HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 10-16 Cli11 Report to • = Executive Committee PI KERIN 1 Report Number: ENG 10-16 Date: May 9, 2016 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Control, Liverpool Road and Wharf Street - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "7" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of stop signs on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Pickering, specifically to address the proposed installation of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street, and 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: In response to concerns from area residents, specifically with respect to sightlines and vehicle volumes, Engineering & Public Works staff completed reviews for all-way stop control at the intersections of Liverpool Road at Wharf Street and Liverpool Road at Commerce Street. Based on vehicle and pedestrian volumes and collision history, neither intersection met the requirements for an all-way stop, in accordance with the City's Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy. However, sightline issues are recognized for both intersections when vehicles are parked on Liverpool Road, which occurs routinely between May and September. The sightline concern is more evident at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street, since vehicles park on both sides of Liverpool Road both north and south of the intersection. The traffic count also indicated that there are slightly more vehicles exiting from Wharf Street than from Commerce Street. It is also recognized that during the months of May to September, Liverpool Road and adjacent streets have increased vehicle and pedestrian activity and parking demand due events at Pickering's Nautical Village. Engineering & Public Works staff completed community consultation for a proposed all- way stop control at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street. The letter and survey was sent to 944 homes and was also placed on the City's Facebook and Twitter accounts. The survey generated 59 replies with 36 (61%) in support of an all-way stop at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street and 23 (39%) opposed. Therefore, based on the sightline concern, results from the community consultation and in order to allow a safe place for pedestrians to cross Liverpool Road, Engineering & ENG 10-16 May 9, 2016 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Control Liverpool Road and Wharf Street Page 2 Public Works staff recommend the placement of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street. Financial Implications: The installation of stop signs, advance warning signs, and stop bar and pavement markings at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street can be accommodated within the 2016 Roads Current Budget. Discussion: In January 2015 Engineering & Public Works staff received a request from two area residents on Pleasant Street to investigate the installation of an all-way stop at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Commerce Street. In April 2015 Engineering & Public Works staff received a request from an area resident on Wharf Street to investigate the installation of an all-way stop at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street. Another request from an area resident on Wharf Street was later received in September 2015 to investigate an all-way stop at Liverpool Road and Wharf Street. All residents have expressed safety concerns, specifically with respect to sightlines and vehicle volumes. In response to these concerns, Engineering & Public Works staff completed a review of both the Liverpool Road and Wharf Street and Liverpool Road and Commerce Street intersections, which included the following investigations: • collection of vehicle and pedestrian volumes at both intersections in the spring and summer months • review of sightlines and road geometry for both intersections • review of collision history for the previous five years for both intersections • observations of vehicle volume and pedestrian activity on Liverpool Road from Commerce Street to the southern limit during the spring and summer months • community consultation with residents and businesses The results of the review and recommendations are presented in the following sections: An all-way stop control would not be warranted based on vehicular and pedestrian volumes at either intersection To determine if an all-way stop control is required at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street and the intersection of Liverpool Road and Commerce Street, staff completed municipal all-way stop warrants, in accordance with the City's Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy. The City's All-way Stop Warrant calculates whether an all-way stop control is required, taking pedestrian and vehicular volumes, reported collision history and sightlines into consideration. CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 10-16 May 9, 2016 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Control Liverpool Road and Wharf Street Page 3 Eight-hour vehicle and pedestrian turning movement counts were completed at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street, and at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Commerce Street on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 and Wednesday, May 20, 2015 respectively. The specific time periods for the traffic count were 7:00 am to 9:00 am, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The peak hour for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic for the morning peak periods at the intersections were 8:00 am to 9:00 am. The afternoon peak period for the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street was 3:15 pm to 4:15pm, and for the Liverpool Road and Commerce Street intersection it was 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. In addition to the eight-hour turning movement counts, 24-hour vehicle volume counts were completed over seven days from Saturday July 18, 2015 to Friday July 24, 2015 using a mechanical vehicle counter classifier (road tubes). It is also recognized that during the summer months (May to September) Liverpool Road has increased vehicle and pedestrian activity and parking demand due to Pickering's Nautical Village being located at the southern limit of Liverpool Road. Pickering's Nautical Village is a popular tourist destination and features many summer activities including free musical entertainment at Millennium Square on Thursday evenings, playgrounds for children, the Waterfront Trail, dragon boats, sailing, as well as many different shops, businesses and restaurants. This increased vehicle and parking demand is evident as vehicle and pedestrian volume generally effects adjacent streets due to the limitation of parking spaces at Millennium Square. However, the City's warrants for all-way stop controls were not met, in accordance with the City's Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy, based on both the vehicle and pedestrian turning movement counts and the 24-hour vehicle volume counts, with Warrant 2: Minimum Vehicle Volume not being satisfied. The traffic counts did indicate however, that of the two locations, the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street had a slightly higher volume of vehicular traffic exiting than the intersection of Liverpool Road and Commerce Street. The all-way stop warrant analysis for the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street, and for the intersection of Liverpool Road and Commerce Street can be found in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 respectively. There are no reported collisions in the last five years at either intersection that is correctable by the installation of an all-way stop In the previous five years, there were no reported collisions that would be correctable by the installation of an all-way stop at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street and at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Commerce Street. The City's All-way Stop Warrant requires there to be an occurrence of three or more reportable collisions per year, averaged over three years, correctable through the CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 10-16 May 9, 2016 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Control Liverpool Road and Wharf Street Page 4 installation of all-way stop controls. Therefore, an all-way stop control is not warranted at either intersection based on collision history. Vehicle traffic can be difficult to see when exiting from both Wharf Street and Commerce Street when vehicles are parked on Liverpool Road The on-street parking on Liverpool Road at Wharf Street and at Commerce Street make it challenging for drivers to exit these streets onto Liverpool Road. At Wharf Street specifically, on-street parking exists both north and south of the intersection on both sides of the road. This makes it difficult for drivers on both approaches of Wharf Street to see oncoming traffic on Liverpool Road, particularly in the summer months. Sightlines are less than 50 metres at the intersection when stopped at the stop bar, however, sightlines are improved to greater than 60 metres when moving forward towards to the edge of the intersection. At Commerce Street, on-street parking exists only on the west side of Liverpool Road south of the intersection. This makes exiting Commerce Street difficult for drivers on the west approach, particularly in the summer months.When stopped at the stop bar sightlines are impacted by on-street parking and a hedge on the southwest corner of the intersection. Sightlines are less than 50 metres at the intersection when stopped at the stop bar, however, sightlines are improved to greater than 60 metres when moving forward towards to the edge of the intersection. City staff are currently looking into options to improve the sightline at this corner and have had a discussion with the business that has been parking vehicles on Liverpool Road at Commerce Street, and will be speaking with the homeowner on the southwest corner about the partial removal of the hedge that is on the corner. Based on the above investigation by the City of Pickering staff, the vehicle and pedestrian volumes and collision history at these intersections do not meet the requirements for an all-way stop. However, the City of Pickering has installed all-way stop control at intersections where sightline issues are recognized. It is recognized by City Staff that there are sightline issues at both intersections when vehicles are parked on Liverpool Road, which occurs routinely in the summer months. Due to the close distance between Commerce Street and Wharf Street on Liverpool Road, the City is recommending installing an all-way stop control only at one location. Furthermore, because the sightline concern is more evident at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street and since the vehicle volume is slightly greater at Wharf Street, particularly in the summer months, Engineering & Public Works staff completed community consultation for a proposed all-way stop control at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street. CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 10-16 May 9, 2016 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Control Liverpool Road and Wharf Street Page 5 Feedback from residents received by City staff indicates that the majority of area residents support an all-way stop at Liverpool Road and Wharf Street A letter dated February 10, 2016 was sent to area residents, 944 homes, within the area. The letter indicated that City staff was proposing an all-way stop control at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street, and provided area residents an opportunity to review and provide comments on the proposed all-way stop control, as well as to indicate their support or opposition. The survey was also promoted on the City's Facebook and Twitter accounts asking residents to complete the survey and provide their feedback. The letter and survey to residents generated 59 replies. A summary of those that were in support and those that were opposed are as follows: • 36 replies (61%) were in support of an all-way stop control at Liverpool Road and Wharf Street, 7 of which were in response to the Facebook and Twitter posts • 23 replies (39%) were opposed to an all-way stop control at Liverpool Road and Wharf Street, 7 of which were in response to the Facebook and Twitter posts Residents that were in support of the all-way stop control at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street indicated the following: • better for sightlines especially for motorists turning off Wharf Street as many residents have reported having near misses • an all-way stop will make crossing Liverpool Road safer for pedestrians • will slow traffic making it safer for all users of the roadway Residents that were opposed to the all-way stop control at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street indicated the following: • the upcoming development at the old school site at the northeast corner of Liverpool Road and Commerce Street will bring more traffic at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Commerce Street • does not make sense to put a stop sign for a road that is not a through street • the all-way stop would be better served at Commerce Street since it is a through street and is impacted by sightlines • the all-way stop would be better served at Annland Street because it is frequented by vehicles and cyclists that want to access the Waterfront Trail and park • a roundabout would be a better alternative to an all-way stop City of Pickering staff also sought comment from the Durham Regional Police Services (DRPS) regarding an all-way stop control at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street. DRPS indicated that although unwarranted, they do not have concerns if CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 10-16 May 9, 2016 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Control Liverpool Road and Wharf Street Page 6 an all-way stop control is installed at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street to assist motorists with exiting from Wharf Street and to create a safe place for pedestrians to cross. In summary, based on the sightline concern, results from the community consultation and to allow a safe pedestrian crossing for pedestrians due to the increased vehicle and pedestrian volume from events at Pickering's Nautical Village, Engineering & Public Works staff recommend the placement of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street. The proposed all-way stop at the intersection of Liverpool and Wharf Street is illustrated in Attachment 3. The proposed amendment to the Traffic By-law 6604/05 is provided in Attachment 4. Attachments: 1. All-way Stop Warrant, Liverpool Road and Wharf Street 2. All-way Stop Warrant, Liverpool Road and Commerce Street 3. Location map - Proposed All-way Stop, Liverpool Road at Wharf Street 4. Proposed By-law Amendment— Schedule 7, Stop Signs CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 10-16 May 9, 2016 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Control . Liverpool Road and Wharf Street Page 7 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: / /, eigo 41. 6/ / i ...„ Nathan Emery R. and Holborn, P. Eng. rdinator, Traffic Operations irector, Engineering & Public Works Darrell Selsky, ET, CMM If Manager, Capital Projects k nfrastructure NE:mjh 4 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council dZaff +eiz.cizoi6 , Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. . Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACH MENT# -.1 TO REPORT#ENC7 iddI( .) 1 of - c:a,° ' i. All-Way Stop Warrant (Local and Minor Collector Streets) 110101010 Turning Movement Count Data Study Date: 28-Apr-15 Intersection Type: 4-way Road Legal Road Direction Speed Class Major Road: Liverpool Road n/s 40 Collector Minor Road: Wharf Street e/w 40 Local i Hour Major Minor Total Exceeds Major Minor Exceeds Ending Volume Volume Volume 245 % % 65/35 split 8:00 46 21 67 No 68.7% 31.3% Yes 9:00 111 31 142 No 78.2% 21.8% . Yes 12:00 183 21 204 • No 89.7% 10.3% Yes 13:00 248 25 273 Yes 90.8% 9.2% Yes 15:00 320 26 346 Yes 92.5% 7.5% Yes 16:00 - 309 30 339 Yes 91.2% 8.8% Yes 17:00 281 53 334 Yes 84.1% 15.9% Yes j 18:00 299 44 343 Yes 87.2% 12.8% Yes Peak Hours Ending II 9:00 111 31 142 No 78.2% 21.8% Yes 13:00 248 25 273 Yes 90.8% 9.2% Yes 16:15 317 44 361 Yes 87.8% 12.2% Yes Mechanical Vehicle Classifier Count Data (Only highest hour recorded for each day is shown) . Study Date: July 18, 2015 to July 24, 2015 Day of Hour Major Minor Total Exceeds Major Minor Exceeds Week Ending Volume Volume Volume 245 % % 65/35 split Sat. July 18 19:00 525 57 582 Yes 90.2% 9.8% Yes Sun. July 19 16:00 524 64 588 Yes 89.1% 10.9% Yes Mon. July 20 20:00 427 45 472 Yes 90.5% 9.5% Yes Tues. July 21 18:00 525 44 569 Yes 92.3% 7.7% Yes Wed. July 22 18:00 450 40 490 Yes 91.8% 8.2% Yes Thurs. July 23 19:00 804 86 890 Yes 90.3% 9.7% Yes Fri. July 24 19:00 506 38 544 Yes 93.0% 7.0% Yes Warrant Evaluation Warrant 1 Traffic Control Traffic control signals are warranted but cannot be implemented immediately No Warrant 2 Minimum Vehicle Volume Total vehilce volume on all approaches exceeding 70%of 350 (245)for highest hour Yes recorded; and i 3-way intersection volume split not exceeding 75/25 for highest hour recorded. OR . 4-way intersection volume split ratio not exceeding 65/35 for highest hour recorded. No 1 of 2 4 ATTACHMENT# TOREPORT# �� j0—'L ' a of a' C"`"°e All-Way Stop Warrant (Local and Minor Collector Streets) Warrant 3 Collision History Occurance of 3 or more reportable right-angle collisions of a type correctible through the No installation of an all-way stop in a 12 month period averaged over 3 years. There were no reported collisions correctable through the installation of an all-way stop Warrant 4 Sightline Requirments The minimum stopping sight distance at this intersection is less than the applicable criteria for No wet pavement as specified in the Stopping Sight Distance table below Design Speed (km/h) Stopping Sight Distance Required (m) 40 50 50 60 60 85 70 110 Sightlines are less than 50 metres at the intersection when stopped at the stop bar, however, sightlines are slightly improved to greater than 60 metres when moving forward towards to the edge of the intersection. a , 1, Note: For the multi-way stop to be technically justified, any individual warrant must be satisfied. All-Way Stop Warrants Met: No 2of2 i'i ATTACHMENT#�' TO REPORT# 1C'1 la -f(e�_of All-Way Stop Warrant =f _ ■ ..- (Local and Minor Collector Streets) i Turning Movement Count Data Study Date: 20-May-15 Intersection Type: 4-way Road Legal Road Direction Speed Class Major Road: Liverpool Road n/s 40 Collector Minor Road: Commerce Street e/w 40 Local { Hour Major Minor Total Exceeds Major Minor Exceeds Endinq Volume Volume Volume 245 % % 65/35 split 8:00 121 21 142 No 85.2% 14.8% Yes 9:00 158 40 198 No 79.8% 20.2% Yes 12:00 223 21 244 No 91.4% 8.6% Yes 13:00 259 37 296 Yes 87.5% 12.5% Yes 15:00 289 19 308 Yes 93.8% 6.2% Yes . 16:00 295 29 324 Yes 91.0% 9.0% Yes 17:00 338 34 372 Yes 90.9% 9.1% Yes 18:00 325 30 355 Yes 91.5% 8.5% Yes Peak Hours Ending 9:00 111 31 142 No 78.2% 21.8% Yes 13:00 248 25 273 Yes 90.8% 9.2% Yes 17:30 375 38 413 Yes 90.8% 9.2% Yes Mechanical Vehicle Classifier Count Data (Only highest hour recorded for each day is shown) Study Date: July 18, 2015 to July 24, 2015 Day of Hour Major Minor Total Exceeds Major Minor Exceeds Week Endinq Volume Volume Volume 245 % % 65/35 split Sat. July 18 19:00 605 23 628 Yes 96.3% 3.7% Yes Sun. July 19 16:00 648 41 689 Yes 94.0% 6.0% . Yes Mon. July 20 20:00 504 47 551 47 91.5% 8.5% Yes Tues. July 21 19:00 574 59 633 Yes 90.7% 9.3% Yes Wed. July 22 20:00 552 16 568 Yes 97.2% 2:8% Yes Thurs. July23 19:00 710 71 781 Yes 90.9% 9.1% Yes Fri. July 24 20:00 333 34 367 Yes 90.7% 9.3% Yes Warrant Evaluation Warrant 1 Traffic Control Traffic control signals are warranted but cannot be implemented immediately No Warrant 2 Minimum Vehicle Volume Total vehilce volume on all approaches exceeding 70%of 350(245)for highest hour Yes recorded; and 3-way intersection volume split not exceeding 75/25 for highest hour recorded. II OR 4,-way intersection volume split ratio not exceeding 65/35 for highest hour recorded. No 1 oft ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT#kNC1 10--r 1P y ° All-Way Stop Warrant ' `� ' (Local and Minor Collector Streets) PI 1.1M Warrant 3 Collision History Occurance of 3 or more reportable right-angle collisions of a type correctible through the No installation of an all-way stop in a 12 month period averaged over 3 years. • There were no reported collisions correctable through the installation of an all-way stop Warrant 4 Sightline Requirments The minimum stopping sight distance at this intersection is less than the applicable criteria for No wet pavement as specified in the Stopping Sight Distance table below Design Speed (km/h) Stopping Sight Distance Required (m) 40 50 50 60 60 85 70 110 Sightlines are less than 50 metres at the intersection when stopped at the stop bar, however, sightlines are slightly improved to greater than 60 metres when moving forward towards to the edge of the intersection. Note: For the multi-way stop to be technically justified, any individual warrant must be satisfied. All-Way Stop Warrants Met: No Ij { 2of2 ATTACHMENT# ?J TO REPORT# "? 1d -U I f—L_ *i) :. �m8 mil. �.r n Commerce. Street y{` sil 4.If ' * ilit4 1 � rte ' ,, ,, .., .- k . .,40 Iftlir: t A. .--e_.',- ° ■ - -11,,,, , , , " � it " ,.,„f .; 1.tt ` ¢ -' 1 J , ,. Broadview Street M 10 Ma.' & . i s S i „S Imlisort � m9 , , ice F 0 F +a.�#k !l X 1,,,* ,w{fir 4t .+, i - 1,1,..... °*‘- *x- - - > nr and $4...e el . . •, .4-:* ft 'a te j,. .: 1� 4" fi Proposed All-way Stop , -;• ,•'..,. F , ✓w` ` lk i M* �:,' ,Y "` hap .. 1 3 a �„i to + °� t ,; ,� *• 4 � y`.` k we` ,,,,, 4r, a t z ID ' `t) a s � F `1. * .,,z0 u .b Engineering & r.Cir,i 00. Public Works Department Proposed All-way Stop t;; i®. ) SCALE DRAWN DATE: N.T.S. April,2016 Liverpool Road and Wharf Street li(11'811t1+00.0 II ATTACHMENT# 'y TOREPORT# ENC-1 /b!(U The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a by-law to amend by-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of traffic and parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of , the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Whereas, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering, and Whereas, it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule 7 to By-law 6604/05 to establish an all-way stop control at the intersection of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 7 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 7 is Stop Signs Column 1 Column 2 Highway Compulsory Stop Facing Traffic Add Liverpool Road @ Wharf Liverpool Road, northbound and southbound Street J.fl Lj is Ii. ATTACHMENT#, TOREPORT# /0--16-P By-law No. XXXX 9 of 3-' Page 2 2. This By-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of the City of Pickering and when signs to the effect are installed. By-law passed this 16th day of May, 2016. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk