HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 01/00�' � ,�,� oF pi�,� 019 � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Killens DATE: February 21, 20U0 Mnnuger, Transit Services REPORT NUMBER: TR O1-00 SUBJEC7': Highway 2— Highway 401 Cortidor Transit Service Review — Final Repon RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the final repoA of thc Highway 2— Highway 401 Comdor Transil Service Review cntitled "Co-operation and Conscnsus: Ralionalizing Transit Scrvices in the Highway 2— Highway 401 Cortidor' prcparcd by Entra Consultanls be reccived. 2. That the recommcndations of thc Conventional Transit Operators Sub•Committee of the Regional Transit Coordinating Commiltce (RTCC), ucling as the Sleering Committee for the Highway 2— Highway 401 Corridor Transit Service Review be endorsed in principal by thc Councii af the City of Pickering, fortning the basis for furlher discussi��n and implcmentation by the Transit Operalors of Durham. 3. That the Council of thc City of Pickering support Go Transit as thc prefcrted provider oCinlcgmted regional and inlcrtrmncipal transit servicas in the Highway 2 corridor. 4. Thal u copy of Report TR Ol•00 be fonvanied to the Region oC Durham Planning Department. L13I�Ii.A Reporl #1999-RTC-3 of lhe Commissioner of Planning for the Region of Durham fonvnnled to the City of Pickering for input by Fcbruary 2000; and recommendations af the Comentional Transit Opemtions Sub-Committee of the RTCC, acting as the Steering Committec for the Highway 2— Highway 401 Cortidor Transil Scrvice Review. AUTHORITY: Council Resolution FINANCIAL [MPI.ICATIONS: Fare Imalications: A"floating two-zonc" farc is rccommended for thc intcrtmmicipnl scrvicc provided by Go Transit, Pusscngcrs boarding thc intertnunicpul scrvice would bc pertniltMi to travel within the municipality in which thc trip bcgins as wcll as the ndjacent Durham municipality for n basc fac of S1,75, or by showing n trnnsfcr from local rouling. Passcngers who banrd in Pickcring nrc permittcd to trnvcl to thc Whitby bordcr (Durhum Rcgional Road 23) for thc bnse farc of 51.75. Pickering passcngcrs would bc rcquirecl to pay an additional fare of Sl,iS upon crossing thc Whilby bonfer nnd cach subscqucnt municipnl bonnfcr to thc cnst, or thc atandard Co Trnnsit farc-by-dislancc bcyond Port Union Rond to dic wcst, � 2 �� Report to Council TR 01•00 Subjcct: {lighway 2— I lighwny 401 Transit Scrvicc Review �ebruary 21, 200p, Pagc 2 Pickcring nnd Ajax curtenlly hnve a base fare af SI,50 while Whitby nnd Oshnwn have u basc fare of S1.75. Pickering hns asscrted throughout ihc swdy proccss ihat we intcnd to maintain uutonomy over local fare Ievels. Pickering can mainlain our base farc of S I.50 under thc cost- sharing nrrungement, however we may bc rcquired to proviJc wmc form of equnliu�lion payment to Go Tmnsit for locnl passengers lmnsferting onlo the inlermunicipal scrvicc, This compcnsation may bc in addition to Pickcring's portion of thc cost sharing arrungcmcnt with othcr Durhnm Rcgion municipal partners. A Jecision on farc increnses should not bc made salcly on thc basis of consistency reluted to Ihis s1uJy. Final cost sharing culculations und fnm medium dctnils for the intermunicipal iransit service have yet Io be determined. Any recommended change to cumnt Pic;ccring Transit farc Ievels will be examined within the larger context of Ciry of Pickering budeet rcquircments, locnl service impacls and tunnlgamalion issues in u separate report from the Mnnager of Transit Scrviccs. Cost Sharine Imnlications• The consult;uu report has recommended that Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Clurington sharc thc cost of thc intcrmunicipal cross-baunJary servicc provided by Go Transil. Go Transit currcnt operatcs thc Highwuy 2— Highway 401 scrvicc in Durhmm �t 100% wst rccovery. Thc consultants have calculated Ihat the new intermunicipal routing wilh enhanced Gequency will rcsull in u net def:cit to Go Transit of npproximalely 5270,000 per annum. Municipal cost shares are bascd on the apportioned amount of new sen�ice in each municipality lhat is contributing to ihis net deficit. Municipal cost sharing portions have becn calculated by Ihe cansullants us follows: Pickcring S 55,000 A.I�'� 59,000 Whitby G0,000 OSIlA1Yq ]z,QQQ Clurington 21.000 'I'otal: 5270,000•• "'fhc tolul cost of S270,000 has Ixcn cnlculatcd bascd on all Durham municipalitics participating in thc intcrtnunicipal scn•icc provided by Go 'fmnsit and wntributing lo ihc nct dcficil. Municipal costs shown abovc do no1 ndd up to 5270,000 duc lo rounding. The sludy identificd portians of local routing in each municipality ihat currenlly Juplicate the recommendcd Go Transit intertnunicipal scrvice. In I'ickering, ihe consullants hnve suggcsted nitering Pickering Tmnsit Route 10 ond Route 11 since npproximalcly 50% of ihese routes currenlly provide scrvicc on Highuay 2, Although a run culting cxcrcisc ��•ould nceJ to fx undertnken lo confirm total wst savings, the consultants havc idcnlifieJ Ihe potentinl to offsct 100% of Pickcring's cost-sh;:ring partion thraugh thc climinalion of duplicalc routing. GXGCUTIVG SUMMARY: Gstablishing morc effectivc und eflicicnt public trnnspoAnlion syslcros is in the forcfront of issucs facing Pcdeml, Provincial and Municipnl govcmmcnts. Of particular intcrcsl to local Iransit providcrs opcmling in thc Region of Durham is thc cstablishmcnt nf scrvicc conncetions bctwcen local municipal tmnsit systcros anJ intcrrcgional scrviccs extcnJing into the GTA. (io 'I'mnsit anJ thc four locul tmnsit opemtors in Durham currcndy providc scn�icc in �hc liighway 2 corcidor. Oo Transit currcntly provides support lo Pickcring 7'mnsit by opcmting a spinc scrvicc nlong Kingslon Rond. Pickcring pnsscngcrs can ncccss locnl slops along Ringston Road as wcll as G'fA Jcslinations such as thc 5carMirough To«�i Ccntrc, thc Yark Mills sub��ay und thc Yorkdnlc subway on thc Go Trnnsit rcgionul scrvicc. Ilo��•cvcr, trtuistcrs fmm locul Pickcring rowing arc not cooniinatcd with thc Go Trnnsit and pn,ssengcrs arc n�quircJ to pay fnm-by-Jistnncc on thc rcgionul s�rvicc inlo Ihc 0'I'A. ' Report to Council TR 01-00 February 21, 2000. 0?1 Subject: Highway 2— Highwny 401 Transit Service Review page 3 Pinal approval of the report prcpurcd by Bntra Consulting cnliUcd °Co-opemlion nnd Consensus: Rationalizing Transit Services in the Highwny 2— Highwny 401 Cartidar" would fncilimte improved connections with Go Trnnsit throughaut Durhnm as well as free transfcrs from local routing onto the Go Tmnsit intermunicipnl scrvice. Thc consultnnts hovc rccommended Go Trunsit as the preferred intermunicipnl currier, This is the most cost-effcclive inlermunicipai routing solution sincc a portion of the costs of the new service will bc avoidcJ by taking ndvantnge of the spare cnpacity on Go Trunsit's current regional service. Oshaw�� and Whitby huve expressed concems relnted to ncgntive impacis on iheir locnl rouling ns well as the potential to losc local revenue. Oshnwn docs not support nny olhcr operator providing local service �aithin its service baundaries. While Oshawn und Whitby issucs are importunt to the success of cross•boundary services in the cortidor, the lack of ngreement by individunl operators need not delay nor impede the process of implementing changes where consensus has been nchieved. The parties have ngreed in principal to seveml recommendations that will form the basis for further discussion and implementntion. The Ciry of Pickering has raised very few objections rclated to the rccommendations and findings of the consultant rc{wA. Although several technical and scheduling details havc yct to bc invcstignted anJ rcsoh•ed, thc pinnned iNerrcgional service will proviJc grcater convcnience, Ilexibility nnd wst savings for Pickering passengers who a�ish to nccess destinations in Durham Region or thc GTA. Pickering has supported Go Transil us the prcfcrtcd scrvicc provider lhroughout the sluJy proccss primarily due to the curcent Go Transil funding formulu. Pickcring would recovcr only I I cents on c�ch dollar of cost savings nssociutcd with a municipnlity or combination of municipalitics providing this scrvicc. Pickcring Trunsit Routes 10 anJ I I have txen cartnark:cJ for ultering or elimination as n potential mc.�ns of olTscuing our projectcJ S55,000 �wrtion of the integrated Highway 2 service. Pickering Tmnsit would Ix requireJ to conJuct o Jctailcd routc revicw to dctcrmine Ihe impact of oltering or rcplacing thcsc routes. I3ACKGROUND: On 1'ebruary 25, 1998 Region of Durham Council cndorscd o resolulion Ihat the Rcgional Transit Coardinating Committee (RTCC) fncilitute u swdy to achievc senmless tmnsit services along the Highwny 2 anJ Ilighway 401 wrtidor fmm Clnrington to Toronto, funding for thc study �ras sharcd bct�eccn Pickcring, Ajnx. Whitby, Oshawn. Clarington nnd Go Tmnsit. On f�ebrunry 15, 1999 Pickering Council approvcd Resolution k 1.3/99 which idcntificd Go Trnnsit ns the preferrcd providcr of rcgional and intcrmunicipal tmnsit service w�ithin the Ilighw�y. 2 corridor. Thc Council R:solution iJentificd the need for Go'Pransil to providc this scrvicc nt no udditional wst to passrngcrs transfcrring Gom locnl routing und idcntified Durham Regional Road 23 as thc prcfcrrcd farc boundary. On Junc I5, 1999, thc Reginnnl Trunsit Coordinnting Committcc (RTCC) nvic�ecd thc findings and rccommcndutions of thc Iligh�vny 2- Highwuy 401 Corridor Tmnsit Scrvicc Revicw nnd nflcr raising issucs of conccm, rcfcrtcd Ihc rcport back lo Ihe Convcntional Trnnsit Opcmtors Group, acting ns thc Sl�xring Committec. Thc Slccring Commiltcc compriscJ of Gu 1'ransit rcpresentntivcs und municipal monogcrs identificd common goals and objectives and discu�scd local cross•boundary scrvicc issucs. On 5cptcmbcr 29, 1999 the Slccring Commiltec mel to nJdrcss lhc dircction pro��idcd by Ihc RTCC nt its lunc mecling and lo rcvicw Ihc «�ork undcnnken by Gntra Consulting. 7'hc gunl af thc Stccring Cummittcc was Io nrrivc ot a conscnsus on tcchnical mattcrs that could bc rccommcndcd to thc RTCC for implcmcntalion. Thc Stccring Committcc subscqucnlly arti��cd at a conscn^us on thc mnjorily of rccommenJalions oflcrcJ within thc consullant's Technicul Rcport. 0 2 2' Report to Council TR 01 •00 Pcbnwry 21, 2000. SubjccC Highwuy 2— Highway 401 Tmnsit Servicc Revicw pnge q The Steering Commillee agreed in principal lo: I. Adopt scrvicc principles and slnndnrJs as described Seclian 4.1 of thc RepoA us u guide lo the implementution nnd further development of coorJinated scrvices in the Ilighway 2 cortidor. 2. Establish the initial westem terminus location nt Port Union Road nnd the initial eastem terminus locution in Caurtice and to examine wsts unJ benefits of Powre urvices to Dowmnnville nnd Newcastle Villuge. 3. Shnre route nnd schedule informution in the short icrm and to develop a central call system in thc long tertn. 4. Cquip Go Transit buses wilh cel phones to fncililalc tmnsfers. 5. A consultalive approach toward the planning and implementation of fuwre changes in intermunicipal routing in thc HigM�•ay 2 comdor. G. Establish the initial farc media using cash, tickcts and passes und to examine the potcntinl of ncw furc technologics incluJing smart card syslcros. 7. Eslablish n subcommiuce to examine the poteNinl for integmting accessibility options on A�e intermunicipal service. 8. Target u launch Jatc of t«•ch�c months nllcr final upproval. 9. Gstablish n"(loaling t«•o •r.one" farc af S1.75 as thc prcferreJ intermunicipal fare structurc und to work lo�vurds a consistcnt bacc furc for oll local transit systcros opcmting in thc Region of Durham. 10. Suppart the cost nllocution moJcl thnt apportions thc Go Transit net deficit for thc intcrmunicipal scrvicc bascd on ncw routing und Gcyucncies providcJ in cach municipality. Thc Slccring Commiuec was unnblc to rcach conscnsus on thc consultanCs rccommcndation rclmed to Go'Pransit as thc inlcrmunicipal operalor. Oshawa and Whilby raiscd conccros rclntcd to negntivc impacls on local routing and the potential lo lose revenua Osha�va does nut support any other opemtor providing local scrvice within its servicc boundarics. Whitby will continue to providc scrvicc ulong its Route 6 since this service docs not duplicatc the intermunicipa) scrvicc Ihat «•ould be provided by Go Transit. Only Pickering supports thc introduction af o CAU's Administrativc Group to address cross-boundary issucs rcquiring municipal approval. Thc remnining municipalitics and Go Transit favor lhc existing proccss. In Octobcr 1999 Ihc final report cr,titicd -"Ca•operation and Conscnsus: Rationalizing Transit Scrvicc in thc H�ry. 2- F{wy. 401 Corcidor' preparcJ by Cntm Consulting �vas rcccie�vi by members of thc Steering Committce. On Deccmber 9, 1999 thc Regional Trnnsit CoorJinating Commiticc (R'1'CC) mct to ro��ir��� thc Rcgion of Durhnm Plunning Dcpariment RepoA No. 1999•RTC-J. 7'hc RTCC �.�sscJ thc following resolution, "'I7mt a copy of Repon N 1999-RTC-3 of thc Commissioncr of 1'Innning anJ tlu rccnmmcndalions of thc Convcntional Tmnsit O�xmtors Sub•Commiucc of RTCC. acting us thc Stccring Committcc for thc I ligh�eoy 2• Iligh��ay 40) CorriJor Tmnsit Scrvicc Rcvicw, bc fonvurdcJ to Ihc �Cityj of Pickcring, 'Ib��n of Aja� nnd Whitb��, Ihc Cily of Osha�m and Ihc Municipalily of Clnrington to n�yucst :,,��� �„n�� ny r�nN�y z000°. Report to Council TR 01 •00 February 21, Z000. p 2 3 Subject: Highway 2— Highway 401 Transit Service Revicw Pegc 5 With thu approval of the attuched resolution of Council, tha Menager of Transit Se.rvices will continue diuloguc wilh Go Transit, other Region of Durham wnventional transit service providers and the Regional Transit Coordinating Committce (RTCC) to discuss and reuch consensus on finai. recommendntions ta our respective Councils and the Greater Toronto Services Baard in its capacity as ihe operator of Go Transit. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Region of Durham Planning Department Report to the RTCC No.1999-RTC-3. Prepared By: Endorsed By: . � � Neii Kiilens Everett Buntsma Manager, Transit Services Director, Operalions & Emergency Services �nk Atmchmcnt Copy: Maurice Brcnner, Chair, Transit Advisory Committce, Regianal Councillor, Ward e Thomas l. Quinn, ChicfAdministrativc 0(ficer Recommended for Ihe consideration of Pickering Ciry Council �� �,, �t .:l l m sl.Quin Chie Adm' tive f(icer ��1 ;lanuary 19, 20CU I FILE NO.. • • M�. e. Taylor . r�aN. c oeve� cteaK — CI6fR O?CR.BEMERO. COHP.BERV. ��� CIIyI Oi PICI(9fIi19 . ' F RE8 qEC. EOAL pEg wr�ep.my 1 The Esplanede MUN. PROP. wAavAOa�ro� ofDihin 'Plckedng�ON L�VGK% T7AN81T• ECON.OEV. ' UGHARY CU9T.CME pwYrq Dea1N1°M Dear Mr. Taylor: , • ew e21 . �m5 a.� s. E Re: Highway 2— Highway 402 Corridor Transit Service Review — Final Report wex� T0w" . Report No: 1999•RTC-3 to the Regfonal Transit Co•ordinating Commiltee wtimr, a,r�o r� j na°i�ira� On December 9, 1999 Regional Transit Caordinating Committee passed the F"'���1��� following resolution: , A. L GwrylNf, utr, rw � . d� "THAT a copy ot Report q1999•RTC•3 of the Commissioner of Planning and the recommendat(ons ot the Convent(onal Tran�ft • Operators Sub-Committee of RTCC, acting as the Steering • Committee for the Highway 2— Highway 401 Corridor Tr�nsit Service Review, be iorwarded to the Towns of Pickering, AJax and Whitby, ihe City ot Oshawa, and the Municipality of ' Clarington to rsquest their fnput by February 2000." . ' A copy ot Report No. 1999-FiTC•3, including the recommendal(ons of the � . Conventional Transit Operalors Sub•Commfttee, and the December 9,1999 Minutes of the Regional Transit Co•ordinating Committee are enclosed. Yours truly, ' Q��f — Nestor Chornobay, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director Slrategic Planning /amy Encls. cc; Councillor M. Brenner, City ol Pfckering Thomas Ou(nn, Executive Director of Operalions - City ot Pickering OFSPL00021DATAIW P11 •2lependat4tx•mtsi1899112•09•99Wx•letlon•Irm.doc \ � �w\rbt�cmfunw � . • , �� REVISED OZ5 Planning Department Comm(ssfoner's Report to lhe Reglonal Transit Co-ordinating Committee Report No.1999-RTC-3 Date: December 9, 1999 SUBJECT Htghway 2— Highway 401 Corridor Transit Service Review- Final Report, File: 4.2.7 This report is an addendum to Report No. 1999•RTC-1 RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Commissioners Report No. 1999•RTC-1 be received for information; 2. THAT lhe recommendations of the Conventional Transit Operators Sub- Committee of RTCC, acting as the Steering Committee for the Highway 2— Highway 401 Carridor Transit Service Review, be received; and 3. THAT copy of Commissioner's Repo�t No. 1999-RTC-3 be forwarded to lhe Town o( Pickering, lhe Town of Ajax, the Town of Whitby, the City of Oshawa, the Municipality of Clarington, and GO Transit. REFORT 1. On June 15, 1999, the Regional Transil Co-ord(nating Committee (RTCC) met to consfder Report No. 1999-RTC-1, wh(ch outl(ned the ftndings and . recommendations of lhe Highway 2- Hlghway 401 Corridor Transit Service Rev/ew. The RTCC rafsed some concems and referred lhe report back to the Conventional Transit Operators Sub•Committee, who were acting as the Steering Commitlee for the study. 2. On Seplember 28,1999, the Stee�ing Committee met to address the concems raised by RTCC an June 15, 1999. 3. The Steering Committee reviewed the findings and recommondatlons of lhe consultant (see Attachment 2- Co-operafion and Consensus: Rationalizing Transif Service !n the Hwy.2 /Hwy.401 Corrrdor,) and agreed, in principle, to a " ' O 0 2 6 No Change Commissioner's Report No.1A99-RTG3 Pege 2 maJority of the recommendationa. The Steer(ng Committee's report and tha(r recommendations aro contafned In Attachment L 4. Consensus on these recommendations by the Conventional Transit Operators forms a foundation for further discuss(on towards impiementing service tmprovements in the study area. The Plann(ng Department will continue to facil(tate d(scussions between the Convent(onal Transit Operators toward this obJective. � A.L. Georg eff, .C,I,P., R.P.P. Commissioner of Planning Attachment: L H(ghway 2•Highway 401 Corridor Transit Review, Steering Committee Report 2. Caoperation and Consensus: Rationalizing Transit Service fn the Hwy,2 /Hwy.401 Co�idor N:1tralUanalllhlghway2VtcZ.add.doe ! 1 027 Attechment 1 H(ghway 2- Highway 401 CoMdor Transit Service Review Stee►ing Comm(ttee Date: December 9, 1999 SUBJECT; Highway 2• Highway 401 Conidor Transit Service Revlew - F(nal Report File: 4.2.7 RECOMMENDAT�ONS 1. THAT the final repart of the Highway 2- Hic�hway 401 CoMdor Transit Servlce Review entitled "Co-ooeralion and Consensus• Ratlonal(zina Transit Services (n the Hiahwav 2- Hiahwav 401 Corrido�' prepared by ENTRA Consultants Inc„ be received; and 2. THAT lhe recommendations of the Conventional Transit Operators Sub• Commitlee of RTCC, acUng as the Sleering Committee for lhe H(ghway 2- Highway 401 Corcidor Transit Service Review, Iorm the basis for further _ discussion and (mplementaUon by the Transit Operators (n Durham. REPORT 1. On June 15, 1999, Commissioners Report 1999-RTC-1 was presented to the Regional Transit Co•ordinating Committee (RTCC). The report presented the key findings and recommendal(ons of the Highway 2— Highway 401 Comdor Transil SeivJce Revlew. After much discussion, RTCC adopted lhe foilow(ng resolution: 'THAT Report �1999•RTC-1 of lhe Commissioner of Planning be referred back to the Steering Committee (or the purpose of address(ng the concems that have been raised wilh respect to how capftal cosls will be dealt with and also with respect lo how routes wili actually work, parlicularly with respect to the shopping centres in Oshawa and Whilby, and report back to the Regional Transit Co-ordinaling Committee by September 15, 1999 ' Councillor Novak also asked that the costs for extending service to Bowmanville and Newcastle, respecUvely, aiso be inciuded in lhe final report. r;; 028 Steering Commtttee Report Page 2 1.1 Since then, lhe project consultant addressed the maflers ra(sed by the Committee, by IncorporaUng the following into the final report: • updates to the maps and descriptions on the Serv(ce Opqon figures; • revisions to ridership tables and clarify Clarington totals; • revisions lo language rogarding the eastem terminus; . • addittonai detail In discussion of the common elements; • revisions to Option 3E service design to reflect: - maintaining Highway 2 service connections to Ajax GO Station; - maintain(ng portior.s of local service in Whitby and Oshawa; - allocating deficit for fare structure changes on service to Courtice • revfsions to Table 4, 'Intermunicipal Service Cost Summary', to include preferred (are option only and updated cost figures • revisions to and expansion af the section on cost estimates for sen�ice in Clarington • additionai detail to clarify ihe fare payment and implications; • clarification of local approaches to rationalizing local services; and • discussion of potentfal for iocal route diversions. 2. Kev Findings and Recommendations 2,1 The Conventional Transit Operators Sub•Committee of the Regfonal Transit Coordinating Committee, acting as the Sleering Committee for this project, met on September 28, 1999, The purpose of the meeling was to address the direction given by RTCC at its June meeting and to review the results of the work undertaken by ENTRA Consultants Incorporated, with the objective of arriving at a consensus on matters that could be recommended for implementation. The Terms of Reference for this study provided for the Steering Committee to report through the Planning Department to RTCC on this study. 2.2 At the outset, ihe Steering Commiltee agreed that the consultant had addressed the Terms of Reference guiding the scape of thefr assignment. The Steering Committee also noted that the consultant had incorporated the additional items requested by RTCC in its final report. 9 �. � � � ozs Steering Committee Report Page 3 2.3 The Sleering Committee subsequendy cons(dered the results of the Report and errived at a consensus on the maJodtj of the racommendat(ons offered within the Technical Report of the cansultant, as illustrated in Attacnment 1. Consensus on lhese recommendatfons forms a foundaUon for further discussion towards implementing serv(ce fmprovements in the study area. 2.4 The Steering Committee agreed in pdnciple to: • a set of service standards and palicies (ie. hours of service, frequency of servfce, transfers, tare palicy), which will guide the design of new and revised services, and establish a framework for improved mobiliry across the service area; • fare structures and ievels (ie. iloating zone boundary, $1.75 base fare plus 51.75 premium fare), which (ntroduce consistent fare tevels, fntegration with local services, and reasonabla financial relurn; • a variety of technical issues reiated to routes and services, and communications and accessibility (ie. term�nus locations, public, bus to bus and agency communication, fare collection technology, future accessibility for riders with special needs), which will improve servlce leve�s, establ(sh a single source for information, improve interagency commun(callon and establish a(ramewark for inizgrating improvements to accessible services; and • the formula to share the deflcits which may be created by the revised fare structure and inter-municipal services, ensuring lhat each munfcipaliry pays a falr share based on the amaunt of servlce received. The Steering Commitlee was unable to reach a complete consensus on the consultant's recommendations re�ated to GO Transit as the inter-municipal operator (wilh impacts on lhe types of vehicles and specific service design details), and the inclusion of the CAO administralors group in lhe roles and responsibilities. While each of these Issues fs important to the success of services in the corridar, lhe lack of agreement by individual operators does 10 030 a Stee�fng Committee Report Page 4 not delay nor tmpede the process of implementalion of the areas o( the agreement. 2.6 As such, the Steering Committee recommends lhat: • lhe revtsed report from the consultant be received; and • that the recommendaUons Identifled fn Attachment 1, form the basis for further discusslon and fmplementatlon by the Transit Operators (n Durham. 1 , , 1�---- N. K ns, Pickering Transit D, Duchemin, Ajax Tr "sit . � , �� � B. Gryl s, Whi y nsit N, edle,�Oshawa Transit �� `n c-� � .� R. Baker, Municipality of Clarington M. Wolczyk, sit Attachment: t- Steering Commiftee recommendaHons 11-axldata-111raltransitlltlphwayZl99.se.l.doc !f I 1 1 t: ; . . . �a 2o d ��� �'���30�3 m � 1 S���rt % � � N y � ��'C fC C �p A i o� a g �N �3 $ � 2.f0 C N A ��� a � � o� �� d �g aD� �� , d 9 � a ;� s� N <_. 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Region of Durham Cooperation and Consensus: Rattonalfzing Translt Servlce In the Hwy.2/Hwy. 401 Corrldor � October 1999 Excellence !n Transpartatlan Plunning � 14 Attachment 2 033 �� 1� \� �` \� .� 039 Region o f Durham r Cooperatian and Consensus: Ratlonallzing 7YansJt Servlce !n the Hwy.2/ Hwy. 401 Corrldor fily document summar(zu rh� studyprocus and ncommendatloru o(the ffw; :?/Jfwy, 10! Corr(dor 7Ynnslt ScMce ReWew. Dctallt o(�ht analy�ts can 6e (ourrl In th� FMy.7/ Nwy. 001 Corrldor Tranrlt Scrvkcs Revfrw • Trchnlrnl Reportlo �he SrcerGrg Committae, dated S�ptcmbrr 1999 by fNfR.t Contufmnts Inc !. lntrodirction Demands for In�ermuddp�l travd wlihin Durhun Re�lon ha�ro lnaeased s1�t11nndy over the yeus and spaaned a arowth af tnnslt demanda for boih commuter and laal senlca In the Nwy. 2/N�.y qOlcorridoc. The IndlNdu�l lay senicu �nd ihe Intu• teQlonal CO Tnnslt senices Iwve not been we1�•equlDP�d io rupond to tntcrmuNdpal needs, hampered by subsldy restNcUons, )urisdfc��onal Issue� a�d etonomlc rcaUUes. Resldenu must rely on the rc�ional secvice� for mvd M�hln purham, a1t6 multlple fares, no Vw(er pAvileges u�d typlally expenslve o�v�l1 fare7 wc.l «rNces provide ao matlnuous seMCe auoss the rc�lon and ue not coordlw�ed ►dih the re�lonal servlces. The rcsult has been seMa Qaps u�d dupUcuions, In�v{Wable (uea and a system w��h das not bcst mect �he needs of Durhun res�dents. Seveal anempts have bten made In the put to resolve thcse bsues, Mth a varlery of loc�l and Re�lonal smdies exunWns puss�ble ulunons. None of these studln hu led to the succcs�Iul coardlnatlon of truult servlcn In the torttdor. A m�Jor nuon for thls lack of proQras hu beea the cost of the rccommended clunQu, and the InabWty to address L`.: ovcull ri��]Uculon of services bet�.een �he proposed laal senice addltlons and the rcpona7 swlces. In the shon•terta It b aud�! to resuucture �uvlcu to mat the UamedLte ated af coardlnated e4ulqble tnvel opportuNtlp across Ne cortidor. improved muketlnl ufd advertbin� to promo�e puhUc awucncss of the tnvel oppomWqcs ue c�uU�! to shorh tecro succets. In ihe lonter ierm, dils rcsuuuured yuN�� mu�� ;irn u the bue from whfcA to nspond to `rowth prasurct la the corttdor uid ihtw�hout �he ReQloa Thc current economlc �nd polltlal mvlranmrnt prwldes a ncw opportuNry to overcome ihe htstodallnvtla �nd to make effective chanta In �he rnrtidoc Thts study has fauuM not only on ihe cechNCy wludons to the vussport�don upects ot tAe D�blems, but ilso on �he procetds of mnscnsus bulldlnt u�d putnersldps Thls nPnsents a new dlrectlon In developint the proccss af laal munldpa! putncrships apd coopentlon 1Ylthout mcoun�lnt and suDporUnj thls new procus, ncw outtoaes annot be expected ' LVIR1 ConSYhunp GK �_ �J srudy obJutMu The mnrall goal war ro dnYlop a maregy whkh rctbnailru tht roJu and ►uPOnslbfflrkt o(rhe Jfv� optmron fn optratlng translt teMcu (n rh(r m.rJdor. Tht obJtctArs o(thu JfI/QyMY7t fo: - tnhanrt Inter• munklpa! mo6Uiry, 6Y7roWding a mon amattfv� art! t/(klent tranru seMn 6uw�rn munklp�cilrkr In Durham and (nro Turontar - I+npmvt nutoma tervk4 by �nhandngquaGry and ralr(ng pubfk mwnncsr of the tyt+rm: - nlun tota anC achlo+e yrtatu operotfng e(JlcJerxkr, and - tncnau rfdcnhty and m�tnutt, rerultb�g !n mon t//kl[nf and (lGabtr tronrir unia. �� 035 2. Study Process Thls seetlon hlghllghte the key steps taken tn the analysls and the consentw bullding approach of thls atudy. .an ftemtfve, Consultatfve - Each trensit operntor met wlth the consultant to reNew thdr tontems or perapectives ��' as operatan, a+ well as to Identlfy the perspective of the IndlNdual munldp�llties. - Through ihle process, a pst o[ Issues was developed to br addrased. As the revlew proceedtd, new Issues were added In response to the varlous evolNng optlons. - A one•day work sesslon was held with the Steedng Commlttee. Thls sesslon wae an opporNNly to reNew and dlscuss all of the analyses ard, In a facWtated sesslon, to begln eo reach : consensus on several of the key issues. - A speclal se:slon was 4eld wlth the members of the Neglonal Translt CoordLiaHng ComtWttee (RTCC) tollo.ving the Stee�ing Commlttee workshop. The obJective ot this meeting was to Identlfy and dlstuss the Issues whlch had been resoived and to seek addltlonal lnput on those issues whlch were stW outstanding. - A brleMg sesslon was held �vl�h the muNcipal CAO's and wl�h GO Transit senlor management. These meedngs toMrtned the support !or the gene:�l concl�ulons. - A serles of ineetings was held with tath of the munlcipal counctls to re�iew the progress of �he study and sollclt Input. Each Councll ralsed specllle Issues, Including equlry of varlous taze siructures, the need to actommodate and utWze GO Translt's conclnued presence In the corttdor, assurance of contlnued access to siniliaz or bettv levels o! strvlct, and minlmlzing ovuall cost to IndlNdual muNclpalltles. - A Mal working sesslon was held with the Steering Commlttce ta - contirm the selectlon o( the preferred seMce deslgn; - Identl[y and rcsolve outstanding Issues wlth respect to fares; - revlew opllons tegardLig fare payment methods; - nview cost allocaHons and ImpllcaUons; and - discuss Implementatlon titning and strategles. - Follawing a reNew by RTCC, furthcr modlticatlons were made and a Steering CcmtNttee held to reWew the consensus posltlans vf the Steering Com�Nttea 7hese modlficatlons Included adding speclfic calculatlans of costs for evtenslons of setvlce In Clartngton, addltlanal detall regarding �he eutern temilnus, opertlons Intecface Ni�h local apera�ors, reNslans �a �he detalled seMce deslgn and addltlonal analysls of common elements. Theae changes ere retlected In summary (ortn In thls report; detalis o[ this and all the analyses can be faund In the report: H�ry.2/Hwy. 40l Corrldor trazult SeMces ReNew • TechNcal Report to the Steering ComrNttee, dated Sepiember 1999 by ENTRA Consultants Inc. - M Implementatlon program was also developed, proNding a detailed Ilst of acHvl• tles to be completed In advance o[ a proposed launch date. It Is e!cpected Ihat a launch date can be set approxlmately l2 manlhs a(ter approval lo pro[eed with Implementatlon. Paga 2 EV77L1 Consultana fne 16 �- 5b-' r� � �4' � ;i � ,� ��t rc _ ; .�.,. , _ . - � . _ � 03f ' 3. Exlsting Sltuat/on Thl� aectlon descrlbea the vallous translt teMces operaUng In the tortldor and the types of travd pattem� lhey accommodata Thls daMptlon la praented lo help develop an understanding of the current slNatlon, as a base (or the evolutlon ot Integrated :ecvltes. 3.1 Current Demand Pro(lfes Appro�dmatdy 2.2 mllllon alps are made eaeh year ou the varlety of translt secvlces avatlable In the Nlghway 2 cortldor. Locu Srancr Local tdps ln the Nwy. 2 corrldor Include approximatdy 500,000 annual Mps proNded by the local munlclpal seMces and appro�dmately 125,000 trlps on GO Translt. A revlew o! the local tdp pattems shows a strong Inverse cortelatlan between the nwnbv af Iotal trips pro�ided by CO Trensit and the arnounl of muNclpal transit seMCe avatlableln the corridor. For example, Oshawa operates the most (requent muNdpal servlce an Hwy. 2 and CO Transit carrla Ihe fewest 1 al M In hi torn► rnpr Local rrlpt an fhore whkh en comv�ated w/thln (hr boundarler a( a r/ngle munldpallry, That MpJ art rypfcalty carrftd by rht laal munitlpnl trantlt teMce !n ter•m unlclpa► Tripr fnttr•munlclpal trlps art thott fhat 6tg(n !n one munfclpallry ond �rtd In another munlcfyallw wlthln Durham Regfa ., plus laal P(ckenng �outu whtch serve Rouge Hql GO statlon. oc ps t s area. Rrglonal TApr Ixtraxwanru Suvxr Reglonal tNpt are those whlch an made !x• IntermunldF•' trlps pro�ided by �he local munlclpalltles actowt for appro�dma[ely nveen Durham and �he 275,000 annual Mps. ln addltlon io these, GO Transft carrles about 225,000 Irlps annually Clry o(Toronto, plus on the Flighway 2 seMte xnd approxlmately 400,000 on the Traln Meet buses connetttng tHps benveen h'ewcar�le or Bowmanvlile and rhe Clarington and the Durham CO Rall statlons. remalning seMce area fn Durham Regfon Rrcroruc Suncr , Approxlmately 65 pertent of the passengers carrltd by GO Transit on the Hwy. 2 setvlce aze regtonal tdps accountlng [or appro�dmately 650,000 armual tdps. Of these, westbound Mps aze destlned for the Scarborough Town Centre and North Toronlo (Yark Mllls, Yorkdale and Flnch) ln appro�dmate equal proportlons with a small portlon desttned to ihe east Scarborough area. Reglonal trips per caplta between Toronto and the Durham muNclpalltles generally deveue as travei dlstance tntteues, wlth the largest num6v o[ pv caplta Mps comfng fram Pickeiing and the smallest trom Oshawa � 3.2 Growth Scenarios 3.2.1 Populatlon and Employment Growth There is conslderable opportuNry for growth In translt ddershlp tn Dwham If transit ridershlp grows at or near the rote of populatlon growlh through 201 l, lhls represents a potentlai growth of appro�dmately 50 percent, or appro�dmatdy 2,500 dally Intermunlclpal and local Mps In the carridor. 3.2.2 Mcdal Spllt Intreases A modest chanpe In modal spllt from the e�dsting Durham modal spllt of LO percent to fNT1L1 Contulrants fnr I7 The�e Is subsrandal potential (or groNth Paye 3 ,: �:� r z- , <, .; i„ , 1I percent of all travtl, would Increa�e overali Mp� In the cortdor by more thar� lg percent. Thls aame Increaae, combined wlth popuLulon and arowth Increasei, resWu � a potentlal rldenhlp Increase of 60 percent. 3.2.3 /mpllcatlons (or Growth The types and excent of g�owih desaibed herc can be expected over the medlum to lon�• tetm planNng hotlzons 2011 and 2021. In tl�e Immedlate tum, modut rlderahlp tncreaus can be expected to rault from Increazed travd opportunftles and nvlsed fue atruchua, but may be teduced by same Wtla1 Ndenhlp loss rcsulting (rom [ue and seMce changn. For the purpose of thls analye�, rldershlp wan aseumed to 6e constant In she Immedlate perlod following Imp�emen�atloa 4. CorrJdor Service Model 4.1 Servlce Standards and Princlples One of the princfpal obJettives of thls study process was to devdop conslstent ratlonal standazds for the toardlnatlon of seMces In lhe Nwy. 2 Cortldor. SeMce standards related to haucs and (requency of seMce, fare structures and tcansfvs are used to gWde the Introductlon of new and revised sevtces and appilcatlon ot the standards ensures a conslstent respanse to new seMce ttquesls. The Steeting Commlttee developed seMce standards wlth the general phllosophy to ensure no reductlon o[ seMce !n any area. 4.2 Recommended Servlce Plan The recommended seMce plan Wustrated N Flgure 1 Ncludes lntegrated servlce In the Hwy. 2 coMdor and retentlou of Ihe ettstlng Traln h(eet seMce connecting Ciaringron communitles wlth the Durham GO Rall statlons as well as the Nwy. 40l seMces. Houu,wn f��Qucvcr a Sancr SeMca w111 be Cantlnuous Intermunlclpal seMce wlll be provlded at base Ievels no las than that provtded at base levels �rtemly provlded by �he reglonal servlces. (n almost all periads, IntertnuNclpal seMce nolvs than that �n supplemented by a conUnuous seMce IWc'from Counlce Road to Port UNon Road, turrentiyprovlded by opereting exduslvely on Nwy. 2. In peak perlods, IntermuNclpal seMce Is further the regfonal rervlces, supplemented �o meet peak demands In Whitby, Oshawa and Couctice. F�rr Poucr Faru wlll enrnurage Fare structures Hill Include a fare whlch encourages Intermunicipal travel wlthln Durham. Intermanldpai fravel Thls fare suucture wlll protect the turzent fare agreements already In place far wlthln Durham. ��ermuNclpal trevel between several Durham muNclpalltles. Free transfvs wlll be free trans(en w!!1 be Pe�«ed between all lotal seMces and the Intermunlclpal secvlte, subJect to an laal and ��Cen applicable premlum fare If a fare boundary !s ccassed. No (ree transfers wlil he pertnitted fntermunldpal benveen local or Intermunlcipal seMces and ihe reglonal seMces. servfcu. Pagt 1 �� �"i .v ; I S j, .. . . .: . �._� . . � R EViWI Cantulmntt fnt os7 b, , . . . .. ' • • 4 , . ' ' ' � ' ' .. . . .. 'r . . . . . . . � . , .. ^ . . . � . . . . . .. ' . , . . . " • . � .. . . . , . , 1"' � , . • 11 � ' � • . . . .. �. -':�.. . . ' . . . . . - , � _ �l •9 �e p � . .. . � 0. �. . 4.3 Other Compon¢nts of tNe Plan 4.3.1 Operators CO Translt lr 'me proposed operotlonal servlce pian could be operated by any o( the tour adsHng Ixal recommanAad a fhe operators, GO Trarul4 or a �hlyd•parry contractor. However, thue irc substanUat cost opemror o/lntegrottA �p���aHane related to the cholce af operatars and thfr atudy concluda that GO Trans/t nglonal and lnun Jhould provlde the lnregrated seMca (n the rorrlAor, wl(h laal pionning controL munldpcl s�Mcer ' 4.3.2 Wutern Terminus fnter•munlclpal The aelectlon of an appropNate western tertnlnus b an apvatlonal d.clsion that should rervkes shouid be Iallored from dme to time to meet the spedfic demands of the pusengvs. TFvee terminate at Port optlans for a westem hrminus Include the Rou e HiU CO Stadon, the Mornln slde 77C Un(on Road In the 4 B Initlal stagv o( loop and the Part UNOn Road area. In the shorl ltrm, Part UNon Road Is recommended. rervfcr. 4.3,3 Eastern Terminus 70e atens(on o(Inter• ������� � seMce were orl Inall desi ned to rovlde setvlte ta Ihe tommunit o[ munlclpalservfcato p B Y 8 P Y OowmanNlle and Newcastle, using an on•strect loop to provlde WNted local seMCe In the vUlaga IYhtle stlil Newcnatle rhould be an optlon for Ihe medlum• to long•term, hawever, the shorhterm IntermuNclpal seMce taramined In detatl by stops at Courticc Road, using Ihe same on•sReet loop as Ihe current Oshawa Rouce .'. the Operatlons SubCommlttee, Reglonal seMces to Bawmanvtlle and Newcastle will continue as they aze today. togefher wtth fhe Muntcrpnllryo( a.3,4EquJpment ��m�n9�on. The concluslons of che fare optlons anaiysls (see Sectlon 6), suggests that single•door Servlce should ba operatlon wlll be req��red in �he short• to medlum•term, making the Wsting provfded w(rh aingle• conflguratlon of vehlcles used In the tortdor seMces atceptable. door o�xratlon. 4.3.5 Communlcatlons Puiut CowHUwcu�on fn the thoraterm, all One o( lhe cAtical elements of a tcm rehensive, Inte ated seMce Is tommunlcatlon wlth operatort should P �T rhare route and customers. Aparl from the actual tonnectlon af varlous seMces, customers' abWty to get schedule !n(ormatlon. ��e necessary travel Informatlon from a single source Is the most Important aspett o( Later, fn(ormatfon �e seMce. in the ihorf•urm, all operators shoul4 rhare route and reh:dule fn(ormadon. servfces shoufd be trantfened fo a �«� �n jurmatlon scMca rhould be trant/ernd to a centml ca11(aclllry. c¢ntral call (atllfty. But•to•Bui CavHartunoH All lucul and coMdor Wlth �he proposed HNy, 2 Intermunlclpal seMce replacing ar modifying many of the local ,orvlre vehlclet should rou�es currenQy aperating In the torrldor, It Is essentlal that buses assigned to the new be equfpped wlth cell Hwy. 2 corrldor seMCe be able ta commuNeate dlrectly with the local routes In each phonex muNclpallty. Alllaelandrnrrtdorservfcevehlclushouldbeaqulppcdwlthcellphonex conOgured to proNde euy and effective bus•to•bus commuNcation. �1 proc¢ss(orplanning und fmplementatfon o/ Accvcr CowNUniunav rnrvires wlll provfde a �nteragency communication, particularly between Iotai operators and the reglonal caMer (nrurn ru%srer �s key to the sucttss of mugrated seMces. A process for planning andlmplemencatlon of rnmmualcatlon and ruap¢ru�'ve planning senlces aill provlde a(arum to foste� tammuNwllon and cooperanve planning. 1'ugu G �O GV'/R.1 C'uruulwnttlnc o�� i , � � � t-� �...'. i:-. ,�. ', ��.' `; ' .,> � i � - f � ,'� r � �' , .. . . . Lt_� _- � - - . .. - � � 04'b 4.3, 6 fart Collectlon Technology RetogNztng Ihat each muNcfpallry Iw lu own nvenue management cyricm In place, the lnRfal /arc mcdla and recommended fue opHon cen be accortuaodated wlthln the e�diting fue equlpment on fahnologyJhoufd thc reglonal busea. �mv�� carh ticlau and pauu, w/rh As the cotridor seMce grows, advandng to a more efficlent fare paymendre¢latntlon �+tthcr craminatlon o/ Y 1 Y ap01 ca�lorcx procesa ma be usH(led Ttils could be aecommodated b the Introductlon of amart card technoiogy ttuaughout the regloa Inhvductlon of a more advanced technoloRy may be an excdlent opportunlry !or a GfSB demonstratlon proJec[ to hlghlight the Wtlativa being � �aken In Durharn Reglon 4.3,7Accesslblllty ProNding accessibte senices ts recogNzed as an Important dement o[ an Integrated setvlce. Several local muNclpallties have shoraterm plan to Intraduce accessible vehlcla to thelr regular route serNces tn the Nwy. 2 corctdor. For the IntermuNclpal services, It will be approprlate to Introduce apedallzed eqWpment ( including low•Qaar buses) es exaas during certaln perlods of the day. As the local operaton and munitlpallUes expand thelr accesslbWty plans to serve the overall oeeds of thelr municlpallty, the reqWremmts far lativfloor or other accessible vehlcles In the Hwy. 2 corddor should be consldered 5. Fare Issaes 5.1 Fare Boundarles Jntegrated tsanclt seMcer thould 6c (ntroduccd to the Hwy. 2 coMdor wlth eac(stlng equlpmenf jeaturu. CorrtdorseMcu should Integratt attess(blllry optlont wlth other regfonal and local accusfbllfry lnitlattves. The recortwended fare optlon dlWdes the seMCe arealnto two faze zones. These zanes '11oat' based on the orfgtn of the passenger'a Mp. The first zone Includes the munitipaLty A'/loatlng' nvo•zone In whlch ihe trlp beglns and the adJacent Durham munlclpallty to both Ihe east and the (pre Is rerommended west. Trevd anywhere wlthln thts zone rcqulres paymmt of Ihe local muNcipal fare, Including transfcrs. Travel oublde of thls IUst zone requtres an addltlonal farc. 5.2 Fare Levels Malys�s o( fare levels attempted to bdance the destre to malntaln fare levels as close to edsting as possible wlth the need to mWmize any opetaHng deAdts. Each munlcipallry Base (aresshould 6e also cvrtently maintalns n varfety of cancesslon fares for different demographlc groups sfmliar to axtrtlng local jare structuru and levels of transit use. It was deemed cruclal by the tommlttee to keep the base fare close ta the curtent level with the ndsting dlscowt structures In place, so as not to af[ect exlsting passengcrs who wllt only use lhe local syslem The recommended face levels fnclude a base fare of 51.75, wlth the typical concesslon Bare (ares shoulA ba 51.75 wUh premium fares applled for sen!ors, children, monthly passes and such and a premlum for two zone (are o(51.75 travel of S I.75 wlth NO dlscounts applied ENTRA CoroulmNf (nc 21 Papt 7 , � _ �'� _ , .. � ' � � 041 advanroges cost n.rporuf6111ry nlated to amount o/ rarvin lt fntu(t(wfy eoerxd; eary to ealculate and admfn[ttu: Dltad�tntaga nqufrcr each servlce. segmcnt to be examined 1ndMddalty ro derermine apcd/1c munlcfpaf corts. eo rmns�r sernces operate as on fntegrcted ryrtem. Pags 8 6. Cost Allocatlon Models Integrated nglonal and IntermuNGpal aervlces In the Hwy. 2 cortldar milce ux of �DUe capaclry on the nglonal aervlces by Introducing a new Intermunlcipal fue stcuctura Whlle ovcrall ddershlp Increasa, revmue deaeazs because of the lowv fue atrucnue on �II Intermunlcipal Mps. The lowu rcvenue ueates � delidt, whtch wu the bufa for Invudgadng sevval coat alla�tlon modeL�. 'fhe preferred modd, accepted by Sceering Commlttee membas, councUs and statf was one whlch calculatn aet d:fldn from latcrtnunldpal toats and revenua and alloalu the delldt unong the munldpallUes based on the amount of aeMce each recelves. The amount o[ Intetmunlcfpal servlce Is ealculated [rom the quantlry of revenue•ldlometen operated In tach munlclpallty. 7. CoStS 7.I GO Transft•Related Costs tllmination of the GO Translt bus servicee In Durham was aamined as an optlon and found to have several impllcatlons (or the GO Translt system as a whale and for Durham Reglon. GO Tnnslt bus seMces In the Hwy. 2/Hwy. 40l corrldor currently operate at a cost recovery levcl of appro�dmatdy 100 putent, wlth an operatlng budget o[ approxLnately f5.7 mllllaa Tlils meuu that eliminatlon of seMces would teduce coste AND revenuex by an equal amount, wlth no net savings. Also, GO T�anslt's Nwy. 2/Hwy. 40l cortldor seMces are operaHng as an Integrated ayuem, and making substantlal changes to any of the elements has Impllcatlons for the athers. SlgNficant change to Ihe H��v. 2 portlons of the servlte, tor example, would result In hlghec cosn on lhe FiwY. 40l components, along wlth cidershlp anrl revenue Impacts. The result would be to move the corrldor seMces Into a defldt posltlon. 7.2 Impllcatlons of Separadng Reglonal and Inter-munlclpal Servlces � The cost Impllcatlons of provlding reglonal and Ntermunlcipai seMce as two tompletely separate operatlons was also Investlgated. During peak perlads, the e�dsting regfonal seMce levels are designed to meet passenger demands for servlce at the peak polnt on �he route, whlch is appro�droately the Yltkering/roronto boundary. This has nva Important Impllcatlons far the Intecmunlclpal seMces. First, It means that there Is spare eapaclry east of the current peak polnt. During peak hours, lhls comprises atmost all of tht seMte area o[ the proposed Intertnunlclpal seMces. Space capacity Increases to the east, and praNdts �n oppartunity for an Inlegrated IntertnuNclpal seMce to use that capacity 6e(ore needL�g to add addltlonal vehicles. This results In cost eaNngs. 22 EN7R.t [onrultants Inr , � r :>: �t . ,, . ���s , , ' ��t ,_�.: . �.. , 4 � � � a^ lSi�. _ , . �.. . _. .. J t.. ,� ��--.. At .,.a .�. # .. . . .. . _ . . . . .. 042 Second, the exlsdng ngfonal vchlcles In urvlce durina the peak houn are all rcqulred to meet the peak polnt demmd� for regfonal tdpa at the rc�fonal boundary. Y1ds mant that evm If e111ntermunldpal riden (approxlmatdy one•thlyd of the pak pedod dders) were divened from the mglonal buses to a new Intermunlclpal aeMce, reglonal iervlce coutd not be reduced As a result, there would be no reglonal coat aavings to help o(faet the cosu of the Intetmunldpal aetvlce�. The ImplleaHon of upazating the reglonal end Intertnunlclpal eeMces • a'spllt seMce' • !s substanUal hlgher operating tosts than the exlstlng system. Whlle the proposed lntermunlclpal aervlce operates at a delidt, thue are offsetWg munlclpal aavinge whtch f�tegrated ngfonal reduce the overall cosn of seevlce In the corrldoc Wlth spUt stevlces, the hlgher ond Intermunfdpai IntermuNclpal costs exceed the potendal local muNdpal aaving�, nsulting In a net seMCeslead to the most rnsf�e((atNe lncrease In corrldor costs. Recommendatlon o[ an altemative wlth t}ds result would be servlca contrary to the study obJective to reduce costs and achleve greater operatlng ef4clendes. 7.3 Cost De[alls Table 1 summar(zes the costs a! the recommended Intermunldpal servlces under the recommended scenazio. Thls scenarlo combines reglonal and Intermunldpal seMtts In the H�vy. 2 corrldor. The table also pcesents representative costs of a'split seMce' optlon. htunlcipal cost shazes for the Intermunlclpal seMces are deta^mL�ed based on the recommended coet allocatlon model which apportions net costs according to the amount of seMce each mwilclpallty receives. Tabfr I nr rmunitJ � pnSummarv Totd Cost Net Cost PlckerL�e Alax Whitby Oshawa Clarlatton Splil Scrvice Reponal Component 4900 fi0 125 156 158 1G6 145 Intermunldpal Component 2375 566 147 129 130 113 Sl Total 7700 1300 2T1 285 288 279 I96 Integrated5ervitt 6550 2i0 SS 59 60 71 1t HuNtlpal mttt may nof add ro n�! tau du� to roundlnp � Clarinplon ralr In SOIItS�rvl[� ovtlonf Indud� cotu o/oqratlny Inttrmunklpol iervltt fo NerCalllr. The DluNClpallty of Clarington Is In a unique poslHon slnce It does not provide Its own local transit seMces. lntroducing Intecmunldpal seMces represents a slgnificant new erpendlture for tht Tawn, and opdons NYre requested by Claringtcn which mlNmlzed the W tial Investment. In the future, seMces could be extended In one of two ways. Ftrst, the same fare structure applled to �he proposed IntermuNclpa! seMces could be appUed to the e�isting reglonal seMces to BawmanvUle and Newcastle, Increasing the operating deflcit for �he Traln Meet seMce. SeMce to BawmanvUle, would Increase Clarington's contrlbutlon by appro�dmately S I2,000 to a total of approxlmately 533,000 overall. Further cetending the fare arrangement to Newcastle would Increase Clarington's con�ribudon by an additlonal 510,000 to 543,000 overall. These are short•�ecm esllmates EP?21 Contulinntt !nt � ,3, 23 Page 9 The MunfNpaBty o( W��h cuuld increase In aubsequent yean. Ciarington, wfth the Second, lntegrated Intertnunlclpal secvlca could be extended trom Courtice Roed to Opuatlons Sub� Newcasde, wlth a�ustmenb to the rcglonil traln meet servlca Thls would roNde a crommlttce, rhould P lmutlgate Mtun �18hv levd of secvlee, and In the thart•term, thls level of seMce b not Wcdy wuranted servfce and(are Because af the larye gaps benveen ihe urban azeas whue revenua would be low, the optlont(or overall deAdt Incrcases by over 5100,000. (ntermunldpc! and localservfur. 8. Organizatlonal Structures No change to faal DeOning new processes for Ihe Intcgraied plannL�g and Implemenhdon of translt autonomyln tmnslt aeMces tn the Regton Is cdtical to the plan's success. Prevlous studla have examined and dacfs(ons tr propat�d recommended a vartety of technlcal solutlons whlch have not been Implwented for a number of teasoro. The recommendatlons propose revlslans �a streartiline the declslon• making process and improve communlcatlon and coordlnatlon among the Operatlons SubcomcNttee of KTCG Wlthout a diftvent process, lhere cannot be a diffvent outcame. 8.1 ParNclpants 7he proposed concept makes slight adJustments to lhe current respanslbWtles of the partltlpants In terms of funding and dedslon•m�ldng. La,u Orrrnrors Pickering, AJa�c, Whltby and Oshawa wtll contlnue to be responslble (or Nnding and operai�ng thelr own laa! seMtes. GO Transit wW contlnue to be responsible for and make dedslons regazding rcglonal translt seMces. Oniunarr SurCowHrmr The OperaUons Sub•CoauN�tce memben will contlnue to use thetr own Indlvldual staf[ resources, W tfate proposals and respond to requests hom the RTCC and report to the RTCC. In thls contart however, the Operatlons Subcommlltee wW also examine seMce reqWrerocnts for IntermuNdpal seMces and make rccommendatlons to the RTCC. RT[C The RTCC wlll contlnue wlth lu current mwbershlp and mandata CAO i AanH�muroes L�our 77�e fnvalvement o( �s group Is Introduced to faclUtate the Introductlon o( Issues to the muNcl a1 a roval theCAOtgrouplr P pp ueeclalty Important prote�s. 7he sLe chief admW�trative offlcen and the Managing Dtrector of GO Trenslt where proparal� ruulf �yould meet with the RTCC, at the RTCC's requut, where servtce change proposals wlll In shared munfclpal �equlre municipal councU decislons. costt und requlre approval o(all (our munlclpqlltlu Pagt !0 24 EMRA Conrulrantf Inc �q� ; 044 � i � � Muourat ,wc Ra�avu Cawiau Each of the Iocai munidp�lltla wW mntlnue to detemdne thelr own translt reqWremmts md bc respaoslble (or lhelr opvatlons wlth the approval of the munldp�l rnwclls. Fach No chunge b propored munldpal cauncll wW contlnue to be rcspomlble for detenaWna and approNn; tr:�ult fo fhe rofc o(munkl• opentlons and cupmdlnue� In thclr own munldpallty, or for thetr munldpal component p°f and R�plonal of shared expendltures. The m1e and NneHon Durham Regfonal Councll and la planning �ounctis. Cammlttee wtll nat c6soge co r�wr GO Trausit Board wW contlnue to approvelts own operadons apending, es determined by , the Grcatu Toronto Servlca Board. 8.2 Approval Process To Imptement transit system ctianges In Durham Reglon under the proposed eystem, tlila study reeommmds that intermunldpal trancit secvlces be operated end coordlnated as tollows: - local muNdpal Vanslt setvltes are operated by the eaistlng municlpal operators; - GO 7ranslt opvates Integrated reglonal and IntermuNclpal aeMtes; - the Opvatlons Subtommlttee o( RTCC detemilnes the IntermunlGpal operatlons and seMce de�alls; and - local munlclpalltlu s6ac4�g rnsls of Ntermunldpal servlca. It Is Important to note that thlf process does not nqulre Regfonal Cowcil ro seek or obtaln autharfty co operate translt seMces. The process contlnues to rdy on the approval of fndlvldual mutilclpal councUs (or seMces to be Iroplemented, yet proWdes an overall coordinallon context to ensure �hat proposals support the development o! coordlnated translt services throughout the corrldor. G?RA CoruWranalnc � � . � � . . � � . .. .. --- . Pcga ! I %a ,. �: ; . �= Each obfectNc o(the study has bun met by the nrnmmendnt(ont io, sw�,mary l0.1 Coal and ObJectives 'Ihe Qoil of ihis study ls to develop a�trateQy wlilch ratlonallzes We rolu md raponslbWtlu at the flve operaton In the dellvery and operation of the vanslt «rvtca !n thls corrldor. Table 2 revlew� the smdy obJectives and how We recommmded seivlce meets those obJectives. r�ar� � Revtrw ofSruM Obiecrivet OBJECI'IVE enhance Inter•munldpal mobWty, by providing a more ataactive and dfident translt serncc ben�Yen muNdpalltles ln Durham and Inro Toronta Improve customer seMce, by enhandng qu�llty and ralsing publlc awazeness o( the system and how It aperales; teduce costs and achleve greater operatlng ef(Idendu. by ellminating dupllcaHoM sharing resources, u�d strearnlWng operedons; and Invease rldershlp and tevenue�, nsulting In morc efficlent and Iladhle transl� secvlce, whlch better meets �he needs of current and future usas. 04S SOLURON servlce desla�s proNde for hlgher Ieveis of aervlce for!�cal and Intvmunldpal trips; fare stcucture pertNts substanUal areas of travel at loc�l tarcs senice designs proWde tdgher levels of secvlce; tommuNtatlon recammendadons lnctude cmtrallzed Informatlon, coordlnated plarWng and Improvcd operatlonal commuNcatlon In�er•munlUpal servlca operate at defldt shazed by local muntclpalitles; ovtrall system cost rcduced; seMce deslgns use edsUng spare tapaclty lo ellcnlnete dupllcaHon and reduce cost estlroates ahow atable ddershlp thtough Impiementatlon, wlth substantlal growth potentlal; revised roles and respansiblllttes ensure coordinated planning o[ expanslon aeMCes. EYfRA conrulmnn rnc Fage 11 �U :., ` t - � , . �. ,a. ,f. . . ._ a., , !14G 10.21ssues and Resolutfon 1luoughout the study,lhe procas wu deslgned to Idmtify uid resolve u roany brus u posslble In en opw �nd eonsult�tive fuhloa Table 3 b a complete Ikt ot �he bsuu that werc IdentUled throughout the smdy and thelr resolutloa Tabk 3 lifuet end Ruolutlon Summary access ro Hwy. 2 for laal awlca ,f �0� savlces wW contluue to have ucess to Hwy. 2 tor laal routlngs accuslbWry and low•Itoor busa � ta be addressed In context of (xal plans bus•tabus communlcatlon � «11•Phones recocnmended compllcated InformaHon system - no COO��ed InfocmaHon system ttwug6 slagle sautce of Informatlon � shuing, thN centrallzatlon � eqWtable tue strucnu� ntlonalized laal tonststmcy o! fare swctures � fares recommeaded but not reqWred In short•tvm duplltatlon o( secvices � spare capaclty used to rcduce costs and Each Issue raBed - ellcnfnate dupllatlon throughout rhe rmdy wcs de(ined �mined falr and eqWtablc dlsMbutlon o! tosts J w�ously supported rnst allaatlon and retofved and nvenues mudd [are collectlon and paycoent methods �(ue collecdan accommodated wlth adsdng eqWpment �at fare for trawi In Durham � w�ously rUected based on rcvenue proJectlops Job losnes for CO TnnslNoal operators ellminating dupllcaUon to rcduce costs � wW rcduce laal driver rcqulrements; Jobs may be rcasslgned. Iack o( commuNcatlan between ,� reNsed planning process reconunended munldpal openron and CO Translt �o' � determined ducing Implcmentatlan local stop (requenry and placement � malntalned wlthout change munldpal autopomy pver (or ezanGle, � malntalned wlthout clmnge 7ares anC laal route shvcnires � must reschedule loal secv�ces ue �o � reqWred anyway to coordlnate swlca corrl or c ge presence of GO Trenslt In corrldor � coMrmed as most cost effective route divenions and stop frequenry � requlres addltlonal local analysis serving laal surges In demand � �aal servlces controUed by munldpalldes seMce to laal trips by regional carrler '� elUNnated singlo-doar versus two�door operatlon � contlrmed single door appropdate timed connectlons in corrldor � addressed through platuilng process �.estem terminus polnt � �Gtlble in medlum end long lerm EMILI Comulfamtlnc �f i. Page l)