 0shawa General Hospital. Accepted.
9. County Clerk - notice of admission of ~%rs ~J~agaret Soencer of
Diyrtle Station - RR 1 - to the 0shawa General Hospital. Accepted·
10. Woodbridge an~ Va,ghan Telephone Co. advising that they are
prepared to install a private line for our two police officers for
a monthly rental of $8.90.
° 11. R. D. Ruddy, advisin~ (a) that in his opinion this ~iunicipality~
should pay the $40.00 levied against Constable irvine in ac~ordance
with the Judge's d~cision in reversing the appeal of .~. R. Lashbrook.
(b) that ap?lication of Dlartha i~urkar for rebate of taxes. ~for past
twenty-odd years could not be accepted according to Statute except
for one year.
12. Board of Transport for Canada advising that no funds would be
available for-improving the C.P.R.- crossing between lots l~l and 12
Con. 4, as the crossing was constructed prior to April 1909.
13. Canadian Appeal for Children requesting Township co-operation
for their Society.
14. Personal Parcel Service to Graat Britain, advising that all
parcels sent to Great Britain tomy be f~rwarded through their Associa-
tion for a cost of l0 lbs. formerly ~1.50 now ~?¢ - 15 lbs. formerly
$2.00 now 41¢ providing these parcels are not went to specified
15. Municipal Service Co. Prices, weed spray for Highways.
16. Dept. Of Planning and Development, re G. N. Young subdividing
Plan-350 lot 117.
17. Dept. of Planning an~ DeVelopment, re proposed subdimision,
E. L. Chapman- Con. 2, lot 8.
The following persons, on motion were heard:
1. George Constable, representing Claremont Fire Brigade, requesting
the same, consideration for their Brigade as given to Picketing and
Brougham, relative to the $400.00 annual grant which covers th~ first
Persons ten fires.
Heard"' 2. Cyril Morley, re yearly insurance.
· 3. Francis Willson, re yearly insurance.
4, Heber Down, requesting grant for Brooklin Fair.
Moved by ~&r. Disney, seconded by Mr. Burk that adjustment be made
on the 1947 taxes of Martha Murkar on ~125.00 assessment, being
Motions lot assessed to Martha Murkar in error. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded by Fir. Balsdon that Mr. Burk replace
~Lr. George Todd on the Pickering Township Physical Fitness and
Recreation Committee. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Burk that t~is Council give a
grant of $30.00 to Brooklin Fair for the year 1948. Carried.
Moved by ,~,f.~. Disney, seconded by ~&r. Balsdon that in future~ Township
trucks be not allowed to draw gravel for private persons, and~hat
no Township gravel be sold to private persons.
Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney that the recommendation
of Silas Tool, chairman of the Game Committee, that Lorne Jones
be a member of the Game Committee to replace J.L. Pegg. Carried.
Moved by ~r. Burk, seconded by Dr. McEwen that applicat%on be
made by~ this Council to the Unemployment Insurance Commission for
exemption from payment of unemployment insurance of all persons
employed by the Municipality as year-round employees of the
Corporat ion. C art led.
Agreed that the Building Inspector issue a Building Permit to
.Building Mr. DeVlin on the Plant Road, for a wooden block house providing
Permit that the specifications meet with the approval of th~ Build~ng
Dr. N. E. McEwen gave notice ~ ma~i~ that on April 5th he' in-
tended to move for the passing of By-laws relative to
1. Establishing a Polling Subdivisiom at Brock Road at con. 4,
Lot 18, and posaible further adjustment in certain
polling booths ,in the subdivisions.
.~ 2. ~o make the final date for the collection of the 1948 taxes
.- without penalties earlier than in former years, so that the office
may be relieved of year-end congestion.
3. To change the date set for nominations from the ~aSt Monday
in Nm~. December to the last week in November, with voting the
' first we~k in December.
By-law ~ ~tr. Di'sney, seconded by ~,'~. Burk moves for leave to introduce a
to ..~ By-law to appoint a Board of Management for the Claremont Community
Provide~ Memorial Athletic Field and Park and of the Cls~remont Com~.~nity
~-d'-~..- Hall and that the same now be read a first time.
~ianage~ l~r. Disney, seconded by ?~r. Burk moved that By-law No. 1740 to
ment ~ appoint a Board of Managemen~ for the Claremsnt Community Memorial
C a~---' Athletic Field and Park and of the Claremont Community Hall, be now
mont read a second time, and that Council go into committee of the whole
Co~muni.ty thereon.
Memorial ~.~r. Disney, seconded by .~Lr. Burk moves that the committee 'of the
Fi'~ld a~d whole on By-law No. 1Z40 be adopted and that the said By-law he
Park ~ now read a third time, that the same do 'now pass, that the Reeve
Commun~tyand Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation
"I~all. ' be affixed thereto. Carried.
To The ~'iUnicipal Council of the Township of Pickering:
Your Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges begs leave to report
Roads and recommends as follows, Payment of the Following annexed accountS:
Bridges Ivan Booth car allow. $19.50.~
[J. S. Balsdon hardware 2.80~
Canadian 0il 1290 gal. gas 419.26\
Disney Motors towing snowplow 15.00\
International Harvester rep. trucks 160.$5\
Kloepfer Hdwre hardware 4.72~
Fros~ Steel & Wire 2 tons wire 273.84~
Roy Ward car al~ww.
' " express & parts~S$.64) 111.64~
Eastern Steel Product snowplow blade
and part 112.32k
Chas. Cooper rep to trucks & hdwre 15.52~
Roads Joe Burrows rep. to trucks & plows 00\
a-~ Gen. SupPly Co. Case Tractor & .Mower 1,675.00\
B. ridge~s Shell 0il Co. oil 26.88\
contd. Ivan Booth labour tax 17.60 151.40~
Fred Hicks " " 5.70 162.65~
Gordon Benson ,, ,, 1; 55 164.20\
' W.B. Norton ,, ' 3.50 ~_ 160.Z0\
~obt. Ward " " 6.55 , 105.90\
Earl Anderson ,, ', 7.60 L09..40\
Roy Wa=d ,' ' 7.10 167.90\
H. Newn~an -~'ep fence ~, 15.60\
Tax ., 49.60\
,%~4, 004. 28
Ail of iwhich is respectfully submitted.
I,T. E. Mc~,~en,~ Chairman.
On motion of Dr. ~,~c~wen,' '~' seconded by tJ;r. Balsdon
the report was adopted.
To,The ~,~un. icipal Council of the Township of Pickering:
Your Standing Committee on Contingencies begs leave to
Contingen- report and recommends as follows, pay~ent of the following
cies accounts:
L. T. ~ohnston sal.poatage :;~8.00 tax $16.00 $225.33\
Adam Spesrs sal. books 5.50 " 2.85 185.98~
Jas. Blackwell Sal. mile 43.75 " 12.65 181.10~
~s. Rhoten sal. allow, sun.2.01 7.10 229.30\
~trs. E. Rober~on sal. tax 2.25 81.08~
John Irviae sal. " 9.50 178.00~
- - eapense s 77.21~
Fred White sal. " 2.75 155.58%
" " telephone, expenses 76_;72~
Dr. W.F. MacKenzie M.0H.~ ~jax ~.~ to ~e~/47 133;33~
Dr. R.M. Rogers M.0.H." Jan to May 30 166;67~
Charles Cooper grates, stove 2.00~
~,Lr. Hallman 100 chairs @ $1.50 150.00\
Claremont Library grant 35.00~
Picketing " " 35.00 --- ) ~
Whitev ale " " 35.00~
Brougham " " 35.00~
Kinsale " " 35.00~
County Treasu'rer Indigent hospitalization 508.08\
, Tor. Stamp & stencil license tags 5~47~
Clerk, Co. Court reversed costs, C.R. Lashwood 40,00~
wm. McEachnie indigent funeral~ Smith 30.00~
Frank Barkey rebate female dog tax pd. 4.00~
Moore Business Forms health forms 1.94\
J. A. Ce ok & Son - ,, 14.00~
Wm. Manning Brooklin Fair 30.00\
Pickering News printing 28.50~
Underwood Ltd.~ paper 3.62%
Wm. Ellicott sal. 30.~00 ,~.
' "$2,712.91
Ail of which is respectfully submitted.
M. B. Burk, Chairman
On motion of Mr. Nurk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon
the report was adopted.
Sheep or To The Municipal Council of 'the Township of Pickering:
lJivestock Your Standing Committee on Sheep or Livestock killed or
killed by injured by dogs begs leave to report an~ecommends as
dogs follows, payment of the following accounts:
Feb. 6 Charles Puckrin $15,00
" 13 " " 85.00 $100.00\
" 7 - 15- 27
Warren Willson inspections -3 - 9.00~ $109.00
Ail of which is respectfully submitted.
Clare Balsdon, Chairman
On motion of IvLr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Burk
the report was adopted.
Ta The Municipal Council of the Township of Pickering:
Yaur Standing Committee on Relief begs leave to report and
r~commends aa follows, payment of the following accounts:
Mrm. J.Dwyer~ $ 6.80\
Mrs. L.Barber 29.3G\
M~. H. Lintan 10.00\
S~ E. Free 31.00~
A.~ Terrill 42.00\
~s. I. Jordan 44.40\
Omar Udell 16.00\
Ss~n Sad ler ~ 16.00~
~rs. Lyon Mrs. Denver 16.00~
Grant VanBlaricom" Marshman 5.00~
A. W. Mitchell Allen 500lbs. coal 5.15\
" Bridgeman 2~ cd. waod 10.90 ~
Hobbs 1000 lbs. coal 9.55~
Whitby Dairy ~&rs. Patterson 14. ?9 ~
Tb. l~trs, Norman Beaks - Geo. Nolan,
A---ftercare board, Feb. 1 to
Feb. 28, 1948
4 weeks ~ $8.00 32.00~
George Nolan Sundries ll. 75 \
~ 43.75
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Frank Disney, Chairman
On motion of ~M. Disney, seconded by Mr. Burk
the report was adopted.
1~. Get in touch with the Council of Township of Uxbridge
Clerk's ~ requesting payment of $40.00 per fire call, to the Claremont
In~'t~'uctions Brigade, payable to the Township of Picker. lng, and request
that a certain area within their township be designated as
a fire area for~ the Claremont calls.
2~. Write ~unicipal World regarding delay in forwarding
sub s~r ipt i o ns.
O. Advise Sam Huxter, of the Plant Road, that as it is hoped an
agreement will be made shortly betWeen the Township of Pickering
and ~entral ~lortgage and Housing Ltd. relativ~ to the disposition
of the Ajax Area and including the water system, that Council
at this time hesitate to make any commitments regarding in-
stalling a water pipeline no~th of the A-jax Area.
4. Advise the War~ ~mputations of Canada that this Council is in
support of the request for increased allowances to 100%
disabled War Veterans.
5~. Advise A. Russell of University of Tc~onto that the Council
will guarantee $40.00 per fire in any area in Plant Road being
~ given fire protection by Central Mortgage and Housing Ltd.
~. Advise Allin F. ~%nnis that the Dept.. of Highways have done
~ certain work in an effort to relieve drainage on sideline
between lots 28 and 29, immediately north of new highway.
7. ~.dvise Mr. Kinney, General Manager, Woodbridge and Vaughan
Telephone Co. that Council thank them for their co-operation
in giving prices on private phone service in our police depart-
meat, but wish the matter to remain as at present until the
new switchboard in Pickering Central has been given a fair trial.
8. Advise Women's Institutes of rates for parcels to Britain under
Personal Parcels Service Plan.
9. Contact, C. P. R. regarding dangerous crossing bet'~Ween lots
ll and 12 in the 4th Concession.
10. Advise Chief Constable Irvine that he may pick~up filing
c~binet formerly ased and owned by the Ration Board, to be
used for Police work until same is purchased by Council or
returned to Ration Board.
Order Moved by l,&r. Burk, seconded by ~Ir. Disney that th~' Reeve do
on FSe grant his~0rder on ~he Treasurer to~ pay the several parties
Treasurer -as recommended in the r~eports of the Standing Committees as
presented tL$is day. Car~ied.
Moved by Dr. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Burk that no Township
Mo~on road equipment, trucks, maintainer or loader etc., be
used for private gain exeept by conSent of three members
of Council. - Motion lost.
Adjourn- Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney that this
merit C~uncil do now adjourn to meet again on Monday,
A~ril 5th, 1948.
Approved April 5, 1948.