HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 6, 1972 (I) COUNCIL MEETING 6/12 A meeting of the Pickering Township Council was held on MONDAY, the Sixth day of MARCH, 1972, at 8:15 P.M. PRESENT: Reeve J. R. Williams Deputy Reeve G. Ashe Councillors - J. Anderson Mrs. J. L. McPherson D. Kitchen K. Hatheson D. Quick Clerk D. J. PIitz ADOPTION OF MINUTES (II) Moved by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, seconded by Councillor D. Matheson, that the minutes of the Council meetings of February 21 and 28,1972, be adopted as presented. CARRIED ACCOUNTS See Resolution #79/72. (III) 1. . DELEGATIONS Re: Proposed Airport Reeve Williams reviewed with the delegations of the North area Township ratepayers his meeting held with the Minister of Treasury and Department of Municipal Affairs, the Hon. Darcy McKeough together with Federal, Provincial anà Municipal officials. Airport - A National Disaster "It's a national disaster. It's a prime example of the inadequacies of our present government...to take up thousands of acres of good land - to take away its history. I think the people who made this choice are a monument to the stupidity of our governments.;¡ These were the brief but exDlosive words of Jim Anderson, speaking on behalf of a huge delegation of people who vehemently protested the location of an airport in Pickering Township, at its council meeting on Monday night. Councillors had just returned from a conference with federal and provincial authorities. Dissatisfied with the answers they got to their questions, they unanimously passed a resolution opposing the location of the airport in Pickering Township, and opposing the method of implementing such a project. Reeve John Williams declared that the whole plan was a shambles from beginning to end. There had been no real planning for this facility, he said. ¡¡What a position this municipality would have been in if its Planning Board and Council had slapped a zoning or land-use by-law without consulting its ratepayers;¡, he said, "we would have been hung drawn and quartered by the Ontario l1unicipal Board.H Council had pointed out to the government heads that its zoning did not permit an airport in the rural area. The Committee of Adjustment had just recently refused - 2 - 6/72 an application for a flying field for light planes. Yet, said the Reeve, here was the Federal Government designating a site for jumbo jets. . Williams mourned that of Pickering Township's 68,000 acres the Province was acquiring 25,000, the Federal government l8,000. In 1970 five million people used Malton per year. In the year 2000, sixty million people would be using air travel in the Toronto area. Malton is 17 miles from Toronto, Pickering 30. In Pickering there would be .3 major runways, twelve to fifteen thousand feet long. Councillors learned at their conference that the government would like to have the property acquisitions in the airport area done in two or three months - but admitted that the target date would probably be two years. Provincial controls have been placed on the lands to the east of the airport site, north in Uxbridge, west in Markham and Stouffville, and in Scott Township. What it amounts to, said Mr. Williams, is sterilization. Claremont is not proposed to be expropriated and is not subject to these controls. Flight paths would be over Whitby, Ajax, the north portion of the Town of Whitby. Take off, to the north-east over Markham, Stouffville and Uxbridge, and the north-west part of the Town of Whitby. As for the proposed city of Cedarwood, south of Highway 7, land will be expropriated if required. There is a possibility of people being able to retain their homes subject to them fitting into the plan the Province is preparing. Councillor Don Quick, who proposed the motion to oppose the airport, said that Council had been told that Pickering was considered the best of 59 proposed sites. He did not disagree with the location of a second airport in the general vicinity if it could be located without the disruption of people and their homes. He recalled that the Township had requested an airport east of Yonge Street, and had long wanted additional assessment. He said there was a possibility of Pickering becoming a "boom!; town in the next few years. lilt may be an asset and liked by the residents of the Township", he said, ~;the Province has had us hung up with regional gov,rnment ' first handed to Oshawa, then to Metro. The alternative may be the retention of a very strong Township of Pickering.:î The site of the airport should be north or east of the one that was selected, contended Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, and authorities were creating the same problem as at Malton. Cost, he said, was the reason for the selection, and even though the acquisition of land would be more expensive the servicing costs, transportation, and roads would offset it. Councillor John Anderson, who is in the expropriation area, spoke of the rural atmosphers. "The properties are beautiful, Ii he said, amid hearty applause, :1 and I go on record as supporting the motion. i' - 3 - 6/72 Very concerned was Councillor Mrs. Jean McPhersont and said she would whole-heartedly support the resolution to protest. Councillor Ken Matheson was against the airport being located in any part of the Township, stating that steady headway in development was being made, and now they were about to lose two-thirds of it. HNo!" shouted the audience, when he said he thought it was inevitable. When Councillor Don Kitchen asked the Deputy Minister if the airport could be relocated, the answer was no. it It's going to be very difficult for you to change that," said Kitchen, "both governments are very strong in their feeling that the airport will go here. This Township was not asked its opinion.' Our voices tonight will receive the same consideration. \, "Our zoning does not permit an airport", concluded the Reeve, lîyet all the Federal government has to do is acquire the land and put anything they wish on it. So can the Province. This Council has had no hand in making this decision. Any appeal should be made directly to the Federal and Provincial Governments. t , Moved by Councillor K.M~theson, seconded by Counc1llor D. Quick, that Hr. J. Aádre~s and Mr. Wm. Lishman be heard. They suggested that all facts be acquired as to why the airport should be located in the Township of Pickering. Councillor D. Kitchen read the following notice of motion which he considered was now redundant due to the events which had taken place since giving notice. Councillor Kitchen therefore withdrew his motion. Notice of Motion - Moved by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that whereas it has been reported in the news media that the site for a new international airport would be located in Pickering Township, southwest of Claremont. and Whereas it is the opinion of the Council of the Township of Pickering that an international airport would disrupt the quiet enjoyment of existing and future residents of our Township; and Whereas it is the opinion of this Council that the environmental disruption which would be caused by this Airport would far outweight the financial benefits. It is hereby resolved, therefore, that the Council of the Township of Pickering request that both the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada, through their respective responsible authorities, announce publicly that this airport will not be located in Pickering Township, or in close prõXimity to the Township. The Council were advised and requested to attend a meeting of the North ratepayers at the Brougham Community Hall at 8 p.m., March 7th, 1972. 2. (IV) l. 2. 3. - 4 - 6/72 Moved by Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that Mr. Bert Giroux be heard. Mr. Giroux representing Opportunity for Youth Program of Pickering, requested from Council, support of a tree planting program. He advised that 60,000 seedlings would be planted this year and subsequent years, a like number, and that as they mature, would be planted on rdad sides and boulevards throughout the Municipality. Th~ program will also require two to three acres of land on which to plant these trees until maturity. It was suggested by Council that the Engineer would lend some assistance in locating a tree planting site and that perhaps the Hydro, M.T.R.C.A. and other governmental agencies be approached to obtain planting areas. See Resolution #88/72. OPENING OF TENDERS Day Care Centre Gar-Jon Const. Ltd. Ravine Grand Const. Ltd. Warne~ & Jekàtisons Ltd. Bonner Development See Resolution #84/72. $154,SOO.00 16l, 000. ,00 l75,l60.00 l53,895.bO Tractor-Loader Backhoe - P.U. 1-72 Altona Feed & Supply Stan Beach WID. R. Buckle Equipment Case Power & Equipment Edwards Equipment G. Hansen Supply Ltd. Pigott Tractor & Equipment Westmetro Ford Eq~ip. Sales Truck & Tractor See Resolution #85/72. $ 15,430.67 l4,380.61 14,269.50 IS,487.50 14,490.00 l4,79l.35 17,667.30 Ltd.l4,259.00 l4,889.00 Watermains - Woodview Area Local Improvement Areas 8, 9, 22 & 24 Aprile Contracting T. Collini Co. Ltd. Donofrio Co. Ltd. Modern Excavation Ltd. Vasto Const. Winchester Const. Angellotti Const. See Resolution #86/72. $325,405.00 387,474.00 396,560.25 288,307.75 359,108.05 381,599.75 385,964.50 ~. (V) I. 2. (VI) l. 2. 3. 4. - 5 - 6/12 Water mains - White's Road Area Local Improvement Area 5 Aprile Contracting T. Collini Co. Ltd. Donofrio Co. Ltd. En San Contracting Ltd. Mizrab Modern Excavation Ltd. Vasto Const. Winchester Canst. Angellotti See Resolution #87/72. $ 89,299.00 100,746.40 107,4l8.3l 84,424.75 99,7l8.75 80,342.35 110,3l5.20 89,482.50 93,599.00 CORRESPONDENCE Mr. W. T. Howard, Director, Government of Ontario Transit, replie~ regarding the GO Transit Dial-a~Bus Services in the Bay Ridges aréa, that they are still in the planning stage of any proposed changes, and before any changes are implemented, they will make the proposals known to Council. Copies to Council and News Media, also of Clerk's letter of February l7, 1972. Instructions to Clerk - Request further clarification of letter dated March 2, 1972, and as to the possible public takeover of Dial-a-Bus service, keep the municipality fully informed as to intent of the GO Transit relative to changes in operation. The Toronto Building and Construction Trades Council writes regarding the Day Care Centre tender and notes several construction firms who are not in contractural relationship with this Council. INFORMATION The Department of Social and Family Services has given final approval to the plans and specifications of the Day Care Centre. The Solicitors acting for Wm. G. Walters and J. Walters have submitted a writ of summons Municipality relative to the West Rouge Golf Country Club Heuse said writ forwarded on to Hassard, Elliott. Irene on the and Mr. J. Kruger submits area. land use pattern in Wast Rouge Copies to Council and News Media. Instructions - Distribute to Planning and Engineering bepartments. Mr. C. W. Laycox submits agreement of Purchase and Sale of one acre of land in S 1/2 part Lot la, Range III, B. F. Cone. Referred to the Committee of the Whole Council. 5. 6. 7. 8. (VII) - 6 - 6/12 Mr. C. F. S. Tidy, Manager of Properties, Ontario HydrO. advises that the leasing of l5 acres of land ih Lot 20, Range III, B. F. Conc., for a period of 25 years, effective April l, 1972, at a rental of $l.OO per annum, has been approved. Copies to Council and News Media. Instructions - Clerk to contact Totten, Sims & Hubicki & Associates requesting this firm to proceed with design of an athletic field on the Sandy Beach Road site as per Resolution '474/71. Weir & Foulds advise they have arranged with the Ontario Municipal Board for the hearing of the appeals re the Owl Realty Assessment Appeal, May 4th and 5th. Copies to Council. Clerk to attend this Hearing. The Hon. J. A. C. Auld, Minister, Department of the Environment, replies to Council's endorsation of the City Engineer's Association resolution with respect to the recycling of waste. Copies to Council and News Media. Mr. J. H. Fenton requests appointment as representative of the Pickering Rod and Gun Club to the Environmental Quality Committee. Instructions (I) Clerk to amend appointment By-law '4125 and include Mr. J. H. Fenton. (2) Request the Pickering Environmental Advisory Committee to report on the proposed airport site and its effects on the ecology of the area. RESOLUTIONS Resolution *7l/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that due to the increased urbanizing of the Township of Pickering, creating hazardous hunting conditions, and an air of concern to its citizens, and further, the continued irresponsibility of the hunters towards the private property owner, the Council of the Township of Pickering does not wish to permit the three-day annual deer hunt in the Township of Pickering. Be it therefore resolved that the Department of Lands and Forests be so advised. As recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council, February 28, 1972. CARRIED - 7 - 6/72 Resolution #72/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that the Council of the Township of Pickering submit to the Licencing Bureau of the Department of Transportation and Communications their recommendation tnat a Licencing and Driver Examination Bureau be located in the Sheridan Pickering Mall at Liverpool Road and Highway '2, as recommended by the Standing Committee pf.the Whole Council, February 28, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #73/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that the portion of costs for the 1972 - 76 Waterfront Plan as submitted by the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority amounting to $108,370.45 be paid in five annual instalments of $21,674.09 and further that the annual instalments be raised by the inclusion of this amount in the general rate levied over the total municipality, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council, February 28, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #74/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that the portion of costs as levied against the Municipality of the Township of Pickering for the extension of the plan for flood control and water conservation be adopted and further that the annual levy of $ll,316.64 of the total levy of $56,583.20 be raised by the inclusion of this amount in the general rate for a levy over the total municipality, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the \\ñole Council, February 28, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #75/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that the 1972 Agreement between the Victorian Order of Nurses and the Township of Pickering be accepted with the agreement being amended to gvarantee a contribution of $2,000.00 rather than $2,500.00 as originally requested, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council, February 28,1972. CARRIED Re~olution #76/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that whereas an improved methoq for the control of Warble Fly has been developed, and Whereas the Department of Agriculture and Food has advised fo the discontinuance of grant paYments to the Township for this service~ Al~ WHEREAS the Warble Fly Act is not to be enforced; - 8 - 6.72 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Township of Pickering discontinue the warble fly spraying of cattle in this Township until further advised by the Department of Agriculture and Food. As recommended by the Standing Committee of the tihole Council, February 28, 1972. CARRIED Resolution 117/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to petition the Department of Transportation and Communications for subsidy on the amount of $1,096,773.05 for 1972 expenditures. CARRIED Resolution *78/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that the 1971 surplus be charged with an amount of $45,700.00 for the establishment of a Reserve Fund for the replacement of Capital Equipment, as per Treasurer's report of February 23, 1972, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Cðunoil in Finance, February 23, 1972. CARRIED Resolution 179/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, that the accounts for the months of January and February, 1972, be adopted as presented, as follows: Capital: Savings: $ 138,438.79 87,796.07 General: Welfare General 22,864.22 3,255,l69.34 3,278,033.56 Roads: Non subsidizable Subsidizable 9,140.26 36,697.38 45,837.64 $3,550,106.06 As recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council in Finance, February,23, 1972. CARRIED - 9 - 6/72 Resolution *80/72 MOVED by Coun~11øœ~.~. Quic~, seconded by C~uncillor K. Matheac~~ that t~e Counc1l of the !owns~1p of Pic)cer::,ng accepts W1 th regret the res1gnat10n of -tf=-. .,.Faulkner, Planning Director, and further ~at the effective date for his resignation be on a date mutually accept~ble to the ~ouncil and Mr. Faulkner, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council in Closed Session, February 2l, 1972. CARRI ED Resolution #8l/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, that the Township of Pickering retain the services of Edwards and Gunn, O.L.S. for the purposes of preparing a site plan for a 50 x loa foot lot on which the proposed West Rouge Canoe Club will be constructed. CARRIED Resolution *82/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor -4. Matheson, that this Council is opposed to the cons~ction of a second Toronto airport in the location suggested by the Federal and Provincial Governments, and the proposed method of implementation of such a project. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Mrs. McPherson, Messrs. Anderson, Ashe, Williams Quick, Matheson. Kitchen No: Nil Resolution #83/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, that this Council does hereby endorse the recommendation of the Pickering Township Planning Board of January 27, 1972, that the Amended Site Plan for Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club, as shown on Plan dated January 27th, 1972, be approved in respect to the parking and berthing layout. CARRIED Resol~tion #84/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, that the tender of The Bonner Development Company Limited, in the amount of $l53,89S.00 be accepted for the construction of a Day Care Centre, West of Liverpool Road and North of Padom St., subject to consultation with the Architect ana approval of the Department of Social and Family Services. CARRIED - 10 - 6/72 Resolution #85/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seèonded by Councillor J. Anderson, that the tender of Westmetro Ford Equipment Sales Ltd. in the amount of $14,259.00 be accepted for a Tractor-Loader BAckhoe, subject to the approval of the Township Engineer. CARRIED Resolution #86/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, that the tender of Modern Excavation Ltd. in the amount of $288,307.75 be accepted for the con- struction of a watermain as a local improvement in the Woodview area subject to the approval of the Township Engineer. CARRIED Resolution #87/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPhersori, that the tender of Modern Excavation Ltd. in the amount of $80,342.35 be accepted for the conètrtiction of a watermairt as a local improvement in the White's Road area subject to the approval of the Township Engineer. CARRIED Resolution #88/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, that whereas the local Federal member of Parliament, Mr. Norman Cafik, is conducting an Industrial Seminar~ AND WHEREAS the said Seminar will be attended by industries located throughout the area municipalities, Ajax, Pickering and WHitby; BE IT TIIEREFORE AGREED that the Township share equally in the costs of providing refreshments for the attending members. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Messrs. Anderson, Ashe, Williams, Quick, Matheson, Kitchen No: Mrs. McPherson Resolution #89/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that the Council of the Township of Pickering does give its unanimous support to the Opportunity for Youth Tree Planting program, and further will assist in locating a suitable site for this program. CARRIED .' - II - 6/72 Motions - Tabled 1. Moved by Counci~lor J. Anderso~ seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, that wàereas.-~hê- Ontario Humane Society has incurred increased costs in the operation of the dog control of the Township of Pickering; AND WHEREAS the Ontario Humane Society estimate that a lO~ per capita charge against the Municipality would assist in meeting these increased operating costs; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Pickering agrees to provide the lO~ per capita charge to the residents of the Municipality; AND FURTHER that the agreement between the Ontario H~~e Society and the Tdwnship of Pickring be amended accordingly. TABLED Referred to the Finance Committee. 2. Moved by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that whereas an Offer of Purchase and Sale has been submitted to the Township for one acre more or less of industrial land in Part Lot 18, Range III, B. F. Cone., AND WHEREAS the said purchase is for the purposes of a car auto body shop; AND WHEREAS the said offer is for a price of $l3,OOO.OO per acre plus local improvements; BE IT THEREFORE AGREED that the Council of the Township of Pickering accept the said offer subject to the usual terms and conditions set out by the Municipality. TABLED Referred to the Committee of the Whole Council. (VIII) BY-LAWS By-Law Number ~l~6/72 - Third Reading The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number ~l~6/72 to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Pickering and Comsa Holdings Limited (Hockey School at the Don Beer Sport Arena), be adopted, and that the said by-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corpcration be affixed thereto. CARRIED -l2 - 6/72 By-Law Number ~l~8/72 ...-'~ Councillor D. Quick, secot3øAL'l..Þy--Gollnt"iJ larK. Ma the.aort' moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the T~hip of Pickering to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute a leasea.~amentfor' 'the JùMip Hills' Golf and Country C~ub} "aDd 'tha't'same now be read a first time. ~ouncillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor J. Ande~son, moves that by-law Number ~1~8/72 to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute a lease agreement for the Rouge Hills Golf and Country Club be now read a secQnd time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number ~l~8/72 be adopted, and that the saià By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Còrporatiort be affixed thereto. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Messrs. Williams, Quick, Matheson, Kitchen No: Mrs. McPherson, Messrs. Anderson, Ashe By-Law Number ~l~9/72 Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, movss for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering for the licensing, regulating, and governing of owners and drivers of taxi-cabs and other motor vehicles for hire and establishin~ the rates or fares to be charged by the owners or dr1vers of cabs and livery cabs for the conveyance of passengers within the Township of Pickering, and that same now be read a first time. Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, moves that By-law Number ~1~9/72 for the licensing, regulating, and governing of taxi-cabs, etc. be now read a second time, and that ,Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law number ~149/72 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED - l3 - 6/72 By-Law Number 4lS0/72 ..~.. COlin,..; ] l.oP .3';' ~~Y\5.OR'7""se('onded.by Councillor K. Matheson, 'moves for leave to int~oduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to regulate, govern and prohibit the operation of motorized snow vehicles within the Municipality (consolidate by-laws 3939/7l and 4069/7l and repeal same) and that same now be read a first time. Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, moves that By-law Number 4150/72 to regulate, govern and prohibit the operation of motorized snow vehicles within the Municipality be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, moves that the report of the Committee of the WhOle on By~law Number 4150/72 be adopted, and that the said bY-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-Law Number 4151/72 Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the execution by the Reeve and Clerk of an Agreement between the Victorian Order of Nurses and the Corporation of the Township of Pickering, and that same now be read a first time. Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, moves that By-law Number 41Sl/72 to authorize the execution of an Agreement with the Victorian Order of Nurses be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number 4lSl/72 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (IX) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-Law Number 4152/72 Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering at its meetings held on the 28th of February and the 6th of March, 1972, and that same now be read a first time. Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, moves that By-law Number 4lS2/72 to confirm the proceedings of the Febrcary 28 and March 6, 1972 Council meetings be now read a second time, and that Council to into Committee of the Whole thereon. - l~ - 6/72 The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number ~lS2/72 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (X) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, that this meeting now adjourn at Il:35 p.m. (XI) FUTURE MEETINGS March 7 - Public Relations Committee - postponed to March l6, 1912. March 8 - Personnel Committee - 7 to 9 p.m. Works Committee - 9 to 10 p.m. 9 - Planning Board - 8 p.m. March March l3 - Committee of the Whole - 8 p.m. March l~ - Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Council - 6:30 p.m. March l5 - Fire & By-law Committees - 8 p.m. March l6 - (l) Joint Planning, Council and Committee of Adjustment, D.H.A. representatives. (2) Public Relations Committee Dated ~ -....