HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 5, 1978 - 47 - 12/78 COUNCIL MEETING A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on MONDAY, JUNE 5th 1978, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor J. Anderson Councillors L. G. D. A. Cahi 11 Fisher Kitchen Robertson ABSENT: Councillor Matherson (on business for the Region of Durham) Councillor Geraghty. ALSO PRESENT: N.C. Marshall - B. Taylor Town Manager Town Clerk (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of May 15th 1978. (II) PRESENTATION To Mr. Steve Forsey, Mr. Robert Starr and Mr. Daryl Se1sky of the Public Works Department, for successfully completing the course entitled "Scott McKay Municipal Soils Course #78-33". ( III) DELEGATIONS Mrs. M.G. Mowbray and members of the Pickering Library Board were in attendance to speak to Council, regarding the occupation of the Greenwood School by the Pickering Library Board. See Resolution #67/78 (IV) REPORTS Ontario Humane Society Report for April 1978. (V) RESOLUTIONS REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF MAY 23rd 1978 See Appendix I Resolution 63/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen Seconded by Councillor Robertson That the Executive Committee Report of May 23rd 1978, be adopted with the following amendment: Item #5 was deferred. CARRIED - 48 - 12/78 (V) RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. OF MAY. 29th 1978 See Appendix II Resolution 64/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill Seconded by Councillor Robertson That the Executive Committee Report of May 29th 1978, be adopted. CARRIED Resolution 65/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill Seconded by Councillor Kitchen That Tender T-18-78 submitted by Atlantic Contracting Company for the installation of the Rougemount Storm Sewers in the amount of $15,753.00 be accepted, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. CARRIED Resolution 66/78 Moved by Councillor Fisher Seconded by Councillor Robertson That the following co-operative tenders WD 15-78 of the Region of Durham for the supply and delivery of calcium Chloride and solution be accepted: 1. Earl Lippert - $106.37 per ton for calcium flake. 2. Miller Paving Limited - $0.286 per gallon for calcium chloride solution. CARRIED Resolution 67/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen Seconded by Councillor Fisher That the study entitled "preliminary Report on the Restoration of Old Greenwood School House for use as a Branch Library", prepared by Lett/Smith Architects, dated May 1978 be endorsed in principle; And that the Pickering Public Library Board is hereby authorized to investigate further means of funding for the cost of the said renovations. CARRIED - 49 - 12/78 (V) RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) Resolution 68/78 Moved by Councillor Fisher Seconded by Councillor Kitchen That the Town Manager is hereby authorized to increase the staff compliment of the Fire Department by one employee with the addition of a Fire Inspector. CARRIED (VI) BY-LAWS Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Fisher moved for leave to introduce By-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-Law Number 820/78 To authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between Eag1ebrook Developments Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Pickering respecting the development of Block E, draft Plan 18T-77080, revised. By-law Number 821/78 To authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Co~poration of the Town øf Pickering and Paul and Linda Young respecting the development of Part of Lots 11 and 12, Concession 5, (LD 206/76). By-Law Number 822/78 To amend By-law 2520, as amended. By-Law Number 823/78 To authorize the execution of a Deed between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Giuseppe Nesci, respecting Lot 95, Plan 816, Town of Pickering. By-Law Number 824/78 To amend By-law Number 195/75 respecting the regulation of traffic (Parking) By-Law Number 825/78 To authorize the execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale, in which the Corporation of the Town of Pickering offers to purchase from North Keele Invest- ments Limited, J.D.S. Investments Limited, Wa1bi Holding Company Limited and Janbi Holding Company Limited, certain property in Lot 24, Concession 1, Town of Pickering. By-Law Number 826/78 To authorize the execution of certain documents relating to the transfer òf part of Block T, Plan M-997, being Parts 1 ~ 6, inclusive, Plan 40R-4089. - 50 - 12/78 (VI) BY-LAWS (Continued) By-Law Number 827/78 To authorize the execution 0; an Engineering Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan Limited, respecting the relocation of the Pickering Museum from Brougham to Greenwood. By-Law Number 828/78 To authorize the execution of certain documents relating to the transfer of part of Block B, Plan M-1007, being Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R-4303. ~-Law Number 829/78 To authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement between Eag1ebrook Investments Limited and the Corp- oration of the Town of Pickering respecting the development of Lot 26, Block C, Plan M-1007 and Part Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession - Part 1, Plan 40R-2026, (draft Plan 18T-77080). By-Law Number 830/78 To appoint members to the Town of Pickering Public Library Board and to repeal By-law Number 568/77. By-Law Number 831/78 To adopt the District Plan for the District Planning Area of the Town of Pickering. By-Law Number 832/78 To adopt the Community District Plan for the Fairport Central Area. THIRD READING Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Fisher moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 799/78, 820/78, 821/78, 822/78, 823/78, 824/78, 825/78, 826/78, 827/78, 828/78, 829/78, 830/78, 831/78, 832/78 be adopted with the following amendment: By-law Number 831/78 was amended to incorporate those text revisions as outlined in the memorandum of the Planning Director dated June 1st 1978; And that the said By-laws be now read a Third Time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-laws read a first, second and third time and finally passed. Recorded Vote: By-Law Number 831/78 Yea: Nay: Messrs. Anderson, Kitchen, Robertson, Fisher Councillor Cahill. Recorded Vote: By-Law Number 832/78 Yea: Messrs. Anderson, Kitchen Robertson, Cahill, Fisher. - 51 - 12/78 (VII) NOTICE OF MOTION Reso1uti.on 69/78 Moved by Councillor Robertson Seconded by Councillor Fisher That staff be directed to study the effect of prohibiting parking on streets in the vacinity of the marina in Bay Ridges, between 12 noon and 5:00 p.m., on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. CARRIED (VIII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-Law Number 833/78 Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Kitchen moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Co~poration of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 5th day of June 1978, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-Law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (IX) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:16 p.m. Dated June 19th 1978 -~~ .... ,,!, ...,.ft ., , ..",t,. ~.; .. 2. APPENDIX I )./ J 'ð TOWN OF PICKERING The Planning Committee, having met May 8th 1978, presents its second report to the Council of the Town of Pickering and recommends: 1. APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION TO MINISTER'S ZONING ORDER ON SIDELINE 6. FILE NUMBER B 2310 - M5/78 That application M5/78 by S. MacIntyre to modify the Minister's Zoning Order with respect to lands being part of Lot 6, Concession 8 to permit the construction of a residence on lot with 500 feet frontage and 15.274 acres lot area, be APPROVED, sub'ject to the following condition: a) That the applicant enter into a noise abatement agreement with the Town of Pickering regarding the construction of a dwelling on the subject lands. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION ON ROSEBANK ROAD FILE NUMBER B 4100 - l8T-78019 That Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-78019 by Mrs. G. Tachella with respect to lands known as Part Lot 95, Registered Plan 350 on the west side of Rosebank Road be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: a) Changes in red as shown on the Plan stamped approved this date. The allocation of sewage treatment plant capacity and water capacity for the development b) c) Satisfactory arrangements with Council with respect to the required parkland dedication. d) Satisfactory arrangements with the Town of Pickering Department of Public Works with respect to drainage and storm sewerage. e) That the applicant obtain the approval of the Committee of Adjustment for the proposed lot frontage of Lot 5. Satisfactory subdivision agreement to be eDè8c8d into between the Town of Pickering and the owner. f) g) Satisfactory arrangement with the appropriate -authorities with respect to underground wiring, street 1ightinq and cable television service, etc. Satisfactory arrangement with Town Council and Regional Council with respect to the provision of all services. h) i) OWner agrees to dedicate the following to the Town and other appropriate authorities: 2. .i, -,' 3. 4. ." " --.. ~ " . APPENDIX I 2/78 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION ON RCSEBANK ROAD FILE NUMBER B 4100 - 18T-78019 (Cont.) ~ . Street ".~." as a 66 feèt road a110wance~ ':'l. One foot reserve shown as Block "A"; iii. Easement as reQuired to the satisfaction of the Town of 'Pickering and/or the Region of DurhôP... j) Owner agrees tc ':)rovide a temporary turning circle at the south end of street "A" to the satisfaction of the Town of Pickering Works Department. k) That Street "A" be named to the satisfaction of the Town of Pickering. 1) That the following one-foot reserve be lifted before development proceeds: 1. Block "A" of Draft Plan of Subdivision l8T-76070. m) Registration of the Draft Plan of Subdivision and construction occurring within 18 months of Draft Approval of the subject Plan of Subdivision. n) The submission for approval of site plans and streetscape elevations showing the location and relationship of all buildings prior to the issuance of any building permits. APPLICATION FOR REZONING BY LARKDALE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT LIMITED ON NORTHWEST CORNER OF WEST SHORE BLVD., AND OKLAHOMA DRIVE FILE NUMBER B 2310 - A 6/78 That By-law Amendment Application A 6/78 by Larkdale Property Development Limited to permit a convenience store on the northwest corner of West Shore Boulevard and Oklahoma Drive, be refused. APPLICATION FOR REZONING ON SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FINCH AVENUE AND BOWLER DRIVE FILE NUMBER B 2310 - A 8/78 That By-law Amendment Application 8/78 by Runnymede Development Corporation Limited to amend By-law 3036, as amended, as outlined on the subject property be APPROVED, subject to the following condition: a) That the applicant agree to enter into a Development Agreement with the Town of Pickering, if required in the opinion of the Town. - . " '> ..' . APPENDIX I 2/78 5. IDENTIFYING PROPERTY AFFECTED BY REZONING FILE NUMBER B 2300 That the sign identified in the report of the Interim Head/Planning Department to identify those properties subject to an application for rezoning be approved; And that the fee for processing applications for rezoning be increased to $125.00. 6. INDUSTRIAL SURVEY FILE NUMBER B 2220 That Planning Report '25/78 outlining the results of the Industrial Survey be received. 7. HOUSING POLICY STATEMENT FILE NUMBER B 2232 That the following Housing Policy Statement be APPROVED: a) The general goal of the Housing Policy for the Town is to provide the widest possible diversity of adequate residential dwellings by type and tenture to satisfy the social and economic requirements of the population. b) The overall housing target for new residential units be set at about 13,000 units. *c) The proposed housing mix in 1991 be set as follows: % Total New Units Low Densi ty 1 - such as single detached - up to 5 upa Low Density 11 - such as single detached and semi-detached - 6 to 10 upa 3 47 Medium Density 1 - such as single attached and triplexes - 11 to 20 upa 20 Medium Density 11 - such as townhouses and quardrep1exes - 21 to 30 upa High Density - such as walk-up apartments and high rise apartments - greater than 30 upa 20 10 * The overall net density required to acOO8mOdate this housing mix is about 11 units per net residential area. Based on Census year. The six months from January 1/78 to June 30/78 are included in the first phase. , . - 8. -' , -' ~ - '-j - APPENDIX I 2/78 7. HOUSING POLICY STATEMENT (Continued) FILE NUMBER B 2232 d) The phaslng of development be established as follows: (i) By Total Number of Units Period ( 1) 1978 - 1980 1980 - 1986 1986 - 1991 (ii) By Housing Categories Period (1) New Units 2000 6000 5000 1978 - 1980 1980 - 1986 1986 - 1991 Low Dens i ty 1000 3000 2500 Medium Density 800 2400 2000 High Density 200 600 500 2000 6000 5000 e) The overall housing target, the proposed housing mix and the proposed phasing of development shall be reviewed annually and amended if necessary to reflect changing conditions. f) Council shall, from time to time, initiate special studies which shall be used to re-assess the si~uation. These studies might establish policies related to housing for special groups such as senior citizens and the handicapped and special types such as condominiuas and rental apartments. g) The Town shall investigate, on a regular basis, the Federal and Provincial programs related to housing and encourage development which meet the criteria of programs considered to be appropriate to the Town. RURAL AREA POLICY FILE NUMBER B 2240 Tha t"ti'le following Rural Area Policy for the 1rCIWD - APPROVED. a) The predominant use of land in the rural area of the Town shall be for farming and directly related uses. Non-farm related commercial and industrial development may only be permitted in designated hamlets provided that such development does not require municipal water and sewerage services and is proven to have no adverse impact on adjacent residential and farm uses. 8. " " . " . . ' , APPENDIX I - 5 - 2/78 RURAL AREA POLICY (Continued) FILE NUMBER B 2240 b) Consent for land severance shall only be permitted in the Town in designated Hamlet or Cluster areas, as shown on Schedule 'A' attached hereto. c) That the Town Committee of Adjustment be advised that it is the policy of the Town not to grant any variance application in agriculturally designated areas which may result in the creation of an additional residential lot. d) In the Minister's Zoning Area consideration shall be given by the Council, to amend the Minister's Zoning Order, in order that the owner may be granted a building permit subject to the following criteria: i) The lot was severed prior to January 1968. ii) It complies with the Town's Zoning Building By-laws. e) Where residential development is permitted in potential noise areas, the property owner will be required to enter into a noise abatement agreement to the satisfaction of the Town to ensure that all dwellings constructed will incorporate appropriate and acceptable noise abatement features. And that the following Rural Area policies be rescinded: a) Rural Accessory Residence Policy, approved October 16th 1967: b) Resolution Number 24/68, approved by Council on January 23rd 1968; c) Rural Area Development Policy, approved by Planning Board in February, 1973; d) Council Resolution 164/74, approved on June 3rd 1974. SCHEDCLE ;,~~jY~ ....,. - - '"" " . COlI 9 I I ~ " ~ ~ « t COli 8 :r: ~ :.c: a:: J « ~ COlI 7 " COlI 6 Con ~ COlI .. Con 3 :I: (!) ::> 0 a:: 0 CD COlI 2 a:: « u en "- Con I 0 Aofl9t3 '. . , .' ~' --~._,. ~5 ÿ: " " '. C,- :- . _fr-or- I.,. "" CONC(~'O' y' "- 0 z ~ 0 .... :r: t:> ::> 0 a:: 0 CD >000 i , / ~G""" : CO"Cf,SSIO' / ,~Y 7 .--.-.-.-.- ,?~;-- , '" J,"J;Æ , .~=; . $::';~ Claremo"' .'» ? ~, -À. , " ,"wn .. . :~'C[S$"A 0' ~ OJ 0 . ~ ~ !" i, . . " õ >, , -=" ~ , "',~5<!toar* / < ':' I ,; :- ~ t --- ,.;. "' 'C ;"'.'-';"--- '...:::: I , 1'0.\' :,', 0,. ... MtJr,' ""~ ~ , , 0 . .. , . - j ,'-SJu,rc\ f ~tOC' i ~)v;r. .'\PPENDIX " ~ , ~ . '0 -,. .-----. JX8R'::'GE: ~ -. ",. , ""-" - _/ J"t :> it: z V>' ;i J -.¡ ," g~'.' ..' z: i~ OF LEGEND ~ Hamlet Cluster ~ . 3 -- -.... 1 . . i ~- ¡ r "', ~ ",,=rl I I i i I J 01 '" ~; :/ AJAX ¡OWN OF PICKERING Planning Department ~¡ i I .. -' .. .. ~ " i . ... -' 0 :> .. ) '0, I Ie Con 9 >- CD .... - .... ~ c.o/\ 8 Con 7 "- 0 Con 6 z ~ 0 .... Con $ I --, Con .. Con 3 Con 2 Con I RDfI9t 3 I --1 I Roftge 2 I 1. ... 2. 3. 4. ." , .'" .I 5. , 6. TOWN OF PICKERING APPENDIX II 9/78 The Executive Committee, having met May 9th 1978, presents its ninth report to the Council of the Town of Pickering and recommends: PROPOSED CLOCK SIGN FILE NUMBER D 2300 That the Town staff be directed to work with the owner of the Hub Plaza to determine whether an acceptable amendment to the existing Site Plan can be made to accommodate one further sign on this property identifying the tenants within the shopping plaza and that a specific recommendation be forwarded to Council for its consideration. Councillor Cahill declared a conflict of interest with respect to Item #1 PARXING BY-LAW FILE NUMBER B 2300 That the model parking by-law attached to the memorandum of the Interim Head/Planning Department; dated May 8th 1978, be approved, as amended. And that the Planning Department be directed to amend the Restricted Area By-laws 2511, 2520,3036 and 3037, in accordance with the model by-law. Tabled until Council Meeting of June 5th 1978 SALE OF OLD ROSEBANK FIRE HALL FILE NUMBER D 3360 That the firm of A.R. May & Associates be retained to prepare an appraisal on the fire hall located on .umber 2 Highway, immediately west of Rosebank Road. STREET LIGHTING FILE NUMBER E 4600 That the Director of Public Works be authorized to accept the quotation of Black & McDonald for the supply of street lighting luminaire assemblies in the 5mOunt of $198.00 each: And that he be authorized to place an order with this Lirm covering the 1978 requirements of the Town for 70 Lights at a price of $198.00 each. 1978 MILL RATES FILE NUMBER C 5000 That the report of the Town Treasurer, dated April 24th 1978 comparing 1977 and 1978 mill rates, be received. MARKET VALUE ASSESSMENT FILE NUMBER A 2510 That the Council of the Town of Pickering endorses Resolution tC-78-602 of the Town of Newcastle, requesting the Province to implement Market Value Assessment and Property Tax Reform for the 1979 taxation year. APPENDIX II - 2 - 9/78 7. TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT INTERSECTION OF BAYLY STREET AND ENTRANCE TO GO STATION .FILE NUMBER E 4700 Where88 traffic problems are being experienced at the intersection of Bayly Street and the entrance to the GO Station in the Town of Pickering; . r Now Therefore the Regional Municipality of Durham is hereby requested to install traffic signals at the intersection of Bayly Street and the GO Station. 8. ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL . ... That the Accounts dated April 30th 1978, in the amount of $2,291,802.37, as submitted by the Town Manager, be approved. Councillor Robertson declared a conflict of interest with respect to Item #8. Recorded Vote: Yea: Nay: Messrs. Geraghty, Cahill, Fisher, Anderson. Councillor Kitchen. . " . . "'.