HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 12, 1948 Municipal Bulldlmg, Brougham, January 12, 1948.
Pursuant to Statute, the ~embers-eleot of the Municipal Council
.Lu~.ugural- of. the Township of Piokerimgmet on the above date at. the hour of
eleven o'clock-in the forenoon, namely:
William H. Westney, Reeve-elect
Dr. Nail E. McEwen, Deputy Reeve-elect
E. Frank Disney - Milton B. Burk - and
Clare A. Balsdon,- Councilman-elect.
Ail of the said members-elect having taken the Oath of Allegiance
to His MaJesty-K~ng George VI and the Declaration of. Qualification
on the day ef nomination took before the Clerk their respective
Declaration ef Office and took their seats at the Council Board,
the Reeve in the Chair.
Rev. Robert C. Copeland conducted the devotional address and on
motion of Mr. Burk, seconded by Br. McEwen a vote of thanks was
tendered to him.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion of Mr~
Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney, adopted.
Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney that the Standing
C®.mmitteea-Cem~ittees of the Council for the year 1948 be composed of the
"'following members respectively, and that the first named in the
case of each committee be Chairman thereof, that. is to say:
Roads and Bridges: Messrs. N. E. McEWen
W. H. Westney
E. F. Disney
M. B. Burk
C. A. Balsden
Contingencies: Messrs. M. B. Burk
E. F.Disney
N. E. McEwen
Relief: Messrs. E; F, Disney
C. A. Balsdon
M. B. Burk
Damages far Livestock
worrSed by dogs " C.A. Balsdon
E. F. Disney
N.E. McEwen
~:.~,.~rea~em~lence-The~ollowing correspondence was read:
1..James New~ort, Riverside Park, requesting snowplowing in that
sub~division. Clerk to advise not a Township road and road not
sufficiently wide to take our heavy snow~lews in. .
~.. H.A. Newman, requesting payment of $13.60~for claimed damage
to his fence on the E. side of sideline between lots 14 and l'5'~in
the 8th. Gen. last-winter by bulldozer. Clerk to advise that this
damage 'is more than offset by the soil erosion carried on to the
read caused by Mr. New~an removing top soil from. part of lot 16
in the 6th Concession.
$. Sheridan Equipment Co. Ltd. requesting information regarding
uses the gravel loader would be use~ for so that a government per-
mit could be secured as parts for, same would necessarily be im-
ported 1'rom the United States.
4. Salvation Army requesting grant for their work.
5. 0ntarie_Geod Reads Association requesting this Township become
a member for a fee of $5.00. No action.
6. J. R. Frost, Clerk,.Township of Whitby, advising that their
Council had concurred with our request and were protesting County
and Township easts re Ajax $o the Hon. Mr. L. Blackwell.
?. Canadian Natlemal Institute for the Blind requesting permission
to hold a Tag Day in this Municipality on. Sat. May l, 1948.
8. Assistant Chief Municipal Engineer, Dept. of Highways, advising
that approval is given by their Dept. for our purchase of one
International K $ truck with body end hoist for $5,986.00.
@.~_~m. G. Manning, Clerk of ~ounty of Ontario, advising that Mrs'.
VieI~t Flssler, Rouge Hills, was a~dmitted to the Toronto General
Hospital on Ney. 24th last as an indigent patient. Repudiated b~
01e rk.
10. Wm. G. Manning re Ed~a Lamoria of Brougham to Toronto East
General Hospital on Nov. l?th last as an indigent patilnt.
Clerk accepted.
Persons The following persons on metiea were heard:
Heard 1. Francis Wlllson requesting grant for Broo~lln Jr. Farmers.
2. G. M. Forsyth regarding County matters.
3. Howard E. Turner requesting further study by Council of the
unequal 1948 Assessments in respect to farms and small holdings;
4. Dr. Tomlinsen, M.O;H.; recommending increase for P.H.N.
5. C. E. Morley. and J. S. Balsdon requesting further information
on the proposed debenture issue for the Pickerlng Community Hall
and soliciting a municipal grant for same.
6. Messrs. Martin and Noyes thanking Council for consideration
given East Woodlands during the year 1947 and requesting infor-
mation on how to organize a local fire brigade for that area.
M~ieas Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney that permission be given
' te Canadian Nationa~ Institute for the Blind to hol~ a Tag Day in
this Municipality on Sat. May L, 1948. Carried.
Grants Moved by Mr. Disney, seconAe~ by Dr. McEwen that a grant of $250 be
given.to the Salvation Army. Carried.
Moved. by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney that a grant of $50 be
given to Brooklia Junior Farmers. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded_by Dr. McEwen that the salary of the
SalariesClerk-Treasurer be increased from $2200 to $2800 per year as of
Jan. 1, 1948. Carried..
Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon that the salary of
Mrs. Robertson be increased from ~820 to $1000 as of Jan.1 1948.
Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney that the Road Superintend-
ent's ~f~y be increased from $1800 to $2100 as of Jan. 1 1948
, Carried.
Moved by Mr. Burk, seooh~ed by Mr. Balsdon that the salary of the
Public Health Nurse be increased from ~1800 to $2100 and allowance
for her oar be increased from $550 to ~650 as of Jan. 1, 1948. Carrie~.
Moved by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Disney that the salaries of
Adam Spears and James Blackwellvbe increased from $1500 to $1800,
with Mr. Blackwell's mileage increased from .06~ to .07¢ per mile
for necessary township travelling as of Jan. 1, 1948. Carried.
Move~ by Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Burk that the salary of the
Caretaker be increased from $25 to $30 per month as of ~an. 1,
Moved by Dr. McEwen, secohAed by Mr. Burk that the required resolu-
Author- tics of the Canadian Bank of Comm:~erce designating the Treasurer,
~ L.T. ~ohns~on, and either the Reeve, Wm,~ H. ~e.stney, or the Deputy
sl~ Reeve, Nel-1 E. McEwen, the authority for signing, on behalf of the
cheques Corporation, all cheques, notes, vouchers, or any documents necess-
ary in the transaction of the Cerp~ration's business. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney that'the fees for the
. Election Municipal election held on Jan. 5, 1948, be as follows:
Fees D.R.O. $6.00.
~- Poll Clerk 4.00
Constable 4.00
Polling booth 4.00
Re MoVed by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney that Mr. Balsdon and
Tree Dr. McEwen accompany and advise the Road Superintendent regard-
Cutting lng the cutting of trees on the W. H. Moore road. Carried.
· ' Your 3tend:lag C94~[itSee' en Ccnting'en~ies begs leave ~o repots
~at~k and re~o~ends as f~ll~ws, p~ent ef the following accosts:
geaeles ~lll~ Deputy
" Subdivi siam Retu~ing 0ffice r $
~ ~ 1. E.L. Chap~n 14,00~
2. W.C. Mur~r
3. Walter Nioholson 14.00~
SA. ~o~ Forgie 14.00~
4. Bom Ben ~tton 18.00
5. Russell Davidson 14.00
6. ~h ~wbray 14.00~
~. Walter Bayles 10.00~
8. Ho~ rd Turner 14.00
9. Burnett ~ieson 14.00
1~. ~es. Gregg 14.00
11. ~. 0. Spa~ 14.00a~168.00
To 'Dr. T~lnsen Bal. 1947 sala~ ~0.00~
Wm. Ne~l~, Co. Treas. hQspitalization a/c
Beaton, Bell & Ross ~w a/c 5~0.3~
~stetner Lt~. Paper & ink E9.04~
F. Carson Ref~d dog tax ~.00~
H.E.P. Com. 0shawa Greenwoe~ li~ts 30.35~
Municipal. World Poll books ~5.5~
Tor. ~tationery Supplies Cens~ books
L. T~ ~ohnston Posta~ (~.15[ bulb(l~). 43.$0~
- . Deb. validation order
Th~s. Gregg Att. Div. Cou~ 4.00~
B. J~leson . ~ - . 4.00
Judge Cole~n Court of Appeal
Pickerl~ News
J. B. I~lne Expense accost 83,51~
F. ~W. ~ite Telephone accost ~'8~33~.15
Ail of which ls respectf~ly submitted.
M. B. Burk
0n motion of Mr. Burk, seconded b~ i~. Disney
the report was adopted.
To the M~l-e~al Co~cil of the To,ship of Piekering:
YoU~ S~nding Oo~lttee ~n Relief begs lear· t° report end
~eeo~men~s as follows, pa~ent of t he follo~ng accosts:
~s. J. D~eer $ 6.80~
Relief. ~s. M. E. Patterson 5~.$0k
~s. L. Barber
~s. H. Llnton 10.00~
~itby Dai~ Mrs. Pattersen 15.81~
S. E. Free ~8.~0~
A. Terrill 39.50~
~s. I. JoVan 44.40~
City of Toronto May B~ck Oct. ll.B4)
" " Nov. ~. ~ ) 23.
A.W.~tchell 750 lbs. coal
~s. Watson 7.~2~2.~4
Th. Aftercare
Mrs, No~n Ba~s George Nolan board
Nov. ~8~4~ to
,- . Jan. 10/48
6 weeks ~ ~8..00 $48.00~
Geo~e Nolan S~ries 11.75% 59.75
All of which is respectf~ly submitted.
Fra~ Disney
~' 0n ~tion of ~r. ~isney~ seconded by Mr. ~l~on
~ the report was adopted.
To the Municipal Council 0f the~Township o~ Pickerlng:
Shee.~ Your Standing Committee on' Sheep Or Other Livestock worried by
or dogs begs leave to report,, and recommends as follows, payment of
Live the following accounts:
worried To . G.M. Forsyth ~ ~Re killing dog $5.00 ~
does All'of which is respectfully submitted.
Clare Balsdon,
on motion of ~r. BalsdOn, seconded by Mr. Burk
the,report was adopted.
Ten, er inserted in one issue of Daily Commercial News:
. Tenders.will be received for one tractor with heavy mower
Tender · with extra heaVy 5 foot cutting bar, to be used for cutting
for weeds a, nd light brush, on roadside. Tenders w~ll be received.
Tractor by the undersigned until, ~oon January la, 19~8. Lowest or
with , any tender not necessarily accepted. ·
~ower L.T. Johnston, Clerk
Township of Pickering.
TenderS were opened for this purchase~ and resulted as follows:
· Sheridan Equipment Co., Ltd. $1,3~.00 .
Accepted General Supply Co. 1,67§.00
Compressed Air Equipment 1,795.00
' J. S. Innes Ltd. 2,825.00
Moved by ~r. Disney, seconded-by Mr. Balsdon that Council accept
tender of the Genera~.~u~p~!~y.~? .~.~$1,675.00.~. Carried.
~ Resolution of the MuniCipal Council of the Township of Piokering
esolution in'the uoun~y or on~ar~o; reiaz~ve ~o the proper~y vestee ih'n~a
Majesty The King and operated by Central Mortgage Corporation at Ajax.
A~ax M~ved by Dr.. N. E. McEwen, seconded by Mr. M..B..Burk
Area TEAT WHEREAS His Majesty The King owns approximately lO~ acres of
land.in the north half of lots 8, 9, lC, in the Fir'st Concession of
the Township of Pickering on which 600 houses.are located, together
withadministration and police buildings, Community Hall, one store
and two schools, and this area is administered by Central Mortgage Co.
AND %VHEREAS by agreement dated Nov. ~0, 19i2,.between ~artime Housing
Limited (of which Central ~o~tgage Co. is the successor) and the
Municipal Council of the Township of Pickering, it was agreed that
six months after the termination of the war, at the request of Council,
Wartime Housing Limited would remove said buildings:
AND WEEREAS said buildings are not assesSed~by.said CouncZl, so that
no'income is derived by'~he Corporation of the,Township of Piokering:
AND WHEREAS the said Corporation are required to.pay 50% of the cost
of'hospitalization of all indigent residents of Ajax area, together
with 50% of all Tb. aftercare, 25% cost of venereal treatments, is
liable for 50~ of relief and 25% of the County costs of High School
education, 20~ of the County costs of Children's Aid, law costs, etc.
AND WHEREAS this'has become a heavy burden to the Township of Pick-
ering ratepayers as the 1947 Assessment Roll showed only 5,871
population, while the estimated population of said Ajax Area is 2,700:
AND WHEREAS Council have both'by themselves and together with repre-
sentatives 'of our County Council contacted our late Federal Member,
W.E.N. Sinclair, the Department of Niunitions and Transport, and the
Wartime Hpus[ng Limited with a view of lessening the burden of the
above social services to the Corporation, having in mihd the fact
that a period of unemployment with attendant relief incidence would
scoa bankrupt the Corporation:
AND WHEREAS the Hon. Leslie Blaokwell, Attorney General of the Prov-
ince of Ontario, ~o had been consulted by members of this Council
and County, recommended tha~ we mahe a study of what we considered
· . would be in the best interests ct all concerned,and advise him by
Re Resolution.
Are~ AND WHEREAS in the opinion of members of 6oumoil there would seem to
be only three solutions to the final settlement of this situation,
~ viz. (1) that the entire Area be removed according to agreement.
This, in view ~f the housing situation, woNld seen~ impracticable.
(2) that said Area should become part of the Township of Plckerlng-
and be assessed as such. This would work a terrible hardship on
the Corporation because these houses were erected as a war measure,
on poor foundations, will not meet with our building by-laws, could
not be assessed for sufficient returns to pay for the services de-
manded and the excess costs of such would have to be borne by the
rest of the ratepaFers who do not have all the conveniences of this
Area, such as water and sewerage.
(3) that the Ajax Area should be formed into a separate Corporation
either within or outside of the County system. This would seem
~more workable providing the present water system was available to
them, that proper foundations be placed' under the houses and that a
sufficient grant be given them so that they could meet the cost of
municipal services.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Municipal Council of the Township
of Pickerlng:
(1) that the Ajax Area containing approximately 106 acres in the
no,th half of lots 8, 9, 10, of the Municipality of the Township of
Picketing becomes a separate Corporation.
(2) that copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the Hon. Mr. C.
D. Howe of the Federa$ Government, the Hon. Mr. Leslie Blackwell,
Atty. General, ProVlncial~Govermment, and the Warden of the County
of Ontario.
Dated at Brougham this l~th day of January, 1948.
-Sgd -W. H.-Westney,. Heeve.
Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Balsdon that leave be granted
B2-1aw to introduce a By-law to appoint a Holler Officer for the Township
to of Pickering for the year 19&8, that same be now read a first and
Appoint second time and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
Relic~ The By-law was then read a first and second time and Council
O~f~c,r went into a Committee of the Whole thereon, Mr. Disne~ in the chair.
NS, 17~1 The Committee of the Whole then arose and reported the By-law.
Report received. ·
Moved by Mr. Disney, secoaded by Mr. Balsdon that By-law to appoint
a Relief Officer for the year 1948, having been read a first and
'second time, be now read a third time and passed, signed by the
ReeVe and Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto. Carried.
The By-law was then read a third time and passed, signed by
the Reeve and Clerk and the Corprate Seal affixed thereto.
Moved by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Disney that.leave be granted
Bi-law to introduce a By-law to appoint Pound Keepers and Fence Viewers
to for ~he Township,of Pickering for the year 1948, tha~ same be now
Aopoin$ read a first, and second time and that Oouncil go into Committee of
Pound the Whole thereon. Carried.
Keepers The By-law was then read a first and second time and Council
and went into a Committee of the Whole thereon, Mr. Balsdon in the chair.
Fenee~ The Committee of the ¥~ole then arose and reported the By-law.
Viewers Report received.
N0."l?~'2. Moved by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Disney that By-law to appoint
'" Pound Keepersand Fence Viewers having been read a first and sec~n~
time be now read a third time and passed, signed by the Reeve and
.. Clerk and Corporate Seal affixed thereto. Carried.
The By-law was then read a third time and passed, signed by
the Reeve and Clerk and the Corporate ~eal affixed thereto.
By-law Moved by Mr. M.Burk, Seconded by Br. N. E. McEwen that loewe be
to granted to introduce a By-law to appoint a School Attendance Officer
Appoint and_Sanitary InsPector, that same be read a first and second time,
'School and t~ Gouacil~o %~ Committee OT the ~ole thereon. Carried.
~y-~awwas ream a r~rs~ and second time and Council
Attendance ,
to went into a Committee of t he Whole thereon, Mr. Burk in thg' chair.
Appolntschoo~ ReportTherecelved.C°mmlttee or,he Whole then arose and reported the Ny-law.
AttendanceMoved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Dr. MoEwen that By-law to appoint a
~fflcer School Attendance Officer and Sanitary Inspector having been read
and a first and second time, be now read a third time and passed, signed
Saniter~ by the Reeve and Clerk and Corporate Seal affixed thereto. Carried
Inspector ·
No. ~73S The by-law was then read a third time and passed, signed by
the Reave and Clerk and the Corporate. Seal affixed thereto.
By-law MoveA by Mr. Burk, seconded by ~r. Disney that leave be granted to
to introduce a BY-Law to appoint Valuers of Sheep and other Livestock
Appoint worried by dogs ih the year 1948, that same be now read a first and
~aluers second time and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereom.
of Carried.
Sheep The By-law was then read a first and second time and Council
&' Other went into Committee of the Whole thereon, Mr. Burk in the chair.
Llve~too$ The Committee of the Whole arose and reported the By-law.
worried Report maxr~ reeeived.
by dogs Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney that By-law to appoint
No. 1734 Valuers of Sheep and other Livestock WQrrled by dogs having beem
read a flrsl~and second time be now read. a third time and passed,
signed by the Reeve and Clerk and Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
The By-~aw was then read a third time and passed, signed by
the Reeve and ~lerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
By-law Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Burk that leave be granted te
to introduce a By-law to appoint a Weed Inspector for the year 1948,
Appoi~nt that same be now read a first and second time and that Council go
WeeA into Committee of the Whole thereon. Carried. ·
I~s~ec. tor The By-law was then read a first and second time andCouncit
'~N~.. 1735 went into a Committee of the Wl~ole thereon, Mr. Disney in the ehair.
The Committee of the Whole aros~ and reported the By-law.
Report reeeived.~
Moved by Mr. DlsneY~ seconded by Mr. Burk that By-law to appelmt a
Weed Inspector having bees read a first and secondtime be now read
a third time and passed, signed by the Reeve and Clerk, end the
Corporate Seal affixed thereto. Carried.
The By-law was then read a third time and passed, signed by '~
the Reeve and Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Dr. McEwen that leave be granted to
By-law introduce a By-law to appoint two me~bers for the Board of Health
to for the year 1948, that same be now read a first and second time
~ end that Council go into Committee Of the Whole thereon. Carried.
~ The By-law was then read a first and second time and Council
Members went into Committee of the Whole thereon, Mr. Burk in the chair~
-.for The' Committee of the Whole arose and reported the By-law.
Board Report received.
of Moved by Mr. Burk, secoh~ed by Dr. McEwen that Byrlaw to appoint
Health two members for the Board of Health having been read a first and
No. 1736 second time be now read a third time and passed, signed by the
Reeve.and Clerk, and Corporate Seal affixed thereto. Carrle~.
The By-law was then road a third rime'and passed, signed by
the Reeve and Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
_Moved by Mr. Bmrk, seoonded by Mr. Balsdon that leave be granted to
By-law introduae a By-law to authorize the borrowing of a certain sum to
to provide for the expenditures of the Municipality for the year 1~48
AUthorize that same be now read a first and second time and~that Council go the into Committee of the Whole thereon. Carried.
B°rrowing The By-law was then read a first and second time and ¢~uncil
of a 'went into Committee of the whole thereon, Mr. Burk in the chair.
G.etrain The Committee of the Whole arose and reported the By-law.
Sum Report received.
Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon that By-law to authorize
.the borrowing of a certain sum in the year 1~48 having been re~d a
first and secom~ time be now read a third time and passed, signed
by the Reeve .and Clerk and corporate Seal affixed thereto. Carried.
The By-law was then read a third time and passed, signed by
the Reeve and Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed ~hereto.
-7- /
Clerk's 1. Write the Beard of Transport Commissien~ Dominion Govern-
~ ment, Ottawa, requesting that a part of the funds at their
disposal be allocated to the Township of Picketing for the
improvement of the C. P. R. crossing at the Brock Rd. and
other crossings in the Township.
2. 0r~er the usual supply of the Municipal World for Council
and officials.
3. Arrange for a~aating of Council with the Fire Chiefs of
the Town_ship regarding fire areaa and costs.
4. Arrange a meeting between the Council and Police Dept.
5. Arrange a meeting between the Police Trustees of Plcker~ng
Village and Mr. Donald Ruddy.
6. Write Chief Municipal Engineer for permission for the
Township to take over Picketing Beach subdivision; forward
tenders and ~et permission to purchase a tractor'and mower
for weed cutting; and get information on the proposed 25%
tax on road equipment purchased in the United States.
7. Get information regarding the necessity of this Township
taking out unemployment insurance for employees, and more
information concerning employees' stamps for holidays.
.~der Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Balsdon that the Reeve
on grant his Order on the Treasurer to pay the several parties
T,~easurer aa recommended in the Reports of the Standing Committees
as presented this day.
A~J0urn- Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Burk that this Council do
mens now adjourn to meet again on~n~ay February 2, 19~8, at 1 p.m.
Certified ~
'~ Clerk.
Approved, February 2,1948