HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 73/98; ' r1. ': . . . . . . . . . . . � . �a of p� � itEPORT �0 COUNCIL DATE: June 5,1998 FROM: Ponny Wyg�r TownSolicitor {�ppRTNUMDER: L77198 SUBIECT: P o�i^�� e8 menc s Act, R.S.O. 990ya P 33, es mPcnded.nes in eccordance with the • File: CI000 RECOMMENDATION: Council should pass a bylaw to rcpcal and replace the Town's littering bylaw for Ihe purposes of establishing a fine provision, as sot out in the draft bylaw a�wched. — ORIGM: Curtently 1�erc is no fine provision in Fiylaw 4171193. In order lo cfkctivcly cnforcc the Town's bylaw such a provision is required. AUTf10RITY: �c Munic'�al Act� Scctioo 320cR.5: I�1990c•M.45, s�� a�a cndcd. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND: gy-law q 171/93 is a bylaw to prohi6it littcring on privala or Town property. 7'hc bylaw currcntly dxs not contein a penalry provision. 'Iherc have bcen a number ot complaints by residents to the Customcr Care Division end to the Town's Dy-law Enforcemcnt Division rcgarding ihe dumping of reluse or debris in ceAain arcas of the Town. Sincc the byInw hes no fine structure in place, it is inef(eclive to prosecute this type of offence. In orJcr to ellow for the right to impose fines upon conviclion, Bylew 4171/9) must be amcnded to add e p�nalty provision. Enectment of the elteched bylaw will establish e penelty provision to a meximum of S5,000.00 in eccordnnce with the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.0.,1990, c.P.J3; and will repcal Dylaw 4171/97. pTTACHMENTS: 1. ByLaw 4171l93, 2, Drefl Bylaw. Prcpared by: • � Penny Wy 1EPcqm Anechment� ;'� . Copy: Oenerd Meneger . , ! : Town Clork ` �i.:� � � ;;; �:� � ' ' � . � . . „ � . , , . . ;:� _ , . , . ....__.. �, . .h � � � l� i.• • � � �1 � � ��\ � 1 � � � �� going n bylew to prohibit ihe littering of private or Town property. WFfEREAS, pursoent to tho provisions of Scction 210.82 of the Municipal Act, R.S.0.1990, chepter M.45, �he Council of The Corporation of tho Town of Pickering, being lhe council of a local municipality, may pass by laws for prohibiting �he throwing, plecing, or depositing oPrcfusc or dcbris on private property or on property of the municipaliry wi�hout aut�ority from ihe owner or occupant of such proparty; end WHEREAS, pursuant to thc provisions of Section �Z ass b e laws for C ovid'ng that eny pc son who eontra enes Pickering, boing thc council of a municipalily, mny p Y• P a bylaw of the Councii pazscd under �he aulhoriry of the Act is guilty of an o(knce; NOW TIiEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING NEREUY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: �, In this by-law, (e) "private propeAy" means Ihose buildings, slructures, lands end premiscs within the Town of Pickering that arc not owncd or occupied by Ihe Town; (b) "Town" means 71ic Corporation of lhc Town of Pickering"; (�) "Tawn property" includes: (ij buiWings and stroclures wilhin the To��n of Pickering of which thc Town is thc owner, Icssee or liccnscc; end (ii) Innds and premiscs wilhin thc Town of Pickering of which the Town is thc rcgistcred owner, Icsscc or licensee; anJ 2. 3. 4. 5. (iji) lands ancUor prcmisa wilhin thc Town of Picketing, the ownership of which has bcen vested in Iho Town Ihrough stnm�c or othenvise; and wilhout limiting the generality of thc forcgoing, includes Ihosc roads and roeJ nllowanccs undcr thc jurisdiclion of Ihc ToHn, whclhcr opcn or closcd. No person shall Ihrow, place or deposit refuse or dcbris on privale property wilhout authorily Gom lhe owncr or occupant of such property. No person shall throw, place or dcposit reNse or debris on Town pro{krtY Wi�hout nulhority from the Cmmcil af thc Town or the Gcncral Menagcr of Ihe Town. Evcry person who contravcnes any provision of this bylaw is guilty of an o((ence and upon conviction thcreoP is liable to e finc of not more than 55,000.00, exclusive of costs, which shall bc rccovcrable undcr the provisions of The Provincial 0(fences Act end ail the provisions of U�e said Acl shall apply to any prosccution for eny offcnce undcr the provisions of this bylaw. py-law 4171/93 is hcrcby repealed. BY•LAW read a firot, second and third time end finelly passed this ISt� day of lune, 1998• TC!':'•� �?F Wayne AAhurs, Meyor PtC:... �3 (� _..._.� ��� , I � �,y IIruce Teylor, Clerk Y " ..��0 LF9 tr, f F.� '. • _ __ . I • ' ' iEII, -- - - - ..�.. ,rrn� or etcantllQ � • �171/99 ' �*_i.�= s�lnq � by-Uw to p�ohLblt th� � lltt�rinq ot pelvaC� or io+m D��P�rty. ur�u�nt to tM proth��coa cll'ot1Th����P�r�elan,otuth� Twm�ot � iitt6RE113r P . . �,s.0. 1990� eh�pt�e N.4S, i1�� � ��� yy-law� !oc P1ok�cinqr b�inq tA� eounalllaele , or1dapo�ltinq ot r(uu or debtL on prohlbltlnq th� th[owinq, P o�9th� munlclp�llty vlthout �uthorLty Lrom th� Qr�Ve�� pCOp���y or on property cvn�r or oecupant o� �uch proparty� and �gpy�9� pun�ant to Ch� provi�lon� oL se bei 9 th� co nail of a mu Lclp�lity` th� Corporatlon o[ tha Tam ct Plek�rinq� reon vho eontravone� a by-law o[ eh� ��y ps�� by-law tor provldlny that +ny pe �lt ot an oftane�� Council pa��ed undar tha �uthorLty ot th� Act 1� q� Y NON THEREFORS THE COUNCIL OF THL CORPOMTION Ot 7HE TO'r!N O► PICKERIN6 HEREBY LNACTS I�S YOLTAHSt 1, in thl� by-law, (�) •ownec or occupanC of euch propacty� whsn retecring to 7ovn propecty, maan� tha Councll ot tha 7own or an employea ot tha Town' (b) .pr����� propacty' mcan� those bullding�. �tructures, lands and preml�a� within the 7own ot PLokerLng chat aro not Town proparty� (�) •Town' mean� Yhs Corporation ot tha Town o! Pickerinqt (d) •town prapatty' includa�, (1) bulldings and •eructures vlthin the Town o1 Pickertn9 01 which th� ?own !� the owner, leseee or ltcensaer (`�) Tovo L�ntherregl�tered ONflCChaIQ89HBOOCP11C2neee, and h`ch `r• (111) land� +nd prem[ses vtthln CA� ?own ot Pickerinq the soll and tceehold ot `aCUC�aoC oCho[�Loan ��d tovn or tha Councll ot � th� 2own 6y withou! 11mLtlnq tha genarallty oL tM tore9oing, [nclude� tho�• road� and coad allouanaes under th� jurLdlctton ot tha 7oun� whethar .open or closed. �, Na par�on �hsll throw� plae• or dnpo�lt ra(uae or debri• o� Pr����• pcoperty vlthout authorlty Lrom the w+nor or occupant o[ �uch proparty. 3. No par�on �hall throv. plac� or depoelt ca(us• or dobrl• on 4own property without authorlty (com th� owner or occupant oL �uch p�operty. {. Sv�ry par�on who contravane• any pcavlrlon ot tAl� by'i�w l• gullty o[ an �i cccena.. �� � sled. S. By-l�w� 3818/70 and 579/77 an hsreby ropa ' By-law re�d a lSr�t� �aeond a�d thlyd tima snd (lnally p+��ad thl■ 15th day ot T�bruary� 1997. � -� N�yor i I I Cl�rk . �. --