HomeMy WebLinkAboutL28/98.. ,.'i 175 �NOFp� � ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny L. Wygcr DATIi: Febroary 20, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORTNUMUGR: L26/98 SUBJEC7': Reguletory By-Law - Parking - ByLaw 2359/87 - Ponion of Liverpool Road North of Bushmill StrceULinwood Street - File: CI]03 RECOMMENDATION: A bylew should be ennctcd to amcnd SchcJule I310 DyLnw 2359/87 rcgulating parking rcstrictions nnd prohibilions on ccrtain highwuys. ORIGIN: Rcquest from thc Dircctor of Public Works datcJ January 23, 1998. AUTIIORITY: blwiln�xd Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chaplcr MA 5, scc�ion ? I OJ 23. FINANCIAL IMPLICA'fIONS: Nonc. [iACKGROUNU: Due to nn incrcnscd volume of Ira�c on Livcrpool Road, thc prescncc of on-strcct parking of vchicics an thc east sidc of Livcrpool Roud, bctwccn Dushmill StrccULinwood Strcct and Ihc Onlario flydro Cortidor, hns caused an inhcrcnt Icvcl of congestion and hn7urJ. In un e(foA to improvc thc safc and convcnicnt movcment of pcdestriun and vchicular traffic nt thc abavc•noted location, an amcndmenl to ByI.aw 2359/87 is rcquircd. The period af prohibition wauld bc (rom 8:00 • 9:00 a.m. nnd 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday lo I'ridny. Thcsc timcs rc0ect thc typical period of prohibition as covercd in our municipal bylaw anJ will maintuin a Icvel of consisteacy for sign manufacturing and enforcemcnl. ATTACIIMENTS: I. DraR By-luw. 2. Location map. JEP 1'cn gcr Ntachments Copy: Gcncrel Menagcr Dircctor of Pinnning Director of Public Works Firo Chief � 1?6 �� � : � • :_: • .LT�i�i:r�iC�i�.L�I�7[�IiiY3I`•L7 BY-LAW NO. 5229/�8 Being a by-/aw fo umenJ By-faw 2359/87 reguluting parking, slanding und sropping un highways und nn prlvale and muntcipa( praperty. WHEREAS, pursuant to the blunicipul Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sections 218.52, ? 10.73, 210.123-126, 210.131, 310, 314.7 und 314.8, the Council of The Corparntion of the Toµn of Pickcring enacted By-Luw 2359/87 regulnting pnrking, standing nnd stopping on highµ�uys and on private and municipal property; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Toµn oCPickcring HEREBY ENAC'fS AS FOLLOWS: I. Schedule B to ByInw 2359/87, as amended, is hereby fiuther amenJed by adding thereto Ihe following item: i wa '�d ficn�'eeNAnJ Prohibitcd 1'imes .md Liverpool Road East [lushmill StrccULimcoud Slrcct and south limit af Ontario f lydro Curridur a �s 8:00 a.m, to 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. to d:00 p.m. \londay to Friday BY•LAW rend a first, sccond and third timc anJ linally passcd this 9th day of \larch, 199R Tor:v e= P:�:, ,.. �•:'i r�� :.� � y�� LE3; .'_ G �i-T, clwl Waync Anhurs. �fnpor Brucc Tuylor, Clcrk , , - .m . . � . . � .