HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 8/98, ' . .��OR�: - . . � - . �j. G9 �' REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM; Neil Carrott DATE: April 15,1998 Director of Planning Bruce Taylor PLANNING REPORT N0: 8-98 Town Clerk SUBJECT; Proposed Revisione to Parking By-law Standerds for physically-challenged porsons. RECOMMENDATION: Thet Council approve the proposed changes to lhe municipal by-luw respecting the provision of parking spaces for physically-chullenged persons as oudined in the druft amending by-law, Appendix No. I to Plenning Report No. 8-98. ORI4IN: ' Identification, by ►he Clerk's Department and the Planning Department, of n need to amend the currcnt municipal bylaw provisians pertnining lo hundicnpped parking requircmcnts. AUTIi0It1TY: Section 210.125 of the Municipal Act. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1'he Municipality will be responsiblc for costs incurted to bring ell Town-owned siles into complinnce with the by-law requirements. I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In 1996 Council passed various emendments to update the municipal by-lew respecting hendlcapped parking (By-luws 4784/96 and 4830/96). In implementing the new provisions over 1997, several aspects of the by-law have come to stafl's attendon that require refinement to eneble cleaner interprotation and improved implemenmtion. This report outlines the proposed revisions to the by-lew and includes e dratt of ihe specific recommended amendments. The pmposed revisions do not alter the intent of Council's reccnt amendmenls, but do clacify the by-Isw provisions and implementaUon details. BACKOROUND: 1.0 � �j�jq� This report rovtews apecific erees of lho curtent bylaw requirements and proposes severul -changes includingc thc provlsion of designated spaces Cor rcsidenNal uses; clarificadon of designated pnrking spsce deslgn requircments; new requircments for idendfytng designated apnces in grevel park3ng lols; and designated parking spnce length. Deteils of each proposal are descdbed below. Report W Counc(1 Plaontng Report No. 8•98 Datc: April 15,1998 - Proposed Revisions to Parking By-Inw Stendards for Physically-Chellenged Peraons Page 2 b,� 1.1 Provision of Designeted Parking Speces for Residendnl Uses By-law 2359/87 pasently requiros thet designsted parking speas bc provided Cor ell uscs (commerci�nJustriaVasidendel) at the same supply ratio. 'fhe by-law does not clerify whether designeted spaces must be provided on the besis af �II parking supplied for a msidendal development (i.e. residents and visitors), or only one component of the overall parking requirement (i.e. visitor parking component only). If resident parking is included in tho calculadon of rcquired designated spaces, there will be significant hardship on owners of large multi-unit residential developments to comply with thc by-law and a resultent oversupply of designated spaces. It is acommend that for residential . development the provision of designnted spaces should only apply to multipie residentiai developments of 10 units or moro, and should be calculeted based on the number of parking spaces provlded for visitor in{�onlv and not on the bnsis of the totel number of parking spaces provided on site far both residents end visitors. 1.2 Clarification of Aesignated Perking Space Design Requirements Section 12(3)(a) of the By-law requiros Uwt each designated space be hnrd surfaced and painted a bright blue, with the universal symbol overlaid in white or yellow paint. The wording of this section, although "technically corrccP', dces not clearly identify the intended requiremant to huve the eotirc �urface of the designated space painted bright blue. Some site owners and operetors have painted only poRions of the designnted spaces, resuldng in interprctations and implemenletions of thc bylaw that havc not met the intent of this Section. Therefore, it is recommended that a text nmendment be approved which clearly specifies that thc entire space is to bc pninted bright blue. [n addiUon, concems regarding U�c safery of painted surfaas have recenAy bcen discussed at the Region of Durhnm's Traf'fic Advisory Committee. Thc Trnffic Advisory Committee has prcpared a drnR model by-law respecting ihe provisions for handicnpped spaces. Their model Bylaw includes a speciGc provision for the use of non-sitp painf. After consultation with the Town's Solicitor, it is rccommended ihat the Town's by-laws be amended to include a similar provision. 1.3 Implementation of New Requircments for Gmvel Perking Lots Secdon 12(3)(u) of ihe By-lew rcquircs thnt each designated spsce be hard surjaced end painted u 6right blue, with the universal symboi overleid in white or yellow paint. However, throughout the Town therc are e number of sites that hnve been doveloped with gravel purking areas. Under these site conditions, ihe rcquicements relating to the identificadon and painting of designated spaces is difficull for site owners to implement. Therefore, it is recommended thet provisions for designating and identifying spuces within gravcl lots be included in the By-law. The reguletions would require designeted spaces to be identified with a precast bumper curb painted a bright bluc, extending across the entire width of the designated space (4.0 m), and securely anchored in place. Thc remaining requiremenis for handicapped spaces which epply to hard-surfaced spsccs would also apply to gravei-surface spaces. 1.4 Conflict in Designeted Parking Space Length Section 12(3)(d) of the ByIsw requires ihat a dcsignated parking spacc provide a minimum Icngth of 5.4 metres. This standerd is 0.1 of u metrc longer thon thc minimum parking stall lenath required in ihe Town's mning by-lews. With this difl'orence in lengih, designatal spaces cannot be. introduced into many parking lots without encroachfng into the required tmfiic nisles, thereby breachina ttie toning bylaw. It is recommended th¢t a tcxt emendment to Sectlon 12(3)(d) be appro�ed to roflect e minimum 5,3 metre stel( iength, 3hould Council pass this by-law, it will ba lmplemented immedlstcly, No notice of pessege is requlnd. Report to Council Planning RepoA No. 8•98 Datc: Apri115,1996 Proposed Rovisiotu to Perking Bylaw Standards for Phyaically-Challenged Persone Pasq 3 �. sa 2A Additionallnfortnation We note fot Council's informadon that the Region of Durhem is curtently reviewing standerds aasocieted with pazking for physicelly-challenged pereons. The Regional Plenning Deparlment is developing a model bylaw for consideration by eren municipelities to achieve consistency across thc Region. The Region will be mating with groups from the physically-challenged community to gather iheir input. The Town's bylaw with the amendmenis proposed is generally cansistent with the draft Regional by-law. 3.0 Conclusion The proposed revisions to Bylaw 2359/87 are a result of joint review by the Pianning and Clerk Departments to address concems identified to-date with implemendng the bylaws. The proposed revisions will bring more claziry to the by-law and improve implementetion. Prepared By: �/ Tyle B Plonning Technicien /Il Lyn . Teylor Meneger, Curtent perations ffB/LDT/ph Endorsed By: eil C Dircctor of Planning �� ruce Taylor Town Cicrk `-,� i � # �.. . Y. �'. � ,.. ., .. ., i . . . � - . . . � . . . � . . . . THE CORPORATION OR TH6 TOWN OR PICKERING �� HY-WW NUMDER Ueing e bylew lo emend �y-I�w Number 2359/B7 aa smended by IfyIaw 4784/96 �nd Bylaw 4A70/96 lo provfdc for Ihe rcgulsting of perking, standing and elopping on highweya or pada of highweya under !ha f uriadict(on of tho Corpontton of lhe Town of Pickering, end on privete end muntctpal property. WIIEREAS the Council of lhe Corporation of the Town of Pickering enecled By-law 2759/87 on lsnusry 19, 1987 lo provide !or Ihe roguleting of perking, stending end atopping an highwaya, undor the Jurisdiclion of the Corporetion of 1he To�m of Pickering, and on privete end municipel property; end WHEREAS it Is deemed expedient to furlher amend Ihat Bylew respecting regulatione peAeining to parking �paces for physicelly-ehalienged persons' vehicics; NOW THEREFORE TfiE COUNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF TIiE TOWN OF PICKERINC flEREBY ENAGT3 AS FOLLOWBs I, Section 12(I) of Dylew 2759/87 i� emended by edding 1he following sations: (e) Section 12(Ixa) "dwelling unit" shall mean one or morc habitable rooms acupicd or upeble of being accupled as e single, indcpondont and seperntc houukaping unit containing a seperete kitchen and senilery fecililies; (b) Scelion 12(IXd) "dwelling" shall mean a building or paA of a building containing one or moro dwclling uniW, but doc� nol include e mobilc homo or trailer; 2. Salion 12(2) of Dylew 2359/87 fe amendcd by edding thc follawing scetions: (e) Sation 12(2xo) for Ihe purpose of ealculeling Ihe rcquircd minimum number of dcsignaled parking spaces for mulli•unil rc�idenliel developments wnsisting of 10 or moro dwelling unib, the rcquircmenle of uction 12(2) sheli be applied only to the visitor parktng provided for Ihe developmenl; (b) S�ction 12(2xb) Scetion 12(2xa) shall not epply to rcsidenlial dovclopmenls consisling o( less then IO dwelling unils; 3, Scetion 12(3) of Eiylaw 2759/87 is amended by edding the following seclion: (a) Seclion 11(3j(1) whero Ihe Town permiW a gravel surfaced perking spece, cach designatcd space shail be; (i) tdenlified with a prccast bumper curb ecross Ihe entire width of thc daignated pe�kfng spea, painted e bright blue and securcly ' anchored in plea; (ii) subject to the provi�ione of Salion 12(3) (b) Ihrough (i), inclusivc. 4 Section 12(3xa) of Bylaw 2359/87 is heroby deleted end the following is subsliluled thercforc: (a) herd surfaced and bo peinted with a non-slip peint in brighl blue for the entire surface, with thc untversel symbol of ecces� overlaid in white or ycllow pefnl; S. Sectton 12(3xd) of Uy-lew 2359/87 is heroby emended by aubslituling tha number 5.3 for the number 5.4. BY•LAW rcad a Orat, sccond and th(rd time end finelly peucd thte dey of ,1998. , Weyne Arthuro, Meyor Druw Taylor, Cletk