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A meeting of the Pickering Town Council
was held on MONDAY, the EIGHTEENTH da~ of
MARCH 1974 at 8:00 p.m.
Mayor G. Ashe
Councillors - J.E. Anderson
D.W. Kitchen
K.N. Matheson
A.M. Robertson
B.R. Searle
K.B. Spratley
N.C. Marshall
J.P. Myslik
Deputy Clerk
MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor
Anderson that the minutes of the meetinqs of March 4th
and 11th 1974 be adopted.
In a letter of March 7,1974, Mr. RoM. Warren, Deputy
Minister of Housing, outlined the reasons for early
expropriation in the North ~ickering area witþout a
Hearing of Necessity. ~ouncillor Spratley stated that
he was not satisfied with the inquiry regarding the
North Pickering Development and the expropriation of
lands by the Province.
In a letter of March 12,1974 the Durham Regional
Police Force submitted a report concerntng the snowmobile
incident on Prenchman's Bay.
In a letter of March 7,1974 Mr. Doerchen Mohr
recommended that the Town of Pickering open a garbage
recycling depot.
In a letter of March 3,1974, the Rouge Hills Ratepayers
Association expressed their desire to participate in
planning matters. Councillor Kitchen stated that
ratepayers participation was e~sential for planning
and that it will be encouraqed.
In a brief of March 1, 1974 the Association o£ Municipalities
of Ontario outlined Bell Canada's two applications ~or
rate increases in telephone services.
(See Resolution Number 69/74)
Resolution 69/74
MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor
Kitchen that Council endorse the position taken by the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario, as outlined
in their brief of March 1st, 1974, with respect to the
Bell Canada rate increases presently being heard by the
Canadian Transport Commission.
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Resolution 70/74
MOVED by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor
Robertson that
1) Council endeavour to release itself from the commit-
ment to provide Sewage ?reatment Plan capacity now
utilized by West Rouge Community (now within
Scarborough) ¡
2) If further capacity is required to provide for imminent
infillinq development negotiations be re-opened with
both Brarnalea and Runn}~ade Developments to Phase
their Subdivisions by "Parts" toa realistic buildinq
schedule in relation to future availability of sewer
3) As sewage capacity becomes available it is allocated
on the basis of ease and economy of servicinq and
"completion" of in-filling of Local Residential
4) Pending the availability of further Sewage Treatment
capacity, the Planning Director be directed to
forward to the Planning Committee all proposed
Draft Plans of Subdivision and Zoning Amendments
with the direction that they be considered premature
and the normal notification procedures be dispensed
with, as recommended by the Planning Committee,
March 1,1974.
Resolution 71/74
MOVED by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor
Kitchen that the Draft Plan of Subdivision l8T-24618
on Part Lot 30 Plan 509, submitted by Paddock Develop-
ment be deemed Premature in the absence of Sewaqe
Treatment Capacity, as recommended by the Planning
Committee, March 7, 1974.
Resolution 72/74
MOVED by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor
Searle that the Draft Plan of ~ubdivision l8T-24644
by Finch-Pickering Construction on Part Lots 5 and 6
Plan 509 be deemed Preæature in the absence of Sewaqe
Treatment Capacity, as recærumended by the Planning -
Committee, March 7, 1974.
Resolution 73/74
MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Councillor
Anderson that the Draft Plan of Subdivision l8T-24l3l
by Jack Jacobsen on Part Lot 28 Concession 1 be deemed
Premature in the absence of Sewage Treatment Capacity,
as recommended by the Planning Committee, March 7,1974.
Resolution 74/74
MOVED by Councillor Rpratley, seconded by Councillor
Searle that further consideration of the Draft Plan of
Subdivision l8T-24578 be deferred pending adoption of
a Secondary Plan for the Community and sanitary sewers
are available to the property, as recommended by the
Planning Committee, March 7,1974.
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Resolution 75/74
MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Councillor
Matheson that Draft Plan of Condominium application
l8C.D.M. 487 by Bramalea Consolidated Developments in
respect to the Town House Development at Part Block Y
Plan M-16 be Approved subject to:-
1. a Satisfactory Condominium Agreement beinq
entered into with the Town of Pickering,
as recommended by the Planning Co~~ttee, March 7, 1974.
Resolution 76/74
MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor
Anderson that the application Ml/74 by C. Divillio to
modify the Minister's Zoning Order in respect to lands
at Lot 3 Concession 6 be Approved, as recommended by
the Planning Committee, March 7, 1974.
Resolution 77/74
MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor
Anderson that the decision of the Site Development Panel
dated March 7th, 1974 in respect to the Development at
the North-East corner of Hiqhway #2 and Glenanna Road
be confirmed.
That is to say that the Site Plan dated March 7th, 1974
as submitted by John~. Gorham, Architect, in respect
to lands at the North-East corner of Glenanna Road and
Hiqhway #2 be Approved to replace the plan originally
submitted by Seligman and Dick, Architect, as recommended
by the Planning Committee, March 7,1974.
Resolution 78/74
MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor
Anderson that
~~REAS Resolution #28/74 directed that a Submission
be prepared by the Planning Department representing
the position of the Municipality with respect to
the proposed Pickering Airport, and
~rnEREAS'~n the date of March 12th, 1974 said Submission
has been completed and forwarded to Council for
their approval,
THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Submission prepared
by the Planning Department dated March 12th, 1974
dealin9 with the proposed Pickering Airport, be
adopted and further that the Town Solicitor be
authorized to submit this brief to the Airport
Inquiry Commission.
Resolution 79/74
MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by
Matheson that any road priorities in the
on the existing Road Need Study and that
be made this year, as reco~ended by the
Committee, March 11,1974
Town be based
no new study
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Resolution 80/74
MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor
Spratley that
~mEREAS the Federal and Provincial Governments by virtue
of their expropriation proceedings in the
Northern part of the Municipality have
seriously curtailed the activities of the
volunteer fire service, and
~REAS a number of volunteer fire fighters have now
left the area,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Federal and Provincial
Governments be petitioned to offer some form of
subsidy that would permit employment of permanent
fire fighters to alleviate the hazard that exists
to the rural residents of the Municipality.
AS recommended by the Executive Committee, March 11,1974.
Resolution 81/74
MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor
Robertson that the Purchasing Department ascertain the
costs of repairing the damaged sections of the fence
on the Krosno Watercourse as a temporary measure and
that the costs thereof be included in the Works Budget,
as recommended by the Executive Committee March 11,1974.
Resolution 82/74
MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor
Anderson that the recommendation of the Planninq
Director that Mr. J. Thurqood be appointed Acting
Senior Planner be adopted, as recommended by the
Executive Committee, March 11, 1974.
Resolution 83/74
MOVED by Councillor Searle, seconded by Councillor
Kitchen that the report of the Director of Recreation
and Transportation dated March 1,1974 dealing with
the hiring of an additional Parks employee and the
reclassification of the Custodians of the Arena be
adopted, and that the appropriate job descriptions be
adjusted to reflect the uniform duties of the incumbents,
as recommended by the Executive Committee, March 11,1974.
Resolution 84/74
MOVED by Councillor Searle, seconded by Councillor
Matheson that instructions be given to the Roads
Depar~~ent to gravel the driveway to Greenwood Park
as required, and to grade it as needed, as recommended
by the Executive Committee, March 11, 1974.
Resolution 85/74
MOVED by Councillor Searle, seconded by Councillor
Matheson that the tender of Miller pavinq in the amount
of l8.22ç per gallon be accepted for the-supply of
Calcium Chloride Liquid, subject to the Ministry of
Transportation & Communications approval.
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Resolution 86/74
MOVED by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor
Searle that the tender of Earl Lippert Trucking in the
amount of $68024 per ton for the supply of Calcium
Chloride Flake be accepted, subject to the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications approval.
Resolution 87/74
MOVED by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor
Spratley that the tender of Repac Construction and
Materials in the amount of $8.99 per ton be accepted
for the supply of Cold Yix Asphalt, subject to the
approval of the Ministry of Transportation and
Resolution 88/74
MOVED by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor
Anderson that the resignation of the Town Engineer,
Mr. poul H. Poulsson, effective April 17th, 1974, be
Resolution 89/74
MOVED by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor
Kitchen that the application by Moodie & Brittain for
Amendments to the Official Plan in respect to lands on
the north side of Highway #2 immediately west of the
Pickering Village boundary be REFUSED as the proposed
use is not compatible to Existing or Planned uses on
adjacent lands.
Resolution 90/74
MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor
Spratley that Council adopt the report of Mr. D. Bass,
Director of Recreation and Transportation dated
March 1, 1974 dealing with the purchase of equipment
for the Recreation a~d Transportation Department for
the estimated cost of $17,400.00.
By-law Number 35/74
Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Spratley,
moves for leave to introduce a By~law of the Town of
Pickering to appoint members to the Town of Pickering
Public Library Board, and to repeal By-law number 4318/73
and that same now be read a first and second time, and
that Council go into Committee of the f~ole thereon.
The Committee of the ~fuole arises and reports the By-law
as read.
Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Spratley, moves
that the report of the Committee of the ~~ole on By-law Number
35/74 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third
Time and PASSED, that the ~1ayor and Clerk sign the same, and
the seal of the Corporation be affixeð thereto.
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By-law Number 36/74
Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Anderson,
moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of
Pickering to amend By-law Number 4372/73 and that same
now be read a first and second time, and that Council
go into Committee of the r~ole thereon.
The Cornu¡ittee of the r~ole arises and reports the By-law
as read.
Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Searle,
moves that the report of the Comm5.. ttee of the t'lhole on
By-law Number 36/74 be adopted, and that the said By-law
be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Mayor and
Clerk sign the same, a~d the seal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto.
By-law Number 37/74
Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Spratley,
moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of
Pickering to authorize the execution of a deed conveying
Part of Lot 18 Concession 9 to George Smith and June Smith
and that same now be read a first and second time, and
that Council go into Committee of the ~~ole thereon.
The Committee of the ~fuole arises and reports the By-law
as read.
Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Matheson,
moves that the report of the Committee of the !1hole on
By-law Number 37/74 be adopted, and that the said By-law
be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Mayor and
Clerk sign the same, and the seal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto.
Mayor Ashe stated that Town of Pickering parking ticket
fines may be paid at tne Municipal Building.
By-law Number 38/7<1
Councillor Spratley 0 ~e~onded by Councillor Anderson,
moves for lea7e to introduce a By-law of the Town of
Pickering to confi~, the proceedings of the Council of
the Corporation of the TQwn of Pickerin~ at its rneetinqs
held on March 11, 1974 &~d March 18, 1974 and that same
now be read a first and secJnd time, and that Council go
into Committee of the Tfuole thereon.
The Committee of the l7hole arises and reports the By-law
as read.
Councillor Spratley, seconded by Councillor Robertson,
moves that the report of the Co~~ittee of the f~ole on
By-law Number 38/74 be adopted, and that the said By-law
be now read a Third Time and PA~SED, that the Mayor and
Clerk sign the same, and the seal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto.
MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor
Anderson that the meeting adjourn at ~:45 p.m.
Dated ~ / SJ/ ¡q7tt