HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 10, 1969 29/69
A meeting of the Picketing Township
Council was held on MONDAY., the
TEN~I~ day of NOVEMBER, 1969, at
PRESENT: Reeve J. R. Williams
Deputy Reeve R. Chatten
Councillors- V. Rudik R. Mason
D. Kitchen
A. King
J. Kruger
Clerk D. J. Plitz
P. Poulsson, P. Eng.
By-Law Number 3732/69
Deputy Reeve R. Chatten, seconded by Councillor V. Rudik, moves
for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Picketing to
authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an Offer of Purchase
and Sale Agreement re Lots 117 and 118, Registered Plan 284,
Township of Picketing, and that same now be read a first time.
Deputy Reeve R. Chatten, seconded by Councillor A. King, moves
that By-law Number 3732/69 to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to
execute an Offer of Purchase and Sale Agreement re Lots 117 and
118, Registered Plan 284, Township of Picketing, be now read a
second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Deputy Reeve R. Chatten, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, moves
that the report of the Committee of the ~,~hole on By-law Number
3732/69 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third
Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the
Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
Recorded Vote:
~: Messrs. Rudik, King, Chatten, Kruger, Kitchen, Williams
No: Mr. Mason
Eesolution ~314/69
MOVED by Councillor R. Mason, seconded by Councillor A. King,
that Mrs. Ann Gilford be appointed to the Picketing Township
Court of Revision to replace Mrs. Muriel McCormack who has
resigned from this appointment.
Resolution #315/69
MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor R. Mason,
that the Council of the Township of Picketing enter into an agree-
ment with the Metropolitan Toronto Corporation in respect to the
acquisition and use of certain landfill sites in the Township
of Pickering subject to the amendments to Clauses 10 and 15 as
proposed by the Council of the Township of Picketing and the
amendments to Clauses 8 and 11 as proposed by Metropolitan
Toronto Corporation, and further subject to the approval of the
conditions for sanitary landfill sites of the Metropolitan
Toronto Department of Works that is to be attached to the
negotiated agreement. .... ...... Continued
-2 - 29/69
The amendments~referred 'to above being as follows:
Clause 10 amended to read:
PiCkering,s present refuse disposal facilities are operated
at .very little or no'cost at their own site which will be
included~in the Metro operation, therefore, Metro.will
supplY,refuse disposal service free for 350,000 tOns to
use as the Township of PickerinE~sees fit.
Clause 15 amended to' read:
In the event that Picketing becomes part~ of Metropolitan
'Toronto, the tonnage payment referred to in ClauSe 8 and
the.chargesin Clause 13 will be cancelled, it being clearly
understood that Metro would assume all costs ~eferred ko
in paragraph 2 of Clause 8 as compensation to the Township
of Picketing.
Metropolitan Toronto amendments:
Clause 8 amended to read:
In order t° compensate the Township of Picketing for the
.cost of relOcating and phasing out their existing disposal
operations, required to permit the agreement to take effect,
Metropolitan TorOnto agrees to pay to the Township $50,O00.
on ~ay 1, 1970, and a further $50,000. 6n May 1, 1971.
In order to compensate the Township of Picketing for the
cost of road maintenance, policing, ~raffic control, loss
of assessment in the foreseeable future, loss of income from
dumping service, loss-of suitable area for low cost waste
disposal for Pickering's future needs, and any inconvenience
involved because of the extra truck traffic, and the dis-
posal of refuse within its boundaries, Metropolitan
Toronto will pay to the Township 6~ per ton of refuse
disposed of at the Picketing sites. This payment will be
in effec% for the year 1970 and is to be adjusted annually
by apPlying the Southam Construction Index (Composite;,
as published in the Engineering and Contract Record.
Clause 11 amended to read:
After the free dumping has been used up, Metropolitan
Toronto will accept municipally collected refuse from
Pickering Township at the same rate charged area
municipalities within Metropolitan Toronto through
MetropOlitan Toronto tax levy or at the prevailing rates
charged private haulers whichever is less.
Recorded Vote:
Yes: Messrs. Williams, Chatten, Rudik, Mason, Kitchen, King,
- Kruger
No: Nil
Resolution #316/69
MOVED by Councillor V. Rudik, seconded by Councillor J. Kruger,
that the Ontario Humane Society be permitted to hold their
annual Tag Day on the l&th and l~th of November, 1969.
- 3 - 29/69
The Council received the following correspondence from the Metropolitan
Toronto Clerk's Department with respect to draft agreement on con-
ditions for the acquisition and use of landfill sites in the Township
of ?ickering.
Second Floor, City Hall
Toronto 1OO, Canada
November 6, 1969.
D. J. Plitz, Esq.,
Township of Pickering,
1710 Kingston Road,
Picketing, Ontario.
Dear Sir:
The Metropolitan Toronto Executive Committee on November 4, 1969,
had before it a report (November 3, 1969) from the Commissioner of
Works forwarding a report (October 31, 1969) submitted by the negotiating
team for Metropolitan Toronto relative to acquisition of refuse dis-
posal sites in the Township of Pickering, recommending, subject to the
approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, an agreement be entered into
by the Metropolitan Corporation with the Township of Picketing in
respect to the acquisition and use of the landfill sites in the Township,
containing the terms and conditions set out in the report of the
negotiating team (copy attached) and such other terms and conditions as
the Metropolitan Solicitor may deem necessary to give effect thereto.
The Executive Committee decided to recommend to the Metropolitan
Toronto Council, for consideration on November 14, 1969, the adoption
of the foregoing report of the Negotiating team for Metropolitan Toronto,
such recommendation to be subject to the Township of Pickering agreeing
to the amendment of the dates in Term No. 8 from January l, 1970 and
January l, 1971, to May I in each case and also subject to the addition
of the words "through Metropolitan Toronto tax levy" after the word
"Toronto" in term No. ll, and in the event that the To~a~ship does not
agree to such revisions, the recommendation is to be submitted to the
Metropolitan Council without such revisions.
As the meeting of the Metropolitan Council when the foregoing
matter is to be considered is scheduled for November l&, 1969, it
would be appreciated if your reply could be submitted to the
Metropolitan Toronto Clerk prior to that date.
Yours truly,
Deputy Metropolitan Clerk
The agreement had been negotiated between representatives of the
Metro Toronto Executive Council and Reeve Williams, Deputy Reeve Chatten
and the Township Engineer, P. Poulsson, P. Eng. over the last two years
and it is now reaching the final stages of acceptance by the Metro
Council at their forthcoming Council meeting scheduled for November
l&th, 1969.
Some members of Council felt that the agreement had been hastily put
before them, and therefore needed more time to study the various clauses,
and that reports should be received from the Department Heads on this
matter before Council acceptance.
Mr. P. Poulsson suggested that a further delay could result in problems
to the Township as the Department of Health has given a two-months
extension to an adjunction that no more burning may take place at the
Township pit on the Fifth Concession. The Township would be obliged
to provide their own landfill sites which could cost up to $1OO,OOO.OO.
The clanaes.~e~_.~utewere lO and 15, and in particular, 15, which
it was felt takes out the heart of the agreement.
Reeve Williams pointed out that Metro ~as spending $310,000.00 on roads
in the Township, some of which had presented difficulties to the
Township. He also advised that operations would probably not start
until 1972 and certainly not before the Brock Road overpass at ~O1 is
constructed. If the ~eement is not accepted by the Township, it
would be taken to the ratio Municipal Board and if endorsed, the
Township would have no say in the proposal.
With respect to reports from the Department Heads, the Planning Bce rd
has approved the proposed landfill sites on the 5th Concession, east
of the Brock Road and on the Valley Farm Road; and further, the
Police Department reported that they could foresee no problem.
Councillor Nason expressed concern on the destruction of the area where
the Royal Ontario Museum found relics of an Indian settlement. It was
suggested that the Township Engineer request Metro to consult with the
Royal Ontario Museum about the preservation of this particular area.
The Council finalized the discussion by agreeing to the amendments
~E_R~olut i.o_~.
In~str_~t_~io~ns to P~.,Po__u~
~r. Poulsson to include on his agenda for We~esday, Nov~ber 19, 1969,
the followin~ items. The meetin~ will be ~ ~ad Co,tree meet~ ~th
all Co~cil present.
1. Re~rt en the ~sals for the 401 reconstruction
2. Pre-pa~t of local imp~v~ents
S~da~ cOnditions for ~ta~ ~dfill
Moved by councillor J. Kruger, seconded by Councillor R. Mason, that
this meeting do now adjourn, at lO:&5 p.m.