HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 15-00• �VO, �,�OFP�C � � REPORT TO COUNCIL rROM: Neil Carroll DATG: March IG, 2000 Dircctor, Plnnning and Development REPORTNUMBER: 1'D IS-00 SUBIECT: Appoinuncnt of Inspectors and Acting Chicf duiiding Oflicinls RECOMMGNDATION: 1. That Schcdulc A of By-Inw 46d7/95, which appoints thc Chief Building OfTicinl, Acting Chicf E3uilding 011icials nnd Inspectors, bc nmendcd, as sct out in Atwchment kl to Report PD I 5-00. ORIGIN: Rcvisions to thesc oppoinimcnis arc rcquircd duc to n stn(1'chungc nnd corporntc rcstructuring. AU'I'! IORI'PY: Uuildirtg Cnd¢ Acl, 1992, S.O. 1992. FINANCIAL IMI�I.ICATIONS: Nonc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This rcport rccommends that the by-iAw appointmcnts of Acling Chief Quilding Of(icinl and nn Inspector be nmcnded duc to n staff change nnd the corrwratc reswcturing. QACKGROUND: Council curtently has in pincc By-Inw 4647/95, which is requircd to providc for thc ndministration and cnforccment of the liufldtng Code Acr within thc City. This by-Inw includcs a schedule of persons nppointed pursuant to thnt Act. The rcsignntian of Mnrtin Chnn and the subscquent hiring of Brcndn Yurush, Senior Exnminedlnspector, rcquires tlint the appointmcnt schedulc be revised. The corporate restructuring hus rcsulted in Richurd Holborn, currently thc Acting Chicf Duilding O�ciul, becoming n pnrt of the Operations und Emergency Scrviccs DepnrimenL It is approprinte to appoint two persons from within the Plnnning and Dcvelopment Dcpurtmcnt, Neil Ctirroll and Robcrt Starr, as Acting Chief Building Officials, to cnsurc that thc stntutory dutics of the Chicf Building Officinl arc carried out in his nbsence. REPORTNUMBER: PD IS-00 March 16,2000 1 nl SUBJEC7': Appointmcnt of Iropectors and Ac►ing Chief Building Ofiiciels Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: I. By-law rcgurding appointmenis of Acting Chief duilding O�cial anJ Inspecwrs. Prcpared By: Approved / Endorsed D: Tim rc Nei arml Chicf Building OfTicinl Dircctor, P ' nnd Development i � ��f � �, lane E3 on Ciry Solicitor 'fM/�h / Atwchmcnts Copy: Chicf Administration Otlicer Rccommcnded for thc considcmtion of Pickcring City Council � �� r rr! .i� %� T. J. Quinn, icf Administrnti Iliccr � inz I�dOl1�T�j PD, �� � �� TNE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY.'�W"°. D R.A F T Being a by-law w amrnd Schedule A oC Dy-Inw 4647/95 appointing the Chief Building OfTicial, Acting Chief Building O�cials and Inspcctors. fr:'•;. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of subsection 3(1) of thc Building Crxfe Acr, 1992, S.O. 1992, chapter 23, the Council oC the Corporation of the City of Pickering is rcsponsiblc for thc cnforcement of the Act wilhin the City of Pickcring; WHEREAS pursuant to By-luw 4637l95 Council appointcd a Chief ➢uilding Officinl ond such inspectors as nrc neccssuy for the enforcement of thc Act within thc City of Pickcring; WFIERGAS by Rcsolution q19�!/99 pas.ad on Octobcr 12, 1999, Council appro��cd a rcswcturing of thc udministration within thc Toµn of Pickcring; nnd WFIEREAS as n rcsult of swlt' changcs and corpornte rcswcturing, thc by-Inws to nppoint thesc indiviJuals must bc nmcndeci. NOW T{IGRGFORG 'fIIG COUNCIL OF THC: CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HGRGBY GNACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. ScheJulc A of Dy-law 4637/95 is hcrcby dcictcd and rcplaccd with Schedulc A atwchcd hcrcto. BY-LAW rcud n first. sccond nnd third timc nnd finally pnsscd this duy of , 2000. Waync Arthurs, Mnyor Bruce Tnylor, Clerk • , . • SCHEDULE A APPOIMMENTS (Sation 2) �rrk�xr r.�_ro I�i�ORt i vo___[�aa� _ 1�3 �RAFT (V . �.� ,t � `� x'.