HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 2, 1948 MUmicipal Bulldimg, Brougham, February Z, 1948.
The ~umiclpal Council of the Township of Plckerimg met on the
above date at Brougham pursuant to a~journment~ Ail members
present, the Reeve in-the chair, the minutes were presented and
om motion of ~. Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, the minutes were
adopted. .
The following correspondence was read:
1. Department of the Attorney General, acknowledgment of
Resolution respecting this Township's recommendation for Ajax.
2. Minister of RecOnstrUction and Supply, acknoWledgment~f
Resolution respecting this Townshi~'s recommendation for Ajax.
3. H.A. Newman regarding damage done to fence on the east
side of lot 14 in the 6th 0oncession.
4. The ~oumty Clerk regarding indigent hospitalization in
respect to'Dorothy Patterson, accepted.
5. H~spital for Sick Children regarding the.indigency of
Gall Noble. Clerk to make further investigation.
6. Boar~ of Transport Commissioners for Camada advising that
arrangements have been made providing more signs and sand for the
C.P.R. creasing at the-~Brock Hoad and they feel this is all that
is necessary at the present time. Re C.P.R. crossing at Greenwood
Road an investigator will examine this approach and advise the
municipality shortly.
7. Ajax Chamber of Commerce inviting Council to a'dinner at the
Gordon House, Feb. 6~ the purpose of which is that of Z~icials
become better acquainted.
4a. Our Lady of Mercy iiospital regarding George 0'Leafy of
Dunbarton, as an indigent Patient, accepte~.
8. E.L. Fair, ~epresentatlve of the Dept. of Agriculture at
Uxbrldge, requesting aGremt for the Ontario County'Orop I~prove-
mentAssoelation of $~5.00. .~
2he.following Persons on motimm were heard:
· 1. ~,r. Mlllard of J.H. Crang & Co. soliciting for the purchase
of a spray unit on an army truck at a total cost of $2,140.25,
net after subsidy approximately ~1,400.00
Persons ~. Hoss Madill making appli~ation~for the position of operator of
Heard the tractor and mower d~ing summer.
$. Messrs. Martin and Noyes advising tha~ they were endeavouring
to pura~ae fire equipment for the East Woodlands area and asking
?a) tha~ they receive the same~consideration as the'other Fire
(b) that mama be placed available for the hills in ~his area.
4. D.A. Seer amd i~. D. Miller (a) requesting Council ~urchase
seats for the Township Hall. They were reminded by Council that
there is a motion on the Township books wherebt Coumcll will spend
up to $100 in this connection provldimg an organized group will
provide a like am~umt.' (b) tham the Brougham Fire Brigade receive
.the same consideration"for fire calls as that of Piekering Fire
Brigade, viz. a yearly'guarantee of ~00 whiCh will ~cover the first
ten fires and the regular $30 per fire after the tenth fire.
5. Messrs. 'W. C. Murkar, Ross Irwin and John Balsdon, beimg'the
Trustees of the Plckering Continuation School DlsSrlct, and A. J.
Sutherland, representing the. Trustees of Claremont Continuation
School.D~trict, who expressed their views relative to the forma-
tion of-a High School Area.
6. Police constable Irvine and'Constable White relative to Police
Moved hymn. Balsdon, seconded 'by ~r. McEwen that Council accept
Motions the-Ajax C~amber o~ Commerce invitation to dinner at the Gordon
' House ~n Friday, Feb. 6th. Carried.
Moved ~y Mr. Burk, ,ecomd~ by M~. Disney tha~ ~r. Balsdon contact
Mr. H.~A. Newman relative to claim of damage to fence. Carried.
~oved ~Y ~r. Burk, seaondeA ~y Dr. ~c~wen that Council donate
$~.00 ~to the Ontario 0ounty Crap Improvement Association. Carried.
¸m2 o
Moved by Mr, Burk, secohded by mr. Disney that Council guarantee
Motions ~rougham Fire Brigade $400.00 yearly which will include service for
the first ten Township.fire-calls, and further salls to be paid for
at the rate of:$50.00 per call.
Moved by mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Balsdon That as Plckerl~g Twp.
has increased.their assessments uhder the County Assessment system
100~ as of lg3g, less depreciation, and as the Scarboro ~ownshlp rate
of assessment has re~ained the same, th~ the Council request a meeting
of the Scarboro and Plckering Assessors to eqUalize the assessments
between Pickering Unlo$ S.S. No. 4 and Scarboro School Area #2.
Moved by Dr. McEwen, seconded by :,~r. Balsdon that this Council
petition the Department of Highways of Ontario for~the subsidy on
the amount of the road expenditure for the year 1947. Carried.
By-law Dr. N. E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Balsdon moves for leave ~o intro-
to duce a By-law to provide for the total lg48expenditure on'Roads in
Provide th~ Township of Plckeriag, in ~he County of Ontario, and that the
total samenow be rea~ a first ~lme.
Expend~- Dr. N. E. McEwea, secende~ by Mr. Balsdon morea that By-law No. 1758.
ture on to provide for the total expenditure on R~ada in the Township of
Roads Picketing, be now reaAa seeon~ .time, and that the Council go into
committee of the whole thereom.
Dr. N. E. ~Ewen, seconded by Mr. Balsdon moves tha~ the re. port of
the committee of the whole on By-law No. 1738 ~e a~opted and that the
said By-law be now read a third time, that the same do now pass, that
the Reeve ~nd Clerk sign the same, and tha~ the seal of the Corpora-
tion be affixed thereto. Carried.
By-law Mr. M. B. Burk, seconded by ~M. E. F. Disney moves for leawe to lntro-
covering duce a By-law covering certain lncre$ses of salaries and allowances
Increases to employees, and that the same now be read a first time.
of Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney moved that By-law. No. 1759 to cover
Salaries certain increases of salaries and allowances to employees, be now
and read a second time, and that council,go into committee of She whole,
Allowances thereon.
Mr. Burk, seconded by'Mr. Disney moves that the report of t he committee
of the whole on By-law No. 1739 be adopted and that the said By-law be
now read third time, and ~hat the same do now pass, that ~he Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and thatthe Seal of the 0orporatlon be affixe~
thereto. Carrie~.
0ontlngencies To The Municipal Council of the Township of Pickering
Your Standing Oommittee on Contingencies ~egs leavg to report and
recommends as follows, payment of the f~llowing accounts:
L.T. Johnston salary less $16.00 tax
Adam Spears " & allow. 2.$§ " 180.48\
J. ~. Blackwell , " 1~.$~ " 137.35\
Mrs. Rhoten " , 7.10 " 22~.9~ ~
Mrs. ~oberts'On V . 2.2~ 81.08\
J. B. Irvlne ,! " ~.50 178.00~ ~
~ Fred WhiSe " 2.75 155.$8~
~ " telephone 1~ -87 \
~. M. B~ackwell ex~. 10.78~
· Albert Matthews sal. ~.00 ~
Hydro ~lectrlc Markham Service 17.16\
Woodbrldge & Vaughan Tel. Co. ~5.25\
.'County Treasurer, mndigent hospltalizatio~ $~;~\
"Woodstock Ont. Hosp. E. J. Patterson 45.~0\
~__. ~. Mitchell .coal, M~n. oldg. 81,40\
M. 5.~0hapman uniforms, Police 104.0~\
'~alvation Army Grant ~50'00\~
'Brooklin Junior Farmers Grant 50.00~
FranklinPress Printing #7 Debentures 5~.~2\
Comtingencies M~uniCipel Norld 7 subscriptloms $ 14:00~
contd. James Lynn rebate $100 asso~/47 ~ 4'05 \
Donald,_A. Milne bal. S.S' 7 Debentures 7,317.21~
Markham High School 15} H. S. pupils 98,99-~
L. T. Johnston Postage, office exp. 1~.29\
Brierbush Hosp. ~ridgman 8.00\
· Ont. Crop rmprovemen~ Association 25.00~
Ail of which is respectfully submitted.
M. B. Burk, Chairman.
On mo~lm~f Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney
the repoPt was adopted.
Roads To The Municipal Council of ~he Township of Plokerlng:
Bridges Your Standing Co,'~lttee on Roads and Bridges begs leave to report
and recommends as follows, payment of the following annexed accounts:
Ivan Booth oar allow. $ 21.00~
Chas._ Cooper rep. trucks, hdware 30.61~
~oe Burrows rep. ~rucks, maintainer 83.42~
Claremon~ onited Church gagage rent 1947 10,00~
J. D. Adam8 rep; snowplow S7.50~
R. J. Mitchell rep. to t~re 20.00\
¥~aitfield Engineering Ltd. rep. to plows 36'9~\
Daily Uo~aereisl News . ad, for tenders
Canadian 0il Os. gasoline &lS.~9\
Peterboro Lumbe~ Go. oar of lath
less freight 112.50 1,549.05-,
Eloopfer Hdwro. ' ~haln. for tires ,
and har4ware 46.24~
Int. Ea~vester Co. rep, trucks 182~42~
Roy Ward pd. for parts
" ~ car allow, t1~.8S
Rosa Re,aaa welding 2.00~
Lorne White welding plows 17.00k
Hydro Electric hydro for garage 4.05\
Woodbrldge & Vaughan tel. Co. calls ....4.40~
Fred Hicks labour rex 7.10 169.05~
Earl Anderson " 15.20 I40.80~
Robt. ~ard " 8.15 111.50~
Gordon ~en&~n "~ 1; 00 155 ~
W, B. ~er~on , 2'75 157,15\
Ira n BOOth " 15.5~ 155.
Roy ~ard ? ~10 157.
All of which ls~respectfull$ submitted.
Dr. N. E. McEwen, Chairman
On motiom of Dr. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Balsdon
the report was adopted.
Relief To The Municipal Gounoll of the Township of Picketing:
Your Standing Committee on Relief begs leave to report and recommends
as follows, payment of the following accounts:
Mrs. J. Dwyer $ 6.80
Mrs. M. E. Patterson ~7.~0~
Mrs. L. 3arber
Mrs. H. Limt'om 10.00~
~hitby Daix~y Mrs. Patterson 15.81\
S. E. Free 28.4~
~ A. Terrlll
Mrs. I. Jordan 44'40~
M. S. Ohapman Mrs. Watson 27.01\
01ty of Toronto M. ~yrck Dec. /47 11.61\$270.1~
V. D..
w. w.
" "(Ajax) j~6525g ~:-"A 45.00
Relief Th. aftercare '
contd. Mrs.', Norman Banks George Nolan
board J~n'_10 - Jan, 31
George Nolan S~ries - !1., 7~ 5. ~ 5
To~al Relief
Ail of which is respectf~ly submitted.
Fra~ Disney, Chal~n.
0n ~tlon of ~. Disney, .seeon~e~ by Mr. Burk
the report ~was adopte~.
I~st~ueti~n~ 1. Confl~ o~er for a further ~5 tons ealci~ from B~er
~. Notify Season Wllsom that To,ship plow ea~ot be hired for
his private rca~ as they a~e all busy.
~. Notify Mr. ~rston that tractor and mower has been ~elivere~.
4. Get a~vlee from solicitor regarding the pa~ent by the
Township of $40,~ being ~ount assess, e~ to J..B..I~lne for
improper arrest.
5. Order Councillors' s~ationery.
0r~er on Mo~ed by ~. B~k, seconded by ~. Disney that 'hhe Reeve grant
~he hl~ Order on the Treas~er to pa~ the several ~rties as
Treasurer recommended in the re.port~ of the Standing Oo~lttees as
presented this d~y. Carried.
A~Journ- MoVed by Mr. Disney, seconded by. Mr. Balsdon, that this Council
merit do ~now ,adjourn,, to meet again on Monday, ~r'oh lat, 1948,
at 1 p.m. Carried.
Car lfied
~le k.
Approved, March 1, 1948.