HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 15-02 243 Ciú/ o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: July 23,2002 REPORT NUMBER: CS 15-02 SUBJECT: Development Charges Reserve Fund - Statement of the Treasurer for 2001 RECOMMENDATION: . That Report CS 15-02 as the Statement of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer respecting the Development Charges Fund (G/L 4227 and 4229) be received by Council for information. ORIGIN: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer AUTHORITY: Development Charges Act, RS.O, 1997 as amended, and Regulations thereunder. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no financial implications to the receipt of this statement. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: Not applicable BACKGROUND: Section 43 of the Development Charges Act requires that the Treasurer furnish to Council a Statement in respect of each Reserve Fund established under Section 33 (i.e. for each Development Charge). Accordingly, the attached Schedules 1 to 4 details the activity in the Development Charges Reserve Fund for the year ended December 31, 2001 in the manner as prescribed by the Development Charges Act. It has always been our practice to account for committed unspent projects by transferring funds out of the Reserve Funds at December 31. These committed capital projects are in essence earmarked when the funds are transferred out. However, these same Reserve Funds must earn interest income on these unspent funds until such time that the actual expense is incurred. Based on our auditor's recommendation, we have re-instated unspent committed projects. The pre 2001 unspent commitments ftom the Development Charges Reserve Fund is $2,458,429. The opening balance of 2001 has been increased to reflect this retroactive adjustment. This change has no financial effect on the City or the amounts available for future projects. It is simply a change in the timing of reporting of transfers from the Reserve Fund. Schedule I presents the Reserve Fund balance, before unspent commitments, of $10,393,616. Taking into account the unspent commitments at 244: Report to Council CS 15-02 Subject: Development Charges Reserve Fund - Statement of the Treasurer for 2001 Date: July 23,2002 Page 2 December 31, 2001 of $1,343,165, the uncommitted fund balance available for future expenditures is $9,050,451. The development charges collected in 2001 were $1,308,741 a decline of 43% from amounts collected in 2000. Based on budgetary constraints, the anticipated decline in receipts due to the decrease in building activities and large draws in the past, funding from this Reserve Fund for 2001 capital projects was budgeted at only $313,432 (Schedule 2). The capital expenditures incurred in 2001 that were funded from this Reserve Fund amounted to $1,428,696, Schedule 3 provides a summary by project of these capital expenditures funded by development charges and other sources as prescribed by Regulation 12(3). In addition, for 2001 the internal borrowings from the Reserve Funds for projects were fonnally set up in the books of the City. The value of funds borrowed from the Development Charges Reserve Fund is $6,741,000. The annual repayment of principal and interest was funded from the general tax levy and totalled $926,172 for 2001. Schedule 4 provides infonnation on the internal borrowings as prescribed by Regulation 12 (2). With the decrease in building activity it is anticipated the collection of development charges will continue to decline. Therefore, delaying projects may have to be considered in future budgets until the development is sufficient to warrant the expenditure of funds and sufficient funds are available, both from the developers and the City. Considering this economic environment the balance in this Reserve Fund will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure appropriate funds for future projects, . A TT ACHMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2001 Annual Statement of Development Charges Reserve Fund Projects Approved in 2001 to be Funded from Development Charges Reserve Fund 2001 Capital Expenditures Summarized by Project Internal Loans from Development Charges Reserve Fund Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: ~~ , ~W~ ~ Gillis A. Paterson, . U Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Caryn Kong, Senior Financial Analyst GAP:vw Attachments Recommended for the cons?' deration, f .PiCkering City Council .~ I omas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer CITY OF PICKERING Date Printed 7/24/20029:05 AM ATTACHMENT#-L- TO REPORT. f!.S (~-O Q. ANNUAL STATEMENTOF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUND Schedule 1 FORTHE y~ ENpED,DECEMBER 31. 2001 Sec. 43 Town 'Dei"ilopment" Fire ' Fire Stol1l1 Dr'aill$' & Roads" Sidewalks & Traffic ',Ston'riwater 'Works Dept. Transit Parkland 'Parkland Major Trail LIbrary Library Total Offices ,'.' :;:',StU( és',' Facilities' Vehicles &:" Roads ,Street Llghhs. - "",signalll,',!'>'" ,Management Equipment &, Vehicles Acquisitions Development Recreation' DeWIoP,mel1t Facilities Materials Eqi.dpri1en1 External Subel. Facilities Facilities * (1) * Open Balance as at Jan.1, 2001 632,168 244,058 85,628 192,024 388,425 1,390,346 55,044 4,861 (18,271) 1,054,812 39,826 1,590,279 162,871 1,597,738 16,645 85,718 64,379 7,586,551 Add Pre 2001 Unspent Commitments 0 40,000 0 400,000 607,405 81,600 184,280 56,250 247,500 0 64,600 0 776,794 0 0 0 0 2,458,429 Revised Open. Balance 632,168 284,058 85,628 592,024 995,830 1,471,946 239,324 61,111 229,229 1,054,812 104,426 1,590,279 939,665 1,597,738 16,645 85,718 64,379 10,044,980 REVENUE Dev. Charges Collected-Net of Refunds (606) 15,221 9,001 14,832 (372) 646,199 94,541 24,128 43,000 10,253 33,249 (1,525) 170,469 188,235 6,800 30,100 25,216 1,308,741 Unexpended Capital Financing Returned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interest Received- External/Gen Fund 9,183 2,974 905 2,235 5,642 0 0 0 0 14,907 0 23,100 0 16,452 0 128 0 75,526 Interest Received - Internal Loan 30,883 12,292 4,402 9,739 18,974 80,996 3,207 283 (1,064) 51,798 2,320 77,688 9,488 82,427 970 4,911 3,751 393,065 39,460 30,487 14,308 26,806 24,244 727,195 97,748 24,411 41,936 76,958 35,569 99,263 179,957 287,114 7,770 35,139 28,967 1,777,332 Sub-total 671,628 314,545 99,936 618,830 1,020,074 2,199,141 337,072 85,522 271,165 1,131,770 139,995 1,689,542 1,119,622 1,884,852 24,415 120,857 93,346 11,822,312 EXPENDITURES Capital Expenditures 0 0 0 (400,000) (274,040) (81,600) (22,083) 0 (143,600) (56,787) 0 (386,474) 0 0 0 (64,112) (1,428,696) Total Expenditures 0 0 0 (400,000) (274,040) (81,600) (22,083) 0 (143,600) 0 (56,787) 0 (386,474) 0 0 0 (64,112) (1,428,696) Bal before commitments Dec.31,2001 671,628 314,545 99,936 218,830 746,034 2,117,541 314,989 85,522 127,565 1,131,770 83,208 1,689,542 733,148 1,884,852 24,415 120,857 29,234 10,393,616 Commitments Unpaid as at Dec. 31, 2001 0 (40,000) 0 0 (582,685) 0 (162,197) (56,250) (103,900) 0 (7,813) 0 (390,320) 0 0 0 0 (1,343,165) Uncommitted balance as at Dec. 31,2001 671,628 274,545 99,936 218,830 163,349 2,117,541 152,792 29,272 23,665 1,131,770 75,395 1,689,542 342,828 1,884,852 24,415 120,857 29,234 9,050,451 * No longer collectible (1) Under new By-law, this category now collected under 4 new sub-categories, which are Roads, Sidewalk & Streetlights, Traffic Signals, Storm Water Mangement. D G Reserve Fund 543 RTG 2001 Final Basic Bold Updated July 12,2002 l'V ! +::aa c.n 246 ATTACHMENT #.--L TO REPORT # e.S /S -[);.} Projects Approved in 2UQ1to beFI,mdeti fr~mD:ev~loP"1ent ,Ch~rgøsRes~rveFund , , " ",' " 'Schêdule2'" Dev. Charge General Source of Funding Reserve Fund Fund Total $ $ $ Projects: External Subdivision (Road Construction) Rosebank Rd Bridge Granite Court/ToynevalE 15,000 45,000 60,000 Carey Agreement 18T -93018-Golden Ridge F 16,320 48,960 65,280 Pickering Pkwy Liverpool to Glenanna Picore 5,000 15,000 20,000 Pickering Pkwy Glenanna to HEPC Corridor 3,750 11 ,250 15,000 Rosebank Rd Granite Crt-Design Phase 5,000 15,000 20,000 Squires Beach Rd Bayly to 750m south 20,000 20,000 65,070 135,210 200,280 External Subdivjsion (Sjdewalk) Brock Rd (east side) Kingston Rd to Hwy 401 29,250 87,500 116,750 External Subdjvjsion ( Traffic Sjgnal) Altona Road @ Littleford/Rougemount 56,250 18,750 75,000 Rosebank Road @ Stroud's Lane 56,250 43,750 100,000 112,500 62,500 175,000 External Subdivision ( Storm Water Management) Storm Water Management Works 42,500 7,500 50,000 Subtotal Ext. Subdivision 249,320 292,710 542,030 Library Materjals Collection Materials 64,112 207,413 271,525 Total 313,432 500,123 813,555 DC Reserve Fund 2001 Projects 7/24/2002 2001 Capital Expenditures Summarized By Projects Fire Aerial Truck External Subdivision Storm Sewer -Frenchman's Bay Rehabilitation 1999 & prior years: Road Construction Rosebank Reconstruction ES 1995 01 Rosebank & Finch ES 1999 03 Sidewalk & Streetlight Rosebank IStrouds Lane ES1996 01A Finch Ave ES 199603 Urbanization & Sidewalk Bonita Avenue ES 199801 Whiskey Gate ES 199803 Streetlight & Sidewalk Finch & Whites Road ES 199902 Kingston Road ES 199905 Kingston Road ES 199907 2000 Projects: Sandy Beach Road ES 2000 B-11 Kingston Rd ES 2000 RO-10 Rouge Park Neighbourhood ES 2000 01 2001 Projects: Rosebank Rd Bridge Granite CourtlToynevale Carey Agreement 18T-93018-Golden Ridge Rd Pickering Pkwy Glenanna to HEPC Corridor Traffic Signal- RosebanklStrouds Lane Transit Specialized vehicle Parkland Millennium Trail System Petticoat Creek Bridge Parks-Front Street Park Library Materials Total Capital Expenditures * $90,638 of this amount is to be collected in 2002 Development Charges Reserve Fund $ 400,000 120,000 41,350 11,281 48,163 17,290 21,697 14,000 7,575 29,990 18,093 81,600 22,083 23,600 3,496 1,105 3,750 56,250 56,786 81,902 273,219 31,354 64,112 1,428,696 Community Facilities Reserve $ 24,000 6,000 22,500 7,410 4,818 4,070 2,277 71,075 Capital Equip Replacement Reserve $ 17,933 17,933 Deveioper Contributions $ 106,570 * 20,570 127,140 General Fund $ 30,000 10,670 31,354 278,990 351,014 Internal Loans $ 49,365 21,219 70,584 Schedule 3 Regj2(3) Total $ 400,000 150,000 221,285 38,500 91,233 24,700 26,515 18,070 ~ ~ ::J: 3: m Z -I ~ a ;:0 m . ." 0 ~ I:t:t:.r-::. 'if) 7,575 29,990 20,370 81,600 22,083 23,600 3,496 1,105 14,420 87,604 74,719 81,902 273,219 31,354 -- ~\ ~\ 9..; 343,102 2,066,442 l'V ;~ -....I 248' ATTACH"Ø\fr'~ TORB'ORT#S~)S-- D;).. Internal Loans from pëvel?pmentCh~rges.Reserv.e FUnd Schedule 4 for the yearendeci DecelTibèf31 ,2.0.01 Reg. 12(2) Original Principal Loan Repayment Interest Total $ $ $ $ Development Charges -4227 Old By-Law Purpose of Loan: Rosebank Road 900,000 68,975 52,589 121,564 Eastshore Community Centre 781,000 59,855 45,636 105,491 Fire Tanker 159,000 28,609 8,479 37,088 Dispatch Centre 175,000 13,412 10,150 23,562 1999 Roads Projects 225,000 17,244 13,147 30,391 1999 Roads Projects 710,000 54,473 41,067 95,540 1999 Streetlights 571,000 43,761 33,118 76,879 2000 Roads Projects 383,000 29,353 22,380 51 ,733 2000 Roads Projects 450,000 34,488 27,442 61,930 Sub-total 4227 4,354,000 350,170 254,008 604,178 Development Charges -4229 New By-Law Purpose of Loan: Specialized Transit 85,000 6,514 4,930 11,444 Aerial Truck 400,000 30,656 23,200 53,856 Waterfront Trail 488,000 37,400 28,304 65,704 Western Branch 1,414,000 108,367 , 82,623 190,990 Sub-total 4229 2,387,000 182,937 139,057 321,994 Total 6,741,000 533,107 393,065 926,172 DC Reserve Fund 2001 DC Loan