HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 10/99� 163 �o�� OF p� � . i . REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richnrd W. Holbom DATE: Moy 12,1999 Dircclor of Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PW10/99 SUDIECT: Regulotory By-In�v - Putking By-law 2359/87 -(No Stopping) Quariz Strect enst from Toy Avenuc RECOMMENDATION: That n by-low be enactcd to nmend Schedulc A to f3y-law 2359/87 rcguluting pnrking restrictions and prohibitions on certuin highwuys. ORIGM: Staff investigntion of on-strcct parking compinints rclatcd to operation of Can Sort Wastc Transfer Facility, AUTHORITY: MunlclpalAcf, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter M.4, section 210.12) FINANC[AL IMPLICATIONS: Manufacture and installution of regulntory signs costing approximnteiy 5600.00 1999 Ro+�ds Opernting Budget (2320-2409) Highwny Aids. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicnble. BACKGROUND: The on•street pazking and stopping of large huulage equipment along Qunrtz Strcel rclated to the opcmtion of Ihe Cnn Sort Waste Transfer Facility has bcen of major concern to ncighbouring busincss owners und operutors for quite a periad of time. Thcse busincss owners nrc concemcd with and atfected by the strong unfavoumble odours associnted with the mm�ing of purkcd dicscl equipment nnd thc odours of the vnrious wastes w:iich cmonnte from thc pnrked trunsport vehicics. Equally importanl is thc wncem of thc spillage of hydrnulic nnd othcr rypes of fluids on thc roadway and into the adjacent ditch. Not only do these spills pollute thc ground water in this area but thcy also increose the retc et which thc pavemcnt and gmvcl shoulder deteriomtes. This ;S •�' 'r�Council PW10/99 Date: May 12, 1999 • Subject: Pnrking By-law - Quartz Strcet east of Toy Avenue �'AB� Z deteriorntion will eventually lead to premnture nnd unnecessnry road rebuilding mnintennnce wsts for the Town. The stopping and/or parking of henvy vehicles nlong Qunriz Strcet should not bc requircJ to maintnin the operntion of the Can Sort Facility. As n result, it is recommcnded that a no•stopping byInw be implemented ulong both sides of Qunrtz Street between Toy Avenue and thc castem terminus of Quartz Street. It should be noted that in order for this new parking by-Inw ta be immediately e�'ective, it must receive �egular periodic enforeement not only nt the onset but in the future. ATTACHMENTS: l. Drnft By-Inw 2, Location Mnp Prepazed By: ApproveJ / EnJorsed f3y: C�) �r'�-���w - '�P- C.Stephen t3rake Ric rd W.fiol m CSD/��. Attachmenu Copy: ChicfAdminislrolivcOliiccr Town 3olicitor Town Cicrk Ronds Supervisor Recommendcd for the considemtion of Pickering Town Council , � �� p, y ns J nn, ief Ad '' t ve 0 er �;. � � >' =;t, ' � �.r�� : . .,,- , , 165 , THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PfCKERMG � BY•LAW N0. Being a by-!aw lo amend Bylaw 1359/87 regulaffng parkJng, sfnnding and slopping an hlghways and on prtvafe and municlpa! property. WHEREAS, pursuant to the MunicJpa! Ac►, R.S.0,1990, chnpter M.45, sections 218,52, 210.73, !I 210,123-126, 210.131, 310, 314.7 and 314.8, the Council of the Corporotion of the Town of Pickering enacted By-law 2359/87 regulating parking, standing and stopping on highwuys and on �!� private and on municipnl property; �i i NOW THEREFORE, the Council of ihe Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: ,� . il i I. Schedule A to By-law 2359I87, os nmended, is hcreby amended by adding thereto the I following items: • ' wn Sjde Detween/And Prohibited Times and �i °� ,IQuarizStreet North and Toy Avenuc und the enstem SceNotcl'• South terminus of Quartz Street i� �• Unless othenvise specified, the parking prohibitions nbove shnll be in effect twenty-four (24) hours per duy, ycur round. BY-LAW rend A first, second and third time nnd finally passed this 31 st day of Muy, 1999. Wayne Arlhurs, Mnyor �, , B�uce Taylor, Clerk _ .:� ',� � ' I rowN oe ricKeRiNr, Tf�►FFIC REPORT I� WBUC WqtKi 0[PARtM4M � �UARTZ STREET sc� i:woo an: wn. iuuo LOCATION OF PROP03ED NO BTOPPINO ZONE ,