HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 40/98: ;. .•..�o��OFP� . . n� � � REPOR� TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny L. Wyger DATG: February 27, 1998 Town Solicitor R@PORTNUMDER: L40/98 SUBJECT: Regulatory ByLaw - Parking - By-Law 2359/87 • Portion af Majar Onks Road by the enlrance to Majar Onks Park - File: C 1303 RECOMMENDATION: A by-luw should be enncted to emend Schedule B to Uy-law 2359/81 rcgulating parking restrictions und prohibitions on ccrtain highwnys. ORIGIN: Requost from thc Dircctar af Public Works dnled February 16, 1998. AUTHORITY: 6funfcJpal Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chuplcr M.45, seclion 210.127. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. BACKGROUND: Duc to en increased volumc of tra(lic on Mejar Onks Rond, particulnrly during thc summcr months, thc presence of on•slreet parking of vehicles on the enst nnd west side of Major Oaks Road in the vicinily of Ihe entrancc to Major Oaks Park, has coused nn inlicrent Icvel of congcstion nnd ha�rd. In an effort to improve the snfe and convenient movcment of pedestrian and vehicular Irnffic nt thc above•noted locution, an amendment to UyLaw 2359/87 is requircd. 71ie period of prohibition would be 24 hours per duy, 365 days a year. ATTACHMENTS: I. DreR Dylaw. 2. Location map. JEP Atmchmenls Copy: Gencral Manegor Dirwtorof Planning Director of Public Worke Firo Chief (X•�� �f11 Penny L. W er �. .. • �� ::, ATTACHMENT N� �p g�N�B ��� �._•�:.: ��. � �_ �.i � _:�. f:]'Q�/:4'��[�� Being a by-law �o amend By!aw 1359/87 regulaling paiking, slanding and sfopping on hlghways and on prlva�e and muntcipal property. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Munlclpal Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, sections 218,52, 210.73, 210.123-126, 210.131, 310, 314.7 and 314.8, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring enected ByLaw 2359/87 rcgulating parking, standing und stopping on highways and on private and municipal property; NOW THEREFORE, ihe Council of The Corporntion of Ihe Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule B to By-lew 2359/87, as amended, is hereby further amcnded by adding therelo Ihe foilowing item; ii hwa Sidg (3etwcerJAnd Prohihited Times nnd Mejor Onks Road Gast Major Onks Road Wesl 130 mcters notth of I lollyhcdge Drivc and 185 mctcrs norlh of Hollyhedge Drive 35 metcrs north of thc south intcrscction of Sommcrgrovc Cresccnt nnd 40 mctcrs south of the north intersection of Wildwood Crescent Davs Sce Note 1 " SccNole I •• •• Unless olherwise specified, the parking prohibitions nbove shnll be in effect twcnty-four (24) haurs per day, ycar round. BY-LAW rcad a first, second end third time and finally pussed this of April, 1998 ciw� �� Wayne Arlhurs, Meyor Druce Taylor, Clcrk �, ATTACHMENTk,�TO REPQRTN�9$ 69 TOKN OF PfCKERINC TRAFFIC REPORT I� rueix Mvaa otwatuort Q „� MAJOR OAK3 ROAD - LOCATIONS OF PROP03ED NO PARKINO ZONE rremwrr w�e