HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 08-16 City o0 Report to Executive Committee I INIIMIWE Report Number: ENG 08-16 Date: May 9, 2016 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Repair and Maintenance of Municipal Fences - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council direct staff to prepare an asset management plan and financial strategy for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of municipal fences in 2016 for Council consideration; 2. That funding be considered through the annual budget process in the Current Budget for the repair and maintenance of municipal fences along road allowances and other City lands; 3. That a funding strategy for City fence replacement be developed and implemented for future Capital Budgets based on the criteria of safety and structural condition; 4. That City of Pickering staff initiate discussion with Region of Durham staff on the responsibility and funding of maintenance, repair and replacement of noise attenuation and screen/privacy fences along Regional Roads; 5. That Council direct City Development and Engineering & Public Works staff to review the placement of fences in future developments, especially the Seaton Community in order to minimize future costs; and 6. That a copy of Report ENG 08-16 be forwarded to the Region of Durham for information. Executive Summary: Fencing is an important component of the landscape features of a neighbourhood and helps form the visual impression and image of the area and the City as a whole. Fences constitute a significant City asset and are required to be strategically managed. There are a large number of fences on or abutting City Property that are in need of repair or replacement immediately and in the near future. The City does not have a plan established for this purpose. This report identifies that extensive resources are required for the maintenance, repair and replacement of existing fences throughout the City. Staff is recommending that an ENG 08-16 Subject: Repair and Maintenance of Municipal Fences Page 2 asset management plan and financial strategy for municipal fences be prepared. This will allow the staff to better prepare for the cost of future repair and replacement of fences throughout the City through the annual budget process. Financial Implications: There is a need to establish an asset management plan and financial strategy to ensure that City fences are repaired and replaced in a consistent manner. The estimated replacement value for fences adjacent to City roads and property (parks and walkways) and fences abutting Regional Roads is approximately $8.43 million. The 2016 Budget report (FIN 05-16) recommendation 20c, asked Council to consider adopting as a first step, a capital fence levy of 0.41% that equates to a funding request of$240,000 in 2017. (The $240,000 represents an investment of$80,000 per ward on average per year.) In future years, Council could consider increasing the fence levy to accelerate the fence replacement plan. In addition, the consideration of a cost sharing strategy between the City and the property owner would have an impact on future levy increases. Depending upon the plan adopted by Council, the $240,000 levy may be adequate to fund City fence replacement needs. Without this permanent funding source, fence replacement will be conducted on an ad hoc basis due to high cost pressures to replace and repair other existing major capital assets such as roads, bridges and facilities. Discussion: At present, there is approximately 13 kilometers of fences along Regional Roads and 49 kilometers of fencing adjacent to City roads and property (parks and walkways) with an estimated replacement value of$8,430,000. With the City poised for future growth, the City's existing fence inventory will increase as development proceeds. An Inventory Summary, containing fence descriptions, lengths and associated replacement value is contained within Attachment 1 of this report. This inventory was compiled in late 2012 and needs to be updated as part of the asset management plan. 1. Existing Fence Repair and Maintenance Needs The City does not have an aggressive program or the funds available to address the level of current repair needs. A nominal amount of funding, approximately $20,000 annually, is carried in the Parks Current Budget to handle all minor repairs to fences. Fence repair needs are assessed by staff on case by case basis. If the fence represents a safety or liability issue for the City, the repair need is put on a list for the current or following year. Repairs are addressed more promptly if an immediate need is recognized. Requests for repairs that fall into the category of aesthetics are given a lower priority. All fence repairs are undertaken by City staff. CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 08-16 Subject: Repair and Maintenance of Municipal Fences Page 3 2. Existing Fence Replacement Needs The City has a program in place to undertake fence replacement projects. The 2015 Property Maintenance Capital Budget and the Four Year Capital Forecast (2017 -2020) have approved and forecasted amounts ranging from $150,000 to $350,000 annually for replacement projects. The projects include noise attenuation or screen/privacy fences (along City road allowances) and divisional fences (between private property and City property such as parks, open spaces and walkways). Fence replacement projects will be undertaken only when necessarily required, until such time as the City has an official policy on ownership, responsibility and cost sharing arrangements. 3. Fences Along Regional and Provincial Roads The inventory prepared in 2012 identified approximately 13 km of noise attenuation and screen/privacy fences along roads under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham. In most instances the property adjacent to the Regional Road is privately owned. In such cases, where there is no City property on either side of the fence, staff is recommending that the City initiate discussions with Region of Durham staff with respect to responsibility and funding. The Region of Durham's current position is that they will not take on maintenance responsibilities. Fences along Provincial Roads, specifically 400 series highways are maintained by the Province and as a result there is no concern regarding responsibility or funding for repairs or replacement. Attachments: 1. Inventory Summary CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 08-16 Subject: Repair and Maintenance of Municipal Fences Page 4 Approved/Endorsed By: Ric,and Holb•rn P.Eng. rector, Engineering & Public Works Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, Division Head, Finance & Treasurer RH:mjh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 406%,, Aptd z .' zo/(p Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised . - • .iTTACHMENT# 1 TO REPORT#-C-NIG ..... 0 c, a a w 0 0 0 . 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 c)- ci _ o . 0 "a ,— CO- CO CO 4-, CV CO tr) o) o c\j" to• v.- E9 I— 69 69 . . . , ..... 0 0 0 E E E E -) a -.. a i C c) ii a o o o > o ci a d c5 E 0 0% CNI CNI (N1 69 EA 69 re — „ X X X X V . 2 E E E E as 8 23 c'5 i..:5 ro 0 c) o o • • a 0 c) — 1.0 tr) CD C\I "-- z; n-- . Te- o 69 69. z X X X X EE E E 2 .= 0 o a o s_ ." CD 0 0 CD a) ca 0 o o c) - 46 o Pri ,ci co- r- ....1 v" (1) 0 CD as . „ E EEEEE EEE E EEEE EEE EEEE E EEEEE E 'It r- T- r..... 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