HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 6, 1978 - 15 - 4/78 COUNCIL MEETING A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on MONDAY, MARCH 6th 1978, at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Acting Mayor Councillors ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: - K. Matheson - L. Cahill N. Geraghty D. Kitchen A. Robertson G. Fisher Mayor J. Anderson N.C. Marshall - Town Manager B. Taylor - Town Clerk J.P. Mys1ik Deputy Clerk (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of February 20th 1978 (II) REPORTS Ontario Humane Society Report for the month of January 1978. Received and Filed (III) RESOLUTIONS REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF FEBRUARY 27th 1978 See Appendix I Resolution 21/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the Executive Committee Report of February 27th 1978, be adopted. File Number A 2123. CARRIED Resolution 22/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the Council of the Town of Pickering hereby requests an allocation of subsidy funds for public transportation in the amount of $228,000.00; And that the said funds shall be expended on public transportation in accordance with The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. CARRIED Resolution 23/78 Moved by Councillor Geraghty, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the Town of Pickering hereby petitions the Minister of Transporation and Communications for a supplementary subsidy for the year 1978 in the amount of $11,000.00 to provide for the reconstruction of Concession 5 Road. File Number C 2440. CARRIED - 16 - 4/78 (III) RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) Resolution 24/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Cahill that whereas it is the desire of the Council of the Town of Pickering to investigate the practicability and feasibility of establishing a Public Utilities Commission to distribute electrical energy to the consumers in Pickering; and WHEREAS it is necessary to obtain a consensus of a desire within the Region of Durham to have a study made in the Region with regard to the re-structuring of the local Public Utilities Commissions; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Pickering confirm its interest in having the Steering Committee of Electrical Utilities Restructuring carry out a study of all existing Utility Commissions within the Region of Durham and make specific recommendations concerning the re-structuring of these utilities and that such study consider the possibility of the establishment of lower tier Utility Commissions within the Regional Commission envisaged by the Region of Durham Act. CARRIED Resolution 25/78 Moved by Councillor Fisher, seconded by Councillor Robertson that whereas a four party agreement between Metropolitan Toronto, The Region of Durham, The Town of Pickering and the Town of Ajax has been prepared which provides for free dumping privileges for the Region and benefits to the Town of Pickering and Ajax in exchange for the closing of a section of Town road allowance to provide for an increased capacity to the Brock West Sanitary Landfill Site; and WHEREAS the Council of the Region of Durham has approved the draft agreement with certain minor amendments; and WHEREAS the Town of Pickering is now in favour of the terms of the agreement as they affect the Town. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Pickering make known to each of the other parties that it endorses the action taken by the Region of Durham and will give due consideration to the necessary by-laws as and when they are presented for enactment. CARRIED Resolution 26/78 Moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Fisher that Whereas the Distrcit Plan for the Main Central Area of the Town of Pickering has been completed; AND WHEREAS the Town of Pickering is satisfied that construction of the office building permitted by By- law 334/75 approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on May 14th 1976, will not prejudice the planning and development of the proposed Main Central Area; AND WHEREAS the construction of the office building will be subject to a site plan agreement and such agreement will take into consideration the possible relocation of the Industrial Road; - 17 - 4/78 (III) RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) Resolution 26/78 (Cont.) THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Pickering approves the issuance of building permits for the said office building. CARRIED Resolution 27/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill, seconded by Councillor Kitchen that the following reports of the Department Heads for the month of February 1978 are hereby received: File Number A 2115 Town Manager's Department Clerk's Department Treasury Department Transit Department Parks and Recreation Department Interim-Head Planning Department Legal Department Public Works Department CARRIED Resolution 28/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill, seconded by Councillor Robertson that the Region of Durham be requested to permit a temporary service road along the north end of Block "B", Plan M-1017 to allow access to the construction site of Tudor Glen Homes. CARRIED (IV) BY-LAWS Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Cahill moved for leave to introduce By-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-Law Number 768/78 To authorize the construction of a railway siding across McKay Road. By-Law Number 769/78 To fix instalment dates, penalty amounts and interest rates respecting the payment and collection of taxes. By-Law Number 770/78 Being a Restricted Area By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law 3036, as amended, and to implement the Township of Pickering Official Plan on Block A, Plan M-1057, in the Town of Pickering. - 18 - 4/78 (œv) BY~LAWS (Cont.) By-Law Number 771/78 To Establish and regulate the Pickering Fire Department. By-Law Number 772/78 To Provide for the participation of the Town of Pickering Fire Department in the Region Mutual Fire Aid System. By-Law Number 773/78 To dedicate certain lands as a public highway pursuant to Section 443 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, (Block T, M-1038) By-Law Number 774/78 To authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement between The Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Pickering Nursery School Limited respecting Part Lot 31, Plan 509. THIRD READING Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Cahill moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 768/78, 769/78, 770/78, 771/78, 772/78,773/78 and 774/78 be adopted, and that the said By-laws be now read a Third Time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-Laws read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (V) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW - By-Law NI.mIber 775/78 Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Fisher moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 6th day of March 1978, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (VI) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 7:47 p.m. Dated March 20th 1978 v Clerk .~ APPENDIX I 5/78 TOWN OF PICKERING The Ex~cutive Committee, having met March 13th 1978, presents its fifth report to the Council of the Town , of Pickering and recommends: 1. EAST SHORE COMMUNITY CENTRE AND LIBRARY FILE NUMBER F 2200 That the Director of Parks and Recreation be authorîzed to secure, through the Purchasing Department, prices on improvements to the vehicular access to the East Shore Community Centre from Liverpool Road with the cost to be charged to unappropriated funds standing to the credit of this project. 2. AUDIT OF RESERVE FUNDS AND DEVELOPMENT CHARGES FILE NUMBER C 1000 That the Region of Durham be advised, in view of the adoption by the Region of Durham of the Sanitary Land- fill Agreement dated February 9th 1978 between the Region, the Town of Pickering and the Town of Ajax and the Municipálity of Metropolitan Toronto, and specifically clause 7 of that agreement, the Town of Pickering is not prepared to agree to the audit of the Reserve Fund~ requested. 3. TENDER FOR DIAL-A-BUS VEHICLES FILE NUMBER C 4300 That the tender T-2-78 for the suppl~ of Dial-a-bus vehicles submitted by Ontario Motor Sales in the amount of $19,295.00 per bus, be accepted. 4. TENDER FOR PICK-UP TRUCK FILE NUMBER C 4300 That tender T-3-78 for the supply of one ~ ton pick- up truck, submitted by Sheridan Chev-O1ds in the amount of $6,064.00, be accepted. 5. PROPERTY TAX REFORM FILE NUMBER A 2220 That the report of the Treasurer-Collector dated January 22nd 1978, with respect to Property Tax Reform be adopted; And that Planning prepared the Ci ty 1978, be \ the report of the Economic Studies and Fiscal Division of the Region of Durham Finance Department in conjunction with the Finance Departments of of Oshawa and the Town of Whitby dated February endorsed. " APPENDIX I - 2 - , . 5/78 6. EXPROPRIATION - TOWN MUSEUM FILE NUMBER F' 2200 WHEREAS the Town of Pickering has negotiated in good faith with the Government of Canada for the settlement of the expropriation and relocation of the Pickering Museum in Brougham: AND WHEREAS $100,000.00 of the agreed settlement of the expropriation has not been paid to the Town pending agreement by the Town to pay rent on th~ Pickering Museum: AND WHEREAS the Pickering Museum is not revenue producing property: AND WHEREAS the Town of Pickering is not prepared I to pay rent to the Government of Canada for the occupation of the Brougham property: BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the Government of Canada be advised that the Town of Pickering is prepared to return all funds received for the relocation of the Pickering Museum, , exclusive of all costs incurred by the Town which shall include the acquisition of the Greenwood Site: àND that the Federal Government be requested' to move the Pickering Museum to a suitable site within the Town of Pickering; AND that the Pickering Museum be designated as a National Historic Site under the administration of the Government of Canada. Deferred pendi~g attendance by Mayor Anderson at a Council Meeting. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FILE NUMBER D 3310 That the report of the Town Solicitor dated March 9th 1978, enclosing an Encroachment Agreement with Charles and Maureen Johnston pertaining to Lot 152, M-20 at 833 Hillcrest Road, be adopted. 8. FIRESIDE CUSTOM HOMES LIMITED 'FILE NUMBER B 2310 - LD 266, 429-431, 531-2 (77) That the report of the Town Solicitor dated March 9th 1978 enclosing two Land Separation Agreements with Fireside Custom Homes Limited, pertaining to Lots 21 and 22, Plan 1041 on New Street and Sprucehill Road, be adopted. 9., PUBLIC GARAGES 0 FILE NUMBER D 2300 That the application by Canamerican AutoLease~and Rental Limited for an am~ndment to By-law Number 266/75 (Public Garages) for a license in Classification "C", ". be 'refus5d. ",) , ~ 10'. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. APPENDIX I - 3 - 5/78 SITE PLAN AGREEMENT FILE NUMBER D 3310 That the reports of the Town Solicitor dated Maroh 9th 1978 and March 13th 1978, enclosing a Site Plan Agreement with Foodex Systems Limited pertaining to Part of Lot 23, Concession 1 on Liverpool Road be adopted. ÀCCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL That the Accounts, dated February 28th 1978, in the amount of $870,729.59, as submitted by the Town Manager, be approved. INSTALLATION OF SERVICES FILE NuMBER B 2220 Th~~ the request of the Captain Development Group to install services at Mastino Industrial Park, Plan M-I040, under the Local Improvement Aot, be refused. WAYSIDE PIT PERMIT FILE NUMBER A 2310 That the request by E.R.S. Holdings Limited for consent by the Town of Pickering for a Wayside Pit Permit in conjunction with Ministry of Transporation and Communications Contract Number 77-133, be refused. Lost. Recorded Vote - Item 113: Yea: Nay: Messrs. Geraghty and Robertson Messrs. Kitchen, Matheson, Cahill, Fisher. Moved by Councillor Kitohen, seconded by Councillo%" Fisher that the application for a Wayside Pit Permit by E.R.S. Holdings Limited, be approved. .' The Acting M~yer ruled this amending motion as being out-of-order because it is contrary'to the original motion. The ruling of --the Acting Mayor was lost on a recorded vote and the amending motion was lost on an unrecorded vote. Recorded Vote on Ruling of Acting Mayor Yea: Nay: Messrs. Geraghty, Matheson, Robertson. Messrs. Kitchen, Cahill, Fisher. INDUSTRIAL LANDS FILE NUMBER B 2220 That a submission be made to the Canadian Transport Commission requesting the construction of a bridge over the C.N.R. rail, Kingston Subdivision at mileag~ 314.95, Town of Pickering, for purposes of carrying' Oklahoma Drive across and over the C.N.R. ráilway line, subject to the entering into of a suitable agree- ment with Brama1ea Limited concerningcost)sharing.' ' GRANTS - .FILE NUMBER C 2163 That the~~PQrt of the Town Manager dated March83rd 1978, witbrespect to the allocation of grants to organizations and individuals for the year 1978, be adopted; And tha,t;:tÞe<1978 Recommendations, as amended, in the said.#eportbe approved. " March 15th, 1978 APPENDIX II The Planning Committee respectfully submits and recommends as follows': 1. OFFICIAL PLAN ^~mNDMENT #94 a ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION A7/77 B.23lr DRAFT PLAN ('f ~lIl'DTVISION 18T-77080 B.4l00 EAGLE BROOK INVESTMENTS AND BALLYCROY INVESTMENTS BLOCK C, LOT 26, PLAN M-IO07 and P ART LOT? S, RAN GE3 TOWN OF PICKERING' ( P1anniug Committee recommend to Council that Official Plan Amendment Applications #94ato amend the Township of Pickering Official Plan, submitted by Eagle Brook Investments with respect to Part of Lot 28. Range 3 to delete the existing General Commercial designation on the .subject lands and substitute a Residential designation be APPROVED. ALSO Planning Committee recommend to Council that Draft Plan of Subdivision laT-77080 by Eag1é Brook Investments and Bùllycroy Investments with respect to lands north of OklLlhoma Drive, WC'RL of Eyer ,Drive and east of Whites Road be AI.>PROVED subject to the following conditions: ii) iii) iv) 1) an amendment to Restricted Area By-law 2511, as amended to implement the Official Plan to provide for the following: The existing 'C2' (General Commercial) zoning be substituted by an appropriate zoning to permit the development of 1 single detached dwelling lot, 9 semi~detached dwelling lots, 4single-attach...'d dwelling blocks ünd <l local Commercial block, in accordance with the following provisions: ' Single detached dwelling (Lot 10): i) in accordance with R3 Zone requirements. Semi¡detached dwellings (Lots I - 9): i) maximum 2 dwellings per lot, attached above grade ii) minimum 30 feet frontage per dwelling and 35 feet frontage per corner dwelling iii) ~inimum yard requirements: front yard - 15 ft. flankage 9 ft. garage - 20 ft. side yard - 4 ft. rear yard - 25 ft. tv) v) minimum 3,550 square feet lot area per dwelling. minimum floor area of 1,200 square feet per dwelling. vi) maximum building coverage of 35%. Single attached dwellings (Blocks A, B, C and D): i) maximum 6 dwellings per block, attached above grade. minimum 22 feet frontage per internal lot and 25 feet frontage per end lot. minimum yard requirements: front yard - 15 ft. flankage 8 ft. garage 20,ft. , side, yard - 3 ft. rear yard - 25 ft. minimum 2,200 square feet lot area per dwelling. v) ~tni:JnumflóO'r'area of 1,~50 square feet per dwelling. :' '~t~".~i,J'ftU!l". b\1ildinacoveraa, of 35%. . 2. 3. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) :lO) March 15th, 1978 Page 2 L (àontinuéd) Shopping Centre (Block E): in accordance with C1 Zone requirements, except that the permitted uses shall be restricted to the following: a neighbourhood store having a maximum of- 4,000 s~uare feet gross floor area; an eating establishment; a service store; a bake shop; a dry cleaning and laundry collecting station; and a.business office. changes in 'red' as shown on the plan stamped approved this date. satisfactory a1;rangements with Council re: provision of parklands. satisfactory Subdivision Agreement to be entered into between the Town of Pickering and the owner; this agreement shall be to the satisfaction of the Town of P~ckering. . satisfactory agreements with Town and Regional Council re: provision of all services. owner agrees to dedicate the following to the Town, and \o~her proper authorities:- . L Street "A" as a 66 foot road allowance with proper corner roundings, 2. 3. Street widening shown as Blocks "F" and "G", One..,foo.t reserve shown as Blocks "H" and "I" I shown on the plan stamped approved this date. the allocation of sewage treatment olant cápacity and water capacity for the development. satisfactory arrangement with proper authorities underground wiring and street lighting. registration of the Draft Plan of Subdivision and construction occurring within eighteen months of Draft Approval of the. subject Plëm of Subdivi,sion/ or full services being avaiLable. re: the submission for approval of site plans and streetscape elevations showing the location and relation- ship of all buildings, prior to the issuance of any building permits. that the Street "A" be named to the satisfaètion of the Town. RECORÐED VOTE Yea: Nay: Me$~rs.Ge~aghty, Matheson, Cahill, Fisher. Messrs. K1\Chen ana Robertson. cont...../3 .~ . March 15th, 1978 Page 3 2. - DRAFT -PLAN OF SUBDIVISION lST-77 091, B.4100 . ZONING ߥLAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A8/77 B. 2310 ' WILLI.~~O:LIVER PARTt,¡O'i'128, RANGE 3 TOwN.OE'i:PICKERING THAT Planning Committee,recommend to Council that the Draft plan of Subdivision 18'1'-77091 and Zoning Bylaw Amendment App1~catiOn Aá/77 on Part Lot 28, Concession 1 be NOT APPROVED at this time. 3. PROPOSED NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - B.23l0 PART LOT 28, CONCESSION 1, TO~ OF PICKERING THAT Planning Committee recommend to Council: 1. that the Neighbourhood Plan for Lot 28, Concession 1, be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE as a basis for future developments in this area, and ' 2. that the Town of Pickering Planning Department be authorized to prepare an amendment to the Township of Pickering Official Plan deleting the Stage V designation on thos~ lands in Lot 28, Concession 1 and adding such lands to Stage II on both Schedule IIC and Schedule lID. 4. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION lST-76036 (Revised) B.4100 ZONING £YLAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION Al/78 B.2310 BRAMALEALIMITED PART LOT 2S, CONCESSION 1 TOWN,OF PICKERING Planning Committee recommend to Council that the Draft Plan of S~b- division 18'1'-76036 (revised) for Part Lot 28, Concession 1 by Bramålea Limited be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: . 1. The development of this Plan shall be the subject of an amendment to the Restrictea Area Bylaw 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan to provide for the ~ollowing: fa) an appropriate zoning to permit the development of the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision in which single detached lots shall be restricted to (i) minimum 50' lot frontage (ii) minimum 5,000 sq. ft. lot area per dwelling (iii) minimum floor area of 1,200 sq. ft. (iv) maximum buiidJ.ng coverage of 35%. and semi-detached lots be restricted to: (i) minimum 65' lot frontage (ii) minimum 3,550 sq. ft. lot area per dwelling.! (iii) minimum floor area of 1,200 sq. ft. (iv) maximum building coverage of 35~. 2.: Changes in "red" as shown on the plan stamped 'approved' this date. 3. Satisfactory arrangements with Council regarding provision of parklands. SatisfactorY$Ubdivision Agreement to be enter,ed into betweap the Town of P icke: ring and the owner: this A9'reementshaL~ be to thesatisfactidn' of the Town of Pickering. . 4. March 15th, 1978 Page 4 5. Satisfactory d<lrCemcnts with Town c:mà ReQional Council regarding provision of all services. 6. OWlre.r agrees to dedicate the followin~tð- thesatisfactiòn _pf the Town and other proper authori ties: (a) a~ 66' road ..1llow,nce with pro!)(~r corner roundipgs, shown as Cricket Land and a 661 road allowance with proper corner roundings shown as 'AI Place. (b) 161 strip òlong Whites Road shown as Block IF', plus a I' reserve along the Whites Road frontage, Block 'L'. (c) 1 J (reserves shown as Block' J' on the northerly limit of Cricket Lane and Block 'K' on the northerly limit of 'A' Place. (d) Any other easement, if required. 7. The allocation of sewage treatment plant capacity and water capactity for the development. 8. That the 11 reserves on the westerly .:md of Cricket Lane known .as Block 'Y' in Registered Plan M-1058, be lifted by the Town. 9~ Satisfactory arrangement with proper authorities re~ardinq under- ground wiring and street lighting. l(b ~egistration of the Draft Plan of Subdivision and construction occurr- iniJ within 18 months of draft approval of the subject plan of' Subdivision and full services being available. 11. The submission, for approval of site plans and streetscape , elevations showing the location and relationship of all buildings, prior to the issuance of any building permits. 12. That Blocks 'C' ,'H', 'I' and Lot II, be retained for future development in conjunction with the lands they each abtit,and thatí satisfactory arrangements for their orderly development he made in. the Subdivision Agreement. ' > 5. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-77128 B.4100 ZONING BYLAW A1vIENDMENT APPLICATION A2/78 B.2310 BRAMALEA LIMITED PART LOT 28, CONCESSION 1. TOWN OF PICKERING Planning Committee recommend to Council that the Draft Plan of Subdivision 17T-77l28 of Part Lot 28, Concession 1 by Brama1ea Limited be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: L The development of this Plan shall be the subject of an amendment to the Restricted Area By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan to provide for the following; (a) Appropriate zoning to permit the development of the approved praft Plan of Subdivision in which single detached lots shall be restricted to (a) Appropriate zoning to permit the development of 'the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision in which single detached lots shall be restricted to - (i) minimum 50' lot frontage (ii)minimJ.lm. 5,000 sq. ft. lot area 'per dwelling (iii) minimu,m floor area of 1,~00 sq.Jt. (iv) maximum building coverage- of 35%. '"" March 15th, 1978 Page 5 5. (continued) and semi""detached lots restricted to - (i) minim~m 65' lot frontag'e (ii) minimum 3,550 sq.ft. lot area per dwelling. ! (iii) minimum floor area of 1,200 sq.ft. (iv) maximum building coverage of 35%. 2. Changes in "red" as shown on the plan stamped 'approved' this date. 3. Satisfactory arrangements with Council regarding provision of parklands. 4. A satisfactory Subdlvision Agreement be entered into with the Town after a satisfactory arran<Jem~nt hv.s been made with respect to property ownership of all Blocks on the Plan. Satisfactory agreements with Town and Regional Councils regarding provision of all services. 5. b. Owner agrees to dedicate the following to the satisfaction , of the Town and other proper authorities: a) a 66' road allowance with proper corner roundingsl shown as Aspen Road and Pebble Court as extended. b) , , a l' reserve shown as Block 'Q' on the easterly and southerly boundaries of Aspen Road. c) a 11 reserve shown as Block JR' on the southerly boundary of Pebble Court as extended. d) any other easement, if required. 7. The allocation of sewage treatment plan capacity and water capacity for the development. .8. That the l' reserves on the south end of Aspen Road known as Block 'V' on Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77126, be lifted by the Town. 9. Satisfactory arrangement with proper authorities regarding underground wiring and street lighting. 10. Registration of the Draft Plan of Subdivision and construction occurring within 18 months of draft approval of the subject Plan of Subdivision and full services being available. . 11. The submission for (1pproval of site plans and streetscape elevations showing the location and relationship of all buildings, prior to the issuance of any building permits. The fo110winq Blocks for future development shall be developed as single detached residential only in conjunction with.the property specified with it as follows: 12. Block IK' with Block 'T' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-7~12¡ . Block '1.' with Block 'u' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T...77126 - Block 'M' ,with Block 'V' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77126 ß10ck 'N' with Block IW'of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77126 Cont .. . . . /6 " J March 15th, 1.978 Page 6 5. ( continued,) " 13. j , The fo110wingB10ck for future development shall b~ developed as semi-detached residential only in conjunction with the property specified with it as follows: Block 'P1with those lands abutting the southerly boundard of Block' P , . 14. That Block '0' and Lot 10 (the 50' lot inuncdiately north of Block to.' Lbe retained for future development and that satisfactory "rranger~~nts for their orderly development be made ~n the Subdivision Agreement. 6. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-77127 B.4100 ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A3/78 B.23l0 BRAMALEA' LH1ITED PART LOT 28, CONCESSION I TOWN OF PICKERING Planning Conunittee recommend to Council that the Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77127 of Part Lot 28, Concession 1 by Br,amalea Limited be APPROVED subject to the'fo10wing conditions: 1. The development of this Plan shall'bc the subject of an amendment to the Restricted Area BylmlT 3036, as amended to implement the Official Plan to provide for the following: ~ (a) Appropriate zoning to permit the development of the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision in which single detached lots shall have: (i) minimum 50' lot frontage (ii) minimum 5,000 sq. ft. lot area per dwe1lipg (iii) minimum floor area of 1,200 sq.ft. (iv) maximum building coverage of 35% and semi-detached lots shall have: (i) minimum 65' lot frontage (ii) minimum 3,550 sq.ft. lot area per dwelling (iii) minimum floor area of 1,200 sq. ft. (iv) ~aximum building coverage of 35~. 2. Changes in "red" as sho~'m on the plan stamped' approved' this date. 3. Satisfactory arrangements with Council regarding provision of parklands. 5. A satisfactory Subdivision Agreement be entered into with the Town after a satisfactory arranqement has been made with ,respect to property ownership of all Blocks on the p1an~ Satisfactory ë:lgreements wi th'l'own and Regional Çounci1s regarding provisio.n of services. 6. Owner agr€esto4eCl-~cate tne follQ'-I'inq to the satisfaction of the Town and other proper authorities: ." , io. 11. 12. 13. March 15th, 1978 Page 7 6 .(c~ntinued) (a) ¿¡..~~I;~.t"oad allowance with prope:rcorner roundings, shdwt{~sAspen Road and Parkside' Drive. , (b) a ~6l'strip along Whi tes Road shown as Block' M', plus all reserve Block 'N' along the Whites Road frontage. (c) 11 reserve shown as Block '0". (d) any other easement, if required. 7. The allocation of sewage treatment plan capacity and ~ater capacity for the development. 8. , . That the l' reserves on the southerly end of Parkside Drive, known as Blocks G-l, Plan M-1059 and the westerly end of Aspen Road known as Block 1-1, Plan M-1059, be lifted by the Town. 9. Satisfactory arrangement with proper authorities regarding underground wiring and street lighting. ~egistration of the Draft Plan of Subdivision and construction occurring within 18 months of draft approval of the subjéct ~lan of Subdivision and full services being available. The submission for approval of sit~ prang and streetscape elevations showing the location anà relationship of all buildings, prior to the issuance of any building permits. The following B~ocks for future development shall be developed as single detached residential only in conjunction with the properties specified with them as follows: \ Block IB' with Block 'D' of Draft Plan of Subdivision làT-77-127 Block IC' with Block 'E' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77127 Block 'Dlwith Block 'F' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-7~127 Block 'E' with Block 'G' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77127 Block IF' with Block 'H' of Draft Plan of Subdivision l8't-T7127 " Block 'G' with Block 'J' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T"-77127 Block IH' with Block 'K' of Draft r 1.:111 of Subdivision 18T-77127 The following Blocks for future development shall be developed as semi-detached residential only in conjunction with the properties specified with them as follows: Block 'J' with Block IH-1' of Registered Plan M-I059 Block IL'with Lot 405 of Registered Plan M-I059 7. DRAFT PLÞ':-I OF SUBDIVISIœ¡ l8T-ï7126 8.4100 ZONING BYLÀW AMENDMENT APPLICATION' AI3/?7 B.2310 JACK JACOBSEN CONSTRUCTION PART LOT 28, CONCESSION 1 TOWN OF PICKERING. Planning Committee .1:"ecommend to Council that the Draft Plan of ~ubdivision 18T-77126 o£part Lot 28, Concession 1 by Jack Jacobsen Construction beAPP~Q~Dsubject.to the following conditions: . . Contj. ~,. . /8 ~ ,r 10. 1L 7. (continueç, L The dev..~lo!):;:,;¡,' of thiH Pl.:!n shdll l)~' the subject of an amendment tu Lilc Restricted i\rea Bylaw 3036, as amended, to implement the_Official Plan to provide for the fpllo'..,J.ng:- (a) Approfiri.:Hc zoninq to penni t the development of the approved-Draft Plan of Subdivision in which simile 'detached lots shall be restricted to ( (i) minimum 50' lot frontage (ii) minimum 5,000 sq. ft. lot area per dwelling (iii) minimum floor area of 1,200 sq. ft. (iv) maximum building coverage of 35%. and semi-detached lots be restricted to - (i) minimum 65' lot frontage (ii) minimum 3,550 sq. ft. lot area per dwelling (iii) minimum floor area of 1,200 sq. ft. (iv) maximum building coverage of 35%. 2. Changes in "red" as shown on the plan stamped .'approved' this dat~. 3. Satisfactory arrangements with Council regarding provision of parklands. 4~ ~ satisfactory Subdivision Agreement be entered into with the Town after a satisfactory arrangement has been made,with respect to property ownership of all Blocks on the Plan. 5. Satisfactory agreements with Town and .Regiona1 Councils regarding provisjon of all services. 6. Owner agrees to dedicate the following to the satisfaction of the Town and other proper authorities: (a) a 66' road allowance with proper corn(~r rounding shown as Pebble Court and the 66' road allowance shown as Aspen Road. (b) a 16' strip along Whites Road shown as Block'S', plus a l' reserve, Block 'X'. along the Whites Road frontàge. (c) a l' reserve shown as Block "Y" or{ Aspen Road. (d) a l' reserve shown, as Block 'z' extension. on Pebble Court- (e) any other easement, if required. 7. The allocation of sewage treatment plant capacity and water capacity for the development. 8. That the l' reserves on the caster]}' end of Pebble Court, known as Block J-l on RegisteredPhm f\1-1059 and the'l' reserve on Aspen Road forming part of Draft Plan of subdivision 18T-77127, be lifted by the Town. Satisfactory arrangement with proper authorities regarding underground wiring and street lighting. 9. Registration of the Draft Plan of Subdivision and construction occurring within IS months of draft approval of the subject Plan of Subdivision and full services being'avai1ab1e. The subrnission~oJ; approval of site plans and streetscape elevations, shm.zi.ns the 10c<:1tion and relationship of all bui ldings ,pri~orto the issuance of any building perIni ts . ." t-! .. '" , '- > " " 12. March 15th, 19;~ Page ~ '~, 7. (cont.) '\ Thef.ollowing Blocks for future dc~eloþment ,shall be developed as single detached residenticil Qnly in conjunction with the properties specified with them as, follows: Block 'D' with Block 'B' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77127 Block 'E' with Block 'c' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77127 Block 'FI with Block 'D' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77127 Block 'G'. wi th Block 'E' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77127 Block 'H' woti Block 'F' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77l27 Block 'JI with Block 'G' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77l27 B1ock"K' with Block 'H' of Draft Plan of Subdivision l8T-77127 Block IT' with Block 'K' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77128 Block 'u' with Block 'L' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77l28 Block 'V' with Block 'M' of Draft Plan of Subdivisiop 18T-77l28 Block 'W' with Block 'N' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77l28 13. The following Blocks for future development shall be. developed as semi-detached residential only in conjunction with properties specified with them as follows: Block 'C' with Block 'A' of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-77l28 8. REPORT ON SITE PLAN AGREEMENT MARIO ZUCCARINI CONSTRUCTION LTD. PART OF LOTS 1 - 5, PLAN 189 and PART LOT 33, RANGE 3 WINETTE ROAD, TOWN OF PICKER¡NG I THAT Planning Committee recommend to Council that the.report of the Town Solicitor dated March 9th, 1978, enclosing a Site Plan Agreement with Mario Zuccarini Construction Limited pert~ining to Part of Lots 1 to 5, Plan 189 and Part of Lot 33, Range 3 on Winette Road be adopted; . And that a bylaw be prepared authorizing e]Çecution of the said agreement.