HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 16/99�. r , q �:i. . 2 .. .. ��OFp� - � . � �. 1� � • REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Den(se Bye DATE: March 26,1999 Menegeraf Legel Services REPURTNUMDER: LI6�99 SUBIEC7': Road-Dedication - Blak 31, Plan 40M•1892, Pickering (Sandhurst Crcsceni) • Filc: W2304.351 RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw should be enected lo dedicate Block 31, Plen 40M-1692, Pickering, (Sandhursl Crescent) as pu6lic highway. ORGIN: I. Registration of Subd(vision Plan 40M-I892. 2. Request from Bloom & Lanys, Oartisten & Solicitors, dated Merch 12,1999. 3 Approval frum Public Works Department dated March I B, 1999. AUT}IORI7Y: Munlclpal Acf, R.5.0. 1990, chapter M.45, section 297(Ixe). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A DACKGROUND: When the abovc plan was registercd, the reserve block referzed to was conveyed to the Town elong Sandhurst Crcscent. This reserve wu (Nended ta be dedicated as public highway upon 1he development nf adJnccnt lands in order ta provide eccess to the public, As our Poblic Works DcpaAment hes advised thal road works in this plan and the adjecent lands have been conslructed to standerds sullicient lo pemtil public access, the rcquircd dedication should thereforc be mede. Enactmenl oFthe etteched bylaw will aulhoriu thet dedicetion. ATTACHMENTS: t. Drafl by-lew. 2. Loca�ion Map/Site Sketch. Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: �� lody Parsone Denise Bye Copy: ChiefAdminlstradve0flicer Director of Publlc Warke Recommended for the consi�iereNon of Pickedng Town Councll � iF 0 q omul.Qui ,ChlefA minietrelive er �� , • ATTACHMENTN_j__TO(IEPORT THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKFRMd 3 BY•LAW N0, Being a by-faw to dedlcale Block 3l, Plan 40M-1891, Plckering, as publlc hlghway (Sandhur.ct Crescenf), WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Pickering is the ownzr of Dlock 31, Plen 40M-1892, Pickering, (Sandhurst Crescent) and wishes to dedicate it us public highway. NOW THEREFORF., the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring HEREDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. Block 31, Plun 40M-1892, Pickcring, (Sundhurst Cresccnt) is hercby dedicated as public highwny. BY-LAW read n first, second and ihird limc und finnlly passcd this 19th day of Apri1,1999, Waync Arthurs, Mayor Drucc Taylor, C!erk wua.�s�