HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 21, 1974 (I) -" 74.,. 13/74 COUNCIL MEETING A meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on TUESDAY, the TWENTY FIRST day of MAY 1974 at 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor G. Ashe Councillors - J.E. Anderson D.N. Kitchen K.N. r-1atheson A.M. Robertson B.R. Searle lCB. Spratley Manager Clerk Deputy Clerk L.F. Berryman N.C. Marshall J. P. ~1yslik ADOPTION OF MINUTES (II) 1. 2. (III) MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Searle that the minutes of the meeting of May 13th 1974 be adopted. CORRESPONDENCE In a letter received on May 14, 1974 Messrs. J.K. Scott and R. Smith outlined their objection to the construc- tion of a building by Mr. Kotsopoulos on Fairport Road North and requested all relevant documents pertaining to this matter. Relative to this letter it was clarified that the interested parties have right of access to all public documents, but not to inter-departmental memos and similar. In a letter of May 8, 1974 Mr. John Livin~stone outlined his objections to the expropriation activities of the Provincial Government in the North Pickering area. RESOLUTIONS Resolution 138/74 MOVED by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Robertson that t~EREAS Section 636 A of the Municipal Act as enacted by Statutes of Ontario, 1973, c.124 s. 24 transfers the responsibility for the hearing of applications for can- cellations, reduction or refunds of taxes to the Council of the Municipality; M~D WHEREAS notices in writing of applications have been received by the Clerk of the ~unicipality for the can- cellation, reduction, and refund of taxes for various reasons; ~~D vrnEREAS upon investigation and receipt of reasonable explanations all claims have been substantiated; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Pickering accept the following list of applications and authorize the adjustment of taxes to be made accordingly. (See list next page) Prop. Number 15-306 Assessed .~ :,\ t - 75 - Appelant Reason 13/74 Adjustment Requested Ministry of Transporta- tion & Communìcatt~ns , - 022-059 Town of ~ickeTtng " -10 : Treas. Department:' . ' , 011-073 OJ 1-073 015-314 022-059 -10 .- 004-395 015-355 ,064+075 016-262 007-027 025-038 E 1 me r & Joan- "P1t tl1ian ," .- +' E 1mer ¡ Joan P'Htman ,i . I Ministry of Transpørta- tion & Communications ': " Jus t i1íe j . ,ro~i~9S Ltd- "",,,..~' \ - Mun i dpa Htyó-fMe'trþ Toronto i Ministry of Transporta- tion & Communications Legal Office, , Central Region, 3501 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontarto, M31< IN6. I R.,W., Curr,l e 230 Huronia Road, Barrie., Ontari o. , Ontario Hydro Dorothy Jean Macaulay, II Purling Place, Don Mills, Ontario. A.H. Bishop. 682 Liverpool Road, Pickering, Ontario. Resolution 139/74 '\ Town of Pi ckering Same Town of Pi ckering Town of Pi ckering Town of Pickering Town of Pickering Town of Pi eke r i n9 r Same Same Town of Pi ckeri ng Town of Pickering Same Acqu i red for Rd. widening Purchased,by Mun i c i pa 1 i ty to Metro Toronto for san i tary I andfi 11 To Metro Toronto for san i tary landfill Acquired for Rd. widening Grant in 1 ieu of taxes paid in 1972. . Purcha'sed by Municipality Cancel 1973t-axes in the'amount of $12 1 . 89 (12 mos'.) Cancel 1973 taxes in the,amount of $150.14 (12,1OOS.) Cance 1 1971 taxes in the amount of $2,:' .7: (12 mos..) Cancel 1972 taxes in the... amount of $239.67 (12 mos.) Cancel 1972 taxes in the amount of $287.-40 (12 mos.) Decrease 1972 taxes by $75.98 (3 mos.) Sanitary Decrease 1973 taxes landfill site by $792.54 (12 mos.) \; Acquired~for R.O.\'J. Out of business. Decrease 1~73 taxes by $156.98~(9t mos.) Cancel JI973 bus i ness tax for H mos. $9.76 ' Grant in II ieu C.:mcel !1973t~xes of taxes'paid for 12 months 'in the in 1973 , amount 'of $5Q9.54 I House rilzed by fi rei Adjustment re old house CARRIED Decrease 1973 taxes by $93.89 (3 ~os. 'on assessment of $27,43~.) Refun~-1973 taxes in amount of $15.79 .. " MOVED by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Robertson that the Minister of Transportation and Communications ~.., requested to provide police traffic supervision at the,Sheridan Mall entrances to Liverpool Road and Iiigh~vay #2 on \.¡eèke~~ ",,; including Friday during shopping hours, iand that the cost of such supervision be met by the l-1.;T. C'., since the conaestion has been caused by the cLosing of the Liverpool Road and Highway #401 - 76 -- 13/74 Resolution 139/74 (Cpntinued) 1ntersection, and further that such supervision be commenced as soon-as possible, and that the M.T.C. investigat~ the light sequence and institute road markings indicating two legal ~eft turn lanes at Liverpool Road and Highway #2 .to facilitate the movement 'of trafficr as recommended by .the Executive Committee, May 13th 1!t74. CARIUED Resoluti.on 140/74 on :MOVED by Counci.llor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor."- ¡Robertson that the brief and p,etition regardina, ,. bicycle paths and the study 11 1'.oward a Metropolitan ~Toronto Bicycle Route ,System" be considered by the Planning Depar~~ent in.conjunction with all future secondary plans within the Town of pickering, as recommended by the ExecutiveComrnittee, May 13th 1974. CARRIED It was suggested that the sidewalk could be on one side of the street and the bicycle path on the other. The design would have to differ at the curbs. Resolution 141/74 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Anderson that the report of the Director of Recreation and Transportation dated May 7th 1974, dealing with the Mount Zion Community Centre, be adopted, ~and that the $1,800.00 remaining in the allocation fr~ the sale of expropriated properties allocated for-community facilities in the rural area of the Municipal~ty be directed to the renovation of the Claremont Lawn Bowling Club, as recommended by the Executive Committee, May 13th 1974. CARRIED ,The people of ClareI!\ont send their thanks for this, ,.assistance. Resolution 142/74 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Searle that ~mEREAS the City of Brampton has passed a ~solution dealing with violence in O.H.A. Junior B Finals; and ~rnEREAS the Town of Pickering has been asked to endorse the position taken by the City of Brampton on this matter; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED that the Town of Pickering endorse the following resolution: "THAT the Corporation of the City of Brarnpton strongly protest to the Ontario Hockey Association ~he apparent lack of control and physical violence allowed at the O.H.A. Junior B Final first game between the Bramalea Blues and the Hamilton Red Wings; Further, that this Council requests the O.H.A. that as a measure of support for fair play and good sportsman- ship and as an example to minor hockey throughout the Province, they (the O.H.A.) hold a special league inquiry into this episode and take the necessary steps to stop violence on or off the ice in hockey arenas; \ - 77 - 13/74 Resolution 142/74 (Continued) Further, that the O.H.A. be requested to set up a suitable Arena Rules Committee for Teams and Supporters so that suitable rules might be drawn up to effectively make known that any partisan support that leads to brawls or injury to players, managers or supporters of the opposing team may be reflected on the team from which the partisan support leads to that injury; Further, that the O.H.A. take as its responsibility the provision of adequate police protection and security of players and management of teams in their leagues; Further, that this City recommends to other municipalities in Peel, Halton, Durham, York, Metro, Hamilton-Wentworth, the closest co-operation with C.H.A. in the solution of these problems and that they co-operate with O.H.A. to end violence on and off the ice." As reco~mended by the Executive Committee, May 13th 1974. CARRIED Resolution 143/74 MOVED by Councillor Searle, seconded by Councillor Matheson that ~mEREAS the Regional Municipality of Peel has passed a Resolution dealing with violence in O.H.A. Junior B Finals; and rmERBAS the Town of Pickerin~ has been asked to endorse the position taken by the Regional Municipality of Peel on this matter; BE IT ~iEREFORE ENACTED that the Town of Pickering endorse the following resolution: "That the Corporation of the Region of Peel strongly protest to the Ontario Hockey Association the apparent lack of control and physical violence allowed at the O.H.A. Junior B Finals first game between the Bramalea Blues and the Hamilton Red Wings; And further, that this Council requests the Ontario Hockey Association, as a measure of support for fair play and good sportsmanship and as an ex~mple to minor hockey throughout the Province, to hold a special league inquiry into this episode and take the necessary , steps to stop violence on or off the ice in hockey arenas; And further, that the Ontario Hockey Association be requested to set up a suitable Arena Rules Committee for Teams and Supporters, so that suitable rules might be drawn up to effectively make known that any partisan support that leads to brawls or injury to players, managers or supporters of the opposing team may be reflected on the team from which the partisan support led to that injury; And further, that the Ontario Hockey Association take as its responsibility the provision of adequate police pro- tection and security of players and management of teams in their leagues; And further, that this Region recommends to its constituent area municipalities the closest co-operation with the Ontario Hockey l\ssociation in the solution of these prob lems ; - 78 - 13/74 Resolution 143/74 (Continued) And further, that we recommend to the Regions and Area Municipalities of Halton, Durham, York, Metropolitan Toronto and Hamilton-Wentworth that they co-operate with the Ontario Hockey Association to end violence on and off the ice: Þ~d further, that we support an inquiry by the Province regarding the Ontario Hockey Association Junior B Finals first game between Bramalea Blues and HaMilton Red ~ings, and violence in hockey in general; And further, that we deplore the decision of the Ontario Hockey Association; And further, that these recommendations be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario for their endorsement." As recommended by the Executive Committee, May 13th 1974. CARRIED Resolution 144/74 MOVED by Councillor Searle, seconded by Councillor Anderson that ~mEREAS the City of Mississauga has passed a resolution dealing with the institution of a Provincial per capita grant structure to municipalities in an attempt to aid municipalities financially in the provision of Fire services; and WHEREAS the Town of Pickering has been asked to endorse the position taken by the City of Mississauga on this matter: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTEO that the Town of Pickering endorse the following resolution~ "~'mEREAS the Provincial Government has recognized the need to subsidize municipalities re the provision of Police services via per capita grants; N.JD !^7HEREAS Fire services do not receive, at the present, the same recognition; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Provincial Government immediately give consideration to the institution of a Provincial per capita grant structure to Municipalities in an atterntp to aid municipalities financially in the provision of Fire services; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario, and the Provincial Govern- ment and the M.L.C. (Municipal Liaison Committee)." CARRIED Recorded Vote Hay: t-1essrs. Ashe, Anderson, Ki tchen Yea: Messrs. Matheson, Robertson, Searle, Spratley Resolution 145/74 MOVED by Councillor Searle, seconded by Councillor Kitchen that the Ministry of the Environment and Regional Norks Department be notified that; as the Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-25047 is located within the existing developed Co~rnunity and is within Phase I as shown on Schedule IIC of the Official Plan, which has been deemed by Council as being substantially complete, and the development of these lands has been considered within the existing servicin~ allocation, - 79 - 13/74 Resolution 145/74 (Continued) there is adequate sewer servicing capacity available for its present development, as reco~mended by the Planning Committee, May 9th 1974. CARRIED Resolution 146/74 MOVED by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Spratley that Draft Plan of Subdivision lBT-25047 by Pictown Holdings Ltd. in respect to lands on the east side of Liverpool Road south of Krosno Boulevard be APPROVED subject to: a) Satisfactory arrangements with Council re: provision of parklands including the 5% dedication reqùired under The Planning Act. b) The Development of this Plan of Subdivision shall be the subject of Amendments to restricted Area By-law 2520 to implement the Official Plan to provide for the following: i) Block 'AI developed for not more than 36 Senior Citizens Housing units ii) Lots 1 - 12 one pair of semi-detached dwellings per lot ~inimum 60 ft. frontacre at the 20 foot setback 65 ft. for corner lots. c) Block 'B' to be dedicated to the Town as a public walkway. d) Satisfactory arrangements with Town and Regional Councils re: provision of all services. e) Site Plan Agreement to be registered against title of Block 'A'. f) OWner to provide easements to the satisfaction of the Town and Regional Engineers. g) Dedication to the Town of the I foot reserve as shown on the Draft Plan permitting pedestrian access only across the reserve. h) Satisfactory arrangements with Ontario Hydro re: underground wiring, street lighting and Cable TV. i) That no trees are removed from the subject property until the applicant has submitted a survey illustrating the exact location and condition of all trees to the Town and the trees are designated by the Town as to their future status. j) Site Plan locations of all low Density dwellinqs shall be submitted to the Planning Committee indicating the relationship of all the buildings prior to issuance of Buildinq Permits. k) The owner provide one architect to coordinate the execution of Condition (j) and the clauses represented in Site Plan A~reements on Block 'A'. 1) Satisfactory Subdivision Agreement is to be entered into between Town and Regional Council and the Owners. - 80 - 13/74 Resolution 146/74 (Continued) m) That particular consideration should be taken of fencing and screening arrangements on the lot lines. As recommended by the Planning Committee, May 9th 1974. CARRIED Resolution 147/74 MOVED by Councillor Anderson, seconde~ by Councillor Robertson that the PICKERING PLAH (PARTS I to IV inclusive) be Received by the Planning Committee an~ that a comprehensive program of Public !1eetings both formal and informal be established with the Registered Ratepayers' Organizations throughout the Municipality (and any o,ther public groups upon request) for the purpose of:- (i) fully explaining in detail the Intent, Purpose, principles and policies of the Plan as they relate to the Toronto Centred Region Concept, the Re~ion of Durham, the Town of Pickering as a whole, and the specific areas in which the'particular public group is interested; (ii) enabling the public individually or in groups to make positive contributions in the form of comments and suggestions, input of local information in relation to any aspect of the Plan all for consi- deration by the Planning Committee; (iii) ensuring that the District Plan as forwarded to the Regional Council for approval represents to the utmost extent possible the public consensus of opinion of this Municipality as to its future as a component part of the Region of Durham, against which the Regional Council may judge its mln pro- posals for the Town of Pickerinq in the ~eqional Official Plan, which it is charqed to prepare under The Region of Durham Act by December 31st, 1976. (iv) as recommended on April 25th by the Planning Sub- Committee the Local Planning Program inherent in the Plan be proceeded ',"!Í th concurrently ~¥i th the further consideration of the Plan i,tself. As recommended by the Planning Committee, Hay 9th 1974. CARRIED Resolution 148/74 MOVED by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Robertson that the application by Pickering Heights Joint Venture for Amendments to the Official Plan in respect to lands on the north side of Sheppard Avenue r~st of Fairport Road and included in Draft Plans of Subdivision l8T-24490, l8T-2~49l and l8T-24465 be APPROVED. Such Amendments to comprise the following:- a. Map Schedule I and IIA Land Use and Community Plan Delete the "Commercial-General'¡ designation along the North side of Sheppard Avenue west of Fairport Road and substitute ¡¡Residential" -- 81 - 13/74 Resolution 148/74 (Continued) b. Hap Schedule IIB Road Proposal Delete the "Collector Street" designation on Sheppard Avenue west of vfuites Road in order that Sheppard Avenue be considered a local street c. The subject lands be specifically exempted from the provisions of Section I Land Use Proposals, Subsection A General Development Policy~ Item 5. As recommended by the P lannina Comroi ttee , f~ay 9th 19 7 ~ . CARRIED Recorded Vote Yea: Messrs. Ashe, Anderson, Robertson, Spratley, Searle Nay~ Messrs. Kitchen, Matheson Resolution l49/7~ MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded hy Councillor Anderson that Draft Plans of Subdivision l8T-24490, l8T-2~49l and l8T-24465 by Pickering Heights Joint Venture in respect to lands on the north side of Sheppard Avenue between Fairport Road and Pinegrove Road be APPROVED subject to: a) Approval of the necessary Amendment to the Official Plan to provide for the proposed development. b) Plan l8T-24~65 Block A, be set aside for future development with adjacent lands. c) Satisfactory arrangements with Council re: provision of park lands including the 5% dedication required under The Planning Act. d) Medical Officer of Health approval of a septic tank permit is required for each lot before a Building Permit is issued. e) The Development of these Plans of Subdivision shall be subject to the necessary arnen<Ìments to Restricted Area By-law 3036 to provide that: i) All lots created are zoned (R4) One Family Detached Dwelling Fourth Density Zone. f) Satisfactory arrangements with Town and Regional Councils for all services as follows: i) Pre-sewering of each lot ii) Pre-payment of costs of full services iii) Location and grade of driveway entrance with particular reference to lots 1-4 Plan l8T-2~490. Building Permits shall not be registered for these lots until the Town Engineer approves the entrances and grading of such lots. g) i) Owner to provide easements to the satisfaction of the Town and Regional Engineers. ii) The respective owners of lots 6,23,24,25 & 26 Draft Plan l8T-24490¡ lots 8 & 9 Draft Plan l8T-2~49l¡ lots 12, 13, 14, 6, 7 & 8 Draft Plan l8T-2~465 shall submit detailed drainage plans to be approved by the Town Engineer to illustrate that the above lots can be developed. If such lots can not be developed within 12 months of registration they shall be dedicated to the Town for drainage easements. rr\ Resolution 149/74 (Continued) h) - 82 - 13/74. Site plan location of all Low Density dwellings shall be submitted to the Plannin~ Committee indicating relationship of buildings by Blocks prior to issuance of Building Permits, with particular attention paid to a 90 foot rear yard setback and maintenance of existing trees. i) Satisfactory Subdivision Agreement to be entered into between Town and Regional Councils and the OWner. j) That proposed Lots 27 - 30 inclusive of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision l8T--24490 be not subdivided and the property remain as 1 Block and be held for future development. k) That where the track bed is at grade or above grade with the proposed lots a 6 foot berm be built at the rear of the proposed lots. As recommended by the Planning Co~~ittee, May 9th 1974. CARRIED Recorded Vote Yea: Messrs. Ashe, Anderson, Robertson, Spratley, Searle Nay: Messrs. Kitchen, Matheson. Resolution 150/74 MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Councillor Searle that a charge be levied for copies of the zoning by-laws and for any prints of maps, in accordance with the following schedule to be effective upon adoption: By-laws and Reduced Maps 2511 2520 3036 3037 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 TO\'m Hap 1" to 1000' North 1/3 Middle 1/3 South 1/3 Street Hap 1" - 2000' 111 - <1000' Cluster Map 1" _. 2000' $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $/J.OO $1. 00 $4.00 Draft Zoning i-!ap I" - 2000' $2.00 Industrial Ownership Map Existing Land Use 171 - 2000' Official Plan $3.50 $3.00 $15.00 Other !'1aps and Assessment Haps Interim Development Guide (Small) (Large) & Poll $<1.00 .50 $<1.00 t'!ard Hap Base Map '$ 5 . 0 a $3.00 A fee of $10.00 to be levied for the written interpre- tation of the Zoning By-law regarding conformity of a specific property. As recommended by the Planninq Committee, May 9th 1974. CARRIED Recorded Vote Yea: Messrs. Ashe, Kitchen, Hatheson, Robertson, Spatle:. Searle Nay~ ~k. Anderson -I'" , .- 83 - 13/74 Resolution 151/74 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Kitchen that in the absence of a Secondary Plan for the ¡¡Rural Areatl (Community 10) and Studies pertaining thereto, applications received for Modifications to the Minister's Zoning Order which would provide for develop- ment for existing lots for Residential purposes be DEFERRED pending:- i) an overall survey of the "Rural A.rea" to determine the number, locations, size and general characteristics of all such lots and their conformity with By-law'3037. ii) an analysis of such survey to ascertain the overall impact of the development of such individual lots. iii) an interim recommendation to Council in respect to such development as part of the input to the t'Rural Area" Secondary Plan. iv) This study be given a Priority for completion by October 1974. As recommended by the Planning Co~~ittee, May 9th 1974 CARRIED Recorded Vote Yea: Messrs. Ashe, Anderson, Kitchen, Matheson, Searle, Spratley Nay: Mr. Robertson Amendment to Resolution 151/74 MOVED by Councillor ,Anderson, seconded by Councillor Spratley that all lots severed prior to 1968 and before the ~, Rural Area ¡¡ Policy "las considered by Council that comply wit~ the Town's Zoning and Building By-laws be given consideration by the Planning Com~ittee of Council, with a view towards amending the Minister's Zoning Order, in order that the owners may be granted Building Permits. CARRIED Resolution 152/74 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconde~ by Councillor Matheson that the applications t-17/74 and r'l8/74 by H. Hopkins to Modify the Minister's Zoninq Order in respect to lands at Part Lot 18 Concession 9 be APPROVED, subject to the approval by the Medical Officer of Health in regard to lot size as it pertains to Septic Tanks, as recommended by the Planning Committee, May 9th 1974. CARRIED Resolution 153/74 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Anderson that ~lliEREAS the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act requires the submission of a statement of proposed Transit Operating Expenditures to the Ministry of Transportation and ComMunications for approval; AND ~~EREAS the normal Transit Operating Expenditures for the year 1971 are estimated at $254,000.00 with subsidies estimated at $88,100.00; .- 34 - 13/74 Resolutioa 153/74 (Continued) AND WHEREAS by Resolution ilO5/74 the Municipality requested the approval of an Operating Subsidy in the amount of $42,414, AND ~nrEREAS the Municipality now seeks an additional subsidy for Operating Expenditures in the amount of $45,686.00, T~mREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering adopts the estimated expenditures and subsidies and submits s~~e to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. CARRIED Resolution 154/74 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Anderson that !~EREAS by letter of October 8th 1971 the Municipality applied for an easement on lands owned by the Ministry of Transportation and Co~munications for purposes of installing sanitary sewers, watermains and water-course improvements, said easement being more particularly described on M.T.C. Plan Number P--23l0-l70, Let 21, Concession 1; and ~mEREAS the Ministry of Transportation and Communications has agreed to grant said easement; B3 IT TEEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Pickering indicate through the Clerk to the Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications that it is prepared to accept the said easement. CARRIED Resolution 155/74 MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Councillor Matheson that the signing officers for the Town of Pickering, effective May 21st 1971, be any two of the following persons: Mayor J\1anager Treasurer Deputy Treasurer Clerk CARRIED (IV) BY'- LAr'JS By-Law N~ber 56/74 The ComIT~ttee of the ~{hole arises and reports the By- law as read. Councillor Searle, seconded by Councillor Anderson, moves that the report of the Committee of the ~'1hole on By-law Nurober 56/7~ be adopted, and that the said By- law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Hayor and Clerk sign the same, and the seal of the Corpora- tion be affixed thereto. CARRIED .:- 85 ..., lJ/74 By-Law N~ar 6~/74 Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Spratley, moves for leaye to introduce a By'-la\ol of: the Town of Pickering to implement the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering in Part of Lot 17, Range III, Broken Front Concession, repealing By-law 54/7~, and that same now be read a first and second time, and that Council qO into Committee of the vlliole thereon. The Conunittee of the Hhole arises and reports the By..law as read. Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Searle, moves that the report of the Committee of the ~fuole on By-law NQ~er 6l/7~ be adopted, and that the said By- law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that ther1ayor and Clerk sign the same, and the seal of: the Corporation be affixed thereto. ~, C,A.RRIED By-Law Number 62/7~ Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Anderson, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to exempt certain parts of Plan M-997 from part lot control, and that same now be read a first and second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Nhole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Spratley, moves that the report of the Committee of the ~lliole on By-law Number 62/711 be adopted, and that the said By- law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (V) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Mayor Ashe mentioned that the budget for the Recrion of Durham was to be struck on May 22, 197~. 2. A Citation was received by the Municipality for its co-operation in the United Hay Appeal. (VI) CONFIRMATION BY-LAN By-La~rl Number 63/7~ Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Searle, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of ~ickering at its meeting held on the 21st day of May 197~, and that same now be read a first and second time, and that Council ao into Committee of the ~'7hole thereon. ' The Committee of the ffuole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor Anderson, seconded hy Councillor Matheson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number 63/74 be adopted, and that the said By- law be now read a Third Time and PA.8SED, that the Hayer and Clerk sign the same, and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. - CARRIED (VII) - 86 - 13/74 ADJOURNMENT Dated MOVED by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Robertson that the meeting adjourn at 9;25 p.m. ~~ Mayor r~' ¡l17+