HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 09-16 Citq Information Report to W - Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: 09-16 Date: June 20, 2016 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 05/16 Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP-2016-01 Madison Liverpool Limited Block Q of Plan M15, Parts 1 to 5, Plan 40WR74 (747 Liverpool Road) 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information regarding applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Condominium, submitted by Madison Liverpool Limited, to permit a residential common element condominium development. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies, and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the applications, ask questions of clarification and identify any planning issues. This report is for information and no decision on these applications are being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2. Property Location and Description The subject lands are located on the east side of Liverpool Road, north of Commerce Street, within the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#1). The subject lands have an area of approximately 1.9 hectares with approximately 110 metres of frontage along Liverpool Road. The lands were the site of the Holy Redeemer Catholic Elementary School, which was officially closed in December 2015, and the building was demolished earlier this year. Surrounding land uses include low density residential development consisting of detached and semi-detached dwellings and townhouse units in the form of bungalows, and one-and-a-half storey and two-storey dwellings. Abutting the subject lands to the south is the City maintained Frenchman's Bay Ratepayers Memorial Park, and a single-storey office building and two detached dwellings fronting Liverpool Road. Information Report No. 09-16 Page 2 3. Applicant's Proposal The applicant is proposing a common element condominium development consisting of 14 detached dwellings, and 57 townhouse units accessed from an internal private road (see Submitted Concept Plan, Attachment#2). All buildings are proposed to be three storeys in height (approximately 9.4 metres in height) with flat roofs (see Submitted Conceptual Elevations, Attachments #3, #4 and #5). Vehicular access to the development is from Liverpool Road, which will be aligned with Ilona Park Drive. Resident parking is provided at a ratio of two parking spaces per dwelling unit (one parking space within a private garage and one space on the driveway). Visitor parking is provided at a rate of 0.25 spaces per unit for a total of 18 parking spaces. The concept plan illustrates 14 detached dwellings backing onto existing detached dwellings along Foxglove Avenue and Commerce Street. Also proposed are 8 blocks consisting of 42 townhouses with parking at the front of the units fronting onto the internal private road, and 2 blocks consisting of 15 rear lane townhouses fronting Liverpool Road with parking at the rear of the dwelling units. The proposed minimum lot frontage and unit sizes are as follows: Lot Frontage Unit Sizes (minimum) (range) Detached 9.4 metres 203 — 226 square metres dwellings Townhouses 6.0 metres 177 — 200 square metres A 4.5 metre wide landscape buffer area is proposed along the eastern property line to maintain privacy for the rear yards of the adjacent residential lots fronting Hewson Drive. The concept plan also illustrates internal sidewalks providing pedestrian connections to Liverpool Road, Foxglove Avenue, and the Frenchman's Bay Ratepayers Memorial Park. The applicant has also submitted a draft plan of condominium application to create tenure of the parcels in the development. The common element features include, but are not limited to, the internal private road, sidewalks, visitor parking areas, walkway to Foxglove Avenue, community mailboxes, and the water meter room (see Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium, Attachment #6). As the subject lands are part of a registered Plan of Subdivision, the applicant proposes to create the privately-owned parcels and the parcels for the common elements of the development through a process called "lifting part lot control". The development will also be subject to site plan approval. Information Report No. 09-16 Page 3 4. Policy Framework 4.1 Regional Official Plan The Regional Official Plan (ROP) designates the subject lands as "Living Areas". The "Living Areas" designation shall be used predominately for housing purposes. The plan also states that lands within the Living Areas designation shall be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas. The applicant's proposal conforms to the policies and provisions of the ROP. 4.2 Pickering Official Plan 4.2.1 General Policies The subject lands are within the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood and are designated "Urban Residential - Low Density Areas", which provides for housing and related uses. This designation permits a maximum net residential density of up to and including 30 units per net hectare, which would permit a maximum of 57 residential units on the subject lands. The Official Plan states that in establishing performance standards, regard shall be had to protecting and enhancing the character of established neighbourhoods by considering matters such as building height, yard setbacks, lot coverage, access to sunlight, parking provisions and traffic implications. 4.2.2 Bonus Zoning In 2014, Official Plan Amendment 23 (OPA 23) was approved by City Council, but was subsequently appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). This amendment revised existing policies and introduced new policies to implement changes to the Planning Act providing area municipalities with additional planning and development control tools to use in the land use planning process. The Bonus Zoning provisions of the Pickering Official Plan were amended by OPA 23 but are not being contested at the OMB. A settlement hearing has been scheduled for July 7, 2016 to address OPA 23 appeals. OPA 23 amended the existing Bonus Zoning provisions to include consideration of a bonus to increase the height of a building, in addition to the consideration of a bonus to increase the density of a development. Further, OPA 23 expanded the criteria for assessing the eligibility of a project for a density or height bonus. The amended Bonus Zoning policies permit City Council to pass by-laws that grant an increase in height of a building or an increase in density not exceeding 25 percent of the density permitted by the Official Plan providing: • the density or height bonus is given only in return for the provision of specific services, facilities or matters as specified in the by-law, such as but not limited to, additional open space or community facilities, assisted or special needs Information Report No. 09-16 Page 4 housing, the preservation of heritage buildings or structures, or the preservation of natural heritage features and functions • when considering an increase in density or height, and allowing the provision of benefits off-site, the positive impacts of the exchange should benefit the social/cultural, environmental and economic health of surrounding areas experiencing the increased height and/or density • the effects of the density or height bonus have been reviewed and determined by Council to be in conformity with the general intent of the Official Plan, by considering matters such as: • the suitability of the site for the proposed increase in density and/or height in terms of parking, landscaping, and other site-specific requirements • the compatibility of any increase in density and/or height with the character of the surrounding neighbourhood; and • as a condition of granting a density or height bonus, the City requires the benefiting landowner(s) to enter into one or more agreements, registered against the title of the lands, dealing with the provision and timing of specific facilities, services or matters to be provided in return for the bonus The applicant is proposing 71 units (or 37.3 units per net hectare), which is a 24.3 percent increase over the permitted maximum density of 30 units per net hectare. In return for the increased density, the applicant is proposing rebuilding and enhancing the adjacent Frenchman's Bay Ratepayers Memorial Park, including a new soccer pitch and associated parking area, play structures, water play feature and landscaping (see Submitted Conceptual Park Redevelopment Plan, Attachment#7). Details of the applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Official Plan, including the Bonus Zoning provisions as amended by OPA 23 during the further processing of the applications. 4.3 Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines While the subject lands are not within the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node, the Guidelines have identified two `Design Precincts' within close proximity of the subject site being the Liverpool Road and Commerce Street intersection and Liverpool Road between Krosno Boulevard and Commerce Street. The Guidelines outline that the Liverpool Road and Commerce Street intersection is a third "gateway" intended to act as an entrance to the "Nautical Village", where streetscape enhancements include nautically themed markers, pedestrian scale street lights, and pedestrian level way-finding signs. Streetscape improvements on Liverpool Road between Krosno Boulevard and Commerce Street envisioned by the Guidelines consist of wider sidewalks, banners, hanging flower baskets, tree planting, and traffic calming measures. Information Report No. 09-16 Page 5 4.4 Zoning By-law 2511 The subject lands are currently zoned "R4" — One-Family Detached Dwelling Fourth Density Zone within Zoning By-law 2511, as amended, which only permits lots for detached dwellings with a minimum lot frontage of 15.0 metres. The applicant has requested that the subject lands be rezoned to an appropriate residential zone category with site specific performance standards to permit the proposal. 5. Comments Received 5.1 Residents Comments An Open House meeting was held on May 17, 2016 at the East Shore Community Centre to allow area residents to learn more about the proposal, as well as review and comment on the plans that the applicant has submitted. Approximately 22 households were represented at the meeting. The following is a summary of written comments received to date, and key concerns and comments identified by area residents at the Open House meeting: • commented that the proposal is too dense for the surrounding neighbourhood and that the proposed three-storey dwelling units are not compatible with the abutting single-storey detached dwellings • concerned about privacy for the abutting residents as a result of the proposed three-storey units and second-storey balconies in the rear yard • requested that balconies in the rear yard not be permitted • commented that the proposed contemporary architectural design of the proposed dwelling units is not in keeping with the nautical theme along Liverpool Road • concerned that the proposal will result in increased traffic and will further aggravate the existing traffic congestion on Liverpool Road • requested that the submitted transportation brief be revised to consider traffic generated from summertime activities at the waterfront • concerned that two parking spaces per dwelling unit is insufficient for the size of the proposed dwelling units • concerned that the proposed number of visitor parking spaces is insufficient to support the development and visitor parking will spill over to adjacent roads • concerned that the pedestrian walkway to Foxglove Avenue will facilitate parking to spill over onto Foxglove Avenue • requested that existing retaining walls and fences should be maintained and existing residents should not be responsible for the cost of new privacy fences or retaining walls • requested that internal private street lighting and lighting on units should be controlled to reduce light pollution and impact on migratory birds • concerned that the proposed new play features in the Frenchman's Bay Ratepayers Memorial Park will increase the City's maintenance cost, resulting in increased taxes for residents Information Report No. 09-16 Page 6 • stated that they do not support the new parking area in the refurbished park as it will replace an existing basketball court • concerned the new parking lot in the park will be used for resident and visitor parking for the new development • requested that a notice be placed in the local newspaper regarding future meetings • requested that prior to issuing site plan approval, an open house meeting be held to allow area residents to review detailed plans • requested that the City consider installing all-way stop signs at the intersection of Liverp000l Road and Commerce Street • indicated that the existing site is an eyesore and should be adequately maintained until construction is completed • requested that the City explore options to reduce the proposed retaining wall along the south property line abutting the park • requested that the Foxglove Avenue walkway be closed and regraded at the developer's cost, and the lands conveyed to the abutting two property owners • consider providing a north/south pedestrian connection through the development linking the existing Foxglove Avenue walkway to the park • requested that the visitors' parking area at the southwest corner of the property be screened by fencing and/or landscaping • requested that additional community engagement meetings be held to discuss the future programming of the park to meet the needs of the community • consider reorienting the townhouse units abutting the park to `face' the park • consider live/work units with on-street parking along Liverpool Road 5.2 Agency Comments Durham District School Board • no objection to the development proposal • approximately 27 elementary students could be generated from the proposed development • the proposed development is within the boundary area of Sir John A. Macdonald Public School and Pine Ridge Secondary School Durham Catholic District • no objection to the development proposal School Board • approximately 11 elementary students could be generated from the proposed development • the proposed development is within the boundary area of Father Fenton Catholic Elementary School and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Information Report No. 09-16 Page 7 5.3 City Department Comments As of the writing of this report, no comments or concerns have been received from Engineering & Public Works Department 6. Planning & Design Section Comments The following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • ensuring the proposal is in conformity with the City's Official Plan • assessing the appropriateness and benefit to the surrounding area of the proposed park redevelopment • assessing the suitability of the site for the proposed increase in density (Bonus Zoning) to ensure the proposal is compatible with the existing surrounding community • evaluating the appropriateness of the proposed site layout considering such matters as: building setbacks; building heights and massing; compatibility with existing residential; location of visitor parking; and other urban design elements • ensuring that appropriate landscape buffers and privacy fencing to adjacent landowners is provided • exploring options to reduce the height of the proposed retaining wall along the south property line abutting the parking to facility an accessible pedestrian connection between the development and the park, and minimize the impact of the retaining wall abutting the existing residents fronting Commerce Street • ensuring that adequate resident and visitor parking is provided to support this development and not impact the adjacent neighbourhood • ensuring that the required technical submissions and reports meet City standards The City Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. 7. Information Received Full scale copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering, City Development Department, and are also available on the City's website at pickering.ca/devapp: • Planning Justification Report prepared by KLM Planning Partners Inc., dated March 2016 • Stage 1 and 2 Archaeological Assessment prepared by ASI Archaeological & Cultural Heritage Services, dated November 25, 2015 • Functional Servicing Report prepared by Stantec, dated January 25, 2016 Information Report No. 09-16 Page 8 • Phase One and Two Environmental Site Assessment prepared by CCI Group, dated February 29, 2016 • Stormwater Management Report prepared by Stantec, dated January 14, 2016 • Noise Feasibility Study prepared by HGC Engineering, dated November 18, 2015 • Transportation Brief prepared by Stantec, dated November 30, 2015 8. Procedural Information 8.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report, which will be prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal or makes a decision on the draft plan of condominium • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 9. Owner/Applicant Information The owner of the property is Madison Liverpool Limited (Christian Lamanna, Manager) and is represented by Billy Tung, KLM Planning Partners Inc. Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Submitted Concept Plan 3. Submitted Conceptual Elevation — Single Detached Dwelling Fronting on Internal Private Road 4. Submitted Conceptual Elevation — Rear Lane Townhouses Fronting Liverpool Road 5. Submitted Conceptual Elevation —Townhouses Fronting Internal Private Road 6. Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium 7. Submitted Conceptual Park Redevelopment Plan _ Information Report No. 09-16 Page 9 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Princi•:1 Pla ner - Policy Chief Planner Niles Su i, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design DW:so Attachments Date of Report: June 3, 2016 Copy: Director, City Development Attachment#_I tom Information Report#. rig -- __■..__•_ .I .•-. �— �� T�� HALLER AVENUE `• '_ �- -_iiiii ,441111111 w jf"t BALSDON �``` �)•N S: �M D ,s—.r> Mil_— OLD ORCHARD AVENUE — (Al '.,`• •, 0 1111111 0 101 1111111111111 o MONICA ACOOK` 111111',,ma ''-a _ BOULEVARD LUNA CRT. 1111111). Ellin: U OWNING AVE. Q �I. 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