HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 2, 1978 - 92 - 21/78 COUNCIL MEETING A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd 1978 at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor J. Anderson COUNCILLORS: L. Cahill G. Fisher N. Geraghty D. Kitchen K. Matheson A. Robertson ALSO PRESENT: N.C. Marshall B. Taylor Town Manager Town Clerk ADOPTION OF MINUTES Council Meeting of September 18th 1978 ( II) RESOLUTION Resolution 142/78 See Appendix I Moved by Councillor Geraghty Seconded by Councillor Robertson That the Executive Committee Report of September 25th 1978, be adopted. CARRIED ( III) BY-LAWS Councillor Fisher, seconded by Councillor Robertson moved for leave to introduce By-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-Law Number 895/78 To amend By-law 851/78, providing for the regulating of parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and on private and municipal property. ~y-Law Number 896/78 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Lease between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Housing respecting lands in Whiteva1e. - 93 - 21/78 (III) BY-LAWS (Continued) By-Law Number 897/78 Being a By-law to amend By-law 266/75 limiting the number of service stations and public garages. By-Law Number 898/78 Being a By-law to request the Ministry of Housing to make an order under the Planning Act, section 29a, to validate the title to certain lands in Lot 10, Concession 5, Pickering. THIRD READING Councillor Geraghty, seconded by Councillor Robertson moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-laws Numbers 895/78, 896/78, 897/78, 898/78 be adopted, and that the said By-laws be now read a Third Time and finally passed, and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-laws read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (IV) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-Law Nùmber 899/78 Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Cahill moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 2nd day of October 1978, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (V) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 7:45 p.m. Dåted October 16th 1978 Clerk APPENDIX I 12/78 TOWN OF PICKERING The Executive Committee, having met June 12th 1978, presents its twel fth report to the Council of the Town of Pickering and recommends: RECONSTRUCTION OF ROADS IN WHITEVALE FILE NUMBER E 5100 1. WHEREAS Council has approved the 1978 Road Construction Program: ..~.:. . AND WHEREAS the reconstruction of Gladstone, Churchwin and Mill Streets in the Hamlet of Whitevale were included in the 1978 Road Construction Program: l AND WHEREAS the Municipality has completed the design and surveys required for the reconstrúction of these roads at an estimated cost of $43,000.00: AND WHEREAS representation has been made by certain citizens of the Hamlet of Wbitevale to the effect that they are not in support of the reconstruction of these roads: BE IT THEREFORE RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that no future construction monies be expended within the boundaries of the Hamlet of Whiteva1e until such time as a petition in favour of such expenditure is received, representing at least 2/3 of the number of owners within the Hamlet and 50% of the total assessment within the Hamlet: AND FURTHER THAT the $43,000.00 budgeted in the 1978 Program for the reconstruction of roads in the Hamlet of Whiteva1e be reallocated and that the Director of Public Works be requested to identify other priorities within the total Road Construction Program on which these monies should be spent. 2. TENDER FOR LEASING OF PRO SHOP AT DON BEER ARENA FILE NUMBER C 4300 ,:' That tender T-12-78 for the leasing of the Pro Shop at Don Beer Arena, submitted by Village Sports in the amount of $325.00 per month for 24 months, be accepted. , ~"" . -' 3. TENDER FOR INSTALLATION OF BICYCLE PATH AT GLENGROVE PARK FILE NUMBER C 4300 That tender T-15-78 for the installation of a bicycle path at G1engrove Park submitted by Aurostar Inc., in the amount of $1,610.90, be accepted. 4. 5. .... 6. 7. 8. ..; ~, ~~ 9. APPENDIX I 12/78 TENDER FOP ASPHALT PAVING AND ASPHALT SWALE AT GREENWOOD PAFK FILE NUMBER C 4300 That tender T-16-78 for asphalt paving and an asphalt swa1e at Greenwood Park, submitted by Repac Construc- tion and Materials Limited, in the amount of $8,729.00, be accepted. TENDER FOR ASPHALT PAVING AND REPAIRS AT THE WEST SHORE COMMUNITY CENTRE FILE NUMBER C 4300 That tender T-17-78 for asphalt paving and repairs at the West Shore Community Centre, submitted by Repac Construction and Materials Limited in the amount of $9,618.00, be accepted. TENDER FOR SANITATION TRUCK AND PACKING BODY FILE NUMBER C 4300 That tender T-19-78 for the supply of a sanitary truck and packer body, submitted by Ontario Motor Sales in the amount of $30,099.68, be accepted. GRANT FOR ETHNIC CONCERT FILE NUMBER C 2163 That a grant estimated at $50.00 be made to the Ontario East-West Cultural Society in support of their Multi- Cultural Concert, scheduled for July 22nd 1978. And that this amount be charged to G/L Account 2195. PROPOSED SIGN - MIKE'S MILK FILE NUMBER D 2300 That the request of Mike's Milk for permission to erect a sign on Town-owned property in front of the Dunbarton Plaza, east of Fairport Road, be refused as it is contrary to the Town policy of not permitting signs on Town-owned land. SNOW REMOVAL ON SIDEWALKS FILE NUMBER E 4800 That the memorandum of the Town Manager dated June 6th 1978, regarding snow rpmoval on sidewalks, be received: And that staff be directed to prepare a further concise report on the subject of snow removal on sidewalks. 10. 11. ". ~r 12. ~. 13. - .. - APPENDIX I 12/78 ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL That the Accounts dated May 26th 1978, in the amount of $388,321.09, as submitted by the Town Manager, be approved. ROSEBANK FIRE HALL FILE HUMBER D 3360 That the Town Manager be authorized to negotiate the sale of the Old Rosebank Fire Hall to either of the abutting property owners subject to the value established by A.R. May and Associates in their report of June 6th 1978. RESCHEDULING OF SUMMER COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS F~LE NUMBER A 2110 & A 2120 That the fo1lowi~g dates be scheduled as Council Meetings: Monday, July 10th 1978 Tuesday, August 8th 1978 Monday, September 11th 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at 7:30 p.m. at 7:30 p.m. And that the following regular meetings of Council be cancelled: Tuesday, July 4th 1978 Monday, July 17th 1978 Monday, August 21st 1978 Tuesday, September 5th 1978 And tha t the following regular meetings of the Executive Committee be cancelled; Monday, July 10th 1978 Monday, July 24th 1978 Monday, August 14th 1978 Monday, August 28th 1978 And tha t the following regular meeting of the Planning Committee be cancelled. Tuesday, July 11th 1978 GLENDALE SUBDIVISION - PARKING FILE NUMBER E 4400 That the Glendale Ratepayer's Association be requested to prepare a report designating those areas where "no parking" is preferred in the Glendale Subdivision; And that Item '8 of the Executive COIIIIftittee Report of May 29th 1978, approved by Council on June 5th 1978, be rMciDded. 14. ') ) . ~~ ~ APPENDIX I - 4 - 12/78 DEMOLITION AGREEMENT FILE NUMBER D 3310 That the letter dated June 6th 1978, from Mrs. M. Byers, on behalf of Mr. Robert Byers, concerning a Demolition Agree88nt respectina Lot 32, Plan 816, be received: And further that should the Committee of Adjustment of the Town of Pickering approve the application for variance designated P CA 23/78 then in that event, upon such approval becoming final and binding, the Town's Solicitor be directed to prepare a Release for the consideration of Council the affect of which would be to release Robert Byers from the Demolition Agree- ment dated April 21st 1975 between the Town and Mr. Byers.