HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 33/99,�. . . . .� . � ' �N of ��� � � ` REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, ClvIIvt DATE: July 19,1999 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 33/99 SUBJECT: Dog Licencing Progrem RECOMI��tENDATION: That Cierk's Report CL 33/99 regarding the door•to•door sale of dog licences be received. ORIGIN: Town Clerk AUTHORITY: Section 210.1(5) of the Municipai Act FMANCIAL IMPUCATIONS: Increased net revenue uf 522,425 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This Report sets out the status of the door-to-door pog Licencing and Cat Registration Program that wes certied out during the Spring of 1999. BACKGROUND: The purpose of this Report is to report on the Dog Licencing end Cat Registration Pr.�ram that was underteken during the Spring of 1999 in an effort to increaae the sete of dog licences. Revenue from the sale of dog licences for the pest three yeara have been as foliows: 1996 S 8,380 1997 S 7,494 1998 S 7,367 1999 S18,569 Thie revenue repreaents the licencing of only about 750 dogs. There ere likely at least 5,000 dogs in the municipality and therefore it was rccognized thet there is a serious lack of dogs being licenced for identiticetion purposes and a lack of potendd revenua ;;: ,. , " �: 22 , Report to Council CL 33/99 July 19, 1999 Subject: Dog Licencing & Cat Registretion Program Page 3 For the past four years in Whitby and for tha pact two years in Ajax, the Manager of thc PAW Animal Shelter, Sylvie Lynch, hes been carrying out a daor-to-door campeign of selling dog licences. I hava held off implementing this campaign in Pickering becausa of the shortage of statf' in the By-law Services Division in the past and because thera wero aome problems with the Program that were being experienced in those other two municipalities that I wanted to see resoived. I chose to embark on this Program in 1999 because there were the edditional staff hired in the By- law Services Division end because the problems being experienced in Whitby end Ajax had been resolved. Eileen Maughan of the Clerk's Depertment wes appointed to carty out the Program which involved the following: • A Notice was insened in the Community Page throughout February, March and April advising residents that the door-to-door campaign would commence on March Ist and advising them of the legal and practical need to licence dogs end register cats. . A Notice was also posting in eil public buildings such es the �ivic Complex, Recreation Complex, Library, Works Centre, Don Beer Arena, Dunbarton Pool, etc, inviting applications &om persons interested in selling the dog licences door-to-door. • A totel of 24 persons (Taggers) were hired and trained by Ms. Maughan. They werc provided with appropriate identiflcetion and suppiies and were assigned to en area of the municipality that they felt they could comfortably cover. The Taggers were paid e commission as follows: • The Program commenced on March I st and ran unti� June 18th. The number of dog tags sold as ofJune 18th was 2,340 representing revenua of 528,569. A total of S6,144 was paid out in commissians therefore netting the municipality a revenue of 521.,425. More imporlantly, the number of dags ectually licenced increased tremendously and the Program can be built upon the success experienced this year. • With the exception of some areaa in the west end of the municipality, all areas of the Town were covered by the Taggers including the rural hemlets. • Only eight Cat Identification Tags were sold and it was interesting to note that some residents raised the concem that Cat Registration was not mandatory. • Overall, the fcedback fram residents was very positive. 1 believe thet in addition to aelling more dog licences for identiBcation purposes and raising revenue, annther benefit of thc Program was to raise the ewereness of reaidents about dog control. I went to recogniu the effort put forth by Eileen Maughen of my Department who carried out this Progrem av an addition to her reguler duties. A large amount of timc was spent treining the Taggero, ordering supplies, underteking the accounting for tho money brought in by the Teggers, answering questiona from the public end liaiaing with Sylvie Lynch on mettera rolating to tha Program. Sylvie Lynch of the Anlmel Sheiter wes also very helpfl�l in epending time working with iilcen on this Project, . .,, , . _. � . _ . u :�i . ti; s r:{; `' �' ,: Report to Couricil CL 33/99 ! July 19,� 1999 �� , .. �� � � ,� � �23 ' Subject: Dog Licencing & Cat Registretion Program Pege 3. Prepazed BY; � , .L:: `;. Btuco Taylo�, AMCT, C&4vI . • Town Clerk Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council � „ . : �� 9Y Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer , i � ��� � ; `k li . , . : .. . . ... _::: ..� ; �... .^. -. . � .�:. S }.- L ( �-� 4 F f F��V 4 1 4 5 �� `�:t i y i' +S . . . �? . � . . , _ � .