HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 21/98' !4 O��OFp� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richnrd W. Holbom DATE; Octobcr 5,1998 Director of Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PW21/98 SUBJECT; Regulntory By-Inw - Parking By-luw 2359/87 - Portion of Sandy Beach Road north of Bayly Street (Regional Road 22) RECOMMENDATION: That u by-law be enacted to amend Schedule B to Bylaw 2359/87 rcgulating ptuking restrictions nad prahibitions on ccrtnin highwnys. OR1dIN: Stnff investigntion of tmffic movement problems reluted to over0ow Go-Transit customer parking. AUTHORITY: Munlclpal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.4, scction 210.123 FINANCIAL IMPUCATIONS: Manufacture and installntion of regulntory signs costing approximatcly S1000.00 1998 Roads Opernting Budget(2320-2409) Highway Aids. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: Continued residential growth in Durhem Region is rcsulting in an incrcase in the number oi' commuters travelling daily to and from their places of employment in the City of Toronto. In lieu of highwny travel as the primery meuns of transportation for a perccntagc of thcsc commuters, n cortespandingly increasing number are trnvelling via scheduled service on the do Transit Rail System dcpnrting from the Pickering Qo Station, In rcccnt years, howcvcr, ridcrship numbers on thc Qo Tmin in the moming pcak period have excccdcd the built-out cnpacity of the mnin pnrking lot lhereby requiring the construclion and recent axpnnsion of a sntellite parking areu situnted on the wcst side of Snndy Beuch Rond at the north limit of the roadway, Although this lot is expected to nccommodata thc short tcrtn pnrking demunds, it is inevimble that thc additional cupucity wili bc exhausled in thc near futurc. As a means to protcct ngninst a • ' � Report to Council PW2l/98 Subject: Pnrking By-law - Podion of Snndy Bench Rand Dute: October5; 1998 45 Pagc 2 recurrence of traffic movement problems on Snndy Bench Rond resulting Gom tlie future overtlow of Go-Tmnsit parking it is recommended that the attached regulatory no pnrking by-law nmendment bc pnssed. It is also suggested thnt in nccordnnce with Section 14, purt 4, of the Dy- Inw, "Penalties", ttwt tha regulatory signing suiWbly advise ull iilegnlly purked motorists of the possibility of towing and vehicle impoundment. ATTACHMENTS: 1. DrnR By-luw 2. Location Map Prepnred By: ' -J�4 C. Stephen Brnke CSBh�.�.n.w,�,a Attnchments Copy: Genernllvtunager Town Solicitor Town Clerk Operations Supervisor Recommended for ihe consideration of Pickering Town Council c ' c ..�0 o as J, Quinn, Genernl hianng Approved / Endorsed By: Ric �ird W. Ho m _ ,- --- _- ._ _ � � . • � s THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKFRIN HY-LAW N0. � BeJng a by-!aw �o amer,d Bylaw 1359/87 � regufaffng parktng, a�andtng and s�oppfng on � hfghways and on private and munlctpal property. i � WHEREAS, purswmt to the Munlclpa! Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter M.45, sections 215.5:, 210.73, 210.123-126, 2I0.131, 310, 314.7 und 314.8, the Cowcil of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering enacted By-law 2359/87 regulating parking, stending and stopping on highways and on private and an municipal property; NOW 71iEREFORE, the Cauncil of the Corporation of the Town af Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule B to By-law 2359/87, ns amended, is hereby amended by udding thereto the following items: Hiehwnv '�e �etween/And Prohibited Times and �� Sandy Heach Road East und Bayly Sueet (Regionul Rond See Note 1•• West 22) nnd 115 metres norlh of Bayly SUeet (Regional Road 22) Sandy Beach Roud East and 34 metres south of Alliance See Note 1'• West Road and the north tertninus oF Snndy Beach Road •� Unless athenvise specified, the parking prohibitions ubave shall be in effect twenty-four (24) hours per day, year round. BY-LAW read u first, second and third time and finally pasud this 2nd dny of November, 1998. Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Teylor, Clerk ,I .._. . i T0118 OF PICKERINa ��,�� wu ia000 am ar. in� TRAFFIC REPORT �_ SANDY BEACH ROAD �d LOCATION OF PROP09ED NO PARI(INO ZONE