HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 30, 1978 - 5 - 2/78 COUNCIL MEETING A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on MONDAY, JANUARY 30th 1978, at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor J. Anderson Councillors L. G. N. D. K. A. Cahill Fisher Geraghty Kitchen Matheson Robertson ALSO PRESENT: N.C. Marshall Bruce Taylor J.P. Mys1ik Town Manager Town Clerk Deputy Clerk ( I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of January 16th 1978. (II) REPORTS - See Appendix I Ontario Humane Society Report for the month of December 1977. (III) RESOLUTIONS REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF JANUARY 23rd 1978 See Appendix II Resolution 6/78 Moved by Councillor Geraghty, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the Executive Committee Report dated January 23rd 1978, be adopted. Recorded Vote - Item #2 Yea: Nay: Messrs. Anderson, Cahill, Fisher, Geraghty, Kitchen, Matheson. Councillor Robertson. Resolution 7/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Cahill that whereas a meeting was held at the Town Offices on Thursday, January 19th 1978 to discuss the many problems that exist and are anticipated with respect to traffic operations in the vicinity of Bayly Street, Whites Road, Liverpool Road - Highway 401 interchange and the Pickering Go Station; and WHEREAS the meeting was attended by Town Council and staff members, Region of Durham Planning Department and Public Works Department staff, Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications representatives and a Toronto Area Transit Operating Authority representative; and - 6 - 2/78 Resolution 7/78 (Cont.) WHEREAS it was established that many varied and complex factors exist in the traffic operations in the general area under àiscussion which could only be fully comprehended by a study encompassing all facets of the problems; and WHEREAS the representative of the Region of Durham Planning Department indicated a willingness to initiate such study, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Pickering request the Region of Durham to undertake a study of all factors affecting traffic operations in the Bayly Street, Whites Road, Liverpool Road - Highway 401 interchange - Pickering GO Station area together with recommendations for the implementation of both short and long term measures for improvement, and that the Town is willing to assume an equal share of the cost of such a study with the other three jurisdictional authorities. CARRIED Resolution 8/78 Moved by Councillor Fisher, seconded by Councillor Geraghty that the request of the West Hill Minor Hockey Association that the Council of the Town of Pickering request the indulgence of the Durham Regional Police, relative to the parking situation in the area of the Art Thompson Arena on the occasion of the Seventh Annual Shamrock Tournament be approveQ; AND that the West Hill Minor Hockey Association be requested to situate the parking a reasonable distance from the Art Thompson Arena and on the north side of Bayly Street only. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yea: Nay: Messrs. Anderson, Cahill, Fisher, Geraghty, Matheson, Robertson. Councillor Kitchen. Resolution 9/78 Moved by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Cahill that the Town of Pickering request the Inter- national Joint Commission to monitor the outflow of Lake Ontario in such a manner as to reduce lake levels to an extent as to minimize the possibility of damage to 1akefront properties. CARRIED - 7 - 2/78 (N) BY-LAWS Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Robertson moved for leave to introduce By-1awsof the Town of Pickering: By-Law Number 758/78 To authorize the execution of two Agreements between the Town of Pickering and Giuseppi and Concetta Sa1pietro with respect to Part of Lot 6, Plan 282, Pickering (LD 18/77) By-Law Number 759/78 To amend By-law Number 266/75 limiting the number of automobile service stations and public garages. Councillor Fisher declared a conflict of interest with respect to By-law 759/78, because he is the owner of the Paddock Garage. THIRD READING Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Robertson moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 758/78 and 759/78 be adopted, and that the said By-laws be now read a Third Time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-laws read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (V) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Kitchen reminded members of Council that the Winter Carnival on F~enchman's Bay is to held on Saturday, February 4th 1978. 2. Mayor Anderson declared the cancellation of the Council meeting on February 6th 1978. The next public meeting will be the Executive Committee Meeting of February 13th 1978. (VI) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW NUMBER 760/78 Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Fisher moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 30th day of January 1978, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (VII) ADJOURNMENT Dated - 8 - 2/78 The meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:03 P.M. February 20th 1978 - /" U REPORT FOR THE tGNTH OF' ~ 1>EcIfHSe£:,' ~1'E PREVIOUS YEAR Month Year t) Date. ACCOOO CURRENT YEAR Month Year to Date STREETS PAftJOLLED (mil es) ,DOGS IMPOUNDED "" 0 1.4. 1 un ~ " RElURNED TO OWNER TAKEN TO SHELTER 3q " .. CLAIMED BY OWNER q -L ~ ~ ---1a... 10 0 I MPOUNDED DOGS ADOPTED II " DESTROYED ~ DOGS REMAINING AT SHELTER CATS SHELTERED' CATS DESTROYED MISCELLANEOUS ANU1ALS SHELTERED AN I MALS RESCUED ~ ...Jj!Q --0... )3 - CALLS & COtFLAINTS ATTEtlDED TO EMERGENCY CALLS AFTER 5:00 P.M. CHARGES' LAID IMPOUNDING FEES, COllECTED 29 '1 28 16 9 11 2 15 1 ~ 111 $228.00 ,"" ~ , '~'¡ ~ . ~; ttt\\Jtb" '.~ , '\ ~, j "J~ 1. f) ,g7&" tl,", .....->, , 'TOW'" OF t ,À., p".~iE~,"'G í . ,(v'" (Cu',,'" \>~f'T-' I. , ", . -', - "- , ( - " ' ,.., '.I , Þclu.n/~ I~ O. ~(andl -~,-,..1)A.'" ,-¡, 1 , APPENDIX II '1'OIfN ot PICDRING '1'he Bxecut:iv. CoIl8it:t:ee, hav1ng ..t January, 2)rd 1978, pl."..__.itli .~~. ~~ tI)-tbe Council of the Town of Pickering and recc..Þda: 1. cAPP1'..ICATIOR FOR MODIPlCATION '1'0 MINISTER'S ZONING ORDER BY E. NABOZHUON PART LOT 3, toNCBSSION 6, - !tINS ALE ROAD PILBHUMB.fR B 2310 - ~ ~/78 That: Applicat:ion M 1/78 by E. IIaboznak 1:0 JPOClify the Minist:ers Zoning Order in re.pect: 1:0 lan4s being part: of Lot 3, Concession 6 on the west: sid. o.f Kinaale Road, t:o allow the erection of a single faaily dwelling on a lot with 500 feet: frontage and 15.05.acr.~ of lot: area be APPROVE~ subject: to: ' The applicant receiving thè required approvals fro. both the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Aut:hori,t:y and the Region ()f Durham Health Department:. . 2. BRONT! SQUARE PlLE.UMBER B2400 a), 8y-law 7.36/77 is in Å“nformit:y,with t:he Official Pl.n of the Town of Pickering approved and in fore. at I , , the 1:1- said by-law was passed, namel,y the 19ttt..y , ~I of December 1977. b) No førtherOfficial Plan has been, proposed by Council - nor app~ved by the Ministry of Housing since the passing of said By-law 736/77 and which said by-law would not be, in conformity, including the District Plan of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area, Jtegion of Durham which was adopted by Council on February 17th 1975 and recommended to the Reqion'Øf Durh4mfor approval.. . 3. APPLICATION FOR LAND SEVERANCE BY GIUSEPPE SALPIE'l'RO ON LOT 6, PLAN 282 PILE NUMBER A 2240 - LD 18/77 That the report of the Town Solicitor dated January 19th 1978, regarding an application for land severance by Giuseppe Salpietroon Lot 6, Plan 282, be àdoptecl: And t!lat the two Land Separation Agreements attac~ed to thier-eport be approved. 4. PINANCING OF STORM SEWERS ON LIVERPOOL ROAD FILl NUMBER C 2230 ThatA:,he report of the Treasurer-Collector dated January 12tb'1¡978 with respect to the financing of the Liverpool ~. Road s'term sewer local improvement project in the amount Of $20,000.00 be adopt:ed. ( 1980 OIf'l'ARIOSUMMBR GAMES "PILI ,HUMBER A 2510 , " ,. - , ' ..t the Minister of Culture and R8éreâtionbê infor184 tba~ tlie '1'ovn of Pickerin, strongly endors..J:he City of Pe.rborouqh' s bid for the 1980 Onurio S""r GaMe. . {" 6. \ , 7. " " APPEND IX I I ACCOUNTS I'OR APPROVAL That the Accounts dated January lath 1978 r,in the amount. of $100,947.65', as submitted by the Town Mf.n-.qer, be approved. SELF-SERVE GASOLINE FACILITIES rILE NUMBER D 2230 That the Town Solicitor be directed"to re-draft the / \ provisions of By-law 112/74, to regulate Self-Serve Gasoline Facilitie8, consi8tent with the amendment. to the Ga8oline Handling Act:, And that such re-draft lbc1uàe the present requir..-nt within the.exi8tin9 by-law for automatic sprinkl.~ systems of self service outlets.