HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 13, 1972 7/72 COUNCIL MEETING A meeting of the Pickering Township Council was held on MONDAY, the THIRTEENTH day of MARCH, 1972, at 10:06 P.M. PRESENT: Reeve J. R. Williams Deputy Reeve G. Ashe Councillors - Mrs. J. L. McPherson D. Kitchen K. Matheson D. Quick Clerk D. J. Plitz <Councillor J. Anderson - Absent - Attending rural ratepayers' meeting - Altona - re Airport) (I) CORRESPONDENCE l. The following letter was read: NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA Whitby Branch Navy League Cadet Corp Brooklin March 10, 1972. Mr. D. Plitz, Township Clerk, Pickering Township, Ontario. Dear Sir: As you are aware the Whitby Branch of the Navy League of Canada, are about to launch a $50,000.00 building fund for the purpose of a permanent type headquarters situated at Whitby Harbour. This dry land 'ship' will be used for the youth of this area to further the aims of the Navy League to develop youths from ages II - 19 years of age in citizenship, leadership and other interesting activities based on a naval background. At the present time we are able to boast of over 100 boys from an area bounded by West Rouge, Port Perry and Whitby who are now operating out of a school gymnasium in Whitby. It is hoped to acquire your permission for our cadets to con- duct a residential fund raising drive in the Township of Pickering on Saturday, March 25th, 1972. Yours very truly, W. J. Holding, Secretary, P. O. Box 33, Whitby, Ontario. See Resolution #93/72. Policy of Council - The Council were of the opinion that requests of this nature should not be handled through Council by Resolutions if there is not legislation requiring same, but rather a letter mailed to the inquiring parties acknowledging and granting permission should be satisfactory. - 2 - 7/72 (II) RESOLUTIONS Resolution #90/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillör D. ~itchen, that whereas Council at their meeting of March 6th, 1972, did by Resolution #84/72 approve the tend~r a~ submitted by The Bonner Development Company Limited in the amount of $153,895.00 for the constru~tion of a 45 place Day Care Centre; subject to the approvål by the Department of Social and Family Services and the Township's architect, T. W. Beddall, AND WHEREAS T. W. Beddall advised Council that the' mechanical estimates in the tender seemed high and required review; AND WHEREAS a review was made and a reduction of $ll,018.00 was realized, resulting in a new tender figure of $l42,877.00; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that Resolution #84/72 be rescinded and that Council give its approval to the revised tender figure of $142,877.00 subject to the Department of Social and Family Services giving its approval. CARRIED Moved by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that Mr. D. Burn be heard. Mr. Burn appeared on the subject of the Day Care to express his concern over the possible effects the entrance to the Day Care would have on his property and the environment of the valley immediately to the west of his property on Radom St. He also expressed concern that the entrance would not be built to safeguard the very end property immediately adjacent to the entrance. Mr. Burn was advised that all necessary precautions will be taken in respect to the entrance and abutting owners. Resolution #91/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, that Resolution #85/72 be rescinded and the contract for supply of one tractor, loader, backhoe unit be awarded to Wm. R. Buckle Equipment Ltd., in the amount of $14,269.50 complete. CARRIED Resolution #92/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, that the Holy Redeemer Church Building Committee be authorized to conduct a Provincially Licenced "Stanley Cup 7211 Lottery in the Municipality, the total prize money being $7,000.00, based on seven play-off games at $1,000.00 per game. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Messrs. Ashe, Quick, Kitchen, No: Mrs. McPherson (Mr. ~ - Absent) ~~v~~t;) O~ . Matheson, Williams - 3 - 7/72 Resolution #93/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, that the Navy League of Canada, Whitby Branch, be permitted to carry out a door-to- door canvass in the Townshi~ of Pickering for the purpose of raising funds to assist 1n the construction of a permanent headquarters to be located at the Whitby Harbour, said campaign to take place on Saturday, March 25,1972. CARRIED (III) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, that this Council meeting now adjourn and reconvene into Closed Session of the Committee of the Whole, at 10:44 P.M. Dated !vvuæIv 7JJ J I q tlv . , ,. / Clerk