HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 005/99l. �+ ► , O�N OF p4 . . F 4 a REPORT TO COUNCIL , . FROM: Denisc Bye DATG: Janunry 22, 1999 Munagcr of Legnl Services REPORTNUMBGR: L005/99 SUBJECT: Roads-Dedication - Dlocks 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63, Plan 40M•I700, Pickcring - Sendhurst Crescenl, Mcldron Drivc, Pino Grove Avcnue and Westcrcek Drive - Filc; W2304.354 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be cnecled to dedicnte Block 59, Plen 40M•1700, Pickering (Sandhurst Crescent), Ulock 60, Plnn 40M-1700, Pickering (Meldron Drive), Dlock 61, Plnn 40M-1700, Pickering (Sandhursl Crescent), Dlock 62, Plan 40M•1700, Pickerinq (Pine Grove Avenuc) nnd B�ock 63, Plnn 40M•1700, Pickering (Westcreek Drive) us public highways. ORIGIN: 1. Requcst from Dloom & Lnnys, [iarcisters & Solicitors JateJ Jnnuary I4, 1999. Z• Approval from Public Works dntcd Jnnuary 20, 1999. AUTHORITY: Munlclpal Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chopter M.45, section 297(I)(n). FINANC(AL IMPUCATIONS: Nonc. BACKGROUND: Blocks 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63, Plnn 40M-1700, Pickcring wcrc convuycd to thc Town olong thc opcn cnds of thc roads referred to. These rcserves were intended to be dedicntcd as public highwoy upnn lhe devclopment of Ihc edjncent Innds in ordcr to provide ncccss to thc public. As the odjuccnt Innds have now been developed and our public Warks Departmcnt advises ihnt road warks wilhin this pinn huve bcen constructed lo u standnrd su(ficicnt to pertnit public access, the rcquired dcdicntions should therefore tx made. ATTACHMENTS: I. DraR byluw. 1. Locelion Map/Sile Skelch. Prep ed �,i : Approved / Endorsed Dy; L J ersons Denise Ny Copy: ChicfAdministrnllvcOfficcr Dircclor of Public Worke Recommcnded for Iha wnaideraqon of Pickcring Town Council . � i� 7'h es . Quinn, ief Ad al Oic � II ATTACHMENTI!__�_ i!);it'r0{; L �� i� THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINd � 1�3Q_ : • Being a 6y-law lo dedlcale IJlock 59, Plan 40M- 1700, Plckering (Sandhursl CrescenfJ, Block 60, Plan 40M-1700, Plckcring (Meldron Drive), Bfock 6l, Plan 40M-/700, Plckering (Sandhurs� Crescent), Block 61, Plan 40M•1700, Plckertng (Plne Crove Avenue) and Block 63, P/an 40M- 1700, PlckerJng (IVesfcreek Drfve) as publlc highivay. WHEREAS The Corporotion of the Town of Pickcring is the otmer of Dlock 59, Plan 40M- 1700, Pickcring (Sandhurst Crescent), Dlock 60, Plan 40M-1700, Pickcring (Meldron Drive), Block 61, Plan 40M-1700, Pickcring (Sandhurst Crescent), Dlock 62, Pinn 40M-1700, Pickcring (Pine Grove Avenue) and Dlock 63, Plan 40M-1700, Pickering (Wcstcrcck Drive) nnd wishes to dcdicatc them as public highwny. NOW THERE�ORE, thc Council of Thc Corporation of thc Town of Pickcring IIf:RBE3Y CNACTS AS �OLLOWS: I, Dlock 59, Plan AOM•1700, Pickcring (Sandhurst Crcsccnt) is hcrcby dcdicatcd ns public highwny. 2. Dlock 60, Pinn 40M•1700, Pickering (Mcldron Drivc) is hcrcby deJicated as public highwuy. 3, �lock 61, Plnn 40M•1700, Pickering (SnnJhurst Cresccnt) is hereby dedica�cd us public highway. 4. Dlock 62, Plan 40M-1700, Pickering (Pine Grovc Avenue) is hereby dedicaled as public highway. 5. Block 63, Plun 40M-1700, Pickcring (Wesicrcek Drivc) is hcreby dedicatcd as public highway. DY-LAW rcnd e first, sccond and third time nnd finally passed this Ist day of March,1999, Waync Adhurs, Muyor Brucc Teylar, Clcrk w�a�e� ,',