HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 05-16 City Information Report to Planning & Development Committee I KERI Report Number: 05-16 Date: May 9, 2016 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/15 Vastor Construction Inc. Block 13, Plan 40M-2482 (2585 Brock Road) " 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide information regarding a Zoning By-law Amendment application, submitted by Vastor Construction Inc., to facilitate a residential condominium development consisting of 104 stacked back-to-back units. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies, and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the application, ask questions of clarification and identify any planning issues. This report is for information and no decisions on this application is being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2. Property Location and Description The subject property is located at the northeast corner of Brock Road and William Jackson Drive, within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#1). The property has an area of approximately 0.84 of a hectare with 75 metres of frontage along Brock Road and 175 metres of frontage along William Jackson Drive. Surrounding land uses include: north a residential condominium development consisting of a mix of stacked townhouses and freehold townhouses east low and medium density development comprising of a mix of townhouses and single detached dwellings south across William Jackson Drive, is the Duffin Meadows Cemetery west across Brock Road, at the northwest corner of Brock Road and Dersan Street, is a vacant property formerly owned by Jodee Trucking and further north is the Devi Mandir Hindu Temple Information Report No. 05-16 Page 2 3. Previous Proposal In 2015, the applicant received Site Plan Approval and applied for a building permit to construct a three-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of 3,233 square metres (see Previously Approved Site Plan, Attachment#2). The applicant has indicated that, notwithstanding their best efforts to market the site for the past two years, they have been unsuccessful in securing any leases. As a result, the applicant is requesting a zoning by-law amendment to permit a residential development. 4. Applicant's Proposal The applicant is requesting to delete a provision in the site-specific zoning by-law that prohibits residential dwelling units on the first two storeys of a building in order to permit a development that is only residential. The applicant is proposing a condominium development consisting of 104 stacked back-to-back townhouse units within 5 multi-unit residential blocks accessed through an internal private road (see Submitted Concept Plan and Submitted Conceptual Building Elevations, Attachments #3 and #4). The residential blocks will be 4-storeys (approximately 14.0 metres in height) with 2-storey units stacked on top of 2-storey units. A fenced outdoor amenity area is proposed for the ground level units and a rooftop amenity area is proposed for the upper units. Each unit will have an its own entrance at grade. The proposed plan also illustrates a central outdoor amenity area along with an internal pedestrian pathway system and a landscape feature on the corner of Brock Road and William Jackson Drive. A single level of resident parking is provided below the buildings and visitor parking will be provided at grade. Resident parking is provided at a ratio of 1 parking space per dwelling unit for a total of 104 spaces. Visitor parking is provided at a rate of 0.25 spaces per unit for a total of 27 parking spaces. Vehicular access is provided through a 6.5 metre wide private road off of Pure Springs Boulevard. The redevelopment of the site will be subject to site plan approval. 5. Policy Framework 5.1 Regional Official Plan The subject lands are designated as "Living Areas" with a "Regional Corridor" overlay in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands within this designation are predominately intended for housing purposes. In addition, limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services, in appropriate locations, as components of mixed use developments, are permitted. In the consideration of development proposals, regard shall be had to achieving a compact urban form, including intensive residential, office, retail and service, and mixed uses along arterial roads, in conjunction with present and potential transit facilities. Information Report No. 05-16 Page 3 Regional Corridors shall be planned and developed in accordance with the underlying land use designation, as higher density mixed use areas, supporting higher order transit services and pedestrian oriented design. Regional Corridors are intended to support an overall, long-term density target of at least 60 residential units per gross hectare and a floor space index (FSI) of 2.5, with a wide variety of building forms, generally mid-rise in height, with some higher buildings, as detailed in municipal official plans. Brock Road is designated as a Type A Arterial Road and a Transit Spine in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Type A Arterial Roads are designed to carry large volumes of traffic at moderate to high speeds, have some access restrictions and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 36 to 50 metres. Transit Spines are recognized corridors where higher levels of transit service is to be encouraged. The application will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Regional Official Plan during the further processing of the application. 5.2 Pickering Official Plan The subject lands are located within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and are designated "Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors". Mixed Use Areas are recognized as lands that have or are intended to have the widest variety of uses and highest levels of activity in the City. The Mixed Corridors designation is intended primarily for residential, retail, community, cultural and recreational uses at a scale serving the community and provides for a range of commercial uses and residential development at a density range of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare and a maximum floor space index (FSI) up to and including 2.5 FSI. The proposed development has a residential density of 123 units per net hectare with a proposed FSI of 1.33. 5.2.1 Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Policies Policies for the Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors designation in this neighbourhood require the following: • new development to provide a strong and identifiable urban image by establishing buildings closer to the street, providing safe and convenient pedestrian access and requiring all buildings to be multi-storey • require higher intensity multi-unit housing forms on lands adjacent to Brock Road and restrict grade related residential development to lands adjacent to collector or local roads The subject lands are located at the intersection of Brock Road and William Jackson Drive, which has been identified as a Focal Point within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. Development within Focal Points is to contribute to the prominence of the intersection by requiring: • initial development on each property to occur at the corner of the intersection • the inclusion of appropriate provisions in the implementing zoning by-law to address such matters as the location and extent of build-to-zones, mix of permitted uses, and required building articulation Information Report No. 05-16 Page 4 • the use of other site development features such as building design, building material, architectural features or structures, landscaping, public art and public realm enhancements such as squares or landscaped seating areas to help achieve focal point prominence, and • all buildings to be a minimum of three functional storeys with four storey massing The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Policies also require landowners to: • submit a Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report that demonstrates how the proposal is consistent with the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan to the satisfaction of the Region, City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority • become a party to the cost sharing agreement for Duffin Heights or receive an acknowledgement from the Trustee of the Duffin Heights Landowners Group Inc. that the benefitting landowner has made satisfactory arrangements to pay its proportion of the shared development cost The application will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the applications. 5.3 Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines The intent of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines is to further the objectives of the Official Plan and to achieve the following design objectives for the neighbourhood: • to create an accessible pedestrian-oriented residential area, distinct in character and harmonious with the larger neighbourhood • to create a streetscape which is attractive, safe and encourages social interaction within the neighbourhood • to establish a central focus to the neighbourhood which is safe, lively and attractive • to provide a diversity of uses to support neighbourhood and City functions The subject lands are delineated as Brock Road Streetscape on the Tertiary Plan, which encourages higher density, mid-rise and mixed use buildings with a high level of architectural quality. The Tertiary Plan also identifies the intersection of Brock Road and William Jackson Drive as a focal point that will require special design considerations through the use of appropriate building heights, massing, architectural features and landscaping in order to establish a prominent image at these intersections. The key guidelines for lands within the Brock Road Streetscape include the following: • higher density, mid-rise and mixed use building shall be encourage along the Brock Road mixed use corridor • a high level of architectural quality will be required for the buildings adjacent to Brock Road and along the collector road façades at the focal point intersection areas Information Report No. 05-16 Page 5 • all buildings at a focal point require a minimum of three functional floors and a minimum four storey massing • all primary frontages of buildings shall front Brock Road and provide pedestrian access directly to the sidewalk and trail along Brock Road The application will be assessed against the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines during the further processing of the application. 5.4 Zoning By-law 3037 The subject lands are currently zoned "MU-24" — Mixed Use within Zoning By-law 3037, as amended, which permits multiple dwelling-vertical units (i.e., apartment building, stacked townhouses or stacked back-to-back townhomes) above the second storey of a building. The by-law also permits a broad range of commercial/retail uses, such as business and professional office, restaurants, financial institutions and personal service uses. The applicant has requested a site specific amendment to delete the provision prohibiting residential units from the first two storeys of a building in order to permit the residential only proposal. 6. Comments Received 6.1 Resident Comments An Open House meeting was held on March 22, 2016 at Pickering City Hall to allow area residents to learn more about the proposal, as well as review and comment on the plans that the applicant has submitted. A total of 5 households were represented at the meeting. The following is a summary of comments and concerns identified by area residents at the Open House meeting: • concerned that the location of the proposed vehicular access on Pure Springs Boulevard will significantly increase traffic on Legian Mews and Pure Springs Boulevard • relocate the proposed vehicular access from Pure Springs Boulevard to William Jackson Drive • should the proposal be approved, consider installing traffic calming measures, such as speed humps, on Legian Mews 6.2 Agency Comments Region of Durham • as of the writing of this report, no comments or concerns have been received Durham District • no objections to the proposal School Board • students generated by this development will attend existing schools Information Report No. 05-16 Page 6 Durham Catholic • no objections to the proposal School Board • students generated from this proposed development will attend St. Wilfrid Catholic Elementary School located at 2360 Southcott Road and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School located at 1918 Whites Road 6.3 City Departments Comments Engineering & Public Works As of the writing of this report, no comments or concerns have been received. 7. Planning & Design Section Comments The following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • ensuring conformity with the City's Official Plan and Neighbourhood policies • ensuring the proposal is consistent with the City's urban design goals and objectives in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines • ensuring that sufficient opportunity is available in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood to provide commercial uses to service the residents of this neighbourhood • ensuring appropriate site layout, building setbacks, building heights and massing, landscaped areas, location and size of outdoor amenity area, location of visitor parking spaces and service areas • evaluating the appropriateness of relocating the access from Pure Springs Boulevard to William Jackson Drive • ensuring that the architectural design of the buildings and the landscaping along Brock Road and William Jackson is of high quality to create a pedestrian friendly streetscape and to create a focal point at the corner • ensuring that adequate resident and visitor parking is provided to support this development • ensuring appropriate noise buffering is provided for each private ground level outdoor amenity space • ensuring that required technical submissions and reports meet City standards The City Development Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated department, agencies and public. 8. Information Received Full scale copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering, City Development Department: • Planning Rationale Brief, prepared by Bousfields Inc., dated November 30, 2015 • Environmental Noise Assessment, prepared by YCA Engineering Ltd., dated November 24, 2015 Information Report No. 05-16 Page 7 • Phase One Environmental Assessment, prepared by Soil Engineers Ltd., dated December 4, 2015 • Traffic Impact Study, prepared by Nextrans Engineering, dated November 16, 2015 • Storm Water Management Report, prepared by Schaeffers Consulting Engineers, dated November 26, 2015 • Geotechnical Investigation, prepared by Soil Engineers Ltd., dated January 15, 2016 • Site Concept, prepared by Guthrie Muscovitch Architects, dated September 16, 2015 9. Procedural Information 9.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 10. Owner/Applicant Information . • the principal of Vastor Construction Inc. is Nicolas Fidei and is represented by Joseph Pavia of Treasure Hill Homes Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Previously Approved Site Plan 3. Submitted Concept Plan 4. Submitted Conceptual Building Elevations Information Report No. 05-16 Page 8 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: avl tn7k141/4-4)% Isabelle Janton Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Planner II — Ste Planning Chief Planner se\ - 4 • Nilesh Surti, CIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design • IJ:Id Attachments Date of Report: April 18,.2016 Copy: Director, City Development Attachment#_to Information Report# 0.n-/Go ZENTS DRIVE HE�/IeY o H= S . a0 L .0 . a ,• O Mir ti 0 a ---, . 0 Cr 'CREEKS/DE • PARK LIATRIS DRIVE IVE `/ 'z j LLM11 PARK �����-''''�o 11611111 Z J ti mmin mew R. ;111111t,=-- 1111111111 IVE HINDU CULTURAL ELVD 0 CENTRE `J BLVD '" cn MISTHOLLOW D't '- ∎∎∎; ∎ ∎9T Y •'.° ...• �..." \ LIATRIS DRIVE DERSAN STREET WILLIAM SUBJECT I PROPERTY Y U O CC M III \ /■ • 1 Cifq Location Man, 4 FILE No:A 17/15 �;;���i�� APPLICANT: Vastor Construction Inc. 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