HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 03-16From: Subject: Paul Bigioni Director Corporate Services & City Solicitor Report to Executive Committee Report Number: FIN 03-16 Date: March 7, 2016 Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2015 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Committees Recommendation: It is recommended that Report FIN 03-16 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor regarding the Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees for the year 2015 be received for information. Executive Summary: Section 284(1) of the Municipal Act 2001 (the "Act") states in part that the Treasurer of every municipality shall, in each year, submit to the Council of the municipality, an itemized statement (the "Statement") of the remuneration and expenses paid to each Member of Council. The statement must also include remuneration and expenses paid to any other person who has been appointed by Council to serve as a member of any body. Financial Implications: This report contains no new financial implications as the expenditures were provided for in the 2015 Current Budget approved by Council. Discussion: Over the past few years, the Statement has evolved to include various categories of expenditures that have been interpreted to be required under the Act and/or financial reporting requirements of the Province of Ontario and professional accounting bodies. The Statement also includes expenses paid on behalf of Members of Council or Committee appointees. This fulfils the intent of the Act by ensuring that all expenses incurred for a Councillor's benefit are accounted for. Report FIN 03-16 March 7, 2016 Subject: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2015 Remuneration Page 2 and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Committees The Statement excludes expenditures that are corporate in nature, for example, Council receptions, Committee meeting expenses and City Hall administration and overhead expenses. Remuneration and expenses paid by Veridian Corporation to Pickering Council appointees to the Veridian Board have been included in the Statement. The Act stipulates that any body to which a Council appointment is made must provide the municipality with a statement of remuneration and expenses paid for the year, and this information must be included in the Statement. Expenses paid by several other bodies to which Council makes appointments have also been included in the Statement. The amounts paid by the Region of Durham to Regional Councillors are not included in the Statement. Attachments: 1. Members of Counc;;il , 2015 Remuneration and Expenses 2. Members of Council, Detailed Breakdown of 2015 Expenses 3. Council Appointees, 2015 Remuneration and Expenses Paid by Veridian Corporation 4. Council Appointees, 2015 Remuneration and Expenses Prepared By: ~ Senior Financial Analyst Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Approved I Endorsed By: Stan Karwowski ead, Finance & Treasurer Mayor D. Ryan Councillors K. Ashe Remuneration (1) ($) Statement of Treasurer Members of Council 2015 Remuneration and Expenses Per Diems (2) Benefits (3) Severance Expenses (4) ($) ($) ($) ($) Travel ($) Total Current ($) 82,272 21,753 21,630 15,751 141,406 82,272 21,753 21,630 15,751 141,406 34,281 3,428 14,288 8,325 10,914 71,236 Capital(5) ($) I. Cumming R.Johnson B. Mclean 34,281 3,428 14,490 2,099 10,800 65,098 560 J. O'Connell (Jan -Oct 22/15) D. Pickles Notes to Members of Council: 34,281 3,428 14,490 10,078 10,800 73,077 968 34,281 3,428 12,878 5,955 10,800 67,342 770 27' 737 2, 77 4 8,524 25,425 3,185 8, 763 76,408 34,281 3,428 14,288 6,438 10,800 69,235 630 199,142 19,914 78,958 25,425 36,080 62,877 422,396 2,927 (1) Authority: Resolution 73/05, 12/07, 214/07, 54/11, 1.52/11, and 48/15 Council Compensation Policy ADM 190 and Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 Includes one third portion deemed tax free. Excludes amounts paid to City of Pickering Regional Councillors by the Region of Durham. Such amounts are reported separately by the Region. (2) Per diem payments to Members of Council are for attendance at special meetings throughout the year. (3) Benefits include RRSP contributions (in lieu of a pension plan), health, dental and life insurance coverage, CPP and EHT costs. (4) See detailed breakdown of expenses on Attachment 2. (5) Computer hardware, software and telecommunications equipment provided under Council Communication Policy. A total of $10,000 is provided per term, and these funds can only be spent during the first three years of office. Statement of Treasurer Members of Council Detailed Breakdown of 2015 Expenses Pager & Cell Telephone Newsletter/ Corporate Meals Outside Office Total Conferences Phones & Internet {1} Postage Initiatives Rec12t1Prom Agencies Su12121ies Ex12enses ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Mayor D. Ryan 1,563 712 --14,127 5,228 --21,630 1,563 712 --14,127 5,228 --21,630 Councillors K. Ashe 1,098 1 '1 01 1,466 1,901 -115 2,400 244 8,325 I. Cumming -856 857 201 -115 -70 2,099 R. Johnson 1,663 1,475 1,231 --944 4,596 169 10,078 B. Mclean -951 1,248 2,835 -240 -681 5,955 J. O'Connell -923 1,331 353 -446 -132 3,185 D. Pickles 1,337 909 888 1,397 -200 1,551 156 6,438 4,098 6,215 7,021 6,687 -2,060 8,547 1,452 36,080 (1) Councillors-home telephones and internet charges provided under Council Compensation Policy Statement of Treasurer Council Appointees 2015 Remuneration and Expenses Paid by Veridian Corporation Remuneration Expenses (3) Total $ $ $ Veridian Corporation (1 ,2) Board of Directors K. Ashe (4) 19,521 1,291 20,812 T. Baker (5) 17,073 6,307 23,380 R. Chatterton (5) 18,663 11,792 30,455 D. Pickles (4) 27,582 2,929 30,511 D. Ryan (6) 19,521 108 19,629 102.360 22,427 124,787 Notes to Veridian Corporation and Board of Directors: (1) The above information was provided by the Manager, Executive Office & Public Affairs, Veridian Corporation. (2) Remuneration and expenses are paid by Veridian Corporation as may be established by the Board of Directors. The term of office for the Board follows the calendar year. Therefore, the above expenses are for 12 months ending December 31, 2015. (3) Expenses include conferences, meals and mileage. (4) Appointed by Council under City of Pickering By-law 7400/14; Resolution #307/14 for a term to expire December 31, 2016. (5) Appointed by Council under City of Pickering By-law 7400/14; Resolution #311/14 for a term to expire December 31, 2018. (6) Automatically appointed through the Veridian Corporation Amended and Restated Shareholders' Agreement. Statement of Treasurer Council Appointees 2015 Remuneration and Expenses Remuneration Expenses (5) Total Accessibility Advisory Committee (1 ,3) Councillor O'Connell (6) T. Arvisais (6, 7) P. Bashaw (6,7) M. Brenner (6,7) K. Falconer (6) S. Little (6) T. Logan (6) P. McCafferty (6) A. Heywood-Delpeache (6) D. Sharma (6) D. Tierney (6) S. Wilkinson (6,7) D. Hughes (6,7) A. Doucette (7) C. Morrison (7) Animal Services Appeal Committee (1 ,3) Councillor Mclean (6) Councillor Cumming (1 0) B. Guest (6) M. O'Brien (6, 7) S. Beadle (7) Committee of Adjustment (1 ,2,3) T. Copeland (6,7) D. Johnson (6,7) E. Newton (6,7) W. Utton (6) S. Van Steen (6) D. Rundle (7) S. Wiley (7) Cultural Advisory Committee (4) C. Hunt (8) S. Mathuria (8) S. Munir (8) A. Revoy (8) $ $ $ ------------ 1,200 163 1,363 1,280 75 1,355 1,280 54 1,334 160 13 173 160 19 179 1,040 184 1,224 800 ~ 858 5,920 566 6,486 Statement of Treasurer Council Appointees 2015 Remuneration and Expenses Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee (1,3) T. Besso (6) S. lyer (6) W. Jamadar (6,7) D. Joyce (6,7,12) E. Mason (6) T. Reimer (6,7) D. Rundle (6) M. Sawchuck (6,7) C. Sopher (6,7) J. Van Huss (6,7) J. Dempsey (6,7) K. Borisko (7) J. Calder (7) D. Hazlett (8) Pickering Public Library Board (1 ,3) Councillor Ashe (6) Councillor Cumming (1 0) Councillor O'Connell (1 0) M. Anderson (6,7) R. Coelho (6,7) B. James (6) A. Naqvi (6) J. Sabean (6,7) A. Shanahan (6) S. Van Steen (6,7) S. Bhatia (6,7) S. Kular (7, 12) D. Sharma (7) I. Thomaidis (7) S. Sheehy (8) Remuneration Expenses (5) Total $ $ $ Statement of Treasurer Council Appointees 2015 Remuneration and Expenses Remuneration Expenses (5) Total $ $ $ Pickering Museum Advisory Committee (1,3) Councillor Mclean (6) K. Chalmers (6) R. Cowan (6,7) A. Doucette (6) L. Drake (6,7) K. Emmink (6,7) D. Hudson (6,7) G. Lowman (6, 7) D. Nita (6) P. Savel (6,7) D. Coffin (6) J. Calder (7) L. Coulter (7) P. Fuselli (7) D. Joyce (7, 11) -------- Property Review Committee (1 ,3) P. Dickson (6,7) R. Farrell (6,7) G. Fernandes (6,7) C. Lavoie (6, 7) J. Singleton (6) P. Short-Galle (7) --------Taxicab Advisory Committee (1 ,3) Councillor Mclean (6) Councillor Johnson (1 0) D. Bergin (6) --------Livestock Valuers (1 ,3) J. Laider (6,7) 80 3 Durham Region Transit (1 ,3) P. Przybyla (6) J. Gaw (9) -------- ---- ---- ---- 83 ---- Statement of Treasurer Council Appointees 2015 Remuneration and Expenses Notes to Council Appointees: All payments are authorized under Council's adoption of the 2015 Current Budget. (1) Authority: By-law 7 400/14 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (2) Authority: By-law 5242/98 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (3) Authority: By-law 7 406/15 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (4) Authority: By-law 7 462/15 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (5) Expenses include conferences, travel and meeting expenses. (6) Resolution #301/14, Council approved the extension of all existing appointees to the remaining Boards and Advisory Committees until January 31,2015. (7) Council appointees are for a new term commencing February 1, 2015 and ending November 30, 2018 under City of Pickering Resolution #17/15 for a term to expire November 30, 2018. (8) Resolution #120/15, Council appointee for a term to expire November 30, 2018. (9) Resolution #5/15, Council appointee for a term to expire November 30, 2018. (1 0) Resolution #6/15, Council appointiee for a term to expire November 30, 2018. (11) Declined appointment February, 2015. (12) Resigned September, 2015.