HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 19, 1981 - 6 - 2/81 COUNCIL MEETING A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on Monday, Janury 19, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor J. E. Anderson COUNCILLORS: Byers Cahill Coburn Fisher Robertson Stoner ALSO PRESENT: N. C. Marshall - Town Manager B. Taylor - Town Clerk ( I) -ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of January 5, 1981 (II)... - DELEGATIONS 1. Mr. Don Kitchen addressed Council with respect to remuneration for Members of Council. He stated that Council's salary increase plus fringe benefits represents a raise of 25% which could cause problems when dealing with staff salaries. He felt it was not proper that there was no discussion on salaries and that it was not considered at a Committee Meeting. Mr. Kitchen suggested that Council should establish salary guidelines for the future Council in order to avoid any impro- prieties. 2. Mr. Silvio Spillone, 489 Broadgreen Street, add- ressed Council with respect to a hydro transformer located on his property. He stated that he bought his home on the understanding that a transformer was not located on his property but two months after taking possession such a transformer was located on his lot. Mr. Spillone contested the statement of the Director of Public Works who said that the transformer was interferring with vehicle movement on two driveways. Mr. Spillone stated there were no complaints about the original location of the transformer and there are no regulations as to their placement. - 7 - 2/81 (III) --- RESOLUTIONS Resolution-#S/81---See-Appendix-#1 Moved by Councillor Stoner Seconded by Councillor Fisher That the report of the Executive Committee dated January 12th 1981, be approved. CARRIED Recorded Vote-on Item #6 Yea: Councillors Byers, Coburn, Fisher, Robertson, Stoner and Mayor Anderson Councillor Cahill Nay: Resolution #6/81 Moved by Councillor Cahill Seconded by Councillor Byers That staff be directed to study and prepare a property standards by-law. See-Resolution-#7/81 Resolution-#7/81 Moved by Councillor Robertson Seconded by Councillor Stoner That the aforementioned motion regarding the study and preparation of a property standards by-law be referred to Community Associations for comment within six months. CARRIED - 8 - 2/81 (IV) -- - BY-LAWS Councillor Stoner, seconded by Councillor Robertson moved for leave to introduce By-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-law Number-1221/81 Being a Restricted Area By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the Town of PIckering District Planning Area, Region of Durham, in Part Lot 30, Range 3, Broken Front Concession in the Town of Pickering. By-law Number-1222/81 To authorize the execution of a Release by the Corporation of The Town of Pickering of Florence May Michell from a Demolition Agreement pertaining to Part Lot 33, Concession 6, Pickering. By-law Number 1223/81 To authorize the temporary borrowing,if necessary, of up to $1,500,000.00 at anyone time, until taxes are collected. By-law Number-1224/81 To amend By-law 1047/79 fixing the salaries of the Commiss- ioners of the Pickering Hydro-Electric Commission. THIRD READING Councillor Stoner, seconded by Councillor Robertson moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 1221/81, 1222/81, 1223/81 and 1224/81 be adopted, and that the said By-laws be now read a Third Time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-laws read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (V) -.OTHER-. BUSINESS 1. Councillor Stoner asked all Members of Council to comply with a request from the Red Cross that they imitate for a day the life of a disabled person. - 9 - 2/81 2. Councillor Cahill introduced the following Notice of Motion: Moved by Councillor Cahill Seconded by Councillor Byers Whereas, the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1970, chapter 32, section 86, as amended, provides in part for the implementation of a process of assessment equalization where significant inequalities exist; and Whereas, it is apparent that such inequalities may exist in the existing assessments of properties within the Town of Pickering; and Whereas, it is deemed advisable to request a study to determine if such inequalities actually exist and to demonstrate their magnitude prior to determining whether or not this Council should request the Minister of Revenue to implement the assessment equalization process referred to; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Town Clerk, on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering is hereby authorized and directed to request the Minister of Rev- enue to prepare a study of the various classes of property, i.e. residential and farm and commercial and industrial, to determine if assessment inequalities exist and if so, to demonstrate their magnitude, and to present such study to this Council to enable it to determine whether or not to request the Min- ister of Revenue to implement the assessment equalization process provided in section 86 of The Assessment Act. (VI) - - - CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number-122S/81 Councillor Cahill, seconded by Councillor Stoner moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on January 19, 1981, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. 2/81 - 10 - (VI I) - - - - ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 9:15 p.m. ~ £ / '. - -.tl~l",~ l'-J1a yor., '-- Dated - _F'ebr~~:ry _2_~q .19.8.1. - , i ~. er . '-..- - . '-' APPENDIX #1 TOWN OF PICKERING - .., The Executive Committee having met January 12,1981 presents its first report to the Council of the Town of Pickering and recommends: . 1. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT REGARDING MIXED USES FILE NUMBER - A 2240.03 ;,~ That Council request the proposed amendment to Section be modified to read as follows: .,,~ "Limited Commercial Uses may be permitted in Residential Areas as an exception, subject to the inclusion of appropriate provisions in the respective District ,Plan and/or the respective restricted area (zoning) by-law subject that: i) the intent of establishing Local Central Areas as designated in the respective District Plan in Residential Areas and the function and character of such Central Areas in accordance with Section 8.2 is maintained; and ii) such uses are desirable and compatible with their surroundings." 2. ONTARIO MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION TOURNAMENTS FILE NUMB~R - F 3000 That the report of the Director of Parks and Recreation dated December 31, 1980 with respect to the cancelling of public skating to facili- tate OMHA tournaments in January and March 1981 be adopted; and that public skating be cancelled at the Don Beer Sports Arena on January 30, 31 and February 1, 1981 in order to facilitate the annual OMHA Hockey Tournament. -- "'t,.. }. - 2 - RINGETTE TOURNAMENT FILE NUMBER - F 3000 3. That the report of the Director of Parks and Recreation dated January 6,1981 with respect to the cancelling of public skating to facili- tate a ringette tournament in February be adopt- ed; and that public skating be cancelled at the Don Beer Sports Arena on Sunday, February 22, 1981 in order to facilitate the 3rd Annual Pickering Ringette Tournament. . .~ #¡ 4. PROPOSAL FOR A DRY MOORING FACILITY FILE NUMBER - F 3000 Whereas there is an increasing interest express- ed by the young people of the Municipality in sailing, canoeing, and wind-surfing; and Whereas there are limited facilities available to these young people for purposes of gaining access to Frenchman's Bay and Lake Ontario for these purposes, and Whereas it is considered desirable that such facilities be available to the young people of the Municipality, Be It Therefore Enacted That Town Staff be directed to prepare a report examining the feasibility of establishing a dry....land mooring facility for sailing dinghies, canoes and wind- surfing on the eastern spit of Frenchman's Bay, west of Liverpool Road; and that such report deal with the position of the M.T.R.C.A. on the possible utilization of their lands for this purpose, and further That a summary of anticipated costs associated with such a project be prepared. , "'" , ..,. .# t - 3 - '\ , 5. BROUGHAM COMMUNITY HALL ROOF FILE NUMBER F 2100 That Public Works Canada be advised that the Municipality is prepared to share equally in the cost of a new roof for the Brougham Commun- ity Hall on the basis of\a Town cost of $1,125.00; \ and that this amount be charged to the Parks and Community Centres Maintenance Account. 6. RATE INCREASES FOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES FILE NUMBER - F 3000 That the report of the Director of Parks and Recreation dated December 18,1980 with respect to rate increases for town-owned facilities and town-operated programmes be adopted. 7. LIQUID WASTE TREATMENT PLANT IN SOUTH CAYUGA FILE NUMBER - A 2320 That the following resolution of the Regional Municipality of Haldimond-Norfolk is hereby endorsed by the Council of the Town of Pickering: "Whereas the Honourable Harry C. Parrott, D.D.S., Minister of the Environment has, on November 25, 1980, issued a Statement of Policy, that a portion of the Provincially owned lands in South Cayuga in the Regional Municipalaity of Haldimand-Norfolk will become the Province's permanent Liquid Industrial Waste Treatment Facility; And Whereas this decision has been made without the benefit of the Ontario environmental assess- ment process which requires a full environmental study according to the Environmental Assessment Act and an independent public hearing by the Environmental Assessment Board before the pro- ject proceeds; And Whereas verv little has been done to demon- strate that the'site is environmentally suitable and that the industrial waste technology and safeguards will be adequately addressed; And Whereas such a final and arbitrary decision denies the residents of the area of the natural justice they are entitled to under the Ontario environmental assessment process; , ~. , ~.. -~ 8. 4 - And Whereas such a final and arbitrary decision has far reaching implications for the residents througho~t Ontario; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Council of the Regional Municipality of Haldi..nd-Nor- folk petition the Premier of Ontario to rescind the decision of the Minister of the Environment and follow the Province's own environmental assessment process which includes a full environ- mental study under the terms of the Environ- mental Assessment Act and an independent public hearing by the Environmental Assessment Board before proceeding with any such facility; And That this resolution be presented to the residents for their support, to all Ontario Municipalities, municipal associations and environmental and agricultural interest groups; And That this resolution be'presented to the residents of the Regional Municpality of Haldi- mand-Norfolk and surrounding affected municipal- ities for their individual support. ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL FILE-NUMBER --C2320 That the accounts in the amount of $987,425.32 for the period ending December 31, 1980, as submitted by the Town Manager, be approved.