HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 05/00. ' ,�y OF P�� � f O REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Thomm J, Quinn DATE: Fcbn�ary 21. 2000 Chief Aciministrativc OiTiccr REPORTNUMDGR: CA005•00 SUBIEC'f: Highµay 2— Highway 401 Corridor, Transit Service Review - ENTRA Consultnnl's RcpoA "Co-opcmtion and Consensus: Rntionali�ing Tmnsit Service in thc H��y. 2/ H«y. 401 Corridor' - File: PT 2050 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report to Council CAO OS-00 conceming thc HigM�my 2— Iligh«vy 401 CortiJor, Transit Scrvice Rc��iew bc rcceivcd for informntion. Z. That thc Rcgional Transit Coonlinating Commiucc bc adviscd th�1 thc City of I'ickering: u) AcknowlcJgcs necipt of thc GNTRA Consullnnts final rc�wrt cnlidcd "Co•o�xra�ion anJ Conxnsus: Rntionalizing 7'ransit Scn�icc in thc Ih�y. 2111«y. 401 Corridor;' and b) @nJorscs thc rccommcndalions ouUincd in the 5tccring Commiucc Rcport as thc basis for further discussion and implcmcnlation. 3. Thnt o copy of Rcport to Council CAO OS•00 bc fonvardcJ to thc Rcgional Transit Coonlinating Committcc nnd thc municipalitics of Ajux, Whi16y, Osltawn nnd Claringlon. ORIGIN: Dccember 1999 resclution of thc Regionnl 'fransit Coordinnting Commitlec rcqucsling commcnts from thc Inkcshorc municipalitics by Fcbrunry 2000. AUTHORITY: The bfunfcipal Ac�. R.SO. 1990 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicablc EXECU'fIVG SUMMARY: This Report to Council summnrius the key conclusions of the Higliwuy ?— Highway 401 Corridor, Trnnsit Service Review thnt was completed in 1999 by ENTRA Consultunts. ENTRA's rcport was considercd by thc Regionnl Transil Coordinnting Committcc, who ulso hnd before them a report of the Steering Committce thnt oversnw the study. The Regional Transit Coordinating Commitice has requestcd thc input of thc lakeshorc municipulitics on this matter. Stnff recommend thnt Pickering Council acknowledgc receipt of thc ENTRA study, and cndorse thc rccommendntions of thc Study Stecring Committce os thc bnsis for furlher discussion and implementation. Report to Council CAO OS-00 pate: Fcbn�vy 21, 200f1 Subjcet: Highway 2- Ilighway 401 Corridor, Transit Srnice Revicw I'nge 2 BACKGROUND: In June 1999, Ihc Regional Transit Coonlirwting Committce (RTCC) rcviean! the rccommrndatioro prov:daf by ENTRA Consulinnts on lhe I lighway 2- I lighxuy y01 Corridor Tw�sit Service Rcview. Somc conccros arorc �isai, and thc mntter Kas rcferted bxk to 1he Convrntional Trrnsil Opemtors Sub�Committee, «•ho wrrc acting as Ihc Stecring Committee fur tlx Study. The Conventionnl Transit Operrtors Sub�Commiucc includcs stn1T rcpresentati�•cs from GO Transit, as well as the traasit depa�tmcnts of Pickering, Ajax, Wh�tby, Oshaµa, anJ Clarington. Thc City's Manager of Trnnsit Scrviccs is a member of the Study Stecring Committec. In Octobcr 1999, n final rcport w�s rcic�sed by the co�uullan�s cntidMl "Co-operation and Consensus: Rntionali�ing Trai�sit Scrvice in the H«y. ?/ H«y. 401 Cortidor' (sce Attachment No. 1). The key rccommcndationc of the ENTRA rcpoA arc outlined bclo«•. Service Standards and Princioles • Scrvicc standarJs should be adop�ed to guiJc ihc implemcntetion of coorJinalcd un•ices in the Ile�•. J IINy. 401 coii idor. In geneml, thcre shoulJ be no reduction of sen�icr in any arw. The Scrvice Plan • Service shoulJ bc proviJeJ at base le�els no less than iLU currcmly proriJed by thc existing rcgional urvices. Thc fare polir.y shoulJ encourage intcr•munici�ul trarcl wiihin Durham. Frcc transfers should bc permilteJ bctHCOn Iceal and intor•municipal xn•iccs, but no� Irct��ccn locnl and regional scrvices, or inmr•municipal and rcgional sen•iccs. Uocraior • GO Transil is recommenJcJ as ihe oprratorof intcgrotcd rcgional and imer-municipal urvices. Gastcm and Wcslcm "i erminalion Points • Intcr•municipal scrvices should tcrminate nt Pon Union k.�aJ in the initinl siagcs of servicc. T7ie Opemtions SuMCommiltce togalhcr eiih the Municipality of Cloringlon should csamine the cxtension of iNcr-municipal scrviccs In Efowmanvillc and NeHCasdc in dcte.il. Euuipmcnt • Scrvicc shuuld bc providcd with singladoor oper�tion. Communicntion • In Ihc short•term, all opemtoro should share route nnd uhedulc infortnntion. Lntcr, informetion urvices should be trrnsfemd to a cemral call facility. All locnl and corridor scrvicc vchicles should bc equippcd with ccll phones. A process for planning and implementation of serviccs would provide a forum to fostcr communicstion nnd cooperative planning. Farc Collcction Technolouv • Initial fare media and technology should comprise cash, tickets and passes, wilh Nrlhcr examination of smert cnrd applicution. , Accessibilitv • Integmted transit services should bc inlroduced to the Hwy. 2 Corridor with existing cquipment featurcs. Conidor servicas should integrate accessibility options wilh other rcgionnl and local accessibility initiutives. Fare Issues • A floating two•zone fare is recommended (basc faro and premium farc). Thc base farc shouid bc similer to the existing local farc structurcs (51.75). The prcmium farc Por two-zone Imvcl should be an edditianal SI.75 (i.c. totnl of53.50). Cost Allocallon Fortnola • The proferted modcl celculetes net deficita from Intcr•municipal costs end rcvcnucs and ellocatcs the deficit emong the municipalida besed on tho emount of scn�ico each municipel(ry receives. 'Il�e emount of inter-munlcipel servicc fe calculeted trom the quantiry of rcvcnuNkilometcn operolcd in .•� each munlcipaliry, t. , 'R�n �o co�u cno os-oo t}.uc: FebnLVy 21, z000 Subjal: Ilighway ?— Ilighµay 401 Curridor, Twuit Service Review Page 3 71x October 1999 L•TITRA's rcport Kzt rcvicµat bv 1he Study Staring Committee. wlw agreaf Hith most of tho rccommerxLlliore (see Atlxhmrnt No. 2, Steering Commiva Repurl). In pri�iplc,lhc Steering Committa agn�f to Ihe follow9ng: (a) A common ut of sen�itt standarcfs anJ policia to guiJc thc daign of new wuf rcvixd servica, and to atablish a fmmeurork for impro��eJ mobiliry ncruss thc service arca. (b) The recommencled fure suucture and Ic��cls for hlsc mxl prcmium fares. (c) A number of tahnical issua rclatal to routcs nnJ un�iccs, communications and occcssibility. (d)'Ihc formula for sharing Jeficits, ��hich may bc crcatcd by Illl` R•YISMI �i7M1' SlNC1Ufl' �llll inter-municipal sen�i�. nlong thc Cortidor. Ho��•c��cr, onc kcy arca wher� . complctc consensus ���s not rcach��J by thc St��cring Commitice conccros thc rccommcndatiun tlut GO Tr�nsit bc thc intcr•municipal oExrator in thc corridor. The Ciry of Oshaaa dces not support the operation of GO Transit in the corridnr because it could negati�ely impact or duplicate local transit sen•ice that Oshm��a pro��iJes. In thc rnd, thr stcering committce n�commendcd to ihc Regiunul 1'ransit Coorclin��ing Committcc that GNTILI's final rc�wrt tx rccciveJ, and thal thc 5t��cring Commiucc ncommcnJations fortn thc basis Wt furthcr discussiun anJ implcmcntatiun by thc '1'mnsit OFxmlors in Durham. It is rccommcndcd Ihat Pickcring Council ncknowlcJgc rcccipt of thc GNTRA Consultants final rcport, ond Iha[ Council endorse the nYOmmendalions outlined in Ihc Slecring Committee Report as thc basis for furthcr discussion and implcmentnlion. Thc BNTRA Swdy iiighlights Ihc importancc af coordinalcd transit scrvices in Durham Rcgion. Reccndy, thc Chair of thc Grcatcr Toronto Scrviccs l3oarJ rcicascd a"Slmtcgic TrunspoAation Plan" for Ihc GTA. Stuff is cunently rcvic�ving Ihis Plan, nnd u Report to Council will bc prcparcd for considcration at a futurc mccting. Prcliminary rcvicw of this documcnt indicutes that thc Slmtcgic Plan supports thc rccoinmcndntions of thc [iNTRA SWdy. 'fhc Plun recognius that transil is the key to reducing congestiun in thc GTA, und notcs thnt transit can bc mnde morc attractivc to residcnts through improvcd coordination bctwccn GO Tmnsit and thc locnl transit systems. Moreovcr, in terms of n lang tcrm GTA tmnsil nctwork, lhe GTA Stmtegic Plan rccognius the nced to hnve tmnsil corridors as n component of the GTA trunsportntion network, and conceptually shows u GTA East corridor through Clnrington, Oshawn, Whitby, Ajax und Pickering into Toronto (connccting to thc Sheppard subway line). According to thc Stmtcgic Plun, theso transit carridors should include somc fortn of rnpid tmnsit in sepamte rights•of•wny, such as buses, strcelcars, subwuys or commuler trains. In this regard, the Highwny 2— Highwny 401 cortidor may prove to be n vitnl component of the overnll GTA transit nelwork through Durhnm Rcgion. ATTACHMENTS: 1, ENTRA Consultnnt's rcport of Octobcr 1999 cntitled "Co•operution nnd Conscnsus: Rationalizing Tmnsit Service in the Hwy. 2/ Hwy. 401 Corridor." 2. Rcport of the study 5teering Commtttce, 7S : F ��,' `� '�� • � f , � .. � � . � -� . � � jc •'� Repiirt tu Council Cf.O OS•00 , Date; febnwry 2l, 2000 y' '�. . Subjwl: ,Hlgh'tvay 2— Highway 401 Cort(dor, Trensit Servlce Rcview Page 4 i� � . , �f .. � . �' �. � . .. ... , - .. � . � . �,' Ptetpnred By: : :� APProved / Endorsed Uy: ;t . � ,; 71io as E. M 1 � — Tho�ies J. Quinn Diviston Head, or.porate ProJecls Policy . Chief Administraticc Officcr � 7'M: . Atinchmenls ' Copy: Direcror, Operntiore and Emergency Services Mnneger, Trai�sit Scrvices Recommended for the considerntion of Pickering City Cauncil � �. 3 O ~ naa J. nn, hie inistrutiv Of(icer ,r �. r '� � � � �� ;� t. !i '„ i� ;s <_.< .... � , ! , �t�TO AEPOAT�:�� . � �. ; � , �. � ENTRA`: � coNSUCraNrs rrvc. , _ � Region of Durham . . Cooperation and Consensus: Ratt��naTlztng Translt Servtce in the ' : Hwy2/Nwy. 401 Corrldor � � October 1999 . � A � ��- . ,. . . . . .. . . w r " - .� .. . . • . .. � �. i 1 i . . , . . . � - . � � . 1 .. � . � . . � .t . � � � , . ��II �� � �� f ':� ' �� . � . ' • .r '�� ~�4� � s Excellenceln � I 7ransportatlon • . Alann(ng • �. t ' ' +�� ' t � � �� . i , ; ( �` , t �� :., , , , _ �/ .. 4_, , r i . ..5�`, 4� , ., re_ . , . .:�1-' � .s. .._ 1 .,.�_ , . jF . ., r � ... _ _ . Region o f Durham Cooperation and Co��sensus: , Ratlona/izing 7i�anslt Se'f-vtce !n the Hwy.Z/ H»ry. 401 Corrldor ThB document summarizu the study pracu and recommendatlons o(tha Flwy. ?/Hwy, 401 Corrfdor TYanslt Servfce Revfew. Detatls a(the anafyrLs can be /'ound fn the fMy.2/ Hwy. 401 CoMdor 7ranrlt Servlcec Revlew • Technlrnl Report to the Steering Commltteq darcd September 1999 by FMRA Consuitancr /na l. Introduction Demands forintermun(dpal travd wlthln Durham Reglon have Inveazed e1gN11cantly over the yeazs and spawned a growth o[ translt demands for both comn,uter and local secvlces In the Hwy. 2/Firvy qOlcocrldor.'Ihe lndiv(dual local seMces and the Inter• regtonal GO Translt eeMces have not been well•equlpped to respand to lntermunldpal needs, hampered by subsidy resalcUons, Jurls�lctlonal lssues, and economic realltles. Aesldente must rdy on the regfonel secvlces for travd wlthln purharn, yyth Qu�tlple [ares, no Rans[er privlleges end ryplcally expenslve overall tazes. Local servlces proWde no contlnuow seMce auosa the reglon and are not coordlnated wlth the reglonal seMces. The result hes been servlce gaps and dupllcations, IneqWtable tazes and a sy�tem whlch doer not best meet thc needs of Durham resldenW. Snveral attempts have been made N the past to nsolve thesc Issues, wlth a vaziety ot local and Reglonal studlee exunWng posatble aoluHons. None o( these atudles has led to the succeestW coordlnatlon ot translt aecvices In the co[rfdor. A mg�or reasoa tor thls lack of progress has been the coat of the rccommended changes, end the InabWry to addrees tl�e overall dupllcaUon ot aervfcea between the proposed loca! recvlce addlHans and the reglanal servlces, In the short•term, lt !s wda! to restcuchue aervlca to meet the Immedlate need o( coordlnated, eqWtable travel opportwilUw across the corridoe (mproved markeUng and advertlsing to promote pubilc awazmes� of the travel opportuNtles aze c[udal ro short• term success. In the longer t:rm, thla restructured servlce rnu�i cerve as the base from which to respond to grawth presswes In the corridor and throughout the Region. 7'he current economJe and. polltical environment proNdes a new opportuNty to overcome the histodeal Inerda and to make effective changes in the corrldar.7lils amdy has tocussed not only on the techNcal soluHons to the rransportadon aspects of the problems, but also on the pcoceeds of eonsenaus bullding and pazmashlps. Thls reprcaena a new dlrectlon In developing the process of local mwilclpal pazmerships end eooperatlon. Wlthout encouraging and supporting this new proces�, new outcomes cannot be expected. FNT21 Coruufmnulnc . ,, � , ' . � ,; _ '' ;, !� �. ..;. StudyObJedNu , The averafl gonl wat to devefop a mattgy �vhleh rdtlonal(zu the rolu and responslbfi(tfu o(the /'ive operaton fn operat(ng transft serv(cu (n thb• corrtdor. The o6Jectivet o/thls shrdy were to: — enhan:e fnter- munfdpal mobllfry, by provfd(ng a more attrattfve and e(/ident traruft servfce benveen munfclpallNer fn Durham and Into Toronto; - Iniprove customer servlce, by enhandng quallry and ralstng publlc awannesr o( the ryrtem; — reduce cosu and aehfeve greater aperqting e(/Ict¢nNu; and - fntrease Hdershlp and revenuu, ruuiting fn mon e(/iclen6 and /lulbfe translt servlce. �u• i 2.: Study Procesa Thls aecllon hlghllahts tLe key atepa taken In lhe analyrla and the conienrut buildNg � apptoaeh of thls atudy: , 4nlromtNy ContujtatNe ,- Fa�h tnnsit operaror met wlth the consultant ro revlew thelr concertu or perapecNve� �t es operetoTS, as Well as �o Identlfy the perapettive of the 1ndlNdual mwildpalltlee. - 1lvough thle procesa, a Ilst ot Issues wa� devdoped to be addreaced Ae the revlew � proceeded, new Issua were added in response to the various evolvtng opdona. - A ane•day work sesslon was held wlth the Steering Commlttee. Thls sesslon was an . appommlry to reNew and dlscuss all of t6e analyses and, tn a facWtated senslon, to begln ro reach a consensus on severat of the key Issues. - A spedal sesslon was held with the members of the Regtonal Trarult Coordlnatlng Cammlttee (RTCC7 fopowing the Steeting Committee workshop. The obJecttve af qils meeting was to Identlty and dlscues the Bsues whlch had 6een resalved and ro se?k addldonal lnput on Wose lssuW which wue atW autstanding. - A bdr.Mg sesslon was held wlth the munlclpal CAO's and with GO Translt sWor management. Thae meedngs coMrmed the support for the general concluslons. - A sules ot meetlngs was held wlth each of the murilcipal counclls ro revlew �he progress ot the atudy and soUtit Input. Each Cowcll ralsed speclflc Issues, including eqWty o( varlous fare structures, the need to accommodate and utlilze GO TranslPs conNnued presence In the corrldor, assurance o[ conNnued access to stmllaz or better Ieveis o! servlce, and minlmlzing averall cost ro Indlvtdual muNcipalldes. - A Ma) wotking sesslon was lxld wlth the Steering Commlttee ro: - confirm the selectlon of the preferred seMce design; - Identlty and resolve outstanding Issues with respect to fazes; - reNew opHons ttgazding faze payment methods; - reNew cost allocatlane and Unpllcatlons; and � - dlscuss Impiementatlon Ilming and strategles. ' n - Following a revlew by RTCC, further modlflcatlons werc made and a Shering . ComtNttee hdd to reNew the consensus positlons of the Steering CortuNttea 7'hese modlflcallons Included adding apec�lc calculallons o[ costs (or extensions of secvlce In Cladngron, addltlonal detail regarding the easlem terminus, opertlons Interface with local operalors, reNslons ro the detalled service deslgn and additlonal analysis of common elemenn. These changea are refiected In aummary form In this reporr, , detalls of tlils and alt the analysa can be found In the reporr..Hwy,2/Hwy. 90l Corridor transit SeMces ReNew • TechNcel Report to the Steedng Commlttee, dated September 1999 6y EMRA Consultants Inc. � - M Implementatlon program wu also developed, proNding a detalled Ilst of ectivl• Ues to be completed In advance of a proposed launch date. It Is expected that a launch date can be set approxlmately l2 months after approval to proceed wilh Implementatlon. Pagr? � . � , 6VTRAConmltanftfnt � � . - . �t.`'� ... .� . ' 3. Er�sting Sltuation Thls eecNon descrlbes the varlalu tran�it savica operatlnP In the eocrldor �nd the rypa of travd pat�erns they accommodate.7lils desaiptlon b preaented to delp devclop en undvstanding of the current altuadon, u a base for the evoiutlon of Integrated tervlta. 3.1 Currenf Demand Pra/lles Approxlmatdy 2.2 m1Won trlps aze made each year on the varlery of translt eeMcea avatlable In the Hlg6way 2 corrldor. Locu. Srxncr Local t: ips In the Hwy. 2 corrldor Include approxlmately 500,000 annual uips proNded by the local munlclpal secvlces and apprwdmately 125,000 trlps on GO Trazult. A revlew of the Iocal Mp pattems ehows a sROng Inverse correlatlon between the number of local trlps provided by GO Translt and the amount o[ munlclpal transit atcvlce avallableln thc corrldoa For ocample, Oshawa apvates ihe most frequent munlclpal seMce on Hwy. 2 and GO Transft carrles the tewest local trips 1n Uils area. LvrraNwnaru. Sunca . Intermunlcipal trlps proNded by the local munlclpalitles account tar appro�dmatdy 275,000 annual trlps. ln addltlon to these, GO Transit carrles abaut 225,000 Mps annually on the Eilghway 2 seMce and approxlmately 400,000 on the'fraln Meet huses connecting Clazfngton and the Durham GO RaR staUona t Rtuo�uc StRVrcc Approxlmately 65 percent of the pusengvs carrfed by CA Translt on Ihe Hwy. 2 servlce are reglonal Mps accountlr.g for appro�dmately 650,000 ann��al trlps.0f ihese, westbound trips aze desHned [or the Scarboraugh Town Centre and North Toronto (York Mllla, Yorkdale and Flnch) In approxJmate equal proportlons wlth a smill portlon destlned to 1he east Sear6orough azei Reglanal Mps per caplta between Toronto and the Durham munldpalldcs generaily deaease ae travel dlstance Inaeases, wlth the lazgest number o( per capita Mps coming ;rom Mckecfng and the smallest from Oshawa. � 3.2 Growth Scenartos 3.2./ Populatlan and Employment Growlh There ts considerabte opportuNty (or gromh In transit ridenhlp In Durham. It transit ridershlp grows at or ncar the rate of populatlon growth through 20l l, �hls represents a potentlal growth o[ appro�dmately SO percent, or appro.dmatdy 2,500 dally Intermunic�pal and local Mps In lhe carrldor. � 3.2.2 Modal Spllt lncreases , A modest change In modal split from the exlsting Durham modal spilt of l0 percent to ENTRA Confulydnts fnr Loca► 7xpr Local rrtpr an thou whlch an comyleted wlthln tht l.+aundarkt o/ a single ir,unldpaflry, Thve Mpt art ryyltaUy wrr{ed by fhe laal munldpal rrauft ssMce • lnter•munlclpclTApr lntervmunldpal tNpt are those thnt begln in one munldpal(ry and tnd In anothcr munldpallry wf(hln Dunc�m Rtplor, plus laal PlckcHn,q routu whlch sG ro Rouga N(Il GO ttatlon Reglonal Trlps Regfonal tr(ps are those which are made be- tween Durham and the Clty o(Toronfo, plus tHps between Newuutle orBowmanvllle and the rematnfng servfce area fn Durham Reglon 77tere Is substantlal potentfal (or growth aipe ) P I l pucent of nL uavel, would Incrcase overeU trlp� tn the cortidot by more ih�n 15 percent. Thls aame 6iaease, combined wlth popWaHon and growth Increase�, resulq In a potentlai dderslilp Inacase of 60 percent. . 3.?.31mp11catlons(orCrowth . , r 7'he typea end extent of growth desaibed here can be expected over the medlum to lon�• term planning hortzons 2011 and 2021. In the tcnmedlate temi, modest ddenhlp Increaaes tan be expected ro;esult from Increased travd oppomWtlu end teNaed fare etructuces, but may be redueed by aome lattlal dderetilp loss resultlng from (are md seMce ehanges. For the purpose of thls analys�, rldaslilp was as�wued ro be canstant in the Icnmedlate perlod fallowing Implrmentatlon. 4. Corridor Service Model 9.1 Servlce Standards and Princlples One of the prtncipal obJectives of thls study process was to develop consutent ratlonal atandards for the coordlnatlon of setvlces In the Hwy. 2 Corrldor. Servlce standazds relatad to hours and frequency of seMce, fare structures and transfers are used to gulde the inh�oduction af new an� teNsed secvlces and appllcatlon of the standarde ensuree a conslstent response to new servlce requests. The Steeting Commlttee devdoped seMce atandards wlth ti�e general phllosophy to ensure no reductlon o[ se[vlee In any area. 4.2 Recommended Servlce Plan The recommended seMce plan Wustrated In Figure 1 indudes integrated secvlce In the Hwy, 2 corridor and retenHon of the WsHng Traln Mee[ seMce connecting Cluington communitlu wlth the Durham GO Rall statfons as weU as the Hwy. 40l seMCes. Houu.wc Fu�wcy a Scrncr Servfre w11! be CanHnuous Interrttunlclpal seMce wlll be provlded at base Ievels no less than that provlded at bare levels NRently proWded by Ihe reglonal aecvlces. !n almott all pertods, IntertnuNclpal seMce no (eu than that In supplemented by a contlnuous servlce Itnk�from CourUce Road to Port UNon Road; currentiypravlded by operating excluslvely on Hwy. 2. fn peak perlods, lntermwilclpal seMce Is funher ' the reglonai servfcu. supplemented to meet peak demands In Whllby, Oshawa and Courtice. Faru wlii encourage lntermunldpai trave► wfthfn Durham. Free trans(en w111 be permltted behveen locaf and lntermunlcfpal servfcet Pagt 1 Fe�c ➢oucr Fare struceures wlli lnclude a fare which encourages Intermunlclpal travel withln Durham. Thls fare structure wlll protect the tuaent fare agreements already In place for Intecmunlclpal travd between several Durham muNclpalltles. Free tra�ufers wlll be pemil�ted benveen all local seMces and the IntermuNcipal seMce, subJect to an appllcable premlum faze It a fare boundary Is crossed. No free transfers wfA be permltted between local ar Intermuniclpal seMees and the reglonal servlces. FM'R.l Consultont+fie /. . . . .. . - �.. .� � � . �,' ' ,� ' . " , , . ; .q' I . , ' . � 1��= , . ' . . . . ,��, . 4.3 Gther Components oF the Plan 4,3.1 Operators GO Translt Is '17�e proposed operaHonal servtce plan could be operated by any of the four adsting local ncommtnAed as the operaror�, CO T�ansit, ar � thlyd•parry tontraeror. However, there are tubs(ential cat operator ojln�egrated �PUcetlona releted to the cholce of opuatoro and thft rtudy croncludu �hat GO Trantlt nglonai and Inrer� Jhouid pravtde the Integraced seMcu In the coMdor, wlth laal lannlm m�troL munfclpalservku C 9 , 4.3.2 Western Termfnus fnter•munit/pa1 ihe selethon ot an approprlate westem terrNnus Is an opuatlonal dedslon �het should rervfcu ahould be tallored from tlme to tlme to meet the speclflc demands o[ the passengers. Ttuee termfnate at Part o tlons for a westetn tetminus Include the Fou e HIII CO Statlon, the Dlomingslde TTC Unlon Road fn the P 8 Inlflal staget o( loop and the Port UNon Road area In Ihe short term, Pon UNon Road Is recommended. servlce. 4.3.3 fo.sterr, Terminus 7h¢ extensfon of tnten ������� � servlce were orl Inall desl ned to roNde seMce to the tammuNty of munlcfpalseMtttto P 6 Y B P BowrnanWile and Newcastle, using an on•stceet loop to proNde Ilmlted local sen1ce In the Nllaga While stlll Newcastle should be an optlon [ar the medlutn• to long•term, however, the short•term IntermuNclpal servlce examtned In derall by stops at CourHce Road, usNg the same on•str�et laop as the current Oshawa Route 2. the Operallons SubCommltteq Reglonal servlces to BowmanNlle and Newcasrle wlll continue as they aze �oday. rogether wffh the ,� 3 4 E ul m. Munfclpnllryo� q p nt Clarington. 7�e concluslons of Ihe faze options analysls (see Sectlon 6), suggests that single•door Servfce should be operatlon wlll be roq�.dred N the short• �o medlum•tertn, making the exlsting • provided wfth rfng►e- coMguratton of vehlcles used !n the corrldor seMces accepreble. door op¢rotlun. 4.3.5 Communicatlons Powc CowNUn�unav (n (he shorrderm, all One of U�e cdtical demems of a cam rehenslve, lnte ated seMce Is communlcatlon with operatortshouid P � share route and customers. Apazt from the acma, connaUon of varlous seMces, customets' abWty ro get schedule fnjormatlon. ��� necessary travel In[ormatlon trom a single soutte Is the �cust Important aspect o[ Larer, ln(ormatlon We �ervlce. !n rhe rhorhtem�, all cparators should share n:ute ar.d schedule (n ormatlan rr.rvtcershoufd6e .. ( rrant�enad ro a• Larer, fnjurm�tNon servlcu sheulA be trans(erred ro a central call(acllfty. cenrral ca11(aclifry. Burro•8us Cavrux�urtav �fl luail and coMdor W��h the proposed Hwy. 2lntermunlclpal seMce replacing or modi(ying many ot the local .rervire vehlcla shoufd rou�es currently operating In the corrldor, it Is essentlal that buses asslgned to the new be equlpped wlth ali Hwy. 2 corridor seMce be able to commuNcate dlrectiy wlth the local routes In each phunes: muNclpallty. Alliocalandrnrrldorservlce�ehfrlushauld6eequfppedwlthrellphones • contigured to provlde easy and efkcltvt bus•to•bus commuNcatlon. � procus (or planning und Implementaffon o( Acevcr CorHUwurwro �arvlces wfll provlde a �nter•agency communlcatlon, particularly benveen Iocal operators aad the reglonal carrler (nnmi tu (oster �s key to the success of Integrated servlces. A process for ptanning andlmpiementatlon of rnmmunfcatlon and roorwnitive planning services �.111 proNde a farum to foster communicalion and eaoperative planning. I'� Jd � FMRI C'onrulfantt fnc 4.3.6 Fare Collectlon Tethnology . Recognlzln; that each muNclpaliry has 1q own rcvenuc man�gement ayitem In pkcq the /nldai rare medla and retommended tate opdon cm 6e accommodated wl�lun the adetlng fue eqWpment on «<hnology rhauld the regfonal huses. cumprlre uuh, tickeq and paster, wlth As the tortidor servlce grows, advancing to a more eflicimt faze paymenVregbtratlon . Mttherrxamfnatlan o( protess may be Justifled. Thl� could be aceommodated by the Introductlon af amut eard rman card ' technology throughouc the regtoa Introducdon of e more advanced technoiogy maybe an °vP�IcaHoru extdient opportunlry tor a GTSB demonsUatlon proJect to hlghllght the W tlaqvee being taken In Durhem Reglaa 4.3JAttus1611lty • lntegrattd tranrtt Provlding accesslble seMces Is recognlzed as an Important element of an Integrated serv(cv ahouid 6e seMce. Sevval local munlclpalldes have short•teem plan to Introduce aaessible velilcles �tr2 eorrlddortwj�h � ' to thelr regular route aervica In Ihe Hwy. 2 corddor. For the 3ntermuNclpal seMcu, It ��nn9 Wufpmenf • wlll be appropdate tolnvoduce spedallzed eqWpmmt ( Wcluding low•floorbuses) as (eq�r�. extras during eertala pedods o( the day. As the local operarors and muNcipalltles expand CorrfdorseMcv � thelr accessibWty plans to secve the ovual! needa o( thelr muntdpallry, the requlrements should fntegrare for low•floor or otha accessible vehldes In the Hwy. 2 carrldor should be consldered. °C���ufty optlonr wlth ofher reglonal and Ixa1 accuslbfllry 5. Fare issues . in�nanvu. S.1 fare Boundar(es The recommended fare optlon dlNdes the sezvlce azea lnto two fare zone:. These zones 'tloat' based on the oNgln of the passenger's tdp. The flrst zone Includes the munldpallty A%loatlng' hvazonc In whlch the trip begins and the a�jatent Durham munlclp�llty to both the east and the (are B racammendeA west.7Yavd anywhere wlthln thls zone requlres payment of the local muNclpal [are, Ineluding trans(ers, Travel outslde of thls tlrst zone requtres an addltlonal tare. 5.2 Fare Levels Malysls of fare levels attempted to halance the de�tre to malntaln face levels as close to • ex(sting as poeslble with the need to mtNmlze any opvatlng delldts. Each munlclpallty Base (eres shouid be also currently malntalne a varlety of concesslan fares for dlfferent demographlc groups slmllar to exlsdng and levels of translt use. It waz deemed ccudal by the commlttee ta keep the base fare 1oca1 �4re structuru close ta the current level with the exlsting dlscount stcucmres In place, so as not to af[ect exlsUng passengers who wlll only uae the local system. The recommended !arc levels Include a base fare af S I.75, wlth the typlcai concesslon Bafe (arer should be fares applled for seNors, clilldren, monthl S1 •75 wfth premfum y passes and such and a prenilum for two zone (qre o(f1.75 travel of S lJ5 wlth NO dlscount� appiled. FNlRAComulrantlnt •- . . Pogt 7 Advantaper , cost rupons16111ry nfated to amount o/ s�rvin Lr (ntult(vely correcr, eary ro calculate anG admtntrtu: Dlsadvanmgrs requlns tach aervfce segment to be erumined IndMdualfy to determfne specl/ic munlclpal casts. GO 7Yanslt scrvlcet operate as an Integmted rysttm. Pape 8 6. Cost Allocatlon Models Integrated reglonel and lntermuNclpal aervlt:a In the Hwy. 2 corrldor make uae of tpare capacity on the reglonal servlcee by Introducing a new Intermunlclpal (aze awcnue. WhUe overall ddershlp Increases, revenue deaeases becaase of Gie lower fare �avehue on aU IntermuNcipnl Mpe. 'It�e lower revenue createa a de0cit, whlch was the basis for Investlgadng aevval cwt ffilocatlon models. The pre[erredmodd, accepted by Steering Committee members, counct�a aad ataff was one which calculates net delldts trom intermunlclpal wets and revenues and allocates the deticit aruong the muNclpalltles based on the amount o( secvtce each recetves. The aznowt of IntertauNclpal servlce Is calculated from the quantlry of revenue•kllometers operated In tach muNclpalir�, 7. COStS 7.1 GO 7Yanslt-Related Costs F1lminatlon o[ the GO Translt 6us seMCes In Durham was examined as an optlon and found co have several Impllcadons tor the GO Translt sys[em as a whole and !or Durharn Regloa GO Transit bus seMces In the Hwy. 2/Hwy.401 corcldor currently aperate at a cost recovery Ieve1 at approxlmately 1�`r percent, with an operatlng budget of appro�dmateiy 55.7 mWloa Thls v:eans that ellminadon of seMces would mduce costs AND �evenuex by an equal amount, wlth no net savings. Also, GO 7ranslt's Hrvy. 2/Hwy, q01 corridor servlces are operating as an tntegrated system, and making substantlal changes to eny of the elemmts has Impllcatlons for the olhers. SIgNllcant change to the Hwy, 2 portlons of the secvlce, [or exunple, would resWt in hlgher costs on the Hwy.401 components, along wlth Mdershlp and revenue Impacts. The result would be to mave the corttdor seMces Into a deticlt posltlon. 7.2 Impllcatlons of Separadng Reglonal and Inter•munlclpal Servlces •z 7'he cost ImpllcaUons o( provlding regfonal and Intertnunlclpal service as two completdy sepazate operatlons was also Investlgated. During peak pedods, the exlsting regfonal seMce levels aro deslgned to meet passenger demands for seMce at the peak polnt on the route, whlth is appro�dmately the Plckering/i'oronto boundary. Tlils has two important lmpllcaHons for the IntumuNcipal seMces. Flrst, lt means that there Is spaze capaciry east of the cvr[ent peak polnt. During peak hours, t�ls compdses aimost all of the seMce azea ot the proposed Intermunldpal seMces. Spaze capacity tncreases to the east, and proNdee an oppartuNry for an Integrated IntermuNclpal seMce to use that capaciry before needing lo add addltlonal vehltles. This results In cost saving�. GNIN.t eoruulranu rne •� , t '- t :C .', � ..�__ ...�' i ... cs .. � _ _ ,, ..,_ .. Sccoad the ed�dN{ KYlanal veW��ea In �cMce during the peak hotua are all requlrcd to meet the peak polnt demand� for nglonat Mpe at the re�lonal boundary.l7ils meuu that even 1t all Intvmunldpal dden (appraxlmately onrttdrd of the peak pcdod rtden) were dlverted hom the regtonal buse� ro a new lntermunicipn! aMce, reglonal eeMce wuld not be nduced Aa a reault, there would be no regtonal cost aavings to help of(aet the coats ot the Intermunldpel aeMees, The ImpUcation ot aeparatlng Ihe regfonal and Intermunldpal ae[vlces • a'ipllc servlce' - Is substantlat higher operating costs than the existlng tystem. Whlle the proposed lntermunlclpal seMte operates at a detldt, there are olfsettlng municlpal savings whlch reduce the ovecall costs a[ seMce In the corridor. With apllt aervlces, the hlgher • IntermuNclpal costs aceed the potentlal local muNdpal sivings, resufting In e net lnaeaze In torddor coste, Recommendadon o[ an altemative wlth this result would be contrary to the study obJective to reduce costs and aclileve greater operatlng ethclendes. 7.3 Cost Detalls ' Table 1 summazizes the costs of ttie recommended lntermunldpal seMces under the recoromended scenarlo. Thls scenarto combines regianal and IntermuNclpal servtces In the H�vy. 2 corddor. The tabie also presents representative costs of a'split servtce' optlon. MunlGpal cost shazes for the Ntermunlclpal aecvices are detenNned hased on the recommended cost allocatlon model whlch apportlons net costs accrording to the amount of sarvlce each munldpality recelves. ., .,. Table 1 � �^� �^+t1na1 CotfSurn arv Tatal Cast Net Cost NckerinR qlax SVhltby Oshawa Clarington Spilt Servlte Iteglonal Companent 4900 750 125 IS6 158 1G6 145 lntermunldpalComponmt �3�5 568 147 129 130 Il3 Sl Total I700 1300 2T1 285 288 279 196 Inreacated Servlce 6550 270 SS 59 fi0 71 21 Hunlclpal tom may not add Io net cwi du� ta roundlnp ' C7aNnpron [om In f011t S�rvla ovrbnr Indud� cafu of oyaaflnp InUrmunlclpal t�nln ro Nirrenla The M�Nclpaliry o( Clartngton Is tn a uNque poslHon slnce It does not praNde Its own local Va,�51t servlces. Introducing ►ntermuntdpal seMces represmtn a slgnificant new arpendltwe [or the Town, and optlons were requested by Clarington which minLnized the W tlal Inves�ment. In the futuce, seMces couid be extended In one of nvo ways. Flrst, the same fare s�rucnue apptled to the proposed IntertnuNGpal seMces could be appiled to the adsting reglonal seMces to Bowmanvllle and Newcastle, Increasing the operadng de[Iclt for the Traln �feet secvlca SeMce to BowmanvWe, would Inaease Ciarington'e contrlbution by approdmately S12,000 to a total of appro�dmately f33,000 overall. further extending the tare arrangement to Newcastle would Increase Claringcon's contrlbuUon by an addltlonai S 10,000 to 543,000 ovvail. These are shoraterm estlmates £MRA Coruuhantr (ne lntegrateA nglonal and /ntermunktpal seMcer Itad fo the most cwt•e/�'ectfve servlce. Pag� 9 � '��. s . . .. t r, Y t ti,� I t ♦ � !�3.(t .�.. ^ s.....f.,� i i._�4Fns. .� ... ..... .. .. ..e _ . ., .. ��i. ._. . . '_ Thr Mun(clpallry o� W�� �ould Inttea�a In aubsequent yean, � CfaNngton, wffh ihe Second, lntegrated IntertnuNclpal cervtces could'oe atended from CourNce Rwd to ' Oyeratlone St�b� Newcastle, wlth ac�ustments to the re�ional treln meet iervlca 71il� would roNde a mmmltteq should P tnvestlgate NMre NShv level of seMce, and In the ehort•term, thle level of aeMee la not Wcely warranted. servfa and (are Hecause of the large eapa betwaen the urban areas whue revenuea wo�ld be low, the optlons (or �erall deflclt Increases by over f100,000. Intermunfdpaland � • � IocaiseMcea . 8, Organizatfanal Structur¢s No change to laal Detlning new processes for the Integrated planning and Implementatlon of translt autonomy tn tmnsft aeMces In the Reglon Is altical to the plan's success. Prevlous studles hare examined and decLNons fs proposed reco�unended a varlety of teclWcal solutlons whlch luve not been implemented tor a nwnbet o( reasons. The recommendatlons pmpose reNslons to streaiollne the dedslon• making process and improve tommunlcatlon and coordlnatlon aznong the Operatlons • Subcomenittee of RTCC Wlthout a dlfferent process, there canno[ be a dlt[erent outcoma 8.1 Pardcipants The proposed concept makes sllght ac�Jusuamts to the cunen[ raponslbWtles o[ the paztltlpants In tertns o[ fundtng and dedslon•maldng. Laru. Orzenroet Pickering, Nax, Whllby and Oshawa wlll conUnue to be responslble for funding and operadng thelr own local secvtces. GO'translt will contlnue to be responslble for and make declslons regarding reglonal translt servlces. Oicuna�s S�rCavxmrr ' The Operallons Sub•Commlttee members will contlnue to use thelr own IndlNdual statf resaurces, W tlate proposals and respond to requests from the RTCC and report to the RTCC In thls context however, the Operatlons Subcommlttee wW also exanilne servlce requlrements for IntertnuNdpal setvlces and make recommendatlons to the RTCC. RTCC •' The RTCC wlll continue with Its current mwbershJp and mandate. CAO's AaarnsrRnroRr GROUr 7he Involvement o( This group Is Introduced to facliltate the Introductlon of lssues to the muNclpal approval fhe CAO's group ts espec(alty Important process. The sLe chle! admWstraHve offlcers and the Managtng Dlrectar o[ GO Transtt where proposais resuit �Wd meet wlth the RTCC, at the RTCC's request, v�here neMce change proposals wlit !n shared munfclpal require muNclpal councll declslons cosu and rtqulre approval o(all jaur munlclpallftu. • Pag� IO EMitA Coruultantt Inc t' � h � '{ Q 1� f � : —} . i�.. ,_ ,' .'• ` _ } t { ;� - L. ' . � / . 7 i:� Pi . 1 1 j %�i v'`" s � is. ..h rr..v�.�iv.. l i l��� i . . �. . � . � � _ r .. .. , . . . 1 . .... . t _ . . � . -,. , 1" . ` ' .. . ' - , ' � � Mumara,u+c Raarc�t Cou�au '� Eeeh ot tha loed munldpelltla wltl contlnue to determine Ihelr own truulc requlremmta '�. ' and be reeponalble for thelr operaqo�u wlth the epproval of the munldpal cuuntua. Each No ehenge b proposrd munldpal countil wW conHnue to 6e resporu(ble foe determining and aDD��i �analt to tht role o(munki• �_. operatlons md eXymdlnuee In thdr own munldpelity,'or tor thelr tnunidpal componmt p°�?nd Btglonal .� of ahared expendltures. The ro1e and fiu�ctlon Durhem Repfonal Coundi end lu Planning �oundlr. � Commlttee wlll not chenga • i , . , ' � CO 1luxsr , , � GO Tranelt Boerd wlll cantlnue to approve lts own operadons spending, ai determined by ' . the Greatv Toronto Secvlces Board. , , , 8.2 Approval Process � To Imptemenc tr • . � . • � qnslt system changes !n Durham Regloa under the praposed system, tlils . i ' study remwnends that intumuNdpal a�anslt servlcw be operated and coardlnated as tollows: , - local municipal transit services aze opvated by the e�dsUng munlclpal operators; � - GO 7ranslt opaata lntegrated reglonal and lntermuNclpal seMCa; ' - the Opvatlons Subcommlttee of RTCC determina the Iatermunldpal opvatlons and . 8lIVlCC d!(3119� Blid � •' - local munldpalltlw s6aring coets o[ Intecmunldpal servlcu. .. , !t Is Important to note that thb process doe� not nquire Aegtonal Cound! ro seek or obtaln authority to operate translt seMces. The process contlnues to rely on the approvai of Indlvldual muntdpal coundls for seMcea to be implemented, yet provldes en ovvali coordlnadon conttxt to ensure that proposale support the development o! coordlnated transit servlces throughout the cortldor. � EMRA [onrulmn�t fne PqDt 11 { { i '�� �,', '`� � , } 4 i j:, . 1 ` i ` Y t �J.� r r � r � . : .i --r} � �' 1 J � i. t"" ��- J / E � } k :�:`� 9�f>.,. ,. ,. �. „.. �.t �.... , . .. . .... ., , , . ,. . , .. . . . . � Yo. summary . 10.1 Coal and ObJectives � The goal ot thls study Is to develop a atrategy wlilch ratlonalizes the roles and raponalbWtles o[ the ttve operaton ln t6e dellvery and opuatlan of ihe hansit �eMca, , 1p thls corrldor. Table 2 revlcwa the atudy obJectiva and how the recommended:ervlce meets those obJectives. Ta61e 1 Rtvtew o/Studv 061ruiver _ 001ECENE SOLVIION enhance Intermunldpat mobWty, by secvlce deslgns provide tor hlghv le4da ot prohding a more attractive and etticlent seMce for local and inta•munldpal trlps; Each obJective o(the Ranslt servlce benvem munlcipallties m fare structure permlts substantlal areu ot rtudy har been met by p�ham and tnroToronto uavd at tocal [ares the rernmmendat(ons • Improve customv seMce, by enhancing servlce deslgns provlde hlgher levels of quallry and ratsing publlc awarenas af the seMce; communlcxtlon recommendatlons system and how it operates; Include centrallzed tnformatlon, coordinated planNng and lmproved oaeratlonal tommunlcaHon reduce costs and achleve greater operadng N��, ��up� services operate at detld[ t((Iclencies, by ellmtnadng dupllcatlon, shazed by local munlcipalitles; ovuall ahuing resource�, and streamlWng systetn cost reduced; servlce designs operaHans; �nd �� �yqWg spare capaclry to ellminate .dupllcatlon and reduce cost . lnaease ddership and rcvenues, rcsultlng estlmates show stable rldershlp through In more eflldent and (Ie�dbie transit seMce, implementatlon, wlth substantlal growth wlilch better meets the needs of current potenHal; reNsed rales and responslbilltles end future usere. ensure coordinated planning of expanslon ' servtces. FMRI Contulmnu /ne � . Pagc t2 � . . � - � � . . `,.% '} � P'4 :� : ¢., 'f i ;� t t � � � i i � �t y� V � , t� 7 y � �. - i � � � �Hx.�t �t rhS� �1yir �e� �� . �ro.i.��F..�. �..,tn,._ s.�,.c�. ,.,��.f. .:. .., . .?..},-. ,-� -. , - � i 10.21ssues and Resolutlon fimt�hout the ttudy, t4e procas wu deelgned ro tdcatlfy utd reiolve a mmy biva u , poufble ta an open end eonsultadve fuhloa Ta61e 31a e wmplete Ilat of the b�uG t6�t were ldentllfed throughout the atuQy and their resoludoa , � 7Lbk 3 . lnuer and RuoGukn Summary acces! to Hxy. 2 for local aervlces ��0� aeMces wtl1 contlnue to have accus • to Hwy. 2 for local muUugs • accessibIDty and low•Iloor busea ,f to be addresaed la coatext of Iocal pimt bus•tabus comrwnlcatlon � ��1•Phones rccommmded compllcated Informatlon system • no roordlnaad IaformaHon system througd single smuce of intormatlon � sharing, then centrallzatlon � equltable fare ahuenue; tatlonallzed laal eomfstmcy of faze swctures � lazes recommended but not requlred in �. , • ' sharFtecw dupilcatlon of secvtces � spaze capaciry uaed to reduce costs and Each Lssue rafsed ••- elimin6cedupllcatlon throughoutthesmdy was de/inul, rxamine4 falr and eqWtable dlsMbutlon of costs J unaNmously supported cost allocatlon and ruotved md revenues modd �" [are copectlon and payment methods � fare callectlon actommodated wlth ed�ting equlpment nat fare for travei In Durharn .J ��ously rUected based on rcvenue proJectlow Joblosses forGO Translt/local opvators ellminattng duplicatlon to reduce co�ts � wW rcduce IaN drlver requlrements; Jobe may be reasslgned lack of mmmwilcaHon ben�•een J reNsed planning process recommended munldpal operaton and CA Truult to be detennlned dwing tmplementatlon local atop hequency and placement � roalntalned wl�hout change munid al auto om +er for aample, ��dndlned wlthout change �ares an� IocYaProute stcuttures •� , must reschedule loeal suv�ces ue to � requlred anyway to coordinate ewlca coni or c e presence of CO Translt In corrldar +f coMrmed a� mo�t cost effectl�e route divenlons and stop (requency ��equlres addltlonal local analysis serving laal aurges tn demand � �a� servlces contralled by munidpalltles seMce to local tctp� by reglonal carrla � elltNnated ' singlydoor versus two�door operatlon � con[Irmed aingle door approp�late Nmed connecHons In corddor � addre»ed through p1ar�Nng procese westem terminus polnt � n�dble In medlum and long tertn EK(RA Conrulfanttlnc Paye 13 � � ���. � _ j ' i, •S�i � J�'I -_ e t . . T _ . ! �'1 . . Ar .. �. ` :' . � . ... r .. . _ .. _. . _ , . _ , .. . .. .i . �mi�a��t�►S�3m A�r�►� as. Highway 2- Highway 401 Cortidor Transk Service Review Staedng Committee Date: December 9,1999 SUBJECT: High►vay 2• Hlghway 401 Corridor Transit Service Revtew - Final Report File: 4.2.7 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT the final report of the Highway 2• Highway 401 Corridor Transit Serv(ce Review endtled "Co-ooeration and Consensus: Rationalizf Transi Serv(ces in lhe H(ahwav 2- Hiahwav 401 Cortidor" prepared by ENTRA Consuitants Inc., be received; and . 2. THAT tha recommendations of the ConvenUonal Tiansit Operators Sub- Committee of RTCC, acting as the Sleering Committee for the Flighway 2- Hfghway 401 Corr(dar Transit Service Review, form the basis for fu�ther discuss(on and (mplemantation by the Transit Operators in Durham, E� PORT 1. On Junn 15, 1999, Comm(ssioner's Report 1999•RTC-1 was presenled to the Reg(onal Transit Co-ordlnating Committee (RTCC). The report presented the key ftndings and recommendations of lhe Highway 2— Highway 401 Conidor Transit Serolce Review. After much discusslon, RTCC adop!ed lhe following resolution: 'THAT Raport �1999-RTC-1 of the Commissfoner of Planning be referred back to the Steedng Committee for the purpose af addressfng lhe concems that have been raised with respect to how capital costo wili be dealt wilh and aiso wilh respect to how routes will actually wo�k, particulady with respect to the shopp(ng centres in Oshawa and Whitby, and report back lo the Regfonal Transit Co-ordinaUng Comm(ttee by September 15,1999.' Caunc(Ilor Novak also asked lhat the cost� far extending servfce to Bowmanvllle and NewcasUe, respecUvely, also be fncluded in lhe final report. , ; r } '� � �h � 4 F �3�; � �5...�'�5 t; _ ' ) . r .. ., � .. , , ,��. ; _: � . , .,,� . ... . ,.�. .. '• ::. . .. .. ..: _' ` ' , . . . -.. , „_.. . . .. . ,. . , . ,.-.R . . . . . . Steering Comm(ttee Report Paee 2 1.1 Since then, the project consultant addressed the matte�s ralsed by the Comm�tee, by incorporat(ng the followfng into the flnal report: . updates to the maps and descripdons on lhe Service OpUon figures; • revislons to ridershlp tables and ciar(fy Cladngton totals; • revis(ons to language regarding the eastern terminus; • addit(onal deteil in discussion of the common elements; • revisions to Opt(on 3E service des(gn to reflect: - mafnta(n(ng Highway 2 service connections to AJax GO Station; - malntaining partions of local servlce fn Whitby and Oshawa; - allocattng deficit for fare stn�cture changes on service to Courtice . • revisions to Table 4,'Intermunicipal Service Cost Summary', to fnclude preferred fare op8on only and updated cost figures • revisions to and expansion of the section on cost estimates for serv(ce in Clartngton • additional detafl to clarify the fare payment and implications; • clarification of local approaches to rationalizing local services; and • d(scussfon of potential for local route diversions. Z. Kev Findings and Recommendations 2,1 The Conventional Transit Operators Sub-Committee of tfie Reglonal Transit Coordinating Committee, acting as the Steering Committee for thls project, met on September 28, 1999. The purpose of the meeting was to address the direction given by RTCC at its June meeting and to review the results of the work undertaken by ENTRA Consultants Incorporated, with lhe objective of arriving at a consensus on matters that could be recommended for implementa;lon. The Terms of Reference for th(s study provided for the Steering Committee to report through lhe Pianning Department to RTCC on this study. 2.2 At the outset, the Steering Committee agreed lhat the consultant had addressed the Terms of Reference guiding the scope of thelr assignment. � The Steering Committee also noted that the consultant had (ncorporated the additional items requested by RTCC in its final report. . . I ; -�� :� ; �:; �-� , ' ''' � , ., � . � .: � _. . , . . , _ , ..: : �. . . : , � r. � � , , '>'„ , ........�a;,r,.�, ,..._ . w., ta .t t..'�•6,... . . . . .. , .� ..,... . ,. . . . : J 134 � Steering Comm(ttee Report Page 3 2,3 The Steering Committee subaequently cons�dered the results of the Report and arrived at a consensus on the maJodty of the rewmmendeGons offered within the Technical Report ot the consultant, es (Ilustrated In Attachment 1. Consensus on these recommendetfons forms a foundaQon for further discussion towards implementing sorvice lmprovements in the study area, 2.4 The Steering Committee agreed in prfnciple lo: • a set of servfce standards and pollclas,(fe. hours of service, frequency of serv(ce, transfers, fare policy), which will gufde the design of new and revised servfces, and establish a framework for fmproved mobifty across the service area; • fare structures and levels ((e. floaUng zone boundary, $1.75 base fare plus $1,75 prem(um fare), which (ntroduce consistent fare levals, integration wilh local servfces, and reasonabie flnancial return; • a variety of technfcal issues related to routes and services, and communicaUons and accessibility ((e. lertninus locatfons, public, bus to bus and agency communication, fare collection technology, fulure accessibility tor riders wilh special needs), which will fmprove service levels, establ(sh a single source for information, (mprove interagency communication and eslabl(sh a framework for integrating improvements to accessible sorv(ces; and • the formula to share the deficits which may be created by the revised fare struclure and inter•mun(cipal services, ensuring that each rnunicipality pays a fair share based on the amount of service recefved. The Steering Committee was unable to reach a compiete consensus on the c�nsultanYs recommendations related to GO Transit as the inter-mun(cipal operator (with impacts on the types of vehicles and specific service desfgn details), and the Inclusion of lhe CAO admfnistrators group (n the roles end responsibilities. While each of lhese fssues is (mportant to the success of services in the corridor, the lack of agreement by (nd(vidual operators does '? , , , � ; , r; � a � ` r � fi � �t S t 1 i? �f� ..} J S <� 4+ 7 . i r. �. �� � � y� 1 L �1'��rtr i s � �� � 1 Y i {r.i ;� . L �r , k r e. ai �Yt�as+ }��� �h Y: ;+,. , f$ 1'SA,j -f..� t� 3} AJ�R t> S i : f ` . C:. .k,. "r.tird�t',J;tsr..,,v�'u.,1'?,.�t � .1a.c ab�k.�.1 e , r ., a :, ,'*�'37i;<..�.; r+l:`.c, � �;. t., �. ,_ ,, c� ..,.aP.:: !, r.,t .c .., . . , ;� _ +�� �� Steedng Commfttae Report Page 4 not delay nor impede the process of implementaAon of the areas of She ' agreement , . 2.5 As such, the Steering Comm(ttee recommends that: � � the rev(sed report from the consultant be recefved; and • that the recommendeNons (dantifled in Attachment 1, form the basis for further discusslon and implementapon by the Transit Operators in Durham. ' ---- N. ns, Pfckerfng Translt . � . B. Gryl s, Wh1 y nsft -yt r9 t,-�__ — R. Baker, Mun(cipality of Cladngton � D. Duchemin, AJax Tr sit % / � �l N, edle, Oshawa Transit ' __1`�� . M. Wolczyk, sit Attachment: 1- Steedng Committee recommendal(ons 11-axk4la-tUreUron�iMlphway2lBato- t.dx � ,�;�., � �z ,� ' , ! � ! t ;�� -�� j: 1 � _ ; .1� r . � R � �� 3� Z �t_ s � `' .� I ' � `� P F �f �S � ���� � ���� � r'�. y � � e .. c�b 1� - �r��t . . 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