HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 3-002 �o'y�� o FROM: REPORT TO COUNCIL Neil Cazroll DA'TE: January 26, 2000 Director, Planning nnd Devclopment PLANNIN(i RLPORT NUMBER: PD3-00 SUBIECT: Status of the Design of the Realignment of Pickering Parkway nnd Associated Pickering Parkway and Brock Road Inters:ction Improvemenls Related to Zoning By-]nw Amendment Applicetion A 4/99 Steele Valley Developments Limited (Canndian Tire) Pert of Lot 18, Concession 1 (Southenst comer of Pickering Parkway and Brock Road) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Council rcceive Plnnning Report PD3•00 respccting tho status of the Pickering ParkwuyBrock Road improvcments, in fulfillment of Council's December 20, 1999 direction to staff ond Condilion 1.0(� of Council's Dccember 20, 1999 resolution rospecting application A 4/99; nnd 2. That Council direct StafT to bring fonvard an implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 4/99, incorporuting conditions set out in its December 20, 1999 resolution. ORI(3IN: A condition imposed by Council through thc npproval of Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 4/99 that a Cuture implementing Zoning By-law not come into force until Council has been satisficd with finnliustion of thc design of thc realignment of Pickering Purkway, and direction from Council to Plenning nnd Development Slaff to provide nn updnted report to Council ttspecting ihis mattcr. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.0.1990, chnpter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICAT'fONS: No direct costs to the City nre nnticiputed es a result of the proposed development of the Canedinn Tiro das Bar. Costs releted to the rcnlignment of Pickering Purkway and nssociet� Pickering Pnrkway and Brock Road intersection improvements will be funded by contributions from developers/builders, finnncial securities from previous agreaments, Pickering Dcvelopment Chazges and the Region of Durhem, , ':?; , f� , i...: '� z -- , . . . . . , PLAAiNINd REPORT NUMHER PD3-00 Date: Janunry 26, Z000 Subjcet: Stetus of the Pickering Parkway and Brock Roed Improvementn pege 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Pickering Council, on December 20, 1999, condilionally approved Zonin� Dy-law Amcndment Application A 4/99 to permlt the establishment of a gas bnr and automobile-relnted accessory uses on the Cenadien Tire lends locnted on the southeast camer of Pickering Parkway and Drock Road. This epproval was conditional upon a requirement that the implementing �oning by-law not come into force imtil Councii hus been sntisfied with the finaliration of the design of the realignment of Pickering Pnrkway. Cauncil also provi�ed direction for stuff to bring forwnrd n report outlining thc dctails of thc Pickering Parkwny realignment and the Pickering Parkwuy/Brock Road intersection improvements. Staff hnve completed a review of the smtus of these roud improvements and hnve concluded thut development of the Canndinn Tiro gos bnr mny pn,-cede the future physical realignment, signali7ation, and rond and intersection improvcments plunned for Pickering Parkwny and Drock Road. The design of the gus bar developmcnt hns anticipnted the rcnlignment of Pickcring Parkway nnd its future signnli�ation, and the ultimate widening of Eirock Road to accommodate future tuming lanes and does not propose the inUoduction of ndditionul access onto Pickering Purkway or Brock Roud. The reulignmeni of Pickering Parkway nnd the interim Pickcring Pnrkwny/Elrock Rond interscction improvements ure advancing in their dcsign stnges. Cost-sharing ngreements to fund the improvements nre being finuliud, nnd construction is unticipated for lhe Summer of 2000. it is onticipaled thnt construction of thc gns bar will occur at approximntcly the same lime ns road improvements. 1.0 DACKdROUND Roud improvements to Pickering Pnrkway nnd Drock Rond are neccssnry to uccommodate both existing and anticipated dcvelopment on Innds within the City's Regional Node 2. This identified Undc centre and specialty rctailing node identifies the lands east of Drock Road, nnd both north and south of Pickering Parkwny, as a location in Pickcring hnving City-wide nnd regional significnnce. Among other significant developmcnts within this Node, the Canadian Tirc lands on thc southenst comer of Fickering Ptvkway and Drock Road support a recently-constructed 7995-square-metre Canadian Tire store with associated 1850-square-metre gardcn center. These lands have also bcen canditionally npproved by Council to support nn associatcd gas bnr and relnted automobile-orientcd uses. A property locatiom m�p identifying the Cnnndian Tire lands and a conceptual plen outlining thc proposed development on lhe Canadien Tire site ere included as Attachments # 1 end #2 respectively tu this Report. Attachment #2 also identifies lhe ultimnte rond improvements plunned for both Pickering Perkwuy nnd the Pickering PazkwayBrock Roud interscction. Steff within the City's Municipul PropeRy nnd Engine�:ring Division arc cwrenQy prepnring roed design plens end reviewing plans submitted by the BA Group (trnnsportation consultants). Staff are cocrdinnting thc designs thnt propose improvements to Pickcring Parkwny and the Brock RoadlPickering Parkwny intersection. The plans nrc cum¢ntly in circulation for review by the utilities, Pickering, and thc Region of Durl�am. It is nnticipated thet plans will bc finalized in the Spring of 2000. During this circulation stagc, necessary property transfers und/or easemcnts, rnal construcdan cost estimatcs, and cost-shnring details to implement the proposed works will also be completed. 3 4 PLANNINd REPORT NUMBL�R PD3-00 Dete: Jenuary 26, 2000 Subject: Status of tho Pickering Parfcway end Brock Road lmprovements Page 3 2.0 DiSCUSSiON 2.1 Pickering Parkway Improvemenls Plckering Parkway Reallgnment Pickering Parkway is to be reuUgned in a smoothed, curvilinear mnnner, extending from Brock Road eestward to the driveway entrance serving the Pickering Home and L.eisure Centre and the eastemmost driveway serving the Metro Gast Tradc Centre. The construction of the Pickering Parkway realignment is planned to commcnce in the Summer of 2000, with an enticipated duration of three to four months. Following the road construction stege, sidewalk installation on both sides of Pickering Parkwny, end associated boulevnrd treatments will occur . Demils of the future sidewalk, street lighting, sodding, Inndscaping, end tree pinntings alon� Pickering Parkwny will be detecmined by smff in consulwtion with the community during the design of Pickering Parkway. Pickering Pnrkway will ultimotely be constructcd as n four-lanc rond betwecn Brock Rond end the future signaliud drivewuy intcrsection, east of Brock Roud, with additional tuming Innes conswcted to serve both thc Canndiun Tirc and Mctro Gast Tradc Centre sites. The rculigned Pickcring Pnrkwuy will function us n two-Inne roAd eust of ihc future signaliud driveway intersection, with adJitional tuming Innes constructed nt drivewny cntrances serving the Canndinn Tiro, thc Mctro East Tradc Centrc and the Pickcring Homc und Leisure Centrc lands. Plckering Par,hvay SlgnalkaUon A four-way intcrsection is to bc constructcd approximntcly midway within thc mnligned portion of Pickering Porkwny, to serve as thc principnl drivcways into the Mctro East Trnde Ccntre and Cunndian Tirc sites. Signalizs►tion of ihis interseclion, and drivewny nlignment to it from thc Metro East Tradc Centre and Canndinn Tiro sitcs, is to be constructed in wnjunction with the Pickering Pnrkwny rcalignment wai:cs (Summer of 2000). M interim drivewt►y nccess may be rcquircd on the Metro East Trade Centre lands. The future muin drivewuy access serving the Canadian Tire sitc has been accommoduted by the cuirent site design, and will be fully conswcted nt thc time of constr�ction of the Pickcring Parkwny rcalignment. A conceptual plan outlining this proposed driveway intcrsection ]nyout is included as Attachment #3 to this Report. 2.2 Brock Road and Pickcring Parkway Intersection Improvements Improvements to the Brock Road/Pickering Parkwuy intersection are to bc constructed in conjunction wilh the planned realignment of Pickering Parkway. The first phase of improvements to this intersection is an interim artangemcnt, with thc ultimatc intcrsection design to be implemented in a lnter phase of conshuction (the interim arrangement is to bc completed in the Summer of 2000, with no clear indication at this point as to thc timing of the ultimnte inlersection completion). Conceptual pinns outlining thc proposcd intcrim and ultimate Brock Road and Pickering Parkway intersection layouts arc included as Attachments lW and �5 respcctivcly to this Rcport. The intcrim intersection layout coesists of Drock Roud es a fouo-lane road with improved additional tuming lanes. Comer tuming lancs arc to be conholled through the installntion of traffic islends (chnnneliud) nt thrce comers of the intcrsection. 71�e ulGmatc intersection luyout wnsists oC Brock Road as a six-Ia.�c road, with the interim hatTic islands bcing reduced ln siu to accammodate the uddltional through lenes. ;; �. , . , . .. . PLANN[Nd REPORT NUMHER PD3-00 Dele: Jmuary 26, 2000 Subjxt: Status of the Pickering Parkway end Brock Road improvements Page 4 Thc Rcgion of Durham has confirmed thnt the mquired road widenings to nccommodatc the ulUmate Brock Road/Pickering Parkway intersection improvcment have been acwmmodated by Cenadian Tire and Ihe owners of the Metro East Trade Centre lands. My additional required land on the Metro East Trade Centre property wili be secured as a condition of rcdovelopment in thc fu4�re. 2,3 Apptopriateness of Proceeding with the Proposed Devclopment on the Canndinn Tire Lands Zoning By-Inw Amendment Application A 4/99 was conditionally approved by Council an Deccmber 20, 1999, to permit the develapment of n gos bar, and relatcd automobile-oricntcd uses, on the northwest comer of the Canadian Tire lands. This epprovel was conditional vpon a requirement thnt the implementing wning by-law not come into forcc untii Counci! has been satisfied with the finaliwtion of the design of the realignment of Pickcring Pnrkway, as stated in Resolution N237/99 (see Attnchment #6). It is approprintc to :Jlow this proposed development to precedc thc physical renlignmcnt, signaliwtion, and road and intersection improvements planned for Pickering Pnrkway and Brock Roud. Doth the currently approved, and proposed rcviscd Site Pluns for thc CAnadinn Tire lunds hnve uccommodated the various road and intcrsection improvements planned for Pickering Parkwuy and Hrock Roud. Doth existing und proposcd driveway enirances, Inndscaped areas, purking arcas and Innds to bc provided for mnd widenings huve all bccn designed to nccommodate the futurc road and intersection works. No ndditionnl lands from Cunndinn Tirc arc rcquired to accommodate nny of thc proposcd future roud widenings and intersection works. 'ilie proposed gas bnr devclopment docs not requirc the eswblishment of additional entrances to uccommodate thc use (the cxisting nnd pinnncd site entranccs are currently designcd to providc acccss to a futurc use on thc northwcst comer of thc Cunndinn Tire sitc). The curtent rond and inlersection layout dcsigns nrc advnnccJ enough to nllow stnff to accumtcly drnR nn implemcnting zoning by-Inw for thc proposcd gas bar, nnd rclated uses, and proceed with thc rcview of the associnted rcvised silc plan applicution. Canndian Tire has providcd paymcnt to the City for thosc elamcnts of the futurc realigncd Pickering Pnrkway thnt will nccommodntc access to thcir sitc, nnd payment to cover half of the cost of truffic signals to be installed nt the proposed future muin entrance to the sitc. The mnjority of road nnd interscction improvcments proposed for Pickering Pnrkway nnd IIrock Rond are anticipated for completion in the Summer of 2000. Although thc proposed ges bar would likely be constructed and operntional, prior to thc physicul road nnd intersection improvements being completed, any potentinl traffic conflicis are likely to occur at the snme time as the rond and intersection rcconstruction. The Metro Gut Tmde Ccntrc lands are not planned to be mdeveloped imminently, and would occur aAer improvements to Pickcring Parkway und Brock Rond have tnken pin�:. The curtcnt tmffic conditions experienced in the neighbourhood would not be drastically altercd finm additional trnffic genemted solely by the gas bnr operntion. Purther, it is likely that the gas btu would not be operational until the early construction phase of lhc road improvcments hns commcnced. Allowing thesc projects to procecd at similar times will minimize the length of timc of any potontial traffic and consWction disn:�tions imposed on the surrounding neighboufiood, and will allow coordinated developmcni of edge featurcs along thc Canndian Tirc site (including lendscepe features, drivcwey entn:nces, pedestrian acccss mutcs, etc.) 5 s, PLANNINO REPORT NUMHIIR PD3-00 I2ste: Jonusry 26, 2000 Subject: Statua of the Pickering Perkway and Brock Road Improvemrnts Page 5 : r :►�: � 1. Properry Locadon Map 2. Conceptual Road Improvement Plan 3. Conc.eptual Driveway Intersection Plan 4. Conceptuat Interim Intersection Layout Plen 5. Conceptunl Uldmete Intersection Layout Plan 6. Council Resotution #237/99 Prepered by: C� Ron Taylo Planner l /1«/�W "" I` . Lynda . Taylor Managcr, Current 0 mtions Division RST/LDT/ph Altachmenls Copy: Chief Administrntive Oflicer Approved / Endorsed by: Neil C Director, Planning and Development A ...� _ R' hard Hol om ivisian d, Municipal Property nnd Enginccring Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council � �`�� � d � as J. Quin hief A mi ' ' e Offtcer ,. t � , , �, . . ... �F!„ -. . . . � . .. .,. { . . ..'. . i . � . . . .. � i . .�. � � � . � . i.'�. . . � � . 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LS \.A • � a< . � i ��q �o \ �� �ji . • , � • • ' ��6' a�� a � �e , A� ��,� .� � /C � • �,, � � . „ � � � ,.a ' ���%,�O . .� 3,� - ' ,�'�F . � ., � � 9�� O,iCANADIAN TIRE� �'�'� ° ��° 9 ' �9 ' LANDS � � \ % ,y . o�� � � Q � ` � O,c� o�$ It � � d���'� • + � , � . �� � ,� \.� 4 � �+ �? lS \ ` •'� 1 �' • � ' �d� � 1'� d',`�1, '�Q� � n � , . �, d' \ ' � � b� \ � O f • �, b 1 . • ,� O , � O ��� � 't'Ni ` t.�� O� � � Oi' ¢, 1 N �,q � � q� ��� O� O O �`0 � �1 , ., ,� , �. , . . . °� \ �� a �_o c.�, . rmc� i.m ...�, O � • � . A77F: � - ::. • . � TO PLi,Npdw ncr'Uril 0 �-oa CONCEPTUAL INTERIM INTERSECTION LAYOUT PLAN �, .� N ATTACHMEHT 1� TO j_o 011' PLANNMO REPORT 1 CONCEPTUAL ULTIMATE INTERSECTION LAYOUT PLAN � � - � �� .�?�.�\ III �, .«� � METRC� EAS�� T?L�DE CENTkiE � I Ar9d�.�' .� G.-l.'ARl�1NAY CANADIAN . TIRE LANDS \ �� r. .- j. � • . L/ •--• — �� ATfACF�iNT1 `f�. PLANIMNO REPORT 1� 0 0 INTER DEPARTIV�NTAL MEMORANDUM CLERK'S DEPARTMENT RecEi�c� nEC z 3 ��a� PUraNN N OEp �TM[7A DATE: December 21,1999 TO: • Neil Curroll, Dircctor, Plnnning & Development FROM: Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk Please be advised thnt the Council of the Town of Pickcring passcd ResoluNon H237/99, item N3 at lhe Councii Meeling oCDecember 20, 1999, us follows: � 1. 77wt Zoning iiy-luw Amcndmcnt Application A 4/99, submittcd by Korsiak nnd Compnny Limited on bchnlf of Stecic Vnllcy Devclopmcnts Limited, on lands being Pnri of Lot 18, Concession 1, Town of Pickcring, to nmend lhe wning on the subjcct pro�xrty lo permit lhe esloblishmcnt of a gus bcv und automobile- rclatcd nccessory uscs, including an autortatic car wnsh facility and propunc fucl dispcnsing tnnk, bc APPROVED, subjcct to thc conditions oullincd in Appendix 1 to Rccomrt�cndution Rcport No. 21-99 us amcnJcd in Appendix 1, Scction 1.0 (c), Subscctian (ix) to excmpl thc car wash from thc minimum two-storcy hcight rcquiremcnt and to acld into Scctian I.0 (� 'not comc into force until Council has lxcn satisficd with finnli��tion of Ihe dcsign of the rcnlignmcnt of Pickering Pnrkway'. 2. 'i7wt stufi be Jirectcd lo establish one sct of performancc stondnrds for the proposed gas bnr devclopment anJ thc cxisting Canndian Tire Store, subjcct to the conditiore outlinal in Appcndix I to Rccomrt�cndation Rcport No. 21-99. This resolution is sent to you for your infortnation. /� . �r,ru�. �n.% Druce Teylor, Town Ckrk ce. T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Ofticer {� . �, ,,._ . . , ._ .. ., ..