HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 36/98� Irl O�HQFp . � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny Wygcr DATE: Mnrch 20, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: L 36/98 SUBIECT: Roads-Dedicntion - Block 55, Plan 40M• 1866, Pickering (Mounwin Ash Drivc) - Files: W2304.326/40M-1866 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should bc cnacted to dcdicatc ns public highwny Block 55, Plan 40M•1866, Pickcring (Mountnin Ash Drive). ORIGIN: I. Rcgistretion of Subdivision Plan M•1866, Pickcring. 2. LD 108/91 and LD 109l97. AUTHORI7'Y: Municlpu( Acf, R.S,O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, scction 297( I xa). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The subjecl rcscrvc must be liflcd prior to the upproval of LD Application LD 108197 und LD 109/97. The Devcloper has entcred into Ihe appropriate Development Agreemcnt nnd Ihe road is canslructcd to u sufficient standard. BACKGROUND: When the above-noted plan wns rcgistered, the rescrve block referted to was convcycd to lhe Town along ihe west end af Mountain Ash Drive, Plon 40M• 1866. 7'his rescrve was intended to restrict nccess to the dcveloper of Part Lot 40, Plan 350 (Thomns Feeley) until thc roud was compleled. As our Public Works Depa�tment hes advised lhut road works hnve been constructed to slandards sufficient to pormit public access, the required dedication should therefore be mude. ATTACHMENTS: I. l.ocation Mep. 2. Site Sketch. 3. DreR bylaw. Pmparcd By: �• �l;mise Byc DB:'c Atta�:hmenb Cop/: (leneral Menagcr Director of Planning Director of Public Works Approvcd / Endorecd Dy: J � Pcnny L. 172 SITE SKETCH BLOCK 55, 40M-1866 A1TAQi�1EM M.r�TO I!El�OR�N�, REC�StEFED I F�.AN I M I 412 .}� r I L0T I i L�xOs�T 2 LOT 3 � LFOIT 4 MLOtT 5 L•OtT 6 I g o '>tft1W I DiI�oM � 03WN D��afnM � t)i�N � U� WRi� �71 I� � I � lf001 M Mt w�0'fC M [ a � � i ��T `� \ � � � IK�r4�� � � ReRI a' 1 Ti tl J REGISTEREO + p• R4N M � o _ � LOT li � I ri'�}.�n�.� � � y��'�a RIM��MR�H�i! �M7 ! � �J" �1� . _ � I �a M��H��r. arwT' .l73�t ' . I o 0 i ° L01 . .�c� .yj_ Y-p—'_ "' "��.� "�aun00 0 rurt e � y LOT il • �Y � a .�r r onnn B g � � ,� � = ° • t . _ ~ L0T tl 10_. 4 � } N s �T � MAt I � �� — ° ISq $ 0.IW MI1.1111f �'Y�IIiM � • 6 � �— � �iRWp^Dl1X �� I �—�or p e : I� _. r, . �m �(_ �rr � iy�r w o.oin.°m • , � � ��• +. � I r wa.e P19f 1 Z� ILN . iW N� ri ' i i , V PMi . • i ti i enar. A 'i1wL"a:1"•' K rur r � � �u • a�qe--•� a '""' : � � ___l�?_ � 1pp 5 1V"' _° ""' _ � � � __ M �l'!�! � MRT 1 $0.W q�•ilqi y MWNT�IN � AiM ,DIIIVE } qt M 0!/IM ,� MPi � r� � UIYYpaI �� �BLOCK,�S n `,yr tl l+ . �y' � �$ ' — yI —_ I '�iu ".:wiei'°'° ro g a•• i� _ � S� y j IC � y' e m. � �' �e� o n, � � wtt r e q.ui , c �• ' w • m i ruo — 1�[wKI �' � , � • �} MI M O�tMi � �l�lllYUOl1���� . O �r =I • p �'i � � �N Oirlttl x:y a J f T C� ra � iii I i r MT M DIMp� -1 0 Ntt M Oi�MO UI�MqR - y j 1 "� IRWKPI � • � o �I � � � � e R°` �1 u � 0 � MT M o nlll "� i6 O� � � � � �+ � � a j �Mn�r � �'er ��'i.i.i��l� �_ ¢ . O �' � 9I S �� e 7 rO � i rtAVp � xN I MtI M O�NI a P _' �� IK�u�IpGl � � 1 g Y ��i „m Ka _x � �ru„i,����Maw r "' s � n�t t BWCMjQ ISfJ � �6 � . ��w „'an � Iv1I M � t)N�I � � � � �LpM � M11T 0 u � n /LAN �t ) �0� . _� � � � U IMI i. AW Ml.Nlf L i_ a1 .^, M oww� nnr e T BL�OOi� rt' Y' �' H ty 4 1'��T 1� 0.Y1 rt���m N r _ �,�' ..� M Dq�-- r�i� w e��o b �— rn e�� o��nn —�� 57 � � h7 P" MARCH 21,1998 h gF F �� i d S �� -m ' � � ATTACHMENT#? TOREPORTM� . � '.' � :_ • 1 � . � � J. � _; I►L AV.I.AW NQ Being a by-law to dedicate Block S5, Plan 40M-1866, Pickering (Mountain Ash Drive) es public highwuy. WHEREAS, 'fhe Corporetion of the Town of Pickcring is the owner of �lock 55, Plan 40M-1866, Pickcring, nnd wishes to dedicate it ns soon as public highway. NOW T}IEREFORE, the Cuuncil of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering f1EREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Block 55, Plnn 40M-1562, Pickering, is hcreby dedicated as public highway (Mountain Ash Drivc). BY-LAW read u first, sccond nnd third timc and finnlly passcd this 201h day of Apri1,1996. TCt:' 7 �: r= F�^ ' ';3 / � �� / .,� � ' Y. rv�: wva.�:e Woync Arthurs, Mayor Brucc Tuylar, Cicrk